All the stinking $#!t that Jared is involved in, the one statement I'd read in this article turned my stomach more than anything else: "...Kushner... is still the son-in-law of the man who is likely to seek and win the GOP nomination for president in 2024."

I can't even imagine that man in the White House again. Just the thought of it sends my anxiety through the roof. With ill, elderly parents to care for, if that scenario plays out, make no mistake: I'll pack my parents and myself up, and we will LEAVE this country--provided tRump doesn't close the borders. He closed the borders once using Covid as an excuse, which, had he handled it properly, it wouldn't have been as bad as it was. I believe Covid, and the resulting closing of the borders, was an engineered excuse to keep Americans put. I wouldn't put it past him to do it again if we're so damned to have him in the WH again. And DAMNED we would be.

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I totally agree with you. Meg

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Malodorous indeed. A word for our time.

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Linking this piece to the testimony of Javanka to the January 6th Committee. They did the calculations and decided that they could buy goodwill by answering questions, goodwill that would keep these kind of deals off the radar. They don't do anything that doesn't benefit them.

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Thank you, Jay. Penetrating analysis of unregistered foreign Agent's activities.

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What else is new, seriously. When the right gets really loud with something the left is doing wrong, it is always because they have done something way worse. And I've been saying this all along for years. There is always something behind their very loud talking points.

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But Hunter!!!

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Anybody who hasn't seen the Jared Kushner chapter of PBS's "Dirty Money" documentary series should. It mainly focuses on his family's very shady real estate dealings, but this Saudi story merits a new chapter. And you're absolutely right, Jay, about the *trumpers and their media channels ignoring this and all of the *trump family's sleezy financial dealings, while blowing the Hunter Biden story way out of proportion as a distraction.

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I found this one line very depressing. "...he is still the son-in-law of the man who is likely to seek and win the GOP nomination for president in 2024". Jay, does that indicate you feel Trump will not be indicted, in the middle of a trial, or in prison that he would be available to run in 2024?

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