And… Chesebro has just pleaded guilty! More on that soon…

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The Cheese is even a bigger catch for the prosecution than is Powell, as he was one of the key disciples of the fraudulent "fake electors" scheme, and apparently sold tRump on the idea. So, at the very least, here's an insider ready to cop out and implicate tRump in aiding the fake-electors steal of Biden's EC wins. When dominos begin to fall, ain't no way of stopping them...Hallelujah!

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Are you cured?!

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Totally beat me to it! Bravo!

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This truly shocks me...

Did Willis sweeten the deal or reveal more of her case?

Either way, a massive win for the prosecution...not having to try their case multiple times.

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Willis had already given them all the discovery, so she had already given them her "case." What's really good about Chesebro also pleading guilty is that the lawyers for the other defendants don't get to see her prosecutors present the case.

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I'm trying to understand what changed between yesterday and today.

At any rate, I don't understand why Willis is settling for a written apology by Powell. She's been seen/heard by the Trump base for years on podcasts, cable, videos.

Shouldn't this 'apology/admission of lies' be similarly broadcast?

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What changed is 24 hours. No matter how much they rant and rave about being persecuted, Defendants get skittish when it's time to actually pick the jury. Every minute they wait, the window closes a bit more.

Powell got what looks like a sweetheart deal, but remember, the deal wasn't offered until she told them what she could testify to and committed to doing so. If it wasn't going to advance the ball, the prosecution doesn't give the plea bargain. And if she reverses herself later, the bargain gets withdrawn and it's back to trial.

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Nobody gets off of a multi-count indictment unless and until they give up the goods on co-conspirators under oath...hmmm, what's that smell? Burnt toast for breakfast at MAL.

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and the red stuff on the wall is (hopefully) ketchup

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I understand the point that reality sets in when a jury is seated, but (unlike Powell) Chesboro had arguments to make. I think there's more to it, but perhaps he was just waiting to see if he could improve the deal and Willis called his bluff.

My only point re Powell was to question why she wasn't required to broadcast her apology/admission of guilt, since her lies were widely broadcast. Perhaps Willis believes this would look 'political'...perhaps it would.

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He got a worse deal - he had to plead guilty to a felony, that means that he loses his law license. Still no jail time though.

Edit - if he does all the right things he won't lose his law license but he may not be able to work as a lawyer during his probation period (I'm a little unsure about that last point.)

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What Jay wrote implies no trial, she has already plead guilty so... straight to 6 years in a Georgia prison. "...if she changes her testimony in any way, that would violate the terms of her plea deal, which requires her to testify fully and truthfully, and she’ll be facing six years in Georgia state prison."

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Well, she did not plead guilty to the original charge - only the lesser charge with no jail time. If she does violate the plea agreement, my understanding is that deal gets cancelled outright and she's back to trial for the more serious charges. At that point, there is no plea.

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Yep. Even a bigger deal. I don't think they would have offered him no jail time unless he can and will directly implicate Trump.

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Oh, maybe - still climbing the rope. If he can give them Rudy or Meadows (or both) that would do it, and then TFG will be the next step. Everybody else will fall over themselves to sing and sing and sing to stay outta prison.

As a friend of mine commented when the Georgia indictments came down, there were NEVER going to be 19 trials, or one trial with 19 defendants. This is how mob RICO trials work - you peel away first one, then another, then another - and pretty soon you got a capo in the dock with a godfather in your sights.

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“The Cheese stands alone”. Not a good look.

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Ah, that must have been the thud I heard - the other shoe dropping.

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Well I was going to comment on her guilty plea, and the likelihood that Chesebro also pleads guilty. Damn it!

Now I'm bummed that I don't get to call this trial the "Cheez and Kraken" trial.

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OMG the Cheez and Kraken trial. That is hysterical! That made my day :)

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But you can call it the Chese & Kracken Plea Deal...and since it will probably have historic ramifications, I suggest we just adopt the phrasing now.

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Jay could copyright it! It could make him money for all his projects!

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Whoa, you win the internets today, ChrisO!

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In summary, we can enjoy an interlude of Krakenfreude. (I'll show myself out.)

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Love it! My brain has been automatically translating "Kraken" to "Krakhead" since she introduced it. "Release the Krakheads!". "Trump's Krakhead legal team". "Team Krakhead". It just seems to fit them so well.

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Good work! I have a feeling you've coined a new phrase that will stick around for a while.

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Thank you for the reminder of the Texas arm of her Kraken, it amazed me how quickly it went thru the legal process with filing 12/27/20, dismissed, appealed and landed with Alito morning of J6, but not signed or "resolved" until J7 as "moot". Thanking all the Gods and Nancy Pelosi for insisting on remaining on site and continuing the certification of President Biden after the violence J6.


