I ordered her book, not because I like her politics but because I admire her principles. She is one of the few with the guts to call out the bad behavior of the party.

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Same. In the normal course of things, I do not agree with her on anything whatever. BUT - at least SHE takes her oath seriously. Apparently the rest of the GQP keeps their fingers crossed behind their backs when they take THEIR oaths.

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"In her book, Cheney praises Pelosi for always backing her and for her stalwart leadership. “We may have disagreed on pretty much everything else, but Nancy Pelosi and I saw eye to eye on the one thing that mattered more than any other: the defense of our Constitution and the preservation of our republic.”

And *this* is what sets Liz Cheney--even though otherwise she can be problematic--apart from the other Republicans. Ultimately, her priorities are the same as mine and most of us who are affiliated with the Democratic party. It's just damn appalling that the Republicans put political power and control above the Constitution and the greater good of the Republic. They may *claim* that our democracy is a republic, but they sure as hell don't respect the structures of our Republic much less the people who live here who they are supposed to be representing. A bunch of 'em would happily sell our country out to Putin, the Saudis, and/or the Chinese--if they haven't done so already.

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“In her book, Cheney praises Pelosi for always backing her and for her stalwart leadership. ‘We may have disagreed on pretty much everything else, but Nancy Pelosi and I saw eye to eye on the one thing that mattered more than any other: the defense of our Constitution and the preservation of our republic.’”

This is a major reason that Nancy Pelosi was one of our most effective politicians – ever. And why Liz Cheney is an American hero.

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Without his enables orange chump is just that, a useless chump. His enablers are the ones that have to go.

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THIS is the bottom line truth! Even with dt gone, the republican party will continue the slide to authoritarianism! Which is why every republican candidate must be opposed; yes, Nikki Haley is just as dangerous as the orange one.

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Yes, because Haley is backed by money that supports the oligarchs who strive to prevent a robust middle class, (that’s you and me) the backbone of a thriving economy.

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I think she’s potentially more dangerous; she’s intelligent, dresses nicely, and not obviously demented. Never forget she’s bought and paid for by the Koch’s.

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Thank you Jay for breaking it all down for us and a huge thank you for Liz Cheney for upholding her oath to uphold the Constitution. We all must vote, vote, vote!

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Cheney's stance is a far cry from my own beliefs, but I begrudgingly admire her guts in exposing Trump's dark realities and the rotten core of her party.

Cheney and her family are in dire need of a formidable security detail. She's practically got a target on her back.

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Her Dad has Secret Service protection - all she has to do is go home for the holidays.

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I’m sure she has protection currently. I’m saying she needs a full detail after the book’s release.

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You got that right. I’d consider having a good taster if I was her.

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I will have more respect for Liz Cheney if she shows up in Texas to campaign against Ted Cruz. That is what we really need here in Texas.

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With book in hand!

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If you haven't read Mary Trump's book "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man", I urge you to do so. Then, read "Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning" by Liz Cheney. The two complement each other and contain all we need to know to work toward keeping this from happening again.

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Thank you for the recommendation.

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My guess is that the referenced "depressed and not eating" stemmed from the fear that he would be imminently arrested for his crimes, but (unfortunately) that didn't happen in a timely manner and gave he and his co conspirators in Congress and elsewhere time to spin the media and regroup to act in furtherance and to this day their coup continues and I am f'ing sick of this B.S.

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I’m sorry, but I cannot image Donald Trump has EVER missed a meal. ‘Not eating’! Have you seen the guy? To quote a movie line, ‘the shadow of his ass weighs 20 pounds!’

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They lie as easily as we breathe, so while I am certain that he had the sads for being a loser despite all the help he received from his insurrection loving supporters (1k+ arrested/convicted), double voters (5 convicted FL), voters of dead people (3 convicted-NV, AZ,PA) and nearly all of the Republicans in Congress doing co conspirators shit, I don't believe he was off his feed either.

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Depressed because he'd run outta ketchup, so nothing worth eating...

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He has never stopped eating. He’s fatter now than he’s ever been.

