As future Uncle Kaiser to Jay's daughter and — we hope! — future children, I applaud my brother's bravery in telling this story publicly. Bravo, Jay!

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Thank you, brother.

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Good luck on your journey to parenthood!

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My friends went through 12 rounds of IVF to get a single viable embryo.

If a clinics negligence destroyed that embryo, a grave injustice would have been done to them. The idea that we should treat that like a blood sample or any other random piece of genetic material had been destroyed is ridiculous. My friends, like the couples in the trial at hand, deserve fair compensation for their loss that acknowledges its significance.

The ruling also brought up something I never thought of before, but is very critical. If you were to alter the law to say that fetuses in utero were alive (which is relevant since if someone attacks a pregnant woman and the fetus dies, we consider it murder) what does that mean for a world with artificial wombs? If a couple does IVF and places the baby in an artificial womb, is it not human? Even a minute before "delivery"? If the child dies in the artificial womb through negligence or malice, what is the liability involved. If a child in an artificial womb at 38 weeks less a person then a child in week 30 that was delivered from a uterus in the ICU?

The courts ruling didn't mention anything about banning IVF. No politicians have spoken out in support. The plaintiffs obviously went through IVF, so they support it, and yet they wanted this ruling.

I think what happened here is pro-choice people WANT there to be a problem with IVF, because its easier to defend IVF then abortion. One creates life and had broad support, one ends life.

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Well, people who are pro-choice but would lose their cushy elected job and its perks if they said so. If a movie theater near you is showing the Oscar short-film nominees for the next two weeks, go see the live action films.

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Best wishes for you and your healthy baby daughter to enjoy many years of family love.

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This wee one will clearly have a wonderful Uncle. I applaud you as well!

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Congratulations as you begin your wondrous journey ❤️

This is beautiful news❤️❤️❤️

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Joyous news for the whole extended family.

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It's a girl?!?!?!?! Somehow I missed that bit! Wonderful! 💕💕💕💕💕

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As an aunt to several wonderful kids, being an aunt or uncle is THE BEST. You're going to have a blast.

Congratulations to the entire family on the new adventure. ❤️

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I also enjoyed hearing you read Jay's book. Thank you.

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Congratulations Jay, you’ll make an excellent parent!

From now until the election in November, this should be a part of every democratic candidates campaign. It should be repeated over and over until it becomes a mantra…Republicans believe women should have NO rights and are only useful for sex on demand and birthing babies, and if she dies giving birth, so what, just grab another one, throw her on the ground and rape her, since they also believe that rape victims are always responsible for their own rape! She’s just a vessel, after all!

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😤I can’t take it anymore. All that we worked for so hard in the 70’s has unraveled. Women are not just second class citizens but easily disposed of. The nightmare is real.

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Controlling women has become their 24-hour a day objective since tRump secured the last ultra conservative escapees from the 50s to pretend they are wise and impartial Justices. That emboldened all the “sniveling Republicans” in the least

progressive states to sharpen their pocketknives so they can slowly slash away women’s rights.

They are afraid of us and the men who value our importance to society. Well, they should be because this time we’re going to to steamroll right over their sorry asses. Women of all ages and backgrounds are coming together to show the misogynists that we aren’t going to go silently into the night. Women outnumber men and women protest, strike, revolt and vote for the issues that affect us and our families.

If you were working to protect women’s rights in the 70s and 80s, you have wisdom and valuable experience. You’ll be fighting for a better world for all our daughters and granddaughters.

If you are a woman building a career or earning a degree, you’ve experienced the deliberate roadblocks you have to knock down or leap over. If you’re a woman of color, you have to face even more extreme discrimination, if you’re a single mother, you know how hard it is to face a gauntlet of rules and red tape while stuffing down your pride when you need to enroll in government assistance. If you are a young woman coming into all your power, stand with women of all ages, backgrounds, experiences and heritages. You are why we are working so hard to protect women’s rights especially the rights to control our bodies without interference from a government that just pretends to respect us.

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Oh I could tell you stories….

But then again I’m sure you’ve got your own!

I agree with all you are saying and it sickens me that we are facing this last gasp of desperate men (and admittedly some woman as well) that are unable to share in the evolution of our society that holds all of us with respect and dignity …no matter who we are. I am working to register voters. To fight for a better world for my grandchildren. So many of the elders are sitting on the sidelines because they are tired or have given in. Not us! Keep up the work. And continue to encourage others to stay engaged, informed and positive. Thank you for your words.

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Because our successes resulted in men fearing they were losing their 'grip' and control over women. Persistence. Vote. Vote. Vote.

