9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

Good and reassuring post. Arizona AG Kris Mayes has more than once stated her commitment to the rule of law; and here we see it in action. She's also indicted 18 people on 9 felony counts coming out of Trump's Fake Electors plot - the 11 Az fakes themselves and seven Trump standards such as Meadows, Giuliani etc. All throwing away their futures for that lying POS. The judge has set a distant trial date of Jan 2026 so I don't know what that portends, but none of these folks are resting easy and all are scrambling to pay lawyers.

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Jan 2026?????? Ghouliani will be dead by then.

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If he is, at least he will have had this hanging over his head for the rest of his life. That's something, at least. <sigh>

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9 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

Thanks Jay, this will hopefully help keep the number of people willing to gum up the works at a local level to a minimum.

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There are people in Texas already claiming that the Trumpers are messing with the ballots. They claim they press the button on the machine for Kamala, and it switches to Trump. They have to push the button multiple times because it "defaults" to Trump. And elsewhere in Texas, they're saying they voted for KH, but the paper ballot that prints says Trump.

Not to mention, I've heard from friends in Texas about significant voter intimidation. People are leaving the lines to the polls without voting because the Trumpers are harassing them.

I've emailed the DNC, Harris campaign, and ACLU; not sure what else to do. I'm in NY, so this is not an area I'm familiar with, but we're losing votes in Texas because the Trumpers are going wild.

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If you contact the state Democratic Party, the offices of Jasmine Crockett or Colin Allred they should be able to assist you in finding the voter protection hotline for Texas. I have volunteered on those hotlines in the past here where I live.

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The DNC provided a number to call; the issue is I'm not there in person. I'm hearing things from people I trust, but I can't report with veracity because it didn't happen to me. I did share the DNC's hotline, so hopefully people are calling.

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Also reach out to Election Protection and report it there! https://866ourvote.org/

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So get the actual friend or her mother that it happened to to call!

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They claim they are afraid. I don't live in Texas, so I don't know what it's like, but people there are so worried about retribution that they're terrified to say anything or be identified as democrats. It is so foreign to me - but they just keep their heads down and stay quiet. They won't say a word.

Believe me, I have *tried* so hard to get this friend to call someone or say something, but they're terrified of being found out. It's beyond scary.

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Just think how much MORE afraid they'll be if the orange sadist wins!

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The machines bit sounds non-credible to me, Melissa. I'd check that source very carefully before reposting it. Similar with the intimidation... nobody knows who you're going to vote for when you're in line. Be careful.

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This happened to my friend's mother yesterday in Plano (the machine changing her vote several times).

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Then maybe it's something like these user interface issues; which certainly are concerns (but not nefarious).



One thing you can be sure of is that nobody is programming machines to switch votes.

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I often have problems on my phone with 'touch screen'! Here in VA we are given a paper ballot and a pen to fill in ovals. A greeter at the door has a can full on pens, hands you one, directs you to a table to present ID and be registered, and then collects the pen after you put your ballot, marked side down, into the scanner.

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My bigger fear is of the GOP controlled states as they do all they can to obstruct and intimidate voters!

They can’t win unless they disenfranchise and intimidate voters. If not for the electoral college republicans wouldn’t have a chance in hell.

VOTE BLUE TEXAS! We know your state can and will eventually turn blue. Gotta rid ourselves of the corruption that is.

I would like to wear these kinds of shirts in Texas 👇 🤣


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I am hearing of similar vote switches in TN, too, as reported by The Tennessee Holler (it's a good one, no worries!). Memphis area, Nashville area, East TN, so not concentrated in one area at all. One of the things folks have said is that if you touch the box rather than the name, it switches to the name above, hence change a Harris to the Dumpster. We have just been warned to double and triple check our votes before submitting. I've voted in every election here and have not found that trouble so when we early vote this weekend, I'll see if we run in to anything.

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I received a text message about that yesterday. "People in Fort Worth TX are reporting their votes are flipping to Harris, don't scan your ballot until you double check." And of course, there was a video of someone claiming it happened to them.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

Jay, the way you often write your pieces, as in: here's the overview, let me break it down for you, is so very helpful to a reader such as I. After your insightful look at a situation, I know that I have more clarity and understanding of complex issues for which I would otherwise be lost at sea. Thanks.

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Classic election officials tend to be no-nonsense people who are focused on facts and fairness. Washington State's excellent paper ballot system was developed by Republican Secretaries of State over the past couple of decades. This newer maga election denier trend is a flash in the pan... I hope.

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I hope so, too.

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Who smiles for a mug shot.

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People who are proud of the crime they committed.

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People who would lose a game of chess to a rubber dick with a wig on it.

This can be read several ways right now...

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7 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

I fully expect there to be a number of people on the Finding Out side of a certain popular maxim come November.

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I sure hope so!

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8 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

Thanks for the encouraging information.

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We always do mail in ballots and refuse to stand in a long line and use those machines. The envelopes our ballots were sent in said right on the front: "Vote by Mail. It's Safe" or something like that.

