We need to extend this investigation into the new House Speaker, Johnson. His finances are even more hinky and unexplainable. It seems that the RNC has an illegal money machine that's been deployed to fund their corrupt generals.

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It is all rather suspicious.

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Exactly! The RNC used to spend money buying books to move their "authors" up the best seller lists, now they pay legal fees for crimes committed before their candidates even took office, seems like they should be co defendants and they are definitely enemies of the State.

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His tax returns look even more bent than tRump's

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How does anyone get a mortgage without a bank account? It is a very basic question

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Nov 17, 2023
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Is this why all his companies have the word Red in them?

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The GQP runs around with more Russians than a member of the Bolshoi ballet

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Absolutely astonishing that x45 is allowed to run for office when the parallels of X45 and Santos' crimes are quite obvious! Expel Santos, but allow x45 to run or even become elected? Where is the outrage? A big Blue Wave is needed to save our country and democracy. Thank you Jay for clearly laying out the case against Kitara!

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I'm astonished every day that the big orange one is still allowed to be out there campaigning. What's even more astonishing to me is that the GOP can't put up a single candidate that's better than him and let the people do their booting in the primaries.

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And more so today with the CO ruling - yes on ballot and yes an insurrection. I’m working hard to grasp it all.

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None of them want to make that ruling because he hasn't been tried on the insurrection part yet. But others have and been found guilty so I'm not sure how he can't be seen as "aiding and comforting" (or whatever the wording is) as he literally did nothing while they stormed the Capitol. Sounds like "aiding" to me! And when he finally did do something it was "we love you" and he let them all go without force. Infuriating

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How I wish I'd had the right kind of brain and ability to go to law school. I am fascinated by the applications of 'the law' - and the Talmudic-thinking of questioning the meanings of laws and how they apply. I'd say "never more than now" except there have been so many times. I concur that this is difficult to understand tho' Jay has done a great job of trying to help us.

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For sure I wouldn't understand any of it if it weren't for Jay's explanations and breakdowns.

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... “beneath the dignity of the office, and to have brought severe discredit upon the House.”

Wow, this applies to most of the GOP!

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And yet they most likely won't vote him out

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It is all so infuriating.

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Yeah that bar fell to the floor many decades ago

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I wanna know what Only Fans accounts he paid for! 😂 And are wealthy donors so wealthy they don’t bother to vet their candidates? It will come as no surprise that the corrupt GOP will keep him on-and Elise Stefanik who endorsed and supported him won’t say much now since she’s incapable of being wrong about anything 🙄. Nicely explained. Thank you!!

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She is primordial ooze personified

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Oh dear, can't un-see that image!

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Not for nothing, but "beneath the dignity of the House" isn't the semi-high bar it used to be and there are plenty of Republicans who have brought "severe discredit upon the House". What about all of them? How did the Ethics Committee pick George and not any of the other criminals in the House?

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What brought the discredit upon the House wasn't the deed, but getting caught. The other ones who committed misdeeds were just smarter about covering them up.

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Exactly...like Matt Gaetz. 🤔

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He may be next. There’s an Ethics Committee investigation into allegations of his sexual trafficking of a minor. It’s one reasons Gaetz wanted to get back at McCarthy so badly, some believe.

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🤞🤞🤞 👍🏻

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Long overdue.

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Why did no one report him to at least the NY RNC? And if staff quit, why not to the police? Why can’t people step up and tell the truth. So frustrating.

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Nancy Marks, his corrupt treasurer, was involved in a lot of campaigns. I believe they were afraid to lift the rock.

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Yes. All of the above.

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Are there Republicans whom you feel are totally honest financially and ethically? I did not think that was a thing for them. The Big Lie is embraced and they are all getting money out of people pretending that they will govern, but they don't! So, I lack the outrage that many do over Santos because I just think he is a caught crook, as opposed to the rest. If he were Cis-gender, White male, I think the Republican party would be making excuses for his every breath.

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I expect that Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney (despite her dad's evilness) and the late John McCain fall into that category. Probably many lesser-known ones, too. Of course, many of them have been pushed out.

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Yep. Lock them up. Really. I know in the part of my brain that's above lizard-level that punishment doesn't either deter future crimes or provide any spiritual awakenings relative to the crime ... but, honestly; I just want to see some of these absolute ethical sluts in our political system, federal government, wherever locked up so at least I don't have to see them every day repeating their criming...

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"Ethical Sluts" for the win.

