Also to note,part of Rep Turner’s district includes Springfield,Ohio.
“Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio) on CNN denounced false claims that Haitians in Springfield, part of the district he represents, have been eating residents’ pets, a theory politicians including former President Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), have amplified.
“This is incredibly tragic and completely untrue. This should not have happened, it’s been tearing the community apart,” Turner told Jake Tapper.”
While I have never been a big fan of Mike Turner's policies (we live in Ohio, near Dayton, where he was Mayor), compared to some, he is an angel. Trump is not so much a genius on the "Art of the Deal", but on the "Art of Revenge".
OOOOooooooo have a heart, people....Liddle Mikey is between a rock and a hard place.
Of course his own hubris and subsequent lack of spine put him there but I have to say, while I feel no sympathy whatsoever, it is going to be painful to watch him being ground to death between the upper and lower millstones.
This is what happens when spineless, deluded people get elected to high office. He is obviously tRump's man and tRump is Putin's man. It is going to take some of the real Republicans to shake off the MAGA Madness (go the Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger route.) and help the save the Republic. As Franklin said: "We have given you a republic, if you can keep it."
Excellent Thomas Becket reference Jay. I wonder if the bookies in Vegas are taking odds on who the next to fall will be? Beyond democracy, integrity and truth, of course.
The difference between Henry II and DJT is that Henry was a shrewd and masterful king with a shrewd and masterful wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine. DJT is none of the above, resembling Henry's and Eleanor's bumbling son, John I, who managed to get the magnates so angry they forced the Magna Carta.
The earliest quote of Henry's attributed phrase was "What miserable drones and traitors have I nourished and promoted in my household, who let their lord be treated with such shameful contempt by a low-born clerk!" [Edward Grim, *Life of St. Thomas* (who was present at Beckett's murder.) Indeed, Beckett was low-born.
DJT should take note and study a bit of history, because his tirades resemble the above quote.
This is Project 2025 at work before our very eyes! Remove any oversight that might prevent a corrupt felon from becoming more corrupt by extinguishing any known or perceived obstacles!
How come no one comments on the absence since last July of Texas Rep. Kay Granger - who has now found out to be residing in an assisted living facility that deals with dementia patients? Is someone else making her votes? What's happening with this situation???
I agree that situation was egregious and I think house leadership and her staff should be held criminally liable. Yes, I can dream. That said, she didn’t run for reelection and the district is now held by a republican named Craig Goldman.
Thank you. Although I do wonder how many votes she missed before they caught on to her being gone. I'm guessing her replacement has been sworn in already.
Am I too optimistic to think this might be a positive and work against Trump pushing through his agenda? Turner has support from both sides of the house.
As my dad taught me, possibility and probability are two totally different things. Yes, it is possible for this to be a positive thing, but is it a probability? In most cases, it isn't because they are so scared of being primaried out of office by some candidate they've never heard of that's financed by Musk (and he does have the money to do it).
Yeah, but isn't that the problem? That lawmakers who have two full years to stand up to bullies while they are still in office won't do it because they're being threatened by a primary? Talk about lack of courage to do the right thing. That's the biggest problem we have right now. The people we're electing are cowards, with no capacity to do what's right for the country or their district, only to do things to save their job (or their influence with foreign leaders). The most courageous thing Turner can do is use his anger for good purpose while he's still in office FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS--blow the thin R majority by not showing up OR better yet, switch to independent and caucus with Democrats.
This is something that needs promoting! Once a Republican has found themselves on the wrong side of Frump/MAGAts it is probably time to only support bills etc. that are actually best for their constituents. Even those constituents that can’t figure out that tariffs are a BAD thing and had to Google what “oligarch” meant.
It's going to take people of enormous courage on that side of the aisle to do what is right considering that they are risking not just their lives, but the lives and well-being of their extended families and their futures. It puts me in mind of what Navalny went through. His wife is now catching hell from Putin's thugs. How many others have "walked through plate glass windows or off balconies, been poisoned, gotten shot, or died from being in those gulags? We're now looking at the same thing happening here. We don't have Siberia (maybe that's why he wants Greenland? or Canadian Yukon?) I don't put a thing past this fool's evil mind, and Vance and Musk are just as bad. It's like we are dealing with the cabal on the Blacklist only worse.
If it were the only instance? I would agree with you. I think it is just the beginning. The MAGAts may control the red side of the House; one problem, the "control" is illusory. 3 members do not a strong herd of sheep majority make. An alarm may have just rung. The sheep may scatter, the threat of being "primaried" is a long 2 years out...showing some independence may be the only salvation for these MAGAs, given tariffs are, according to the IMF, already being assessed. Their constituents are about to feel real pain. And they won't have the very able, truthful, caring president Biden to blame it on. The blame will be all on the Convict-in-Chief.
