It's a gift to Democrats but it still comes at the high cost of what happens to society when these messages are amplified.

We were told early in the Biden years to have more compassion for deplorables.

A lot of us did so. This is their response. I'm done with empathy.

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Exactly, Charles. These deluded R's gleefully -- and intentionally --suspend disbelief. Why? Because they get an emotional buzz, esp. if they are at a crazy-people rally. No sympathy or empathy from me.

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They not only suspend disbelief, they rarely hear anything else on Earth 2. And when they do, it's from a capitulant legacy/mainstream media that leans into both-sides b.s., a clear, rightward bias, or doesn't report the dangers at all.

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So much for going high when they go low. Eric Holder always said when they go low, kick the ever-loving shit out of them.

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Nice. Kick them hard in the dangly bits. Might get their attention . . .

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Or the tucked-in bits (there are many who don’t have danglies).

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I have never had any compassion for them. Hillary was right; if anything she underestimated the percentage, and she should have doubled down on it. Think of the people in this country who grow up with REAL hardship and how much less they whine than Trump followers.

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Hillary was right about a lot more things than anybody ever knew. Including the great right wing conspiracy that everyone made fun of her about.

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And that Putin owned Trump. That Tulsi Gabert was a Russian troll/hack.

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Don’t look at me when you say “anybody” and “everyone.”

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Charles; me too!

At this point, raw anger is appropriate.

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In retrospect, "deplorable" was being kind. MAGA is filled with vile, hateful, indefensible people, and that's just a fact. Smart, informed, and patriotic people who actually put America first know this and won't vote for this dangerous lunacy.

You could argue in 2016 maybe, that people weren't fully aware of the dangers to America (though a majority were, i.e., HRC winning the popular vote), but that excuse is b.s. now.

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Mar 7, 2024
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Yes, the more people we get to turn away from the extension the better off society is in general.

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This is one of the most sickening individuals I have ever seen in my life.

He is an embarrassment to North Carolina, and should be trounced at the polls.

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He is North Carolina's Lt Gov. He was voted in by people who know what he is. Don't be surprised if they vote for him again. The GOP are maga-ots now. Any normal republicans left have to decide between staying with their corrupted party or switching parties. Based on the news, they are falling in line with their corrupted party.

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In other words, vast numbers of North Carolinians agree with him in every way.


And the hits just keep on coming.......

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Not all North Carolinians agree with Mark Robinson. The man is angry, abhorrent, and deranged. Yes, he is an embarrassment to NC. I was disgusted when he was elected lt. governor. I profoundly hope Josh Stein wins and that NC tips blue. If tRump and Robinson win, NO ONE is safe.

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What North Carolina needs -- and yes, I will make a financial donation, but not a huge one, as I'm broke -- is enough voters to put Robinson in his place, which is a lunatic asylum.

When South Carolina seceded in 1861, a critic said the state was too small to be an independent nation, but too large to be a lunatic asylum...maybe we can put Robinson there.

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There are lunatics that I've met and admire more than him.

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Yeah, I'm writing about David Irving and reading about Andrew Anglin, the internet neo-Nazi beast whose "troll wars" against his enemies resulted in a $14 million federal court judgment against him in favor of a very ordinary woman in Montana he ordered his acolytes to harass by e-mail, phone, and letter...for two years.

There are some very scary people in this world, and too many of them have access to the Internet, firearms, and positions of great power.

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Let's continue to hope more people can be shown the light.

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Sociopaths don’t turn it around. Sorry to break it to you. They get thrills for their continuing antisocial behavior that started when they were young. These are the people that spew christofascist hatred, stalk high-school boy (MTG) after he survives a school shooting at Parkland, air podcasts that promote nazis, on and on. We are all exhausted by it, however, I for one am enjoying trump squirm because of what he has in large part created with Steven Miller and Steve Bannon. If x space dude robot musk bails out Agent Orange from his financial woes, well, if you drive a Tesla, you might get keyed. Just sayin’. Isn’t bad enough that he treats his employees like utter garbage? Is anti-union, lacks an empathy chip ?(his brother said something similar) Two peas in a malignant narcissistic pod. They ONLY care about $$$ and condescend to their followers- and bring out the worst in people-who they really hate. Their followers are their tools who undermine their own self-interests. If you know someone who participates in WIC/SNAP/Free and reduced lunch/breakfast/ heat assistance/ child tax credit/ social security/ Medicaid/Medicare/public schools, tell them they are at risk for losing all of it. If they say it’s fake news, well, you tried. vote blue people.

