I'm praying that that bad man in office gets booted out before four years. But maybe that's another fairytale ending....

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… And he flees the United States in hopes of a safe harbor in the realm of his lord and master across the sea only to find he is no longer needed as the useful idiot. Having failed in his mission to deliver the world to the evil lord and now ostracized by him, the former foreign asset becomes a global pariah, jettisoned from one nation to the next, never landing in hospitable territory, treated with contemptuous disgust by all and never allowed to play golf again, *anywhere*.

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Vance is weak. He lacks character, charisma and values. He can be pressured into staying within the Constitutional role of the Executive Branch.

Muskrat is very unpopular. He's giving billionaires a bad reputation. They have to get rid of his role in the government soon. The people are angry and demanding more taxes for all billionaires.

Vance's techbro, billionaire, backer may have bought the vice presidency for Vance. But the oligarchy that he hoped to form will be severely weakened too. The billionaires will be retreating to their yachts.

Sadly, the damage the orange blight's regime has done in seven weeks could take years to fix. But it's also an opportunity to rebuild with caution and great care. It could be an opportunity to fix some of the flaws in our Constitution and increase the number of representatives in Congress and the Supreme Court. 535 Senators and Congress People and nine SCOTUS is not enough to represent 331 million people.

I believe in the American people! We can fix our government!

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Can we dispose of Citizens United and the Electoral College while we're fixing all the other stuff? Please?

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Getting rid of both of those should be one of the first steps in government reform. Both are dangerous to true democracy.

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Then we’d be stuck with venomvance.

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I'll take my chances 😁

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As long as we're imagining the scenario where he is booted out of office, how about making it:

Before your first birthday, the people had organized and demanded that this unfit senile demented man be removed because he was an embarrassment, did not know how to behave when he had guests and said mean things even to people who used to like us, and it was discovered that his rich friend, Musk, had falsified enough ballots to change the outcomes of not just the presidential race, but so many of the congressional and senate as well, that a new election was held. Harris won and the Democrats also got a majority in both the senate and the house.

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I do love this version of the scenario! However, the Dems would actually need to grow a few (well, perhaps more than a few!) spines of their own for this to happen.

I have no idea what our elected Dems are doing...and that is THE problem. No one does. Are they perhaps hoping that if they just look the other way for a while this will all evaporate?

Our elected Dems need to be OUT THERE, holding pressers and town halls and offering contrary opinions on everything that drump says. They need to mocking hm, getting in his head, making him have tantrumps, missteps, over-reaches and stupid moves. I want to see catsup thrown and tiny feet being stomped and tiny fists being shook; we need to cause daily melt-downs. Even my tiny little town has held two demonstrations in the past two weeks and we are in a rural, very red area! Surely our Reps and at least one of our Senators can speak out? (The other Senator is Susie Concerned--no hope that she would EVER rise up against Dumbass Donny. I'm hoping we can pry her arthritic fingers from Leonard Leo's cash box and get her the hell out of office)

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so agree; I wrote Senator Warren( I live in MA) asking her to lead a coordinated country wide Democratic effort of Governors, State Reps, Congressional Reps& Senators to inform the public, lead protests etc, etc instead of individual Dems doing their own thing

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But, people are getting scared and angry and starting to look for ways to demonstrate and rebel against the destruction of our Federal government. We’ve been holding rallies here in San Luis Obispo County on the Central Coast of California.

We can’t let this demented man bring us into the fold of Russia, then China.

Resist! Wake up young people!!! Resist!

God Bless Ukraine!!!

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Great idea, Charlene! I hope Senator Warren takes up your idea.

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I asked the same of my senators in Illinois. It doesn't have to be the same person every day, but it should be someone daily on a national , televised level

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The Dems still haven’t learned from the new playbook and they refuse to accept times have changed. Normal is out the window. They need to see how rep Jasmin Crockett has been out there telling muskrat to “f-off”.

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Though I'm in Cleveland, I still called Congresswoman Crockett's office to voice an attagirl. Her aide said she's like that all the time. Go, Jasmine!!

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I have called Senators Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper once a week, asking both of them to stand up and lead too. I'm still angry at both for calling for Joe Biden to step aside as Presidential Candidate for the Democratic Party. I blame them in part for our defeat. Because they were silent on the obvious signs of age in the orange blight.

