I cannot - physically can NOT listen to him. Now I find that reading his rambling, nonsensical, egotistical diatribes just gives me a headache. UGH! And people think he's brilliant? Good grief!
It really shouldn't be close at all, there is no choice for reasonable people. An articulate, intelligent, conscientious, energetic, successful person with a vision for moving America forward in excellent ways vs. a lying felon who instigated a lethal insurrection against the country/Constitution he took an oath to protect as well as defying the espionage act with the theft of top secret documents and who has nothing to offer America except cozying up to dictators, advancement of white supremacy, division and tax cuts for the very wealthy.
Can't wait to celebrate Harris/Walz victory wearing this funny "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" t-shirt on November 5th 🤣 👇
I live in a red area. I have (some) hope because there are very few Trump flags this time around. That 'could' mean they've gone underground and will still vote for him, but I'll take any brief glimpses of hope I can.
Flags and yard signs are an indication of enthusiasm, so you are correct to correlate this to likely lower turnout for Trump this time around. What is it about the man this time that would cause even more of this base to turn out than in 2020? Hard to think of any reasons.
@Jay Kuo - it's also a deeply church-going area. I am only familiar with one politically-active church locally (I'm sure there are more). Their politics are definitely Christo-fascist. They are guided by a pastor who has aimed many members to take over our local school boards. I would love to find out if they are funded nationally. I would love for the IRS to take away their protected status as a church. Temecula has made national news. Locals on both sides of the political divide have joined together to make our voices stronger in pushing back against these opportunistic Christians with a political agenda that is not aimed at helping our children. That's one good thing. I am hopeful this also indicates an anti-Trump leaning, but our schools are not about politics so we don't talk about our political leanings.
Sharon, I live in Simi Valley, land of the Rodney King jury, and I have seen almost no Trump flags or signs either. It's very apparent. If you're not seeing them in Temecula either, that's got to be indicative. In 2016 and 2020 they were everywhere. Wow.
I live in MAGA-vile, FL.There are nearly 800 people in my peninsula community.Lots of Trump flags and signs.Seriously,more go up after each ridiculous incident…the debate,the lies about the Haitians +. Personally, I take that as a sign of desperation.
There are exactly 2 other homes, besides ours, with Harris/Walz signage.We actually have 4.
Last w-end we cycled over to the beach.At THE main intersection there were many Harris/Walz sign wavers.We stopped to thank them and chat.The youngest was a 21 year-old college student.So many car honks.They told us at the corresponding intersection,across the causeway on the mainland,they recently drove away the Trumpers with their numbers/enthusiasm. On another day we were stopped, first at the red light in our car,at the very same intersection. Only the Trumpers were out(no young people in sight). We heard exactly ONE car honk.
We are not rural. We could actually be classified as “coastal elite” by GOP.Lots of tech, home to Kennedy Space Center.While we have many signs in our neighborhood, there are very few in the county/major roadways for either Harris or Trump. I believe fewer Harris because it takes time to change course(we just got our Harris/Walz sign last week)….and fewer Trump because they may believe Fl is a given. Plus their ground operation is apparently non-existent.The Florida Dems just starting tracking door knocks/ phonebanks and our county was #1 for canvassing last week.We have a “constitutional” sheriff,all GOP County Commissioners,a Freedom Caucus House Rep,Moms For Liberty loving school board (except for a sole Dem gerrymandered out of her seat), MAGA Fl House Sen/Rep. Although there were NO uncontested seats for Fl House/Sen this year which is a huge deal .As the GOP continues to implode, it makes our job easier but still much work to do.
I live in a suburb of Minneapolis but recently went to a town about an hour west of here. In 2020 there were lots of T@$#* signs and flags but this time there were only 3! In my neighborhood there is only one sign (which was recycled from 2020) out for him but there are more signs for other Republican candidates. I take hope in these things. He CANNOT become president again--he's a danger for everyone!
I'm seeing the same in my town. Very few trump, lots more Harris/Walz signs. I only saw a few Biden signs in 2020, more Trump flags/signs, yet Biden won. It is different this year, very different.