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I feel the same, Karin. Just look at the post from forumposter123 above. " one ends life" as if the woman who makes a hard choice has no value in "poster"'s calculation.

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35 years ago we were IVF patients/candidates. I hope you also speak to the money necessary for those procedures. We were at a university hospital and much of the codes used for the process were for endometriosis - and were covered. Anything to buttress us against the very expensive process. I never had viable eggs so we had to stop. We had spent so much on the process we had nothing left for adoption - WHICH IS ALSO EXPENSIVE. It was heart breaking at the time but we moved forward and have had fur babies instead.

It’s SUCH a personal decision. Legislators could not describe the process if they wanted to - they have no idea what we all went through.

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Thank you, Jay and Molly. For more than fifty years that I know of and more, Republican hypocrisy has been on display The are all family values until it comes to providing funds to help struggling families with the necessities of life, or making it possible for some mothers or pregnant persons to work or have medical care. And they are actively trying to erase my children, LGBTQ kids and young adults. For once I agree with Ronald RayGun that government is the problem. What happened to getting government out of the bedroom and off the backs of the people?

I am too old and tired at 75. To do much more than express my opinions on social media. Good luck with everything and please, please, don't give up the fight for a more equitable society.

Lovingly yours, Vik the Old White Dyke

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Say that parents in State X have 10 embryos in storage in State Y, and the embryos are legally persons.

For income tax purposes, do these parents count the embryos as legal children, can the storage fees be deducted as a child care expense? Do those embryos have to be counted in the next national census? For which state? For how many years? When these embryo persons turn 18 and are still embryos, can they vote and can their parents vote for them? In the event of a divorce, and one parent moves to State Z, can half the embryos be moved to storage in State Z, and how does all that affect income tax, census counts, etc?

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And don’t forget pregnant mom-to-be gets to use the carpool lane. Two persons in car.

These stupid Rethuglicans have no idea what a Pandora’s Box they have opened and are only digging themselves deeper with the double speak.

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They had two years to sink or swim. Thankfully we see who they really are. They will be deposed. We are winning and will continue to do so until they are put back under the rock from whence they came, hermetically sealed for eternity.

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I hope and pray to whatever g-ds may be that you are correct.

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All great questions!

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Even more questions than I’d thought to suggest. The one about divorce is especially harrowing, given how close I’ve been to some really nasty divorces (extremely wealthy cis couple with two sets o sterling silver no less) fighting over the single set of stainless…

She should get them, her eggs.

He should get them, his sperm.

She should get them because she wrote the checks from her account.

He should get the because Y chromosome.

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I wrote about this in a recent op-ed: "Movement Conservatives across the country would like nothing more than to have everyone define life as beginning at conception. To think that they’d push back on changes to tax code to include fetuses, requiring child support payments for the unborn, go against letting a pregnant mom drive to her heart’s content in the HOV lane, etc. is short-sighted. Why wouldn’t they want to have a singular view, coast to coast, that the unborn is in fact a person afforded all the rights of any citizen, including bodily autonomy.

This would provide support for a Federal abortion ban in record time.

The precedent has already been set. In 2018, Tom Brady (R) of Texas introduced a bill called the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (innocuous enough name) that sought to amend the 1986 tax code to allow parents, or other contributors, to start saving money tax-free in 529 plans for a child who has yet to be born. Section 1202 includes the following:

(e) UNBORN CHILDREN ALLOWED AS ACCOUNT BENEFICIARIES.—Section 529(e) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ‘‘(6) TREATMENT OF UNBORN CHILDREN.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Nothing shall prevent an unborn child from being treated as a designated beneficiary or an individual under this section. ‘‘(B) UNBORN CHILD.—For purposes of this paragraph— ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘unborn child’ means a child in utero. ‘‘(ii) CHILD IN UTERO.—The term ‘child in utero’ means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.’’

On the surface the bill sounds like a positive step for educational opportunity but digging a bit deeper reveals it as a vehicle to re-write tax code, giving a fetus legal status.

April 10, 2019, HR 2266 was introduced by Representative Mark Meadows (R). This bill, the Child Tax Credit for Pregnant Moms Act of 2019, attempted a similar redefinition. The bill proposed to expand the child tax credit to allow a credit for an unborn child. The bill defines an “unborn child” as a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb. It goes on to propose that the tax credit can be claimed immediately preceding the year of the child’s birth, if the child is born alive on or before the due date for tax returns for the year.

Again, defining personhood as starting at conception.

HB 4644 was approved in Michigan last month – again introduced by a conservative Republican – which extends a $200 tax credit for the “unborn.” It defines a “qualifying child that is a fetus” as having “completed at least 12 weeks of gestation as of the last day of the tax year and that has been under the care and observation of a physician since at least 12 weeks of gestation.” It defines a fetus as “an individual organism of the species Home sapiens at any time before complete delivery from a pregnant woman” which would include a fertilized egg, or embryo."