It will likely only be on foreign policy matters and stuff that the Republicans used to care about. But a lot of their support is for the maga stuff that fits into the old Republican mold just with a sheen of cruelty painted on it.
Well if these spineless republicans really want to send a message, they could not show up to vote. All they need is two/ three of them. They could seize control simply by not showing up.
Personally I love me a circular firing squad. I hope they annihilate each other.
I have to compliment you again on your headlines. The content is always exceptional as well. But a headline is an important and meaningful entree - or it should be.
That is the biggest lake of pig s*** I've ever smelled. Nope, they're replacing anyone and everyone who hasn't kissed the a$$, er, ring, and sworn undying loyalty to the Orange Kaiser of Mar-a-Lardo. I'm being only slightly sarcastic. We will have very few allies in the House in places we will really need them. This is where we will need some fast and furious fancy footwork to get some things done IN SPITE OF THEM. Granted, we're going to have the Devil's own time getting much of anything through anyway, but Ldr. Jefferies should be able to wrangle a few things. What I am encouraged about is the fact that this is making a significant number ON THEIR SIDE uncomfortable. You make enough of them sufficiently uncomfortable, they'll swing our way. It happens. Some people are finding backbones in closets they had forgotten about.
I'd like to think that (that politicians in general and Republicans in particular) will find backbones in forgotten closets). When pushed far enough, perhaps a few here and there will. But it seems more likely that as the political terrain gets ever more dangerous, fewer supposed "leaders," not more, will stand up.
How many Republicans will have the balls or ovaries to act against what they know is wrong and bad, Liz Cheney's persecution and ostracism still fresh in memory? The "decent" side of the GOP, if there is one (and if there is one please point it out to me), had its chance years ago, when it could have corralled the beast that is now running wild and openly threatens any dissenters and their families with violence.
Groucho's great line fits current Republicans: "Those are my principles. If you don't like them, well, I have others."
He can only buy those who are willing to be bought, Kay. I'm not. Adam Schiff, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Katie Porter, Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock, Jamie Raskin, AOC, and many others do not have a price. Do not allow yourself to be defeated by what "seems" to be. That's what "they" want you to think. Not everyone can be "bought". That just is not true. Remember that. Even within the Republican party there are those who still have the spine to stand up and scream, NO, this is not right. They pay a high price for doing it, but they do it. Joe Walsh lost everything to do it back in 2015. Mitt Romney has all but lost everything. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger have. Yeah, he is gaining in crypto, but that can fall through the floor in a split second. Tesla is losing money like crazy, and X can't pay the bills. I'm not betting the farm on that dude.
Also to note,part of Rep Turner’s district includes Springfield,Ohio.
“Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio) on CNN denounced false claims that Haitians in Springfield, part of the district he represents, have been eating residents’ pets, a theory politicians including former President Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), have amplified.
“This is incredibly tragic and completely untrue. This should not have happened, it’s been tearing the community apart,” Turner told Jake Tapper.”
Excellent detail, thank you.
I lived in Dayton for 30 years. Was a Social Worker. As a Democrat, I admire/admired Turner.
While I have never been a big fan of Mike Turner's policies (we live in Ohio, near Dayton, where he was Mayor), compared to some, he is an angel. Trump is not so much a genius on the "Art of the Deal", but on the "Art of Revenge".
It’s admittedly weird to cheer for people we would have opposed with everything just 8 years ago. But here we are.
Yep. Liz Chaney comes to mind.
It's the old saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Yep, these are very strange times.
They are eating their own. Next to go is Johnson. The republicans are going to turn on him if he keeps up this shit. 💩
A big test will be the reconciliation bill they want to ram through. Not so easy to cut earned benefits, they will learn.
Much like lowering grocery prices and reforming health care, I hear.
Every time I see Mike Johnson, this T.S. Elliot stanza plays in my head:
"We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats’ feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar."
Linda, I fear the poem describes a good number of Congressional Republicans. Lots of hollow people - even worse, they don't have spines either.
Even though I am not overtly religious, this has always resonated with me, and it applies to too many, now:
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
Republicans today don’t even have a wood pole for a spine.
Astute observation for M. Johnson!
OOOOooooooo have a heart, people....Liddle Mikey is between a rock and a hard place.
Of course his own hubris and subsequent lack of spine put him there but I have to say, while I feel no sympathy whatsoever, it is going to be painful to watch him being ground to death between the upper and lower millstones.
