Self-important misogynist Russel Brand and all around prick, David Brooks. 🤣 You get pretty salty on vacation. Happy to be along for the ride. Classic. Saturday Xeets and Giggles are the best.
Pompous, full-of-himself Brooks was carpet-bombed on the Net for his blinkered stupidity, and one hopes that he doesn't show his shamed mug at the NYT for a decent forevah!
Jay, I hate to break it to you but according to Tim Scott anything north of Charleston is considered Canada . . . Sooooo with that in mind Tim is dating Miss Lindsey Graham, the other Belle of the US Senate 😅🤣😅🤣😂
A delight. Absolutely delicious. I feel like the kitty, I love the gator (& shared the post with my brother and nephew), and it was all pleasing. I just wish Mr Fetterman would rock some PA college hoodies (West Chester, Slipper Rock, Temple). Enjoy your weekend. Let the weirdos be for the weekend.
They're probably not really his gym clothes. He seems like the kind of guy who thinks the ladies find him irresistibly sexy when he's wearing sweaty shorts.
Self-important misogynist Russel Brand and all around prick, David Brooks. 🤣 You get pretty salty on vacation. Happy to be along for the ride. Classic. Saturday Xeets and Giggles are the best.
At least David Brooks admitted his tweet was wrong and should have been done.
The Onion! Solid gold. 🥇🧅 And the brilliant airport burger clap backs drew many snorts. 😂🤣😂 Thanks for the over share. Also that cat! Omg
Pompous, full-of-himself Brooks was carpet-bombed on the Net for his blinkered stupidity, and one hopes that he doesn't show his shamed mug at the NYT for a decent forevah!
"You can't beat our meat...but take it to a theater, and Boebert will try."
That cat! Best thing I’ve seen today…….other than Tim Scott opining about arresting striking union members 🤦🏻♀️
Jay, I hate to break it to you but according to Tim Scott anything north of Charleston is considered Canada . . . Sooooo with that in mind Tim is dating Miss Lindsey Graham, the other Belle of the US Senate 😅🤣😅🤣😂
Hilarious! Great piece,Jay!
Oh, how I needed that this morning. The animals, I mean.
Thank you, Jay!
A delight. Absolutely delicious. I feel like the kitty, I love the gator (& shared the post with my brother and nephew), and it was all pleasing. I just wish Mr Fetterman would rock some PA college hoodies (West Chester, Slipper Rock, Temple). Enjoy your weekend. Let the weirdos be for the weekend.
I've seen Fetterman wear Albright College (his and my alma mater) hoodies. I think he wears local ones when he's visiting PA spots!
Would love to see the Slimy Pebble on the Senate floor!
Hahaha! “Jock from the Rock”!
100% believable. I heard Ted Cruz (🤢) votes in his gym clothes.
They're probably not really his gym clothes. He seems like the kind of guy who thinks the ladies find him irresistibly sexy when he's wearing sweaty shorts.
Broco Lee for the win!!!
Thank you! I always enjoy your weekend missives.
Was there anything to look forward to before Xeets and Giggles?? I live for Jay’s Saturday posts.
Whee, Thanks for the lolz ! That cat, that peppy alligator!
Also, anyone else hope we can run Pete again for potus in 2028? he’s pretty sharp.
With Gretchen Whitmer for VP?
🤣Can’t pick a favorite from this group of memes!
Ah, the laughs are great! My favorite is the cat. Thanks Jay!
Was David Brooks auditioning for the TV show Biggest Loser?
Broco Lee!