I am appalled that Congressional Democrats are asking Biden to resign. They have NO IDEA how much support he has among voters. They are jeopardizing our ability to retain the presidency!

They do not seem to understand that retaining the Presidency is now 1000% MORE IMPORTANT that Biden be re-elected. If elected, he can quickly and easily pass the presidency on to Harris once he wins.

The misguided actions of Congressional Democrats are infuriating!


FORMER REPUBLICANS and many other voters who are disgusted with Trump and the Republican Party are planning to vote for BIDEN! Biden has strong support among voters!

Republicans are supporting a criminal and pathological liar and are trying to destroy our democracy but yet Democrats cannot support a President who has done an outstanding job as president.

Once re-elected, Biden can easily pass the Presidency on to Harris and WE STILL RETAIN THE PRESIDENCY!

PLEASE!! Can someone convince Congressional Democrats to solidly unite behind Biden!!


Please Democrats, take a page from Republicans who are in lockstep behind Trump and COMPLETELY UNITED in their support of a criminal!


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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

This mass hysteria isn't confined to hurting just the top of the ticket. Fundraising across the board for Democrats has taken a nosedive since this crap started. We have House and Senate races to win, governorships up for grabs, state legislative races to flip, and all we hear is demoralizing talk about replacing a successful, effective president because he had a bad night. It's sickening.

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Had a bad night in part because he was sick.... and dealing with a child at the time.

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I don’t trust the media reports about everyone asking President Biden to resign. They’ve been sheltering the ex for sooo long now that it feels like a new project.

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Yes I am one the donated monthly to many of the democrats and now I don’t. I only donate to Biden and Harris. All the other democrats can go at it without my support.

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Like you, I donate to Biden-Harris, but I've stopped donating to any candidate who won't support our President. I only give to those who do.

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Obviously. Because these assholes, Nancy Pelosi being a big one, are making the Dems into the party of chaos, when under Biden we got to escape the daily chaos we had from Trump (not totally since he would not let go like a true Fascist). This behavior has been unbelievable. Like, does someone have Kompramot on them, or are they switching parties? It is inhumane. These people do not represent what the party is supposed to stand for, not to say it is perfect. Still, this is crazy.

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I can't figure out what all these Dems are thinking. Who will they replace Pres. Biden with? Whoever that is will have to start from scratch raising money, because most of those pots of money can't just be transferred from one candidate to the other. I don't want Pres. Biden to withdraw, but I'd feel much better about all this if those calling for his removal showed that they had a plan. This is like going into Afghanistan without any plan except "Get Bin Laden and make the country a democracy." 20 years of that showed us how well that worked. "Get rid of Biden and then we'll figure out what to do." Yeah, right.

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This is like going into Afghanistan without any plan except "Get Bin Laden and make the country a democracy." 20 years of that showed us how well that worked. "Get rid of Biden and then we'll figure out what to do."

Wow. Great analogy.

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That's easy, the plan is there. Top donors have already stopped giving to Biden, so he IS the fundraising problem. And the most likely choice to replace him is Kamala Harris, who already shares whatever pot of money there is.

Don't make it sound like there is no plan.

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There is 4 months til the election and 4 weeks to the convention. States have to permit someone else to replace Biden on the ballot. That takes time. Red states won’t make it easy. Campaigning has to be done, $ has to be raised. I do not see how this can be accomplished with the time that’s available. If Dems wanted to replace Biden, they should have started a year ago. None of them have a solid plan to replace Biden. Our democracy is at stake. Dems need to support Biden like the Reps are supporting the felon.

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And with every day Biden refuses the inevitable, that situation is getting worse.

Every day Biden is campaigning only seems to highlight his weakness more.

Don't forget another benefit: TFG wants to run against Biden. He knows he can win, and he spent months and mega-$$$ smearing Biden. Substituting somebody else will erase all that effort.

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Bullshit. He is campaigning just fine--his speeches at NATO and and since have been FINE. Why replace a President with a successful list of achievements, who has been rated as among the top 20 in US history for who know what? You are proposing that we just hand Trump the Presidency without further ado. STUPIDITY, thy name is Democrat--or are you? Perhaps you are a Russian bot, interfering in this election.