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I'm of two minds on mail in ballots. They certainly have benefits, but they also have two weaknesses. In-person voting was created for a reason. First, you can't guarantee secrecy. Abusive spouses, for instance. And second, they allow vote buying. With in-person voting, the ballot never leaves the polling place. And, importantly, the voter does not get a receipt stating how they voted. With a mail ballot, there is little preventing Elon Musk from offering a raffle of a million dollars per week if you show your ballot marked for Trump (his current raffle is already scarily similar).

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I’ve wondered about those aspects of mail in ballots, particularly spousal abuse/intimidation.

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Here in California (Los Angeles County) we are automatically delivered a mail-in ballot, but there are secure drop boxes in *many* locations. I’ve dropped our ballots in those before, rather than letting USPS screw it up.

I worked the primary as a vote center clerk and am doing the same for the general coming up, so will vote in person instead. 75% of the vote centers are open for 4 days and the balance are open for 11 days, so lots of time for early in-person voting with no lines and less chance of running into MAGA goons.

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I would not rely on USPS!! I have a pkg. with tracking # that left OH 10/10 and has been in Richmond distribution center since. Also another tracking # going back to 2022 that we've never received! All Christmas packages will be shipped via Fed-Ex or UPS.

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I do mail-in, although since there is a drop box within easy walking distance of my house, it goes there. HOWEVER - where I live, you absolutely do get a receipt via email, saying your ballot has been received and will be counted. As always, YMMV, but I believe most jurisdictions that permit mail-in balloting do it this way.

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Yes, and the Los Angeles County system (the largest county in the USA by population) registers the mail-in ballot, but if you come to a Vote Center and say you would prefer to vote in-person, we can easily manually void your mail-in and issue you an in-person ballot to vote right then. It’s a damn good system and outrageously secure!

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It iswell past time to hold accountable election officials who violate their oaths to state law and the Constitution.

To encourage fidelity to their oaths and their duties, it is only necessary to comvict one or two of crime and mete out appropriate sentences.

Our democracy is based on free, and fair voting and the ACCURATE CERIFICATION OF VOTES.

Election officials who violate their oaths must be held liable for crime and sentenced accordingly.

Just two three examples of this would correct the problem in a flash.

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Apparently no MAGA asshole cares, Stuyvesant.

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I get the feeling that despite how many MAGAs receive rightful punishment for their malfeasance in service of him, the rest will still be entranced and will repeat the same lying and subversion in this election. MAGAs are nothing if not obstinate.

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But they may end up like that one woman - bankrupt and then pleading guilty to the next charge. Funny how having your life savings swept out from under you will change your attitude. And trump isn't going to pay her legal fees.

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If MAGAs pay attention to what happened to people like her, and that's a big if, because it's doubtful Fux and other rw media will tell their zombies about her punishment, they would have the chance to see the error of their ways. But the chance is small because of the depth of their delusion.

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I disagree, the right wing media will be all about what happened to their poor patriot! How unfair it is and how terrible. The news will get out although the right wing spin will be different than normal news.

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In regards to North Carolina, you state, "Now that the State Board of Elections has some practice removing bad apples from the barrel, county level officials testing the limits of their power during the upcoming election may find themselves quickly out of office."

This could be a two-edged sword. Unfortunately, MAGA does learn from their mistakes. What's to prevent them from stacking the State Board of Elections in the future in order to remove Democratic county level officials? Or replacing Democratic DAs/AGs with MAGAts who can then threaten Democrats in those offices?

This is getting ridiculous. How in the world do we stop this nonsense once and for all? With MAGAts in the majority on the Supreme Court, where do we find any ultimate authority with good sense?

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One way to head this off is to ensure Democrats (or at least law-abiding Republicans) win statewide public office! The reason we can act swiftly against these miscreants is that there are Democratic AGs and SoS in place in these battlegrounds.

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Question, Jay: What are your thoughts on the feasibility/practicality of federal laws that govern some of this (perhaps as part of VRAA or FTVA)? Or would that infringe on Constitutional requirements regarding states running their own elections?

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Even decades ago, Jimmy Carter has said that US elections would not pass muster with UN observers. Maybe it is time to actually invite international observers.

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Don’t forget dear little Tina Peters from Mesa county in Colorado… She got nine years in prison for her election interfering.

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The party of "less government," "law and order," "the Constitution," "family values," "back the blue," "support our troops," "fiscal responsibility" do the diametric opposite of all those things. They are so full of shit that it defies belief to anyone who is not completely deluded. So absolutely, punish the fuck out of these election deniers. They are disobeying the rule of law. Lock them up!

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FAFO, indeed! Now that AZ has a Dem Gov and SecState, MAGA mischief should be lessened, or quickly snuffed if attempted. Same in MI, and PA. DOJ is on "Stand back, stand by" - LOL! - alert, ready to throw the book at mischief-making, interference, and outright criminality in vote interference.

Bring it on, MAGA!

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Check this map for the counties with election official who are also pro-Trump election deniers.


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