Same here. Vastly fewer signs for 45. However still lots of signs for county and state-wide offices. I have a H/W sign and there are more than a few of them here for the first time. The city is pretty liberal (we actually vote in favor of taxes to support schools and the police & sheriff’s office!). The county is sooo red. Also lacking in logic: they are dependent on the sheriff for policing, but won’t vote to support them because “those guys are never around when we need them.” Uummm, maybe because they’re understaffed???
“Buy me a diamond ring and then if it’s big enough and I like it enough maybe I’ll marry you.”
My house is on a small lake in rural Northern Michigan. Most houses have flag poles on their docks and fly either the American flag or a Michigan or Michigan State flag. I thought this summer I would see some Trump flags but not a single one popped up. I still have no illusions about who most people are going to vote for but I do think it indicates a certain weariness with their candidate.
I wish I could say the same. I live in Southern MD, a definitely red-leaning area, and one of my neighbors just put up a serious Trump sign, as in wooden posts and framing, and it's quite tall, not the usual flimsy yard sign. It's a photo from that 1st shooting attempt in PA, when tRump raises his fist and the sign says "Still Standing, Trump 2024" I'm not sure which of my neighbors put it up. Thing is, I've never seen one on anyone's lawn around here, ever, for any candidate or any party. This is a long rural road, with sparse houses, and the only non-resident people who will see it are the UPS and Amazon drivers, so I don't know why anyone would bother. Maybe the local GOP campaign asked to put it up? It was really jarring driving by, like seeing a Nazi flag or dead body hanging off someone's gate.
No, I haven't seen any dead bodies on people's gates, come on, this is Maryland. But the sinking feeling and immediate desire to move are what I imagine that must feel like. On the bright side, I have also seen a fair number of Alsobrooks signs closer to town, so hopefully this is just the final throes of MAGAism here. I'll be voting like it is anyway.
Argh, Hannah. My sympathies. I really hope people start to get a clue. There are a lot of people who are disenchanted with him. What is it they say--familiarity breeds contempt? Fingers crossed.
I agree, we live in Colorado. I do know people, sadly, family members who say they will vote for 45. But we have taken two roadtrips this summer. The first to Indiana and Ohio and we just returned from Montana. The Midwest trip was the most surprising. There were billboards all along I-70 that were advertising things that weren't political or advertising how to place an ad on them. Two years ago
anti-abortion advertising was everywhere throughout Kansas.
I was driving through Sheridan, WY, when my husband saw a sign and read it to me, "Pregnancy is personal, not political."
To be fair, I think that it's mostly Trump himself that thinks he's a genius for ramble-assing all over the map and "connecting the dots". Uh,'scuse me there, Mr. Trump, but where is the dot connecting on ANY of that mess???
Joe Rogan doesn’t think he’s a genius..His YouTube channel ,with supposedly 11 million followers,appeals to young Republican males. He said VP Harris “is nailing it “and “doing a f*$king amazing job” while he mocked Trump.As Victor Shi said…”This is really good and big.”
IKR? I was like "what dots are you connecting?" And I read the Hannibal Lecture/Silence of the Lambs line like 10 times and still couldn't figure out exactly what he was trying to get at. "I'm using it as an example of people that are coming in from Silence of the Lambs. ...They say it's terrible". WTAF does that mean? And yes that is rambling LOL
I think actually he’s conflating the two meanings of asylum. He thinks people applying for asylum must be criminally insane-like Hannibal Lector. Unbelievable that this guy is running for president.
He’s doing his “weave”. He’s not rambling. He’s weaving so much he’s bumping off walls like a drunk. As a matter of fact, he sounds like a drunk close to last call.
I agree, Ellie. I can't stand to listen to him, look at him or read his nonsensical, " long-winded, garrulous, verbose, wordy, prolix; digressive, wandering, maundering; roundabout, circuitous, diffuse, discursive, circumlocutory, oblique, periphrastic; disconnected, disjointed, ill-thought-out, incoherent, illogical" ranting. (copied from my Thesaurus)
And his utterly vomitous tone of voice! I have no words for how annoying and upsetting it is, especially at the end of his sentences. I wish he’d meet up with a hungry Hannibal Lecter, M.D.
