“It makes us look foolish.” We see who you are and it’s far worse than foolish, you bunch of lying reprobates.

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I read constantly how the Democratic Party is a “Big Tent” party, because it encompasses so many diverse groups, and yet for the most part they all have the same belief that government should work FOR the people.

The Republicans are in actuality also a “Big Tent” party. Theirs consisted of every right wing group with a grievance against someone, or something, and the idea of actually governing for anyone but themselves is anathema to all of them.

Currently in Canada those who were responsible for the “Freedom Convoy” last February, have been trying to do it again, except the organization has devolved into arguments, discrediting and attacking one another,, while claiming they are all about “unity”.

It's like watching a couple of cats with their tails tied together, and the fighting is all about who is actually the “Boss” of them all and who can get hold of the money that is being held by the courts, that was raised to support the previous convoy, before all the court cases are finished.(hint: no one will get a penny considering the amount of costs associated with the occupation of Ottawa and the closing of International borders).

Watching the Republicans is exactly the same. A disparate group none of whom hold even similar ideas or ideology, all fighting one another to get to the top of the heap.

And if they DO manage to elect a Leader, the next 2 years are going be a perfect example of what Chaos does when it’s in charge of anything, nothing of substance!

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How do they sleep at night?? They were elected to do a job - represent their constituents - and instead are fighting over who gets the ball at recess and planning revenge over meaningless slights. They should all be ashamed of themselves. And Kevin McCarthy needs to look up the word “humility” in the dictionary.

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The shenanigans continue. We, the people, bear the consequences of these ridiculously selfish and unAmerican behaviors of the GOP.

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Sometime ago, Bobby Jindal said the GOP has got to stop being the stupid party. No one listened to him then and no one is listening now.

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Rep. Dan Crenshaw's statement is hysterical. I nearly spit my coffee reading it! LOL

No dear, the GOP cannot govern and haven't for decades!

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Such high drama surrounding Kevin McCarty and the House Republicans. Seems also to be spilling into the over into the Supreme Court. Reminds me of my high school traumas.

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"Will the GOP really shoot itself in the face on its first day in power in the House? Are its members truly in such disarray?" One can only hope ...

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Looks like the answer is yes!

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How lovely would it be to have a few brave centrist Republicans elect a democrat to be speaker?

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Jay, what happens if some one who receives a subpoena to appear before the new House Judiciary Committee either refuses to appear (following Jim Jordan practice) or does not answer any questions?

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Then the Congress cpuld vote to make a criminal referral but the DoJ would have to approve a prosecution, same as before.

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The best solution is a moderate but sane Republican (there are a few) who could attract 218 votes from Republicans and Democrats. None of the crazy Freedom Caucus concessions and drop most of the investigation plans. Time to grow up and move on, regardless of the kicking and screaming toddlers.

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It's unlikely but not outside the realm of the possible.

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Yes unlikely, but I think, over time, inevitable.

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That would be fantastic. It would defang the far right in one swift move and force a reckoning in the GOP.

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I agree.

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The GOP circular firing squad in full effect!

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And now that they can bring in their guns, that's literally what they can do!

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"It makes us look foolish." = "Look what you made me do!"

"If I didn't know any better, it’s like the Democrats paid these people off" Thanks for the preview of tomorrow's episode of Tucker Carlson. Musk will surely find some "secret files" to back this up, even if he has to write them himself.

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If the GOP burns down over this, what happens next?

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Depends on who caves first...

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It's awesome how they've already blamed the Democrats for what is entirely their own problem.

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Wouldn't now be a great time for the Dems to step in and nominate a Speaker?

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They have! Their own, Hakeem Jeffries.

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Omg that's awesome! I hadn't heard! Thank you Jay.

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What is the strategy for the Dems in this mess. Do they get to vote for speaker? Could they, for example, vote for McCarthy in order to deprive the Never Kevins?

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They certainly won't support McCarthy. Jeffries has the plurality of votes with all 212 Dems behind him. If the moderate GOP propose someone willing to work across the aisle, maybe the Dems could vote en masse in support. That's unlikely at this point, however.

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Or better still nominate their own person for Speaker?

The Speaker doesn't even have to be a member of Congress - say, Liz Cheney to appease the Republicans?

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To the MAGAts, Liz is persona non grata, so no chance.

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True. Very true.

Maybe, like Jay suggested, the Moderate Repubs will back Jefferies?

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