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Not all of the MAGA base are sociopaths or psychopaths. Undoubtedly, a percentage of them are. I hold out a teensy weensy bit of hope that a few of them can be reached.

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I don’t live in NC but it seems to me it’s trending purple. It already has a democratic governor.

This lunatic is attracting all kinds of attention and none of it good.

I still think between the triangle and Asheville- he will lose.

And while the younger generations are voting against him they may well vote for Biden. In fact they might pull the lever for all down ballot Dems.

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But, as Judd Legum and co. point out, the lunatic gets a BIG endorsement from the Repub Govs. Assoc., who in turn has yuuge corporate backing, including the -*caff-caff* - "woke corporations" such as Microsoft, Alphabet (Google), et al. Total capture by the MAGA wing...well, actually, the MAGA "wing" now is the entirety of the GOP, full stop.

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The GOP is the MAGA Party, and anyone who wants to benefit from the Bloated Yam's re-election must kowtow to the Bloated Yam.

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Moderates are considered persona non grata now.

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Honorable people are avoiding politics because personal abuse is trump.

Note the pun.

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I yam what I yam and that’s all that I yam.

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I'm strong to the finish, 'cause I eat me spinach, I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.

He was not an original character in "Thimble Theater." Olive Oyl, her brother Castor Oyl, and her original boyfriend, Ham Gravy, were.

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Hopefully, the academics are right.

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Students who get high grades generally listen to their teachers.

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Generally speaking, of course.

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In theory.

It depends on the teacher, actually.

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It’s in-your-face-own-the-libs-horseshit.

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Or, as they call them, "libtards."

And my answer is:

How do you reconcile the idea that liberals are “libtards” bent on destroying this country when they defeated the Great Depression, won two World Wars, put humans on the Moon, passed the Civil Rights Act, inaugurated the eight-hour day, created Social Security, Unemployment Compensation, Medicare, Medicaid, the FDIC, stopped Stalin in Europe, empowered women, and even eliminated the use of company scrip?

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I did not need to read the entire article to know that NC will not elect a raving, bigoted lunatic.

There are too many millennials and Gen Z who live there within the triangle who’ll vote against him. In fact that might just tip NC into Biden’s camp.

Thanks Maga.

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Asheville, NC is solidly blue as well.

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He has already been elected to statewide office. He is Lt. Gov. Don't count your chickens yet.

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Gotcha. This is way more high profile and with his bat shit craziness that may be his undoing.


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Yeah, no one really pays attention to a Lt. Governor, compared to the spotlight he's going to be under now.

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Let's hope he melts.

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It would be nice if we could just throw water on him and he melted.

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Seems totally under the radar. NC finally expanded Medicaid on 12/1/2023, so where’s the obstruction or “outrage” from MRobinson?

Who is this guy?

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Robinson is absolutely terrible. An unhinged maniac, even for MAGA Republicans. When he loses the Governor’s race he should be banned from public life forever.

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As if Donald Trump could tell us two things about Martin Luther King.

As if Donald Trump could name another Black person.

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Well, he seems quite aware of Frederick Douglass and all he did recently...

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Would you like to bet the rent money Trump remembers that?

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Tim Scott has entered the chat. "I love you Donald! I love this man!!!"

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God, that made me want to gag. How can people humiliate themselves so deeply just to ride the coat tails of such a worthless human? It will remain a mystery to me...

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I will continue to maintain that we have been invaded by an alien presence (I'm thinking brain worms) until this bizarreness ends. It's too strange even for the psychology profession to explain.

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Brainwashing has that effect.

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Little Timmy Scott thinks he is going to be VP.

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Would you like to bet the rent money Trump remembers that?

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Well, sure he can--Trumpy thinks Frederick Douglass is still with us and that Barack Obama is still President...but no worries, Trumpy has aced a simple cognitive test.

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Would you like to bet the rent money Trump remembers that?

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Herschel Walker

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Would you bet the rent money Trump remembers who that even is?

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Maybe Tim Scott, his personal shoe-shine boy?

Love your handle, btw.

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Hey, now! Bootblacking (I love that old word) has always been honorable work! Shoe shiners just listen to their customers' BS and nod once in a while. They don't beg and scrape in front of them.

Scott, like most Republican politicians, is desperate to save his cushy job. Before 2022, he held to the mainstream R line, with occasional nods to racial justice. From that point, he made cautious anti-Trump statements before withdrawing from the 2024 contest. Now he's just another faux-happy lickspittle, hoping to forestall his ejection from TrumpWorld until the raving lunatic is incarcerated somewhere.