I suspected it was thesaurus based, no one has that many adjectives in his/ her memory at any given time. That being said, I loved it! I’m also taking a screenshot so I have those words when I need them.
Hah...no, no. It's TRUMP who thinks himself brilliant. If he wasn't such a schmuck, it would be hysterically funny. Unfortunately, he is a small, weak man who is the front guy for a lot of dangerous jackasses who want power and don't care much how they get it.
Same. He personifies every horrible person I've ever met in my life, and seeing and hearing him makes me physically ill. He is a walking, (unfortunately) talking trigger.
The farmers that tRump loves so much are going to be “decimated” by his insane deportation policy. 68% of farm workers in this country are from other countries, and most of them are undocumented. Without them, crops will rot in the fields, unless tRump somehow comes up with hundreds of thousands of people willing to work for less than 6 dollars an hour in scorching heat. All of which will drive grocery prices through the roof.
Remember what happened in Georgia. We need to keep reminding…
“ATLANTA — A farm labor shortage that left crops rotting in the fields after Georgia passed a law cracking down on illegal immigration shows the need for a retooled or expanded guest worker program for migrant laborers.”
There is still a class of slaves (the prisoner exemption in the amendment) but I doubt many farms would want convicts doing the work either.... and not all states are as prisoner-full as Louisiana which is the main state that could do something like that.
I wish every immigrant would take a week off in the summer at the same time and see how the country functions. On the first day of this strike, Trump would have to dress, shave, make his coffee, cook his breakfast, do his dishes, put his coat on without assistance, and drive his limo to the gas station to fill the tank himself. Within one day, there would be chaos. Definition: disorder, disarray, disorganization, confusion, mayhem, bedlam, pandemonium, madness, havoc, turmoil, tumult, commotion, disruption, upheaval, furor, frenzy, uproar, hue and cry, babel, hurly-burly; a maelstrom, a muddle, a mess, a shambles, a mare's nest; anarchy, entropy, lawlessness;
“Kamala Harris can give all the interviews she wants, but they only count if they’re with people who are actively working to get Trump elected—you know, unbiased.”
As for Trump, yeah—everything he says comes back around to a point. Except that point is ME ME ME EVERYONE IS SO UNFAIR TO MEEEEEE. I really want to think enough Americans see through the “oral report on a book I didn’t read” style, but it’s been completely obvious since 2015 so I’m not so sure.
Huckabee Sanders complains that Kamala can’t be humble because she “has no children.” But who is she sitting next to? Only the least humble person on earth.
yeah, I couldn't believe that either. I think running for President as a candidate is just about the most humbling thing it is possible to do. But then, Sarah wouldn't have a clue--because she's about as dim as her Daddy.
"The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." -Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
My initial takeaway of Harris, just because somebody has the attention span of a knat doesn't mean she hasn't put herself and her policies out there. Her response to the Haitian immigrant question, while long is detailed not just in why it's wrong but in how words can be so impactful. Well done KH!
Today an AJC poll dropped showing trump +3 in Georgia; this set off elation on the right and worry on the left. I happily pointed out to both that this is an improvement for Harris over the last AJC poll which showed trump +5 In July. Even more surprising (to me) was trumps percentage dropped from 51% to 47%, while Harris only dropped from 46% to 44%. It's very encouraging, but LOTS of work to be done, no one can become complacent.
Georgia is always going to be a tough state to win. There’s lots of voter suppression going on, and so we need huge turnout like we saw in 2020, with depressed turnout for MAGA. We’ll see.
Yes, Georgia will be tough; but it's the movement in the polls that interests me. Like Iowa a couple of days ago. It seems like republicans are moving away from trump and towards Harris. I have no illusions about winning Iowa, but if there is movement in these states, it's possible it will happen in more swingy states.