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TFG hasn’t smeared Biden as effectively as his OWN expletive party leadership. For fucks sake, as Jeff T would say.

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Then they need to SAY that's the plan! Right now it's all "Biden is hurting all of us." and nothing else. No plan, just crickets. That won't work and will lead to the repuklicans taking over!!

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That's the tricky part. You really can't come out and publicly present a replacement until AFTER Biden steps back. I'm sure in private conversations, this has all been discussed.

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Problem is that Harris can't win at the top of the ticket. We have way to much misogyny in this country. Much of it under wraps. Tell me if I need to explain the That Woman problem to you. (I can, but if you already know it I don't need to.)

If you want Harris as president, vote in Biden. It's stealth but it could work.

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Somebody else suggested that earlier, and it might be a workable idea. Leave the ticket intact, but put the running mate front and center in the campaigning.

I'm not as pessimistic as you are. The misogynists are not our target audience; they are already firmly in the MAGA camp; a male D candidate wouldn't dislodge them. People also said we could never have a black President. Until Obama proved them wrong. The thing is that the small bigoted minority makes a lot of noise and appears larger than they are.

Harris would actually hit a trifecta: a woman, black and Asian. And smart and competent on top of that.

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Not all misogynists are men.... that's one big problem. There is a lot of internalized gunk in the human brain.

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True, but not really relevant. Female misogynists tend to also vote MAGA already.

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Go back to being the troll that you are because nothing you or anyone else says makes sense. You don’t try to derail a train that has already left the station. Changing the conductor now is fruitless and that is the reason you want to stop the process.

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Tell that to the donors who have stopped giving. Tell that to the Representatives and Senators who are urging Biden to drop out. Tell that to Pelosi and Obama.

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New day - I was mad when I heard that Biden stepped down. But seeing everyone coalesce around Harris is making me feel better.

I just worry that she won't do well in swing states.

I'm still angry about them hounding Biden to quit the race.

I hope Harris wins.

Do we think that America is less racist and misogynistic than we've seen?

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Sorry, but the US is a racist and misogynistic (see Hillary Clinton) country.

Kamala cannot win.

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Oh, come on. Hillary wasn't entitled to win just because she's a woman. Regardless of gender, she still needed to be electable. And outside the few urban areas she did win, she just wasn't.

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Due to the 30 year "vilify Hillary" campaign by the right and misogynists.

She lost because she was FEMALE.

And you outed yourself as a misogynist>"Hillary wasn't entitled to win just because she's a woman." Like racists out themselves as racists when they say someone was not entitled to win because they were black.

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Yes the 30 year smear campaign by Richard Melon Scaife, an heir of the Melon banking fortune, who was a conspiracy crank, and an unethical private investigator strung him along about the Clintons being criminals. They never found anything, but talked up the investigations as if they had. All to keep his wallet open. The kicker? When Scaife met Hillary, he liked her!

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No, she lost because she displayed a sense of entitlement and had nothing substantial to offer beyond "I'm not as bad as the other guy". Gender had nothing to do with it.

You are saying that when a woman is running she should be automatically elected just because of her gender? Come on. Apply the same standard as you would for men.

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Biden had one bad debate now after 3 weeks of strong rallies and speeches they are still talking about replacing him? It boggles the mind. It seems to me that the complainants are either hoping to be the ones to replace him for their own agendas, have been compromised (blackmailed or been bought off to tank Biden’s nomination) or they do want TCFG to win. Imho.

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And possibly, our social media has been infiltrated by naysayers whose origins are domestic.

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Biden didn’t have a bad debate. There was no debate. If a fighter can’t lift his arms and is immediately knocked out or mercilessly pummeled for 90 minutes, did he just have a bad night? Biden is in a serious decline and I would be shocked if he doesn’t step aside by Monday morning. Our focus needs to be on Trump, not on literally holding our candidate up.

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Trump just spewed old lies and acted like he was on a rally, how is someone who expected a debate supposed to counter that? The «serious decline» lie is something the right-wing media has told you, you are just being a useful idiot for the Trump campaign. Who would replace him, and get on the ballots this late in the race? Red states can just refuse to change the ballots - they decide the electoral rules in their states. And then Trump wins by default. All because you believed the Trump-backing NYT etc.