(Odds are strong that it won't be a detention facility,. I'd settle for a locked bungalow in Javanka's compound.)

"Boy," when referring to a Black adult, is not a good word, regardless of the metaphor.

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Would you like to bet the rent money Trump remembers that?

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As of Donald Trump could tell us anything meaningful or significant that improved our lives.

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As sick as these people are, I often wonder what happened in their life to damage them so; to make them so filled with hate that they threaten to destroy everything around them.

But, he will do what most all these types do, scrub their profile and move toward the "center" so the "news media" will say "look, he's not so bad." This is why we need sources like Jay to provide receipts with the truth.

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We need sources like Jay and we need to all unite to amplify the message in articles like this. MSM won't do it.

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Jesus F***ing Christ make this nonsense stop. The orange clown really opened doors to "normalizing" some bats*** crazies out there. This is disgustingly gross.

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The Republican Party.

Born March 20, 1854.

Died March 5, 2024.

Someone should let them know.

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McConnell’s endorsement of Trump was another nail in the coffin.

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I hope McConnell gets to sit and think about his burnt toast of a “legacy” for a loooooonnnnngggg time in his inevitable dotage. I don’t understand how people get like that, but his moral core is rotten, blackened, moldy, and unbearably foul. And I hope he realizes it.

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Not to mention Trump family members infiltrating party leadership.

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Plus the debacle with the Michigan GOP, where an election denier was elected seemingly on that platform alone, ran the party into the ground in under a year and then refused to leave office when she lost an election... Instead trying to simply hold her own GOP primary and pretend the real one was fake. Hmm, wonder where she got that playbook?

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So true!!!

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There's nothing like parasitic nepotism.

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He has a seat next to Judas in Hell only when Judas sees him Judas starts laughing and can't stop.

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It would be an interesting topic to talk about the exact moment the Republican Party died.

One might argue in 2015 when they handed PAB the Republican nomination.

Or was it when McConnell the traitor refused to impeach him?

I think we can definitively call it the day, arriving soon, when they nominate a losing candidate, an adjudicated rapist, insurrectionist traitor “ king of debt” , with 91 felony counts against him for their leader. They are maga now, yes the GOP is dead.

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Thank you to The Status Kuo for creating a great, easy to access list of the ways Robinson is terrible. I will be bookmarking this for future reference. As a member of the Hopium Community, I'm gonna be working to flip NC blue, and I'll use this when I'm phone-banking. Thanks, Jay!!

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"Robinson took a similar route by frequently attacking the Parkland students. “I remember when CHILDREN knew their place, and when they got out of place and got sassy, ADULTS would put them back into it,” he said."

Well, machine-gunning "sassy" kids in their classrooms certainly qualifies as "putting them in their place"...six feet under.

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Ugh. As a resident of NC, I am so ashamed that this lunatic is who my neighbors have chosen as a candidate. The good news to me is that the state has gone blue for governor for the last two elections and hopefully will again. They can’t gerrymander the state-wide elections.

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Just a wild guess that in the not too distant future we’ll learn that Robinson is a super freak. The more strident ones almost always are more corrupt and deviant.

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He's probably been projecting his satanism onto others.

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Mr Robinson is not going to be elected. The Mastriano comparison is quite apt and he was flambéd in that election. NC is not deep red, but purple, meaning there’s enough rational people to overcome Robinson’s hate filled fearmongering.

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You mean he isn't going to melt if water is thrown on him.

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If only…….

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Jay, I realize it's premature. But an outlook on possible congressional math (house and senate makeup) outcomes from the general election would be an interesting read.

Like, how does the new redistricting in various states likely play out. Diving deeper into extremist statewide elections including us senate.

And how do these potential outcomes change the congressional math if Biden is reelected?

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We are publishing a piece on this today in fact in The Big Picture! Be sure you’re subscribed: thinkbigpicture.substack.com/subscribe

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Thank you and I am!!!

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Just look for one of those excellent analytical articles by Nate Cohn.

Oh, wait.

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Folks we absolutely MUST win every branch.


The Senate

The Presidency

Let’s do it! 🇺🇸✨

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Don’t forget in all the state offices as well

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There is no doubt who Robinson is. People have known of his jack-assery for years. He hasnt kept it hidden. The real question is why does he have so many supporters? The GOP Klan supports him and every other nut case that runs for office.

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That may be because he's learned what bs to regurgitate. He follows his leaders well. For Trump he's a cog to be turned and thrown away when no longer of use.

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Jay, this is one of the scariest articles I’ve read lately. (Shiver) But a happy ending - and agreed, purple States are wising up. I’m getting ready for this.

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