I feel there are a lot of Republicans moving away from trump but still won't vote for Harris. But had read an article in 2021, and now I can't find it, that he lost in part because there were a lot of R ballots that had no vote for President. A lot of people who wanted to vote for their representatives but couldn't pull the trigger for the orange gibbon. I'm cool with that happening again (if it's actually true)
Ignore the polls! It's like watching the Dow-Jones stock ticker: up/down/up/down....meh, I'm just putting my head down and plodding forward, doing and giving what I can. I'll look up on the 5th of November.
His followers, because it is a cult will sane wash anything, especially Huckabee Sanders. She is one of donOld’s worst kind of demons. She believes in worker bee children and her hypocrisy of saving babies but once they are here feed them to the dogs, is the unreal.
Ah, let's not resort to cheap stereotypes. Her ignorance is partly inherited (she got it from her oh-so-Christian hypocrite of a Daddy) and partly willful. Gene pool shrinkage likely has nothing to do with it.
I truly cannot understand why people would want this insanity? And to think, he would be in charge of the nuclear codes? My God, people wake up and vote for our democracy!🫣🤔
The part about the farmers, I’m sure that cuts straight to the victimy white man’s heart, the ones who think everybody gets his tax dollars used for them (those working the system) but he (white victim man) gets none of it. And that is all they hear when they listen to him.
I love the use of “sane wash” that I’m reading so much lately. Perfectly explains what is happening and is such a disservice to the public. Still and all, I think the curtain is being lifted and we are going to win! 💙
Seriously, salad has some nutritional value! The stuff he spews is like packaged spaghetti that got dropped in a pot without a burner turned on and left overnight, unpalatable, congealed glop that needs to be tossed in the can. 💙
I cannot - physically can NOT listen to him. Now I find that reading his rambling, nonsensical, egotistical diatribes just gives me a headache. UGH! And people think he's brilliant? Good grief!
It really shouldn't be close at all, there is no choice for reasonable people. An articulate, intelligent, conscientious, energetic, successful person with a vision for moving America forward in excellent ways vs. a lying felon who instigated a lethal insurrection against the country/Constitution he took an oath to protect as well as defying the espionage act with the theft of top secret documents and who has nothing to offer America except cozying up to dictators, advancement of white supremacy, division and tax cuts for the very wealthy.
Can't wait to celebrate Harris/Walz victory wearing this funny "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" t-shirt on November 5th 🤣 👇
Hopefully start to heal as a nation as Trump and his cult further fades into oblivion. 🙏
I live in a red area. I have (some) hope because there are very few Trump flags this time around. That 'could' mean they've gone underground and will still vote for him, but I'll take any brief glimpses of hope I can.
Flags and yard signs are an indication of enthusiasm, so you are correct to correlate this to likely lower turnout for Trump this time around. What is it about the man this time that would cause even more of this base to turn out than in 2020? Hard to think of any reasons.
@Jay Kuo - it's also a deeply church-going area. I am only familiar with one politically-active church locally (I'm sure there are more). Their politics are definitely Christo-fascist. They are guided by a pastor who has aimed many members to take over our local school boards. I would love to find out if they are funded nationally. I would love for the IRS to take away their protected status as a church. Temecula has made national news. Locals on both sides of the political divide have joined together to make our voices stronger in pushing back against these opportunistic Christians with a political agenda that is not aimed at helping our children. That's one good thing. I am hopeful this also indicates an anti-Trump leaning, but our schools are not about politics so we don't talk about our political leanings.
Sharon, I live in Simi Valley, land of the Rodney King jury, and I have seen almost no Trump flags or signs either. It's very apparent. If you're not seeing them in Temecula either, that's got to be indicative. In 2016 and 2020 they were everywhere. Wow.
Yes - I'm familiar with Simi Valley. This is auspicious news. Maybe they'll choose to not vote!
And now the time is near
We face the final curtain
My friends I’ll make it clear
We are For Trump
For which we are certain
We’ll destroy our country
This coming season
And for the good reason
We want to be free
To practice our bigotry
We will do it
FYI, to be clear, the lyrics above DO NOT reflect my personal beliefs. I feel nothing but antipathy and disgust for Trump and his supporters.