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As Rachel Maddow calls it "the firehouse of news". Many refer to "flood the zone with so much shit, their brains will shut down."

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🎯The debate monitors should have made the orange clown answer the questions instead they just let him lie, unimpeded doing the Gish Gallop.

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Actually, I have eyes and ears and some experience with geriatrics. One responds to lies with impenetrable facts.

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OK, go back listen to any one of the diatribes he did and now compose a 2 minute response that rebuts all his lies and then get your message out. Tik tok time is a wasting.

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Look up Gish gallop. The debate prep didn't seem to cover it not that there is really any effective response to it.

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Awesome. It’s out of my hands. Hope your plan works. Because if it doesn’t…

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Biden had been weak for a long time before the debate; that was just the straw that broke the camel's back. When even Nancy Pelosi is saying "Biden can't win" you may want to take the concerns a bit more seriously.

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The man who brought this country back after COVID, with economy booming, the stock market higher than ever, more jobs created, and even inflation starting to edge back - that man is weak in your opinion? You don't know what weak is. Biden might be old and he might occasionally be goofy, but weak he is definitely on.

You know.... during WWII people spreading propaganda like "oh, we should just surrender - the Germans are SO much stronger than we are! What's the point in resisting?" were subject to immediate arrest, harsh questioning, and often a firing squad. Even then, trolling was not a good look - and it being a war, was treated accordingly, on par with spying for the enemy, etc. Now, why would I think about that just now?

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Biden does deserve a lot of credit. But running for President is not reward for past accomplishments. Hillary ran on the same idea - and lost.

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And as for your WW II analogy - I usually am used to much better from you. Calling for the arrest of somebody who disagrees with you? That's pure JD Vance.

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She has never said that—enough with the lying and trolling.

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I rather go with what CNN is reporting.

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Oh, CNN—REALLY?? yeah, you and Lance can both take a hike.

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I am letting all of these Democrats know that they no longer have my support. Don’t support Joe? I don’t support you.

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This is about the money. Without it you don’t have a campaign. It is most certainly drying up. The Dems can run a chihuahua for all I care. I’m voting blue as always.

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Urgently needed: yard signs and bumper stickers:


People forget that our president has some powers, but he is not a dictator. He doesn't "run the country". A good president has an even better team behind him that make him/her look good! It's a group endeavor.

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You can call the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121 to voice your support of President Biden and asked that the Democrats in the House & Senate stand behind him as well.

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It’s about… Never Trump!

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That's why I keep posting the question to Republicans: what do you love more - this country or tax cuts for the rich and power for your party? No answers so far.

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Appalled? I’m not appalled at all because I realized that all politicians see themselves as leaders of the people rather than servants of the people.

For me, I recognize no leaders. I will not be led.

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Well, then you might want to go and form your own country somewhere on an island. All people, all countries, all groups of all sizes have leaders - one way or another. So, if you don't want to be led, you either have to be one that's doing the leading or you have to go somewhere where there are no other people.

Generalized statements and demagoguery have yet to help anyone.

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Thank you for your comment. However, I do not think in terms of ones and zeros but more analog.

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I'm afraid we are witnessing the "swift-boating" of the entire Democratic ticket! Some of it by Democrats themselves!

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Sorry, but in addition to the Schumer-Jeffries "intervention", the WaPo is now reporting that Barack Obama has lent his considerable weight and prestige to the "seriously consider your viability as a candidate" full-court press on Biden, in the hope that Joe will indeed recognize that it's NOT 2020, and that he's NOT the answer to tRump-Hillbilly.

That faint writing on the wall is beginning to gain clarity, we're at the end of the beginning, now it's just a matter of time before the inevitable gains sufficient momentum to change up the race and go with Kamala Harris heading the Dem ticket.

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The problem is that a new candidate cannot win. It's never worked in the past and I don't see it working now. We switch we lose. And no savvy politician is going to step forward to get pummeled, so you are going to end up with an idiot running.

This isn't even bringing a knife to a gun fight, this is bringing a plastic spork with broken tines.

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Who was the wapo source?? Why are you still reading their gossip posing as news??

