That cognitive test made me snort-laugh.

And every time I see Ron DeSantis I am more and more convinced that he's an alien bug wearing a human suit, like Edgar from Men in Black. He is incapable of just BEING NORMAL. 😄

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Give him SUGAR!!!

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I think Edgar/The Bug was more convincing than DeSantis!

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No question about it! 🤣

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What a great summary...I laughed all the way through. That cognitive test, tho! 🤣 Moms for Variety! LOL! And Newsome comes across as confident and knowledgeable, while I marvel how DeSantis ever got this far. Thanks for your awesome collection today! Have a fine weekend, everyone. ✌️

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Thanks Jay! I can’t pick a favorite this week but it might be the alien dad jokes. Have a great weekend.

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Why is that so funny? I can’t explain it! Like, aliens come here and they tell Dad jokes. That’s what they learn from us. And they have to do it quietly so we can’t hear them?

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They are snort-laughing!!! At their own jokes. OMG, just the best.

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I love it, can’t stop laughing! The whispering made it all the more funny.

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Please note that Bridget Ziegler is on the Sarasota School Board A shining example for the students

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Can. Not. Thank. You. Enough. For. The. Laughs.

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A bird playing with a basket ball is my new favorite thing!

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It was all great stuff, but Aliens telling Dad jokes had me snort laughing!

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I'm ashamed to admit it took me a minute to get the pterodactyl joke.....🤣

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It is my life goal to be reincarnated as a cat. And yeah.... that 1994 email gave me a SAD.

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What the world needs desperately are more kitty vids...all one's troubles vanish when caught up in the lives of cats.

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Loved the cognitive test of the cats' ability to decipher the game -- best "research" ever❣️

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Particularly enjoyed the insouciance of the white cat, whose attention span soon flagged.

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Completely agree -- that cat was not having it! The cat on the left actually laid down to get a better angle!! Cats can be so smart ... or not 😎

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Aliens and dad jokes were my favorite, but this was an all star collection. Part of what made the aliens funny was their laughing. It reminded me of those two German guys a long time ago who cracked each other up trying to talk after consuming helium (infused?) beer on YouTube. It helped that they were speaking German. I also love it when SNL cast members lose it during a skit.

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I’ll flash my „old“ cred and say Tim Conway cracking up the rest of the Carol Burnett Show cast!

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The Elephant story.


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Lol, forgot about that! :-)

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“I gotta prioritize my 3 kinds of onions” . . . I will be chuckling about that all day.

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The shade in the Instagram plugs saying basically we're all old here is a little hurtful...and accurate at least for me.

Born in the 1900s. The previous millennium.

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Loved all of it Jay. Thanks

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I joined the aliens snort laughing at all of this. This continues to be my favorite part of Saturday.

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Young people? On Instagram? As I’m staring down my 67th birthday let me just say I resemble that remark! (Also, I followed ya. And we must officially rename “Dad jokes” as “Alien jokes” forever more. I will never be the same. I recognized at least one of those voices I think-but due to the aforementioned 67th birthday ahead I can’t quite place ‘em 🤷🏼‍♀️) 😘

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Thank you so much, Jay! So much truth and humor is good for the soul.

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Thank you for another great round up of funny! Have a great weekend!

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