John Hickenlooper is holding a Zoom townhouse on Wednesday. I'm registered to attend. When I registered, I was asked if I had a question for the Senator. I asked, what are you going to do about the coup?

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I've wondered if they're doing more than we realize, but the press has become so subservient to Trump that we don't see a lot of it. It does seem as if there should be something more earth-shaking coming from them, blanketing the country with the equivalent of campaign speeches while it's still legal to do that.

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LOVE the image of the tiny feet stomping, T L! You've made my day. 😉

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I’d love to learn more about how your tiny rural town in a very red area is reacting to all of this. Is there open conversation that they regret their vote?

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I actually don't know any MAGA folk well enough to ask (my circle of personal friends doesn't include any rightwingers thank goodness)...but the Maine People's Alliance held an open meeting last Wednesday. The community organizer said they had 25 people register and they figured that about half would show up. Well. 76 people attended the meeting and she said that several people had called to apologize and say they couldn't make it...not every one was from Norway, of course, there were many people from surrounding towns that are even smaller and more rural, but 76 people who are at least "left adjacent" on a winter weeknight is a pretty darn impressive turnout in a largely red area. And that was prior to the disgustingly ugly display of the Felon's crude shakedown and gaslighting of President Zelenskyy.

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That is encouraging! Thank you

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Oh wow - 76 people in central Aroostook? You had me at "not everyone was from Norway" - because I live in Grand Isle and know how red and small the area is! People in The County are FURIOUS about the Canada tariffs and harassment of PM Trudeau.

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Um...Norway is central Oxford Country. And I'm extremely happy to hear that The County is furious about Trump's harassment of Trudeau and the tariffs, because my sister lives way up near Brownville and she is surrounded by Trumpers...I got the impression that most of the state north of Bangor is Trump country--is that changing?

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Be careful what you wish for. Vance or Johnson aren’t likely to be less bad for us.

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Neither one of them will be like T. They do not have the following or the hold over people that he does (whatever that is). Vance has no experience and no one knew who he was before T - and he already isn't liked. Johnson is a wimp. When the cult leader goes away, so does the cult. In my opinion, I do not think either one would last.

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I fear that The Mascaraed Maggot would do exactly what his tech bros and the Oligarchs told him to do. And because he is very slightly less disgusting than 47, the repugnants would latch onto him and say “See? We have such a great guy now!”

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I agree. Vance must be impeached and convicted as well. Then, according to my fairy tale, the Republicans lose the majority in both the house and Senate in the midterms. The Democrats elect a Speaker from outside the house as caretaker President. (I don’t know if that is how things would work.)

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are impeached and replaced. The absurd “presidential immunity” ruling is overturned.

Jack Smith returns to conclude his investigations and to investigate further allegations of DOGE corruption.

Or maybe we end up like Game of Thrones with Republicans Zombies threatening the system from the outside.

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And Citizens United decision is repealed!

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Most bad presidents get caught. Nixon appeared to be getting away with it and then Alexander Butterfield mentioned the hidden taping system and Nixon was out the door. Reagan denied and denied but ended up with the most scandalous presidency until Trump. Wm. Clinton paid a price, too. W is the only one who seems to have gotten away with stuff too numerous to mention except he’ll be forever known as the president who lied us into a war and nearly broke the bank. Trump will go down in history as the most corrupt. He’ll beat Andrew Johnson coming in last, i think, instead of second or third from last.

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They have been sharpening their knives, both of them. In conjunction with SCOTUS they have effectively rendered the Constitution meaningless. It is not coming to save you. People need to be operating on another level - Vance is and it is brutal.

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Vance is brutal as long as he has others to point him in a direction (he does) and has others to do his bidding (in the absence of PINO, I'm not sure)

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They need to go as well.

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It doesn’t matter what we think they will be like. Forcing Trump-out will dramatically change their political positions to the good as the specter of getting the boot, too, has a way of focusing the mind and behavior. Remember, Trump is crazy. They are unlikable but not brick pile crazy.

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"how about making it . . . " Yes, but just who? Who or what is going to make this all happen? One of the leading elected Democrats? I laugh out loud.

