The big news this week came courtesy of the Supreme Court of Colorado, which agreed that Trump is indeed an insurrectionist and, under the 14th Amendment Section 3, booted him from the state’s primary ballot.
Holy Moly! Do you think Christina Pushaw still has a job today? 😂 And I'm STILL reeling over KellyAnne Conway. The responses to her prove there are a whole lotta creative, funny people in the world! Another great Saturday Summary! Enjoy your holidays. ✌️🥂🎉
Thank you for the much-needed smiles and laughs. That’s got to be one of the greatest gifts, of course besides love and peace. I hope everybody here has a wonderful holiday season and new year.
The dogs fighting through the glass door was hilarious! Smart dogs. And the cat stretched out in front of the fire.... If I had a fireplace, that would be me but the best I can do is that fireplace video on Netflix. It's not quite the same somehow. And speaking for Colorado, the elk herd in Estes Park is a common sight. They have free run of the town (and right of way on the roads) and sometimes even visit the shops.
Outstanding. That snowboarding one is no joke. I've torn my pectoral muscles, fell everytime I got off the lift, and dislocated my tailbone. I no longer snowboard. Lol Have a wonderful holiday vacation.
ALINA HABBA: “This ruling, issued by the Colorado Supreme Court, attacks the very heart of this nation’s democracy. It will not stand, and we trust that the Supreme Court will reverse this unconstitutional order.”
Won't be the 1st time, (nor sadly, the last,) that SCOTUS finds the US Constitution unconstitutional.
Holy Moly! Do you think Christina Pushaw still has a job today? 😂 And I'm STILL reeling over KellyAnne Conway. The responses to her prove there are a whole lotta creative, funny people in the world! Another great Saturday Summary! Enjoy your holidays. ✌️🥂🎉
I really hope that someday, rather than looking at this era as those horrible Trumpy years, we look at it as the golden age of internet comedy.
Me too! Good grief! 🤦♀️😂
Truth is a defense in libel 😎 DeSantis fits her bill.
"use a condiment"
2 marks.
Yup... this was the comment coup de Gras.
Thank you for the much-needed smiles and laughs. That’s got to be one of the greatest gifts, of course besides love and peace. I hope everybody here has a wonderful holiday season and new year.
Same on all counts👏🎄💙
Loudest silent night for the win, followed by the barking dogs. Merry Christmas to Jay and my fellow community members!
The dogs fighting through the glass door was hilarious! Smart dogs. And the cat stretched out in front of the fire.... If I had a fireplace, that would be me but the best I can do is that fireplace video on Netflix. It's not quite the same somehow. And speaking for Colorado, the elk herd in Estes Park is a common sight. They have free run of the town (and right of way on the roads) and sometimes even visit the shops.
Merry Merry, Jay. Thanks.
OMG! That kid singing at the top of his lungs made my day! YOU GO BOY! LOLOLOL!
Busted out laughing at the pushaw post—utterly delicious!!
Giggled and guffawed my way through this. Merry Christmas. And thank you for all you do for us mere mortals.
Outstanding. That snowboarding one is no joke. I've torn my pectoral muscles, fell everytime I got off the lift, and dislocated my tailbone. I no longer snowboard. Lol Have a wonderful holiday vacation.
And thanks for the JW joke!!
ALINA HABBA: “This ruling, issued by the Colorado Supreme Court, attacks the very heart of this nation’s democracy. It will not stand, and we trust that the Supreme Court will reverse this unconstitutional order.”
Won't be the 1st time, (nor sadly, the last,) that SCOTUS finds the US Constitution unconstitutional.
Happy holidays and thanks for the xeets and giggles
My husband, a life long skier, tried his hand at snowboarding. He broke his ribs on the first run... It’s harder than it looks!
That it is!
Wanka two planka here - been skiing since I was 18months old and will never board!
The guy with the weird hair cut is ghouliani's toupee caddy ...
🤣 chef's kiss! Perfection. 🤩
Thank you, Jay!🤣 Enjoy the Holidays.