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It was anonymous sources. Therefore, to be taken with a grain of salt.

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Of course—and thank you for confirming!

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Thank you! The Murdoch tabloid criminal Will Lewis, running it will run it downhill.

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I agree that Biden is likely a "spearpoint candidate" who won't complete his second term. If the DNC cannot get behind him, and refuses to stop attacking him in public, then there is only one other "spearpoint candidate" that could capture the White House and then hand it over to a suitably chosen VP. That is Michelle Obama. I have written to her requesting that she consider this role, knowing that she has always stated that she will never run for president.

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That's ridiculous. The ONLY candidate who is legally entitled to access the millions of dollars in campaign donations to Biden-Harris is the current VP. The only candidate who could legally be allowed on the ballot in all 50 states is the current VP. Michelle Obama has said over and over again she's not interested in running for political office. Why on earth would the Democrats bypass our VP?

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Can you blame her? Would you want that lousy job?

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After what she went through as First Lady for 8 years? Hell no!

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Heavens, no!

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Why is there not a down vote button? Your half baked attempt at an idea needs a thousand downvotes. She is not running and she won't run.

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🎯🎯🎯. Michelle Obama hates politics. It's not news.

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Exactly. I don't know how many times and how many ways she can say it. She has been incredibly firm about that.

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This is NONSENSE. Get outta town with this Michelle Obama BS. She isn't interested in running--she has repeatedly stated that.

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I would love to see Michelle Obama (or a number of other very capable people) but it would probably take too long to build momentum. Maybe in 2028.

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That’s a completely absurd idea. Michelle Obama has said repeatedly that she wants no part of running for president.

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yup. way too smart and not nearly enough ego.

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Which show just how much of a pipedreamer you are. Come up with a solid possibility for leadership and a viable plan for fundraising and transferring all the grassroots workers and get going. And keep it to yourself until you do have a real, DOABLE plan.

But stop running down our chief exec in public; you are only helping the Repubbies with this baloney.

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I am hoping that waiting this out will pay off. Once he is the nominee they will need to back track and fight for him. Once we get unity we should be able to get the job done and keep Biden in office. Instead of trying to tank him they should be pointing out what Trump is offering that people don't want. Abortion, Economics and Education are the winning issues. The Republicans own the immigration topic because the dems let them. They cannot now come in and say it is wrong, or point out how immigrants are good for our economy because they did not do that 3 years ago when they could have taken ownership of the topics. Looking at this data, https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/50035-what-americans-think-about-project-2025

you can see that 27% of the Dems polled think that military patrolling the border would be a good thing, whereas 80 percent of Republicans polled think that. In this poll the lowest approval from both parties were removing Mifepristone the abortion drug, and removing legal protections against discriminations based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

We have got to focus on the issues that people care about most in our messaging. If people know what they intend to happen to public education (destroy it totally) and college education (unfund it except for private loans, and no longer accredit universities based on former criteria, but some new Right wing Christian standards) they are going to be against it. We have to get this information out to the people who can be persuaded to go out and vote.

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I don’t blame you for the capital letters. This is a waking nightmare. Ten percent of the Democratic Party listening to wealthy donors.

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… Lucy consider my reply

to dworkin's ' vance'



last night

a return / reburn to


my hero joe leads

with his heart ...he is

beloved for this

ask my President




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These guys are forgetting that the folks they deport really have nowhere to go.

They'll come back.

And unless we REALLY build a Maginot Line on the frontier...which we can't, and look what happened to the original, they'll be back.

No, eventually, a bunch of high-ranking Proud Boys and Roger Stones will meet in some Beltway Mansion with laptops and PowerPoint presentations to handle the "storage problem" and launch a "Final Solution" to the "illegal immigrant question" through "resettlement."

Sound familiar?

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It’s hard to like your post, but I did it to share how well you explained the dire situation.

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It's not intended to be "liked."

I'm issuing a serious and frightening warning.

The people who will administer the Bloated Yam's Second Coming are racists and have no compassion. They will be delighted to use the combination of modern technology (Zyklon D? G? H?), standard prison equipment (barbed wire), and old-fashioned sadism (beatings and rape) to butcher anyone they think is "vermin."