Nah…I’m grabbing popcorn. May the odds be ever in OUR favor.
This is what happens when spineless, deluded people get elected to high office. He is obviously tRump's man and tRump is Putin's man. It is going to take some of the real Republicans to shake off the MAGA Madness (go the Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger route.) and help the save the Republic. As Franklin said: "We have given you a republic, if you can keep it."
I would love to believe that somehow Hakeem Jeffries could get elected as Speaker, given the infighting between the repubs.
No, it will absolutely NOT be painful to watch him “ground to death…”. It will be delicious to see him get what he deserves!
Maybe, maybe not. They may just try to avoid being eaten frantically scrambling any way they can to stay out of the sharks swimming amongst them.
He is too much of a milquetoast to last in the he-man administration.
That would be a good thing!
I hope they go all Hannibal Lecter on him.
This is how they do it in the countries Trump openly and explicitly prefers to this one.
As for the supposedly fed-up Republicans: “Therefore I’m going to …”? Get back to me when you can complete that.
These Repugnicans will snort, stamp their feet & fume. Then later they’ll all fall in line again supporting der Fuhrer.
What? Me worry?
I tend to think you’re right.
Get it right, please.
It's "Der Trumpenfuehrer."
and here I thought it was "Der Gropenfuehrer".
That was before when he was just a private citizen, grabbing and kissing and stealing.
Excellent Thomas Becket reference Jay. I wonder if the bookies in Vegas are taking odds on who the next to fall will be? Beyond democracy, integrity and truth, of course.
Johnson does not have a plan beyond kissing Trump's backside and obeying in advance. He's spineless.
They are all spineless
Oh dear, Don A., I just posted almost essentially the same words as you. I had not yet read through the comments. My apologies!
And I'll bet he wears tasseled loafers on his tiny feet.....
The difference between Henry II and DJT is that Henry was a shrewd and masterful king with a shrewd and masterful wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine. DJT is none of the above, resembling Henry's and Eleanor's bumbling son, John I, who managed to get the magnates so angry they forced the Magna Carta.
The earliest quote of Henry's attributed phrase was "What miserable drones and traitors have I nourished and promoted in my household, who let their lord be treated with such shameful contempt by a low-born clerk!" [Edward Grim, *Life of St. Thomas* (who was present at Beckett's murder.) Indeed, Beckett was low-born.
DJT should take note and study a bit of history, because his tirades resemble the above quote.
The Convict-in-Chief has the brain of a pea and can't read. He operates on narcissism and nastiness.
Nailed it!!
Perfectly stated.
This is Project 2025 at work before our very eyes! Remove any oversight that might prevent a corrupt felon from becoming more corrupt by extinguishing any known or perceived obstacles!
How come no one comments on the absence since last July of Texas Rep. Kay Granger - who has now found out to be residing in an assisted living facility that deals with dementia patients? Is someone else making her votes? What's happening with this situation???
I agree that situation was egregious and I think house leadership and her staff should be held criminally liable. Yes, I can dream. That said, she didn’t run for reelection and the district is now held by a republican named Craig Goldman.
They won't. They never implicate their own, yet waste time/$$ charging Dems for any useless BS. Compare to the to-do over Austin's medical stay!
- I did not know this. Thank you for clearing this up.
Is she voting? Seems like if she's not there then she can't vote. The GOP was against voting from afar the last time I remember them opining.
I was informed that she is no longer in office, having not run for re-election.
Thank you. Although I do wonder how many votes she missed before they caught on to her being gone. I'm guessing her replacement has been sworn in already.
Am I too optimistic to think this might be a positive and work against Trump pushing through his agenda? Turner has support from both sides of the house.
It may work against him. But that is a trace of a silver lining compared to the damage that a captured House Intelligence Committee can do.
As my dad taught me, possibility and probability are two totally different things. Yes, it is possible for this to be a positive thing, but is it a probability? In most cases, it isn't because they are so scared of being primaried out of office by some candidate they've never heard of that's financed by Musk (and he does have the money to do it).
Not just primaried, actual violence and threats☹️ The paradox of tolerance, cozying up to the leopards who promised not to eat -their- faces!
No doubt. I agree totally.
He will get a visit from one of the billionaires and magically start voting for all things trump.
Yeah, but isn't that the problem? That lawmakers who have two full years to stand up to bullies while they are still in office won't do it because they're being threatened by a primary? Talk about lack of courage to do the right thing. That's the biggest problem we have right now. The people we're electing are cowards, with no capacity to do what's right for the country or their district, only to do things to save their job (or their influence with foreign leaders). The most courageous thing Turner can do is use his anger for good purpose while he's still in office FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS--blow the thin R majority by not showing up OR better yet, switch to independent and caucus with Democrats.