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If it was so easy for Santos to get elected while lying about his personal history, education and employment credentials, create shell companies, file false campaign reports, claim donations that didn’t exist, reporting expenditures at an amount designed to avoid questionability, all this and more, how are we supposed to believe that Congress isn’t sprinkled with other persons doing the very same thing just in more quiet, under-the-radar fashion? He’s obviously not stupid. He knew how easy it all was. He was just foolishly flamboyant about it. And now his own party won’t eject him because they would lose a vote? Perhaps those who have been mumbling statements about not rushing to conclusions have these same skeletons in their closets. They might fear that pointing fingers at Santos could pull the curtain back exposing their own shady actions. Unfreakenbelievable.

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There are others in Congress with questionable pasts and records. Anna Paulina Luna is one. And some guy from Tennessee whose name I can’t recall at the moment…

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Oh yes, Ms. Luna, hand-picked by Charlie Kirk. Voted against her when I lived in St Pete.

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Committing crimes is usually easy. Not getting caught is the hard part. And, let's be honest, this side of thing does happen on both sides of the aisle - I recall a D Congressman caught with a large stash of cash in his freezer a few years ago. The bigger difference is how the Rs and the Ds are dealing with it.

Whether there are more like that in Congress? Didn't they already identify a second case? And TFG, as well. Other than the statistical evidence that there are already several at the same time, the only basis I have for suspecting more is that I distrust the Rs.

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"Here’s the crazy, ironic thing: George Santos got caught doing all this only because he actually won his election."

THAT'S the part that sounds familiar!!!

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If the country wasn't under siege, I'd probably feel a little bad for the guy. Obviously has some talents. Didn't need to turn to crime. And there seems to be something quite wrong with him. Things that, in a more just, sane world, should be treated in a psychiatric environment. But as you say at the end of this article, he's the very face of the GOP. My empathy is gone.

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Are you talking about Donald Trump (Big Con Man) or George Stantos (Little Con Man)?

Your statement does apply to both. /s

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Good question, but I can't imagine a world where I'd feel sorry for Trump even for one minute. Santos comes off to me as a hapless, sort of pathetic creature.

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I pity Queensman all the time – obviously a broken human. Seriously dysfunctional and unable to cope. Oh, and bonus: he and his ilk HATE pity.

Santos – sorry, Kitara Ravache, on the other hand, is FABULOUS!

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I also think that the Musical, The Legend of Kitara Ravache, would be truly fabulous.

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Have your people call my people.

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Strangely perhaps I felt sad as I read this. That he is so very sick; that it’s not a film of an unwitting imposter (“Being There” comes to mind) and that he is incapable of truth. Does he have any real family? Is truth of his background so convoluted? I want him gone. I want others noted in posts here (how can the Speaker have no back accounts? Where does his salary go? How is the porn paid for?) and not yet noted found out and shamed. Tho too it can’t be just the GOP can it?

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Two things. 1) thank you for the clear rundown on poor Santos. Unbelievable and yet ... not surprising these days

2) I received my treasured copy of “MA IN ALL CAPS”. Just finished Mr Takei’s Forward (lovely), and then wept at the end of your Preface... the part in italics. Your devotion and protection toward this giant of a human really got me.

Cant wait to devour the rest.

Youre very special Jay. Thank you for how you’re living your life. 🙏🏼

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Thank you for supporting me as a reader! I hope that Ma lives on in stories that we tell and pass on.

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Had the corrected version been published? You seemed upset by the first issue. So I waited.

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I agree that Santos should go and I expect he will get his day in court. That said, the Democrats have a bit of a mess with Menendez who won't resign. I expect this will be fodder for Republicans to use.

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But the Dems at least claim they want Menendez out. . .

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My mind is boggled that he was allowed to get this far! Same with 45. The swamp has become more infested than ever. How do we rid ourselves of these people???

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We must do it the old fashioned way. We must defeat them electorally.

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Why do you think his district would elect a Democrat if he were ousted? This recent election showed that part of Long Island to be red all the way. It’s a problem that many LI Dems are trying to figure out.

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Neutron bomb?

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not selective enough

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The near entirety of the Republican machine is a shell game at this point, one of those shells spit upon the sand at low tide, amongst a disorganized mound of stinky seaweed overrun with flies and decay.

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Having lived by the ocean for the past 45 years, this imagery is a delight! Thank you! I can smell it now lol!

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Thank goodness there are at least a few intrepid reporters left; for whatever reason (maybe the gov’t interference the Twitter files unearthed?) we seem to have a shortage of reporters willing (brave?) enough to dig for real answers.

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