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Horrifying and true. Just read history.

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Yes they will and I am amazed at the hypocrisy of the immigrants theme. Trump only wants to deport brown and black immigrants. He has an immigrant for a wife. All his children are from immigrants. His mother was an immigrant. So if you are white then it’s okay to come here? What about the Russians and Europeans immigrants that come in. The chain migration has mostly worked for white people. Trump wife brought her family here. Einstein visa my ass.

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You have it exactly right…it’ll be interesting to see if the Bloated Yam’s new immigration policies are used to block gays and Jews as well…

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Katherine, I hope you do not mind me sharing what popped into my mind when I read your post. I thought that life has always been a series of dire situations that often we choose to not see. But when do see it is impossible to forget.

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All I was commenting on was the fact that we “like” by tapping the heart. It’s the only choice here, rather than “agree” or “disagree” which might be what we mean. Obviously I know the truth of this post.

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I was not criticizing I was only sharing. Sorry if one of us is being Wittgenstein and the other the lion.

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I didn’t think you were criticizing, Jim. I just worry about being misunderstood. And you sent me to Google because I had never heard of the lion story you referenced. Perhaps a philosophy course is in order?

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I have found wading through philosophy courses and books to be antithetical to my way of learning. Instead I try to find the underlying gems—at least for me—of thought I find useful. Incidentally, I often drop gems like Wittgenstein’s Lion because I’m lazy and helps me to not need to keep rolling some Sisyphusian stone up the hill only for it to roll back down to a level of not having some elusive understanding.

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And keep in mind once they build those camps to hold people they can fill them with anybody. Who's next?

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Well, next or simultaneously will be the Bloated Yam’s enemies, real and imaginary.

After that, probably Muslims. Then gays, per Project 2025.

After that, I’m not sure.

But last will be the Jews. They always come for Jews.

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Any one who speaks out against the yam will be in for it. Anyone trying to protest anything. Unless they are carrying rifles.

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The folks carrying rifles will be facing the 3rd Guards Shock Army, sent by Putin in "fraternal assistance."

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The rifle people will be rallying for trump. Just like they were during covid.

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Illegal immigration should be ended, not mitigated; the border sealed, not reprioritized.

Project 2025, page 13

“The mainstream media has spent much time dissecting Project 2025’s anti-immigration policies. We’ve read about detention camps and forced deportations. Christo-fascist Republicans will create a nation hostile to all non-white immigrant populations.”

“But the charge to “seal the border” doesn’t only apply to immigrants. Think about what a Christo-fascist Republican win could mean for Americans traveling abroad for holidays or looking to emigrate. The goal to “seal the border” could impact American emigrants, too.”


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The only people who will benefit from this plan will be racists (who will volunteer to guard the camps and the border, doing so by terminating people with extreme prejudice) and contractors that supply the camps and borders with everything from stone walls to toilet paper.

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A sad step downward from the military-industrial complex. Now government contractors getting rich off of the deportation camp-industrial complex.

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Those contractors are usually defense contractors, and the staff of these camps will be former or even active military.


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I never heard of the Maginot Line. Thanks for a bit of education today!

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The Maginot Line is one of military's great historical failures. Built after the Great War (1914-1918) to prevent a second German invasion of France, the Nazis simply drove around it and left the troops within it encircled. It was a tremendous fortress, but it failed in its mission.

While the Germans stripped it of everything from 150mm guns to cookstoves after France surrendered, they used it to defend the Reich when the Americans drove into the Lorraine in 1944. The French then re-used some of its massive forts for their postwar army, but some of them are now museums.

You can ride the trolleys that carried troops around the massive "ouvrages," walk into the turrets, and the guides will train out the artillery.

Here's the Wikipedia entry:


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Jul 18Liked by Jay Kuo

It looks like there were chants of "send them back" during Abbott's speech. Sure, do that, and watch your restaurants, hotels, construction crews, farms, care facilities, etc. close because they can't get workers! They'd be "sendingvthem back", in some cases, to die. So much for unity. That did not age well!

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Do that, and the results will be COVID lockdown on steroids. Businesses will be forced to close, grocery store shelves will be empty of produce and dairy products, nursing homes won't be able to operate, and on and on and on...........