I live in MAGA-vile, FL.There are nearly 800 people in my peninsula community.Lots of Trump flags and signs.Seriously,more go up after each ridiculous incident…the debate,the lies about the Haitians +. Personally, I take that as a sign of desperation.
There are exactly 2 other homes, besides ours, with Harris/Walz signage.We actually have 4.
Last w-end we cycled over to the beach.At THE main intersection there were many Harris/Walz sign wavers.We stopped to thank them and chat.The youngest was a 21 year-old college student.So many car honks.They told us at the corresponding intersection,across the causeway on the mainland,they recently drove away the Trumpers with their numbers/enthusiasm. On another day we were stopped, first at the red light in our car,at the very same intersection. Only the Trumpers were out(no young people in sight). We heard exactly ONE car honk.
When we fight,we win ! Please join us !🪧🇺🇸
Kathy, I'll ask you the same question I asked Julia. Would you say there's been any change from the previous elections? In my area there is.
We are not rural. We could actually be classified as “coastal elite” by GOP.Lots of tech, home to Kennedy Space Center.While we have many signs in our neighborhood, there are very few in the county/major roadways for either Harris or Trump. I believe fewer Harris because it takes time to change course(we just got our Harris/Walz sign last week)….and fewer Trump because they may believe Fl is a given. Plus their ground operation is apparently non-existent.The Florida Dems just starting tracking door knocks/ phonebanks and our county was #1 for canvassing last week.We have a “constitutional” sheriff,all GOP County Commissioners,a Freedom Caucus House Rep,Moms For Liberty loving school board (except for a sole Dem gerrymandered out of her seat), MAGA Fl House Sen/Rep. Although there were NO uncontested seats for Fl House/Sen this year which is a huge deal .As the GOP continues to implode, it makes our job easier but still much work to do.
I just don't understand what's happened to this country.
Evan is always worth a read, and the comments back up his observations.
I live in a suburb of Minneapolis but recently went to a town about an hour west of here. In 2020 there were lots of T@$#* signs and flags but this time there were only 3! In my neighborhood there is only one sign (which was recycled from 2020) out for him but there are more signs for other Republican candidates. I take hope in these things. He CANNOT become president again--he's a danger for everyone!
I'm seeing the same in my town. Very few trump, lots more Harris/Walz signs. I only saw a few Biden signs in 2020, more Trump flags/signs, yet Biden won. It is different this year, very different.
Same here. Vastly fewer signs for 45. However still lots of signs for county and state-wide offices. I have a H/W sign and there are more than a few of them here for the first time. The city is pretty liberal (we actually vote in favor of taxes to support schools and the police & sheriff’s office!). The county is sooo red. Also lacking in logic: they are dependent on the sheriff for policing, but won’t vote to support them because “those guys are never around when we need them.” Uummm, maybe because they’re understaffed???
“Buy me a diamond ring and then if it’s big enough and I like it enough maybe I’ll marry you.”
There are many of you saying this. I wonder if they are just afraid now to show they are supporting him. Regardless…. Shame works too 💁🏼♀️
I live for the day when Trump supporters are as ashamed as Nazi supporters were after WWII.
I long for a time when being a Trump supporter is as socially unacceptable as smoking in a hospital is.
My house is on a small lake in rural Northern Michigan. Most houses have flag poles on their docks and fly either the American flag or a Michigan or Michigan State flag. I thought this summer I would see some Trump flags but not a single one popped up. I still have no illusions about who most people are going to vote for but I do think it indicates a certain weariness with their candidate.
I wish I could say the same. I live in Southern MD, a definitely red-leaning area, and one of my neighbors just put up a serious Trump sign, as in wooden posts and framing, and it's quite tall, not the usual flimsy yard sign. It's a photo from that 1st shooting attempt in PA, when tRump raises his fist and the sign says "Still Standing, Trump 2024" I'm not sure which of my neighbors put it up. Thing is, I've never seen one on anyone's lawn around here, ever, for any candidate or any party. This is a long rural road, with sparse houses, and the only non-resident people who will see it are the UPS and Amazon drivers, so I don't know why anyone would bother. Maybe the local GOP campaign asked to put it up? It was really jarring driving by, like seeing a Nazi flag or dead body hanging off someone's gate.