This is something that needs promoting! Once a Republican has found themselves on the wrong side of Frump/MAGAts it is probably time to only support bills etc. that are actually best for their constituents. Even those constituents that can’t figure out that tariffs are a BAD thing and had to Google what “oligarch” meant.
It's going to take people of enormous courage on that side of the aisle to do what is right considering that they are risking not just their lives, but the lives and well-being of their extended families and their futures. It puts me in mind of what Navalny went through. His wife is now catching hell from Putin's thugs. How many others have "walked through plate glass windows or off balconies, been poisoned, gotten shot, or died from being in those gulags? We're now looking at the same thing happening here. We don't have Siberia (maybe that's why he wants Greenland? or Canadian Yukon?) I don't put a thing past this fool's evil mind, and Vance and Musk are just as bad. It's like we are dealing with the cabal on the Blacklist only worse.
A girl can dream. Let’s hope so.
Sure they are angry, but are they angry enough to actually do anything about it. My magic 8 ball says no. :(
We’ll see if Turner relents and starts showing up first.
If it were the only instance? I would agree with you. I think it is just the beginning. The MAGAts may control the red side of the House; one problem, the "control" is illusory. 3 members do not a strong herd of sheep majority make. An alarm may have just rung. The sheep may scatter, the threat of being "primaried" is a long 2 years out...showing some independence may be the only salvation for these MAGAs, given tariffs are, according to the IMF, already being assessed. Their constituents are about to feel real pain. And they won't have the very able, truthful, caring president Biden to blame it on. The blame will be all on the Convict-in-Chief.
It will likely only be on foreign policy matters and stuff that the Republicans used to care about. But a lot of their support is for the maga stuff that fits into the old Republican mold just with a sheen of cruelty painted on it.
Well if these spineless republicans really want to send a message, they could not show up to vote. All they need is two/ three of them. They could seize control simply by not showing up.
Personally I love me a circular firing squad. I hope they annihilate each other.
I have to compliment you again on your headlines. The content is always exceptional as well. But a headline is an important and meaningful entree - or it should be.
That is the biggest lake of pig s*** I've ever smelled. Nope, they're replacing anyone and everyone who hasn't kissed the a$$, er, ring, and sworn undying loyalty to the Orange Kaiser of Mar-a-Lardo. I'm being only slightly sarcastic. We will have very few allies in the House in places we will really need them. This is where we will need some fast and furious fancy footwork to get some things done IN SPITE OF THEM. Granted, we're going to have the Devil's own time getting much of anything through anyway, but Ldr. Jefferies should be able to wrangle a few things. What I am encouraged about is the fact that this is making a significant number ON THEIR SIDE uncomfortable. You make enough of them sufficiently uncomfortable, they'll swing our way. It happens. Some people are finding backbones in closets they had forgotten about.
I'd like to think that (that politicians in general and Republicans in particular) will find backbones in forgotten closets). When pushed far enough, perhaps a few here and there will. But it seems more likely that as the political terrain gets ever more dangerous, fewer supposed "leaders," not more, will stand up.
How many Republicans will have the balls or ovaries to act against what they know is wrong and bad, Liz Cheney's persecution and ostracism still fresh in memory? The "decent" side of the GOP, if there is one (and if there is one please point it out to me), had its chance years ago, when it could have corralled the beast that is now running wild and openly threatens any dissenters and their families with violence.
Groucho's great line fits current Republicans: "Those are my principles. If you don't like them, well, I have others."
Perhaps...I'd like to think so, Ellen Wright, but the Musk $$ is endless as it is daily increasing, and he can buy almost anything or anyone.
He can only buy those who are willing to be bought, Kay. I'm not. Adam Schiff, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Katie Porter, Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock, Jamie Raskin, AOC, and many others do not have a price. Do not allow yourself to be defeated by what "seems" to be. That's what "they" want you to think. Not everyone can be "bought". That just is not true. Remember that. Even within the Republican party there are those who still have the spine to stand up and scream, NO, this is not right. They pay a high price for doing it, but they do it. Joe Walsh lost everything to do it back in 2015. Mitt Romney has all but lost everything. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger have. Yeah, he is gaining in crypto, but that can fall through the floor in a split second. Tesla is losing money like crazy, and X can't pay the bills. I'm not betting the farm on that dude.
Musk and his minions are going to threaten to primary him any how. He might as well "earn" the threat by going scorched earth.
We can hope for that to happen!