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Yup. If conservatives are truly upset about inflation and the cost of groceries now, wait until 10-20 million people are deported and see how much your strawberries and your eggs and your milk cost. See how housing prices go. See how expensive a nursing home becomes, IF you can find one with any staff.

It’s like they’ve enjoyed the benefits of immigrants for decades and truly see no value in what they do. Shows how self absorbed the GOP truly is.

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Sadly, the rich “conservatives” don’t care and the poorer ones don’t understand. Magical thinking - “it can’t happen to me”

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I imagine that they dream of white Duggar size families to repopulate the country and in the meantime, I wouldn't put it past them to consider sterilizing women who aren't.

Our wonderful governor here in Iowa signed a law making illegal immigration a state crime. I also saw an article stating that Pres Biden is suing. Surely there are better ways to handle the situation. As you said, we need the immigrants.

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That's EXACTLY what they imagine. They (meaning white evangelicals) have always had a plan to outbreed everyone else and take over. It's something they are proud of and will tell anyone who asks. They SAY it's god's plan so that everyone will be saved by jesus, but that is only a small part of it. It's a thinly veiled attempt to stop "the great replacement."

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Exactly! Decades ago, in Arizona, they deported thousands. That backfired quickly!

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Jul 18Liked by Jay Kuo

It's backfiring right now in Florida, too. And also in Hazelton, PA, which had its own anti-immigrant ordinance.

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Migrant workers don't want to go to certain states even if the won the lottery and are allowed to work...gee, what a surprise! I mean, greedy employers underpay the workers, they put them in falling done trailers, and force them to pay rent...

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I remember here in Ariz when Mexican farm workers called braceros were banned. Farmers in Yuma organized and worked out plans to recruit high school coaches to bring their teams there to live in shabby barracks, eat lousy food and toil in a blazing sun to pick cantaloupes marketed as a bonding experience for the teams. As I remember the coaches got extra money handling the kids and they all were promised a bonus if they worked until a certain date. Days before that they were fired and not paid the bonuses.

I have

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Above sent before finishing by accident.

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I went there to pick cantaloupe as a way to get away from home for awhile. I had already tried picking strawberries in Oregon the year before. I was not successful accumulating money but I did learn more about people doing what they can to survive and how others exploit the poor to live a comfortable life style. Not judging for to do so would be a denial of human nature but a human nature that I try not to follow.

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And what will the wealthy use for slaves and Nannie’s and housekeepers. I’m betting they’ll be exempt.

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Or so they think 🤣

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They'll still be ok because they can pay more and use agencies that can get them people.

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They did it in Georgia for one year. After they had to plow under the harvest that no one was there to pick the agricultural people made them switch it back.

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Yep. I'm still waiting for all the people whose jobs were "taken".

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As in Florida, no one to pick the fruits and vegetables, no construction work and many other jobs fell by the wayside. Great job governors.

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That was my comment when I posted this on FB. “If you think mass deportation is a great idea, ask yourself if you are ready to pick up the slack”.

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We are seeing history repeating itself, bringing comparison to other mass deportations such as the trail of tears, Japanese internment, and the Holocaust. and Godwin's law is coming into full effect.

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I need to go back and fact check the details, but I believe recently a bunch of well known and regarded economists, including a few Noble Prize winners, wrote a position paper stating the roundup policy plus the huge tariffs would cause inflation, stall, and then crash the economy into a recession deeper than 2008 within six months of implementation.

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Grocery prices will soar. Migrants pick our fresh veg + fruit. Migrants work at meatpacking plants. Child labor is legal in some Red states again.

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I can't get past what Democrats in Congress are doing right now. They are enabling this crap with what they're trying to do. I saw this morning that some big money donors, including some guy named Tom Strickler, are basically holding the Democrats hostage. President Biden should out every single one. Go to the American people and tell us who they are and what they're are trying to do. That these are the people trying to erase your primary vote. I think his poll numbers and his donations from regular people would skyrocket. I've heard that Chuck, Nancy, Hakeem, and Adam are falling for this crap. I'm so pissed off right now, I can't see straight. With the absolute shitshow that is the Republican party, this is what Democrats decide to do. If trump gets in, the blame will fall on the media and these cowardly Democrats. It will not be the fault of the voters. We've been working our asses off since trump got in the first time. The institutions that were supposed to protect us have failed, on multiple levels. I'm fucking exhausted.