No, I haven't seen any dead bodies on people's gates, come on, this is Maryland. But the sinking feeling and immediate desire to move are what I imagine that must feel like. On the bright side, I have also seen a fair number of Alsobrooks signs closer to town, so hopefully this is just the final throes of MAGAism here. I'll be voting like it is anyway.
Argh, Hannah. My sympathies. I really hope people start to get a clue. There are a lot of people who are disenchanted with him. What is it they say--familiarity breeds contempt? Fingers crossed.
I so hope you are right!
Do you have Harris/Walz signs up, you might find a few others will follow you.
I agree, we live in Colorado. I do know people, sadly, family members who say they will vote for 45. But we have taken two roadtrips this summer. The first to Indiana and Ohio and we just returned from Montana. The Midwest trip was the most surprising. There were billboards all along I-70 that were advertising things that weren't political or advertising how to place an ad on them. Two years ago
anti-abortion advertising was everywhere throughout Kansas.
I was driving through Sheridan, WY, when my husband saw a sign and read it to me, "Pregnancy is personal, not political."
To be fair, I think that it's mostly Trump himself that thinks he's a genius for ramble-assing all over the map and "connecting the dots". Uh,'scuse me there, Mr. Trump, but where is the dot connecting on ANY of that mess???
Trump is the Dunning-Kreuger Effect personified. An ignorant moron who thinks he's a genius.
And he realizes now the dementia is showing. Hence the confessions about rambling. Soon he won’t know… and he will be pulled.
I guess that makes the 50% that the polls say will vote for him similarly ignorant morons. I still can’t believe the polls are so close.
He also illustrates the Seven Deadly Sins quite succinctly as well.
Joe Rogan doesn’t think he’s a genius..His YouTube channel ,with supposedly 11 million followers,appeals to young Republican males. He said VP Harris “is nailing it “and “doing a f*$king amazing job” while he mocked Trump.As Victor Shi said…”This is really good and big.”
I mean he said she was good but I still feel he was mocking her. IDK maybe not but it's still fun to see him say she's nailing it and he's not
Yeah, he's usually an anti-vax douche-bro.
“ramble-assing”. Love it. Thanks. Gonna save that one for later
IKR? I was like "what dots are you connecting?" And I read the Hannibal Lecture/Silence of the Lambs line like 10 times and still couldn't figure out exactly what he was trying to get at. "I'm using it as an example of people that are coming in from Silence of the Lambs. ...They say it's terrible". WTAF does that mean? And yes that is rambling LOL
I think actually he’s conflating the two meanings of asylum. He thinks people applying for asylum must be criminally insane-like Hannibal Lector. Unbelievable that this guy is running for president.
He’s doing his “weave”. He’s not rambling. He’s weaving so much he’s bumping off walls like a drunk. As a matter of fact, he sounds like a drunk close to last call.
I agree, Ellie. I can't stand to listen to him, look at him or read his nonsensical, " long-winded, garrulous, verbose, wordy, prolix; digressive, wandering, maundering; roundabout, circuitous, diffuse, discursive, circumlocutory, oblique, periphrastic; disconnected, disjointed, ill-thought-out, incoherent, illogical" ranting. (copied from my Thesaurus)
And his utterly vomitous tone of voice! I have no words for how annoying and upsetting it is, especially at the end of his sentences. I wish he’d meet up with a hungry Hannibal Lecter, M.D.
Watching him is irritating too. Alex Baldwin did a great job with the pursed lips, but he's persona non gratis right now.
It’s a sing-song word salad…unique to be sure but causes instant nausea and headache!
Our vote will be the end of him.
His tone of voice is contemptuous.
LOVE your post!!! Thesaurus is my preferred reading these days -- beautiful, genius words ;-)!! Thanks for sharing.
I suspected it was thesaurus based, no one has that many adjectives in his/ her memory at any given time. That being said, I loved it! I’m also taking a screenshot so I have those words when I need them.