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Thank you, Jay, for this honest personal report. You will be a terrific father. My daughter conceived twins through IVF but as you know, it was a harrowing process. She was so lucky that the two embryos that survived were very healthy. But because of her situation, she had no further options after that first retrieval. The Republicans are talking out of two sides of their mouth. Everybody has to have babies, but you can’t have them with IVF. They are deeply hypocritical, and completely committed to controlling women’s healthcare and reproductive health, which are very connected.

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Also have babies and you are on your own. GOP will not support maternal care, child care, medical care, public school education, after school programs, meal programs...

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And if your child is LGBTQ they think your child shouldn't exist.

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Among other things no one mentions about this issue is that for Jews, life begins with the first breath, not conception. I'm fairly sure this is an example of religious discrimination.

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Agree and I’ve heard this argument before. Cherry pick a liberal federal judge (a Jewish one even better) and file the discrimination lawsuit . First Amendment violation.

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I think there are some suits already going on that use this argument, against the state laws that define when life begins. The actual problem, as I mention in a comment elsewhere, is that the issue shouldn't be when "life" beings--it is when RIGHTS begin. Nothing says that has to be the same a life. The examples above of things like tax deduction, being able to drive or vote, are all part of this. Being born, actually born, doesn't give you the right to marry, for instance, though unlike driving and voting that would be physically possible.

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And the term “natural born” is used in the Constitution.

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Totally *Brilliant*!

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Thank you, Jay, for giving up some privacy in order to make these issues clear. This particular issue is so enraging. I can't wrap my head around living in a country where states are permitted to transgress against the rights of any person or group on a whim. In the long run we're going to have more work to do than we think.

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In the midst of one of the most horrifying debacles, you have shown a huge bright light! I’m beyond thrilled for you that you’re going to have a loved, intensely desired child. You have my best and warmest wishes for healthy delivery and baby. Parenthood will be the best ride of your life! 💖💖💖

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God bless you Jay for sharing your heart’s story. Curious why you limit this as a violation of women’s rights when men are a part of this also! Sending love and prayers your way 😎

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Good point!

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I was thinking the same, Pam. (Not to criticize at all, Jay.) My dear husband, who passed way too young in his sons' lives, was every bit as present as me as a parent. I can still see the (real, printed) picture of his joyful, crying face when he held his fresh little son. I always told my boys that their Dad was the very first to hold them in the outside world.

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The sad truth is that folks with money will get justice long before a raped 12 year old will. Because money>literally anything else in this sick horrifying world. I'm sure that exceptions will be allowed in this particular area quite quickly just due to the economic class it affects. Though, I can't say I'm altogether sad to see the blatant hypocrisy get its day in the sun. Keep shining the light, Jay! (Please know, in no way at all do I mean this comment to diminish your experience.)

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Yay! You are going to be a marvelous father!

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And as your sister, I am thrilled to be an auntie to this little pumpkin!! I know what an incredible ba you will be to your kids, Jay!! People need to understand the ramifications of this ruling. So proud of you for opening up and sharing your story and struggles with the wider world.

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Thank you, Mimi! Can’t wait to see you soon on our trip together! Eeeeeee!!

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Eeeeee!! It’s good timing, glad we planned this last trip before baby comes!! Can’t wait!

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Jay may need help compiling dad jokes based on his upcoming personal experiences. We're eager for them! :-)

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No we know why they've been in the Saturday posts! :)

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Oh my goodness!! How happy I am to ‘meet’ more of the family! Jay exudes common sense, compassion, clarity (I wasn’t actually planning on alliteration,) and love. I can imagine you are cut from the same cloth, and will be present with all of those attributes. What a fortunate little human!

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“Rights for me, not for thee” is the entire Republican schtick. How many closeted Republicans publicly support and vote for anti-LGBT bills? How many support abortion bans while having personally paid for mistresses to have them? The hypocrisy is disgusting.

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Congrats!! And thank you for covering this—Republicans can’t have it both ways: pushing fetal personhood laws and supporting reproductive technologies.

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And thank you for sharing. And informing about how the process works.

Looking forward to a safe delivery of a healthy baby!

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Just when we thought the GOP decisions couldn't get worse. This whole concept that an embryo is a child... as you and many other IVF patients understand, there is no guarantee of life once that embryo is implanted. The idea that life begins at conception is ludicriss, not all fertilized eggs become fetuses.

Good luck to you and your surrogate(s). We in this community are so happy for you :)

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