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Nov 30, 2023
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No medical schooling in his background, so if getting their spin stories straight for regurgitation wasn't the reason, what do you think it was?

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"Those stages, Cheney noted, apparently included tweeting out in ALL CAPS. And later, denial, but this time of an entire election."

I much prefer MA IN ALL CAPS. <3

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Why do we need her warnings? Chump tells us everyday what a miserable, Democracy hater he is.

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There are a small but important number of Republicans who agree with Cheney and need to hear from her. They are the ones who decided 2022 and will help decide 2024..

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What is valuable about her testimony is not necessarily what it tells us about how amoral, despicable and dangerous Orange Caligula is, but how outrageously compliant and complicit the Republican Party has become. It is one thing to have differing views on policy; it is quite another to abandon principles of mutual respect and cooperation in order to force one’s views or policies upon others and essentially deceiving yourself that it is for the best in the long run.

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Liz Cheney may have a backbone but her voting record is still one against humanity. She may not want solely enrich herself like the rest of the GOP, but she still wants people not like her to suffer.

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I'm listening. In fact, I warned everybody the day Biff slithered down his golden staircase. I know

3 people that know him and his horrible ways, so I had a leg up. No one listened to me; but I'm nobody. I doubt that there will be many that listen to her. What a shame if they don't.

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I lived in NYC during the mid eighties to mid nineties....how could we not know the man! I feel for you. I tried to warn too

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New York knew. And yet that message barely made it into the NYT ( I think they secretly support Trump) and it certainly never made it to the Midwest…

Some of us knew but we were in the minority…

I mean if you had to make a short list of the people you would NOT give the nuclear codes to, he’d be at the top of the list. And yet…

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All well and good, but like so many of today's Never-tRumpers, Liz Cheney actively supported tRump in 2016, and was in his camp in Congress up to the 2020 election aftermath. Sure buyer's remorse NOW, but not after years of enabling this jackass, as so many GOP loyalists have done, until the scales dropped from some of their eyes. Doubt if I'll pay good money to purchase her book, but better late than never with her revelations, I suppose.

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And I'm willing to bet she will not Biden in 24. Crickets there.

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If she endorses Biden, and she had better, then we will really know her mettle.

She has literally said, repeatedly, we must do everything it takes to insure 45 never returns to office.

I believe she is sincere. So, I do think she will endorse Biden. She’s already displayed the backbone willing to lose her seat.

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I’m thinking the same, and this will be the true test of her political courage. She can’t possibly believe that writing in a choice or voting for a third-party candidate would be of any help to Biden.

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I pray you are right. There are precious few republicans supporting Biden at this point. But I also am hopeful and honestly, I don't think Rump stands much of a chance.

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It is galling that a woman whose political positions I usually loathe would stalwartly defend the Constitution despite the heavy price she paid. We all need to take heed and vote like it may be our last free election ever.

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"... and vote like it may be our last free election ever." Strike "like it may", insert ", otherwise it will...". FIFY.

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we should be so lucky to get a free election

it's been decades coming to this, and here we are...it's down to luck...

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We have to vote as if it were and in large numbers. That is our only hope. The rethugs are not as popular as they think and are locked into their insanity of doubling down on the things which have not worked.

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I've been through the publishing process, and it seems pretty clear that publishers can be a little more nimble than they let on. Trump's retribution bit is relatively new. But I do think, also, that her observations regarding Mike Johnson were written down *well before* he became speaker. This adds to their importance, IMO. It probably didn't take this long for Ms. Cheney, but it can take 2 years between manuscript completion and final product. So what she is saying about Johnson isn't just being said because he's now 3rd in line to the presidency. She made note of this a long time ago (in relative terms), and jotted it down for us to see. I find this noteworthy.

I disagree with almost everything Liz Cheney has said during her political career, but at least her motives are genuine. It's pretty damning that there were two legit Republican congress critters (her and Kinzinger), and the crazies ousted both of them. If there's another one currently in the House, he/she hasn't stepped forward.

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