Really?! People think he's Brilliant? Oy gevalt.
Hah...no, no. It's TRUMP who thinks himself brilliant. If he wasn't such a schmuck, it would be hysterically funny. Unfortunately, he is a small, weak man who is the front guy for a lot of dangerous jackasses who want power and don't care much how they get it.
Definitely a schmuck…always was and always will be.
I dunno. Maybe a putz?
Close enough! 🤣🤣🤣
Jackass in chief. In name only.
The dolt gives me an instant migraine when he opens his trash hole mouth. I had to take prophylactic headache meds to watch the debate!!🤣🤣
Same. He personifies every horrible person I've ever met in my life, and seeing and hearing him makes me physically ill. He is a walking, (unfortunately) talking trigger.
My stomach turns at the very sight of him!
Yea, I just can’t.
Thanks Jay—and there is footage of people leaving as he is talking about how people never leave his rallies early! 🤣
That footage needs to go viral!
Here you go—spread far and wide! https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-suffers-embarrassing-snub-in-michigan-as-rally-attendees-flood-out-as-he-speaks/ar-AA1qL4d3
Footage also shows the boredom of his rally attendees.
The farmers that tRump loves so much are going to be “decimated” by his insane deportation policy. 68% of farm workers in this country are from other countries, and most of them are undocumented. Without them, crops will rot in the fields, unless tRump somehow comes up with hundreds of thousands of people willing to work for less than 6 dollars an hour in scorching heat. All of which will drive grocery prices through the roof.
It’s a huge self-inflicted wound if he wins and carries it out.
Remember what happened in Georgia. We need to keep reminding…
“ATLANTA — A farm labor shortage that left crops rotting in the fields after Georgia passed a law cracking down on illegal immigration shows the need for a retooled or expanded guest worker program for migrant laborers.”
At one time it was slaves, now it’s undocumented immigrants who might as well be slaves.
There is still a class of slaves (the prisoner exemption in the amendment) but I doubt many farms would want convicts doing the work either.... and not all states are as prisoner-full as Louisiana which is the main state that could do something like that.
And wouldn’t you know that the law of supply and demand kicked in and grocery prices rose? Genius! Pure genius.
I wish every immigrant would take a week off in the summer at the same time and see how the country functions. On the first day of this strike, Trump would have to dress, shave, make his coffee, cook his breakfast, do his dishes, put his coat on without assistance, and drive his limo to the gas station to fill the tank himself. Within one day, there would be chaos. Definition: disorder, disarray, disorganization, confusion, mayhem, bedlam, pandemonium, madness, havoc, turmoil, tumult, commotion, disruption, upheaval, furor, frenzy, uproar, hue and cry, babel, hurly-burly; a maelstrom, a muddle, a mess, a shambles, a mare's nest; anarchy, entropy, lawlessness;
Don't forget having to put on his corset by himself.
Right! I also forgot a few other tasks that someone probably does for him. I am a nice person so I won't list them.
I keeping this one too!
Brexit Britain enters the chat
“Kamala Harris can give all the interviews she wants, but they only count if they’re with people who are actively working to get Trump elected—you know, unbiased.”
As for Trump, yeah—everything he says comes back around to a point. Except that point is ME ME ME EVERYONE IS SO UNFAIR TO MEEEEEE. I really want to think enough Americans see through the “oral report on a book I didn’t read” style, but it’s been completely obvious since 2015 so I’m not so sure.
“An oral report on a book he didn’t read”: I am stealing this!!! My fellow Language Arts teachers will love this!!
Huckabee Sanders complains that Kamala can’t be humble because she “has no children.” But who is she sitting next to? Only the least humble person on earth.
Yes, SHS actually boasted about how humble she is. Bonus points for irony.
yeah, I couldn't believe that either. I think running for President as a candidate is just about the most humbling thing it is possible to do. But then, Sarah wouldn't have a clue--because she's about as dim as her Daddy.
"The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." -Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
Weird Al's "Amish Paradise" comes immediately to mind.
"Think you're really righteous?
Think you're pure in heart?
Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art"
She’s another one who should be gone.
I can't even read what he says. The guy is a moron! VOTE BLUE!!
It’s hard on the eyes to read, yes.
He says he connected all the dots, but I can’t find even two dots to connect, let alone any sense. Rambling is a major understatement.
Yeah, but it's worse trying to listen to him. Thanks for not playing the audio....
<he makes my ears bleed>
That’s true. Verbal violence, an assault on the senses.
My initial takeaway of Harris, just because somebody has the attention span of a knat doesn't mean she hasn't put herself and her policies out there. Her response to the Haitian immigrant question, while long is detailed not just in why it's wrong but in how words can be so impactful. Well done KH!
I loved her response. Thoughtful. Contemplative, even. Truthful (!!). Sensitive to others. Presidential!!
It was a great response!
Today an AJC poll dropped showing trump +3 in Georgia; this set off elation on the right and worry on the left. I happily pointed out to both that this is an improvement for Harris over the last AJC poll which showed trump +5 In July. Even more surprising (to me) was trumps percentage dropped from 51% to 47%, while Harris only dropped from 46% to 44%. It's very encouraging, but LOTS of work to be done, no one can become complacent.
Georgia is always going to be a tough state to win. There’s lots of voter suppression going on, and so we need huge turnout like we saw in 2020, with depressed turnout for MAGA. We’ll see.
Yes, Georgia will be tough; but it's the movement in the polls that interests me. Like Iowa a couple of days ago. It seems like republicans are moving away from trump and towards Harris. I have no illusions about winning Iowa, but if there is movement in these states, it's possible it will happen in more swingy states.
I feel there are a lot of Republicans moving away from trump but still won't vote for Harris. But had read an article in 2021, and now I can't find it, that he lost in part because there were a lot of R ballots that had no vote for President. A lot of people who wanted to vote for their representatives but couldn't pull the trigger for the orange gibbon. I'm cool with that happening again (if it's actually true)
Ignore the polls! It's like watching the Dow-Jones stock ticker: up/down/up/down....meh, I'm just putting my head down and plodding forward, doing and giving what I can. I'll look up on the 5th of November.
I can't, I love details.
Maybe they just stop listening and don't hear how crazy it gets. If you're parent or grandparent did that, you'd be talking to their doctor.
His followers, because it is a cult will sane wash anything, especially Huckabee Sanders. She is one of donOld’s worst kind of demons. She believes in worker bee children and her hypocrisy of saving babies but once they are here feed them to the dogs, is the unreal.
Inbreeding leads to genetic defects and I'm pretty sure that explains her missing links.
Ah, let's not resort to cheap stereotypes. Her ignorance is partly inherited (she got it from her oh-so-Christian hypocrite of a Daddy) and partly willful. Gene pool shrinkage likely has nothing to do with it.
I truly cannot understand why people would want this insanity? And to think, he would be in charge of the nuclear codes? My God, people wake up and vote for our democracy!🫣🤔
The part about the farmers, I’m sure that cuts straight to the victimy white man’s heart, the ones who think everybody gets his tax dollars used for them (those working the system) but he (white victim man) gets none of it. And that is all they hear when they listen to him.
I love the use of “sane wash” that I’m reading so much lately. Perfectly explains what is happening and is such a disservice to the public. Still and all, I think the curtain is being lifted and we are going to win! 💙
Forget about word salads. This is word spaghetti.
Word compost? Slop bucket? Portapotty?
Diarrhea don
Seriously, salad has some nutritional value! The stuff he spews is like packaged spaghetti that got dropped in a pot without a burner turned on and left overnight, unpalatable, congealed glop that needs to be tossed in the can. 💙
I call it word sausage. Everything put together and ground up until the original meaning cannot even be recognized!
Rotten word SUCCOTASH
Check your voter registration status at www.vote.gov & deadline for it https://www.vote.org/voter-registration-deadlines/
It continues to blow my mind that this is a close race.
Ah, the old "sir" and "with tears in their eyes" and "no one has asked that before". He seriously needs new writers.
He needs a glimpse of reality.
Behind bars for a very long