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I’ll take traitors for a thousand Alex

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Chesebro plead guilty. Jordan lost Speaker, again. What a beautiful end to this week so far.

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Flails, Flips, Fails, more Flips

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Everyone pleading out on plea deals?Trump must be crapping a gold brick mansion!

Just loving to hear it hahahahahaha!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Terrific commentary as always, told in a most readable and, notwithstanding current events, even enjoyable, form.

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Schadenfriday made my day 👍🏼

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And....Chesebro down...felony conspiracy...given that the lot is a simpering pool of cowardice no way aren't more going to involute, roll over and sing the give 'em up blues in off-key false-ettos (haha).

Let the finger pointing begin

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I’m in DC on a little vacation- to hell with art museum. I grabbed a beer and a lobster roll and celebrating this awesome news day. Thanks Jay-always excellent... and I sure hope you feel better!

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Enjoy that quiche with a bottle of Schadenfreude Riesling Spatlese :)

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Excellent piece. Only thing missing is I would have liked to hear more about the caramelized onion quiche.

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It’s complicated!!

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Is it the Sydney Powell case, or the caramelized onion quiche, or both, that's complicated?

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Is it the caramelized onion quiche from the NY times? Yum

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Agree. I think we’re gonna need a link to that recipe! 😃

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Me too!

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"As reported by Ron Filipkowski, who spends a lot of his time poring through right-wing media..."

This is not healthy behavior, and I gotta say, if Gym Jordan deserves a medal of honor, so does Ron for his sacrifice.

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Worst. Job. Ever. Even Mike Rowe would cringe.

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It's like testing the soup for the king! Only worse.

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I’m feeling a bit 🤢, but I appreciate your outline of what to watch.

My question: Is there any hint that Flynn is under investigation for ANYthing? I haven’t heard explanation as to why he’s still at large. Why is he still receiving a pension from the military? His brother is in a high ranking position although he shares Mikey’s political views and actions. If I’ve missed reports about this, I plead overload by the louder squeals.

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That is an intriguing comment about General Flynn. He has not been prominent in the ‘news’ lately. He’s a potentially dangerous fella.

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Excellent question, and one I'd like the answer to. Mr. Smith may very well be keeping him simmering on the back burner awaiting some more pretty songs.

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His brother was in rooms he shouldn't have been in on January 6th as well. His actions are very suspicious.

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But she'll not lose her license. In fact since it's Texas she'll probably get a seat on the supreme court.

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Sad trombone

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I couldn't remember if she had already lost her license or not and was going to ask. The one thing that should have come out of this is the loss of her license- the plotting of illegal acts should be an automatic loss. But there is still the DC trial so she's not out of the woods

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Looks like Cheseboro will though, he had to plead guilty to a felony. But seriously - who is going to hire the Kraken lady?

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Faux News, NewsMax, Alex Jones - oh, wait - he's about to be broke AF... Probably NewsMax. Expert legal commentator blah blah blah...

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Except after the Dominion lawsuits I think she'll be untouchable.

But I just read an update on Cheseguy and it turns out if he does what he's supposed to do his guilty plea will be turned over (can't remember the term they used but his conviction will go away) and he can still practice law. That is not good.

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Yep - I just saw that myself. His conviction will be expunged if he completes his probation satisfactorily. Still five years he cannot work as a lawyer. My wife suggested he could do "scared straight" seminars at law schools - which I think is a great idea, except I think that should be his community service. Whatever... Yeah, he'll be able to apply for reinstatement to the Bar, but they are not obligated to accept. I guess, like several other semi-disgraced lawyers on that side of the aisle he'll land on his feet at the Heritage Foundation, or similar.

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For a guy who worked for years with Lawrence Tribe, what the heck happened to Cheez,that he went so far to the other side???

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As I recall people who knew him earlier though he was sort of reckless - always looking for some obscure hook that was never going to work in real life but theoretically might be something. The feelings about him weren't that he'd go rogue but that he'd always be trying too hard to be devil's advocate. I only remember bits and pieces of the interview.

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IKR? That is the mystery. Maybe he was being a mole?

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Except I'm not sure yet that he's scared straight. More likely just bummed that he got caught.

Thanks for the extra info - I couldn't remember the right words or the specifics. I appreciate the help.

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Oh, HE doesn't need to be "scared straight" - that's for the students. He just needs to be the Bad Example.

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I think it something to do with Georgia's first offender law.

Here is a link to FAQ for this law:


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Thanks. Although I kind of think that insurrectionists and people who plan administrative coups shouldn't get breaks. But I'm a bit of a hard liner when it comes to overthrowing the government.

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Yep - this.

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