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Jul 18Liked by Jay Kuo

Immigrants are to MAGA what Jews were to the Nazis. There's no way millions of people can be deported in anything like an orderly fashion which respects their rights to appeal. We KNOW what happened to people who were deemed 'enemies of America' during WW II; they were put in concentration camps. It's not an accident that right-wingers have been arguing for years that there was nothing wrong with that.

People who fail to learn the lessons of history........

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………surely will repeat it.

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Jul 18Liked by Jay Kuo

Thank you for the history lesson, Jay. My Japanese-American stepfather lived in Colorado. So the family was not imprisoned in a camp. But they were harassed by the federal and local authorities who would arrive and take what they deemed as dot devices away…regular radios, a phone. The effects of this continued well past the Vietnam War. By then I was in my twenties and holding a job. Some idiot of a woman with whom I worked spouted off one day, out of the clear blue, how she hated the Japanese for Pearl Harbor. I had to school her in front of everyone about the Japanese-American’s lot. That was in the 1970’s. I had also watched, a decade earlier in the 1960’s, as a car full of epithet-spewing men tried to run over my little brother who looks very Japanese. I also watched the impotent rage of my parents as his second grade teacher discriminated against him. And at the end of the 60’s my family was subjected to a physical attack by klansmen who didn’t like a white woman being married to a dark man. That ended with my stepfather in the hospital and the instigating neighbor going to jail. BTW, that neighbor, a so called educated person, worked at NASA. My birth father was Mexican-American, so I endured racism through the 1950s up close and personal. This Pandora’s box must be dealt with, shut and locked away. The scourge of this self-serving idiocy concerning anyone who is brown or black will haunt us for countless generations to come. As a Nanci Griffith’s song says,

“If we poison our children with hatred

Then, the hard life is all that they'll know

And there ain't no place in (pick a place) for These kids to go.”

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We cannot go back to that time.

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Also, Jay there was a financial/economic injustice about the deportation of the Japanese-Americans into camps that must be mentioned. I am sure this aspect came up when working with George Takei. The Japanese-American farmers worked the Imperial Valley in California very successfully. They played “a vital role beginning in 1905. By 1922, 2,200 Japanese immigrants were farming 28,000 acres in the valley, and by World War II, Japanese Americans made up almost three-fourths of the valley's agricultural workforce. … In total, Japanese Americans produced nearly 40% of California's vegetables and more than 70% of greenhouse flowers before World War II. However, on February 19, 1942, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which forced Japanese Americans to be rounded up and incarcerated in concentration camps for the duration of the war.” Those farming families were put in camps along with everyone else leaving their properties and fields unprotected and unworked and ripe for the picking so to speak. This created a labor shortage and a food shortage simultaneously. The Farm Security Administration confiscated those farms and sold them off to largely white farmers of European origin and dust bowl background. The Japanese-American families never recovered their farms by and large. It created a large food shortage during wartime. Sometimes, a well-principled white citizen would buy a farm and give it back to the family when they returned from the camps. But those instances were few. It is an absolute travesty for a population to be driven by racism, fear, anger, hatred, lies, greed, power lust, and materialistic definition of vulnerable parts of that population. It is is beyond a travesty for politicians to mine that field for their own self-interest and votes. We have to rise to the level of the principle that it is anathema to do that to our fellow human beings whoever they are. And then we have to allow that to inform our votes.

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Without a doubt!

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My Irish-American mother related similar experiences—her interracial love/marriage with my Japanese-American father received animosity from all sides from the late 50’s onwards.

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My heart goes out to you. They all endured so much.

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I hear you loud and clear brother!

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Spy devices…not dot.

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Jul 18Liked by Jay Kuo

Those who cry the loudest for deportation are the same folks who are panicked by the rising cost of groceries. American agriculture will be deeply impacted by such a policy.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by Jay Kuo

In arguing for internment of U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry, the commander of the Western Defense Command, Gen. John L. DeWitt, wrote (I quote from memory) "The fact that no acts of sabotage have yet occurred is disturbing and confirming evidence that such acts will take place." That's a piece of logic of which Trump, were he capable of it, might well be proud.

