Both Greenberg and Gaetz are cowards, and will squeal like the pigs that they are, to save their own asses. Names will be dropped. Before prosecutors make any deal, with either of them, they need to get all of the names and all of the receipts. I hope this takes down a good share of the Republican party.
What I wouldn't give to see an attorney for Trump hem and haw at a question like that. I think Gaetz is being made a stool pigeon of, possibly in part, to protect Trump.
Both Greenberg and Gaetz are cowards, and will squeal like the pigs that they are, to save their own asses. Names will be dropped. Before prosecutors make any deal, with either of them, they need to get all of the names and all of the receipts. I hope this takes down a good share of the Republican party.
It gets curiouser and curiouser.
I watch this.thread each day with glee!
What I wouldn't give to see an attorney for Trump hem and haw at a question like that. I think Gaetz is being made a stool pigeon of, possibly in part, to protect Trump.