Thank you for taking the time out from your “Big Picture” for this piece…AND thank you for calling out the NYT & WaPo…it is ‘way past time for our (formerly) respected news sources to stop requiring those who are the victims of trump’s verbal diarrhea to be responsible for the clean-up.

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Cancel the Sulzberger Sniper and the Bezos Bugle. Let them die.

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Regarding the grooming by billionaires-- that is only one of the reasons why we need to change our entire campaign financing system. We need to legislate that no campaigns can be financed by individuals or corporations. All campaigns will be financed by the state or federal government. All candidates' campaigns will get the same amount. There will be a public access television station in which candidates can lay out their positions, be interviewed by neutral interviewers who will not put up with lies and bullshit, and the campaign season should run for no more than two months. We need to run our campaigns like the European countries do. The fact that billions of dollars are poured into these campaigns--money that could be better spent actually helping people directly--is just horrible. Will this ever happen? I doubt it.

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My daughter was in Australia, and we visited her during an election cycle. I believe it was only 6 weeks long. Each candidate got the same number of signs, all the same size and font. They were about 2x4 ft. Same amount of airtime. All paid for by government. And, best of all, election day is a holiday- and it's illegal NOT to vote.

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I'm all for this!

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I agree - it sounds so simple doesn’t it? I fear it’s far too late for the US.

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It's all matter of political will. But we are too entrapped by the interests of the rich. They will fight, fight, fight against such changes.

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$45M a month would'a fed a lot of mouths!

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And provide lots of school supplies and increase teachers' salaries and provide housing and and and. I've always dreamed of being a philanthropist on that order. No, I don't earn nor have I ever enough to do so. I don't understand those who do such ill with their money.

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Exactly. They'd rather spend $100M to elect (everything that Trump is) to preserve tax breaks to enable them to keep and build even MORE money than they'll ever spend, before they'd see a poor kid have a free lunch.

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It’s so far from my thinking of how to care for others..

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I was disappointed that the Chicago Sun-Times. wasn't delivered to my door this morning. I was looking forward to seeing what clever, punning headline the tabloid style but now tending center-left paper would have today. Instead, somehow the Wall Street Journal showed up on my doorstep with its awful, gleeful headline, "Trump Taunts Harris Over Her Racial Identity."

It should have been, "Trump makes fool of himself ."

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WSJ is strongly biased towards Trump. A recent headline proclaimed "FBI confirms Trump was hit by bullet". I knew that wasn't what the FBI had said. Further down in the article it was stated "FBI says Trump was hit by a bullet or a fragment of a bullet". But who reads that far? People skim the headlines and run with it. This headline was horribly misleading - bad journalism through and through.

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I am white and know all about a mixed heritage. I accidentally found out when I was 8 that my Great Grandfather was born Jewish. My grandfather was terrified that I would blab it around. The KKK was a big thing where I was growing up. Then we would go from being middle-class ‘white’ people to being tarred with a ‘touch of the Jew brush’. What your genetic history and ancestry are should have no place in the public sphere. The content of your character and your overall competence should be all that matters.

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I absolutely agree, thank you for writing this! You are very talented and I love your articles! We need to continue to hold the media and TFG accountable for everything! Keep up the awesome work! 🥰🥰😊

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The video of that disgusting appearance should be playing near every polling station come Election Day!

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Donald Trump has finally edged out past a tipping point.

Prior to Kamala Harris becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee, the enormous body of disengaged voters would've given him a pass on such inflammatory remarks. Because he has become accustomed to this, Trump has cantilevered his stances farther and farther to the right.

That mass of formerly disengaged voters is now suddenly energized, enthusiastic, and becoming participatory. Because they actually LIKE Kamala Harris, Trump's disparagement of her is getting a strong reaction, and NOT the one Trump wants to see. I believe that Trump's mental decline will cause more and more such lapses in judgment, and those lapses will compound heading into November.

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That appearance was an unqualified DISASTER for the Orange Felon...he went all racist over VP Harris, said he was "the greatest president for the Black population since Abraham Lincoln"...audience went nutz, and all downhill from there. In fact, his appearance was to run an hour, but after 30min. of this shitshow, his campaign people frantically called a halt, and the three Black journalists - all women - walked off, leaving the dumpy-ass racist pig standing by his lonesome on the stage with his thumb stuck up his arse...LMFAO!

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This is to me not 'edged out past' since he called out McCain and so many others in the past. He has no decent bone in his body. Not criticizing you for what you wrote. Just so 'done' with this and more, with the millions who support and will vote for him.

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The cliffs edge has washed away behind him, and what he could've gotten away with before in the decency department is prompting outrage at last.

Part of me is also thinking about how open he has become about establishing an autocracy if he is reelected. He did not dare do that before, but Kevin Roberts and the Heritage Foundation of all outed him to a certain extent.

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Out of curiosity, I checked Fox News today, and predictably it’s totally silent on Trump’s session with the NABJ. Thanks Jay for voicing your outrage. Very outrageous how the media’s first instinct is to normalize the same thinking that drove the racial classification system in South Africa. Good that people called out the NYT on this but still deeply upsetting that they let that first headline fly at all.

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Brave of you to check that source!

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I don't understand racists' melanin phobia. It's weird.

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Nor do I. If I were a better researcher, I'd do some digging. It's never made sense to me.

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The media's abdication of their responsibility continues to infuriate me. At one point I thought I might subscribe to the NYT and the Washington Post again. Not any more. They need to be called out for their enabling of a fascist wannabe dictator.

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Than you, Jay. When the now convicted felon first ran for the presidency, my son said it's all about racism. I didn't get it. But he was absolutely correct. The idea that educated and articulate people of color are successful really ties the MAGA into knots. Racism, fear, hatred, and anger are all the cult has. Wanting more power, control, money, and avoidance of consequences for crimes is all the convicted felon has to offer.

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I am so sorry for the immense pain that the continuance of historical racial profiling causes all people of any racial identity — including whites. The fact that the mainstream media is not consistently breathing down his neck, continually exposing the rhetoric and strategies of this billionaire puppet (I’m talking about T and calling for a new Republican candidate, is beyond unconscionable. We ALL need to stay focused on the prize of living into our values and the wild dream of this nation that ALL people are considered equal before the law and have a stake in the country’s development, growth, abd wellbeing.

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When it comes to someone like Vance and T/rump, they have no bottom. I am of the opinion these two entities were no born from a natural person. I feel they were instead conjured up in the depths of hell and sent forth by Satan to spread hate and chaos.

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The Soviets drilled a deep hole in Russia.

No one knows how deep it is but Trump may be able to tell us if he ever hits bottom.

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Scientific proof that "black holes" really do exist, at least in the realm of ethics and mental health.

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The WaPo headline is infuriating.

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So is the NYT and the WSJ is even worse.

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Wow--this is you on your day off! Excellent piece with important points. I'm looking forward to your Vance Big Picture!

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As a daughter of German, polish and Irish immigrants, as well as being labeled Caucasian, I have felt bigotry. My ex British in-law questioned me in a derisive tone to my ex,

"With her black hair, she must be a jewess, or an "I"Italian. Later she called me an Irish slut. My father was blackballed by his coworkers for being German. He and I, at a wedding in Tennessee, overheard some Southern Gentlemen referring to us as "damn Yankees" for interacting with the "help".

There is much more silent racism festering in this world. I pray to my inclusive Creator for healing. I taught my first graders that when you look at the natural world, each species is unique and valuable as itself. God bless your continued work revealing truth.

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