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That’s the quote as I remember it. Such fallacious reasoning!

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Support Biden! If anything happens to him, we get Kamala!! Win/Win

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Thank you as always, Jay, for clearly explaining the horrors that could rain down starting on Day One. Democracy depends on us to vote democratic in this election FOR SURE.

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Jul 18Liked by Jay Kuo

OMG the repercussions of this “Project”…. My father was TEN years old when he, like George, was interned at Jerome, then Rohwer AK. Truly a trauma that haunts multiple generations of Japanese Americans, including me, my cousins and our kids.

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Everyone who does not realize how foolish and dangerous it is for Congressional Democrats to pull their support from Biden because of “serious concerns” should listen to Allan Lichtman and read his book, “13 Keys to Winning the Presidency.”

He has successfully predicted the outcomes of the last 9 elections, including trump’s, based on his research.

He stated that it is more likely that Republicans will win in November if a number of the “keys” fall due to Congressional Democrats’ lack of support for Biden.

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Jul 18Liked by Jay Kuo

This is a well thought out, well organized, very powerful, assessment. Thank you

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Jul 18Liked by Jay Kuo

There is a VERY small part of me, that want's trump to win. Not because I think he would be a good president, but to show people how truly terrible it would be if he wins. I sometimes feel it could be the only way to snap people out of the fantasy that is MAGA. My rational mind realizes; they won't, and these signs prove it. They would wreck the economy to "own the libs," and then turn around a blame us for any negative effects from trumps policies. Truly terrifying.

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I understand the sentiment, but Trump himself isn't the problem. The Heritage Foundation is planning on using a Trump presidency to make permanent changes to our government that won't simply go away by electing a different president in four years.

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The issue is he will never leave. Well he will when he leaves this earth then we will be stuck with Vance forever, who is just as bad if not worse

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He "won" (in quotes because the electoral college is an out-of-date mess) once and they didn't learn then. I doubt another term would convince them; in their delusion, they would blame Biden when the economy and the rule of law go off the rails. Meanwhile, anyone who isn't white, straight, Christofash, male and wealthy would suffer.

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I’m starting to notice a trend that it seems mostly men are the ones urging Biden to drop out of the race. Not all men but a LOT. And some women. Why? I guess cis-white men feel they have nothing to lose while women and children have EVERYTHING to lose. Saying that tRump should win to “teach us lesson” basically is the height of privilege and it’s disgusting.

Did you not read Jay’s piece? The destruction and suffering that would occur if trump ends up back in office would take generations to recover from if ever.

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Did you read my piece? Because if you did you would not think that I in any way, shape, or form would I want trump to be president again. I've seen the destruction and suffering from authoritarian regimes when I served in the military overseas. So, please don't put words in my mouth. Oh, and I don't want Biden to drop out of the race.

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“There is a VERY small part of me, that want's trump to win. Not because I think he would be a good president, but to show people how truly terrible it would be if he wins. I sometimes feel it could be the only way to snap people out of the fantasy that is MAGA.”

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"My rational mind realizes; they won't, and these signs prove it. They would wreck the economy to "own the libs," and then turn around a blame us for any negative effects from trumps policies. Truly terrifying."

Say "you didn't read the whole thing," without saying you didn't read the whole thing. Anyway, Jay "liked" it so I at least know somebody understands.

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I'm a member of the pagan community. We're very worried about the current political climate. We're organizing. We're voting. But this is a topic that is front and center in our community too. We have a long history of persecution by the church, after all. We can never allow ourselves to be complacent.

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From a true Christian, blessed be. And vote blue!

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I’m so appalled by the lack of humanity exhibited by these people who have had the good fortune to be born in the United States. That they think somehow they are more deserving of living here than someone who wasn’t born here. And that many of them probably consider themselves “religious “ is even more appalling.

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Agreed. Not sure if you're referring to yourself. There are millions of racists, but 82 million of us voted Biden in. I'd think most of us have coworkers, neighbors, family members who were not born here, but embrace our diversity! #OrangeTurd's "voters" not so much.

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