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It's a story, Gerald. We (or Jay, anyway) can make it go anywhere we (he) wants. We don't need a singular "who". We, as in plural, can make it happen if we really want it to. The "how" is still TBD, but it is still out there somewhere.

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At this point our best bet would be the military shrugging off the leadership of Hegseth, seizing control and arresting the white house criminals, revealing investigations proving votes were changed/tossed, etc. and then either re-do the election or reveal the correct results sending Trump/Vance packing along with many Russian-supporting traitors in the House and Senate.

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I agree … but.

Captain Jones, 20 years from now, is a Major General, and is NOT happy with President Garcia. Garcia just brokered a huge peace deal, and lots of people (especially in the military) are NOT happy with it. Inflation is rising again, and many people are blaming Garcia. There have been “civil disturbances” in many cities over the summer. The enlisted soldiers are worrying about their families because Garcia is being portrayed as “anti-military” (which isn’t true). Jones has been hearing quiet rumors of unrest among not just enlisted, but senior officers, his peers. Some are starting to harken back to the ‘20s when the military had to step in and save the country. Could it be time for that again?

All the above is a fable of course. I just don’t want it to be a prophecy. I’ll be 80 in July, so 20 years from now is unlikely to be much of an issue for me, but I love my country fiercely (with my active imagination:-) and I worry.

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I believe there would be no such future scenario. Likely congress would use the lesson of this unfit administration to make a rule about who can run for president and exclude felons. The unique situation we find ourselves in this time would be prevented in the future. The future administration you describe would likely appoint capable people to lead the military and they would prevent that from happening. Our current situation is the opposite. He has appointed idiots to run the military and intelligence agencies, Homeland Security, the DOJ, everything. Those who would rise up now would be those appointed by previous presidents both Republican and Democratic, who see this man for the danger he poses to our country and the world. He is destroying the military justice system as well, and that is a direct attack on our own military. They have the duty to defend themselves along with our country from this sabotage.

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I’m not in favor, because it establishes a **really** bad precedent. Agreed for 47, yes. But what if the military didn’t approve of Obama? Or Bush junior? Or Clinton? “We did this for the good of the country!”

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I think these are unprecedented times. This president sides with enemies of our country and is alienating our allies. He is a clear and present danger along with his entire administration going along with whatever he tells them to do. The military has the duty to defend our country from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. They would have no reason to do this with someone they merely disagreed with who was not causing serious harm and trauma to our country. Trump is a traitor committing treason and forcing others to go along with it. The military is our last line of defense against fascism. It is their duty to step up and stop this in its tracks.

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Amen Jean, wouldn’t that be absolutely wonderful! I’ll keep praying that scenario comes to fruition.

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An excellent story in the fairytale style! Six months on and Riley looks like a real darling ❤️

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She is such a sweet little bean!

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Let's hope it doesn't take 4 years

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We don’t have four years or even two years. I don’t think we have even until the end of this month.

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you're a beacon to us and Riley is lucky to have you as her dad!

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Thank you, Jay, for being one of the committed leaders we need. Riley is so lucky. Ma would be so proud.

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Riley will be so proud when she grows up and learns what a huge part her dad had in bringing the orange man down. Thank you from us, too, Jay. (And she is just too cute!)

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I hope this is a true premonition.

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What a lovely thing to wake up to on this Sunday morning…both Riley’s sweet face and your wonderful tale of possibilities. Every day we must choose hope, along with bravery and the determination to go forward as “We The People”…because the children are counting on us!💛🇺🇸💫

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She is beautiful and strong and on her way! I see you have a children’s book in the making too! Yes we are relearning to crawl , I guess… ❤️.. Happy Sunday!

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Very lovely.

Having children certainly does give us a different perspective on life and causes us to wax philosophical. Ditto when we have grandchildren. Fun, isn’t it?

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From your mouth Jay, to God's ears. Thank you for making my morning with a pic of your beautiful little one!

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Thank you for this story that we need to make come true for all of us. It brought happy tears to my eyes! And your little girl is adorable.

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Let's all pray (and work toward) that scenario 🙏

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And if we return to being the same people we were, caring only about football and TV shows and continuing to destroy the Earth, we will have learned nothing. A toxic species; greedy, arrogant, and cruel. Destined to be an evolutionary dead-end.

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Half true Linda. But not the half that imagined USAID.

Joseph, in Fairport NY

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