That Jamie Raskin...what a treasure he is! 😂 His letter is perfect. The hypocrisy of the GOP is beyond obvious, to the point of embarrassing. They do not see it? We do! And the pandas made me smile. As do all these columns. Try to enjoy the weekend and keep the faith everyone! ✌️

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That creepy cat is not normal. I totally want to be a panda leaf raker now. I'm thinking if we can still laugh, especially at the dark stuff, we'll be okay, right? It's when the laughter is gone, we'll need to really start worrying. Thanks for doing your part to keep us laughing.

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Jeff Teidrich writes an amazingly funny substack if you’re not already a subscriber!

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Thanks. I follow him on Twitter. I'll check out his Substack.

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I love his humor! Name of his substack or better, link?

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I love Jaime Raskin. He's brilliant with a sense of humor being perfectly on-point. And he's from MD, one of my favorite states.

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Thank you. We like him too.

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Let’s hope all of MD votes the way Raskin’s district does. Ohio and MD have abortion rights enshrined or not upcoming.

As a DC resident and voter, I’d be happy if we had to be annexed if it were to Mr Raskin’s district. What a scholar and mensch!

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I am in OH and I just voted a few hours ago. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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Thank you. My home state friends still there have too. Yes to fingers crossed and encouragement sent to many more.

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All Americans should be alarmed by the Republican propensity of using the Constitution the same way they use the Bible, by elevating only the verses/clauses that either (a) align with their prejudices or (b) excuse their bad behavior. They ignore inconvenient admonishments in the Bible like the rich should give their wealth to the poor (unless they are the 'poor' referenced), 'love your neighbor' (I once had a Republican tell me that was 'Old Testament bullshit' in true Marjorie Three Names fashion) or that usury is a sin, which is from their favorite part of the Bible to quote, the Old Testament. Yet they call themselves 'Christians' to wrap themselves in the 'authority' of the Bible but totally ignore and never quote anything Jesus said, which is inconvenient to their beliefs (except for usury which falls under the laws and Jesus said to obey the law). Likewise, the Second Amendment of the Constitution is given far more relevance than the First Amendment, unless, of course, it's used to (hopefully unsuccessfully) stay out of jail. Democrat politicians don't call out their religious hypocrisy nearly enough so that is why great Americans like Mrs. Betty Bowers is an absolute treasure and should be featured on the dollar bill or a stamp or something.

I apologize for this rant, which has been brought to you by cats speaking in tongues.

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I don't get proselytized to very often, but when the opportunity presents itself, I like to point out that Eve, having been made from Adam's rib, is a transgender clone. "God" did the first gender-reassignment.

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Not to rain on your parade because I actually like your train of thought but thing with the rib is a translation error. The word in the original text - hebrew word sela - actually means side. So Eve was made out of one side of Adam. Which would make her a lot more equal to Adam than just a rib. It would also align with women only having the X chromosome and men having XY.

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I've always thought that ancient folks, or at least whoever wrote down the 'history' included in Genesis, knew a lot more science than we give them credit for, even if they didn't know their beliefs were actually scientific. For instance, I've always thought Adam and Eve eating the fruit of knowledge was a parable of evolution and thus Darwin wasn't the first to acknowledge and espouse his scientific findings. And I've always thought Genesis gave the perfect argument FOR abortion in contradiction to modern Fundamentalists by saying God BREATHED life into Adam who was previously nothing but a lump of clay... meaning we are not actually living beings until we breathe outside the womb.

By the way, I am not a Christian because I am a feminist, I don't want to be lumped into the same category as so-called Christian Fundamentalists nor as a member of the GOP.

This is all way too serious for Xeets and Giggles but I've enjoyed the conversation nonetheless, which is why I'll once again attribute it to cats speaking in tongues.

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In Jewish tradition you are right about breath-personhood begins at 1st breath.

Also, in reading the first creation story (there are 2 different ones) the first human can be seen as an androgynous male/female-both in 1 person, based on the wording.

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What you write makes sense, but the 3 Jewish Bibles (TANACH) I checked all had “rib.” (JPS, Artscroll, Schocken)

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Is that the English version or in Hebrew and how old are these versions/translations? Just wondering.

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I feel like the typical proselytizer is probably not going to go that in depth so the troll-to-coherent response ratio is still in my favor. I'd also argue that "God" pulling only X chromosomes out of the cells in the cloning process is merely a more thorough method of gender reassignment surgery that allows the trait to be passed down to subsequent generations.

I'm gonna go ahead and march in my rainy parade (ooh, flash back to high school band).

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I like it.

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In many, many Conservative Christian congregations now, the actual words of the Savior are being dismissed as "liberal talking points." Well - yeah - but ain't that the stuff y'all s'posed to believe in with your whole heart? Hurts my brain a little.

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That's why I always add 'so-called' whenever I refer to Republican/Fundamentalist 'Christians' or put 'Christian' in quotes, which I hope denotes my skepticism. Pretty much the only true Christian I'm aware of is Jimmy Carter. If I've met any others recently, I'm not aware of it but I imagine there are others... although none among the GOP.

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Some folks I know have started using the word 'christianist," as with "islamist" for cynical and hypocritical followers of Islam.

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I like that. Thanks for sharing.

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Actually picking up a Bible and reading it cover to cover starting with Old Testament is the surest way to discover the absurdity of “Judeo-Christian” religion. It reminded me of Julia Sweeney, the SNL alum (some may remember her for her androgynous character “Pat”) who was a devout catholic until she decided to read the Bible and was thereby converted to atheism (she wrote a book about it called Letting Go of God)

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I didn't know that but she has even more of my respect.

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Jamie Raskin’s letter is amazing! But for a pure LOL moment, it’s definitely the pandas. 🐼

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Pandas and styrofoam balls make my weekend. And it’s all....SCIENCE! 🤯 🤭 Thank you Jay!!! 💃

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I want to come back in my next life either as a panda or a panda caretaker.

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My favorite reading moment all weekend! Woo hoo!

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Those Pandas! And Jamie Raskin is a national treasure. Thanks again for brightening my Saturday morning.

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JOHNSON: I refuse to put People over Politics.

Are we CERTAIN that was a slip? LOL. File under the Truth column.

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Definitely pandas for the win!

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None of my cats have ever made a sound remotely close to this thankfully and the Zookeeper has the patience of a saint! Thanks for this.

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She seemed to be laughing the whole time.

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Yes along with a little exacerbation! Those Pandas were adorable though.

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Jeff Tiedrich is a master of the burn. And I look forward to Raskin’s letter in an AP history class in 20 years.

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Agreed! I can see it as part of a “DBQ” [Document-Based Question] on the Great Decline of Congress in the 2020s...

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I didn’t think I’d be able to giggle today after reading HCR, but Jay came through and gave me some chuckles. Thanks Jay!

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Laughed out loud. Jay, you are a treasure. I look forward to this post all week.

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Isn’t he? Jay & Raskin for my vote!

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I feel deliciously bad after reading all the Bible, Christian hypocrisy. I’m a going to hell. That being said, I so love all the take-downs! You and Jamie Raskin for the win!

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Yep, Raskin for Prez 2028!!!

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The pandas and Merriam-Webster are fantastic, but Jamie Raskin really takes the cake!

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