Yet... they (and their MAGAt cultists) *still* think they're not doing anything wrong. So they break the law to 'prove' that there was election fraud, as a means to an end. They tried the legal route; that resulted in nothing. So it's time to pull out all the stops, break the law, commit fraud, abuse a governmental appointed office, tamper with the voting machines, then claim the machines were tampered with. All the while saying that they're not doing anything illegal. What parallel universe is this in which this is all okay?

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Thank God they're so damned incompetent.

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“Crimey” is my new favorite word. Any day I don’t get to use this in a sentence will be a sub-par day.

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You can't make things up this crazy ... and the self-incrimination, my goodness.

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SMH. So many cultists. Is there no bottom to the insanity?

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Hardee's on Twitter: "now that you know we exist, you really should try our pillowy biscuits!"


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Mind boggling. I imagine that the DOJ and FBI are working around the clock to...round up all these people. Quite the herding operation.

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After reading this scorcher, I'm concerned that it might take two Ambien for me to get to sleep tonight. My actual response is so totally inappropriate that I can not put it here. WTAF!?

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Very good read. Thank you. My question is--has Lindell committed an illegal act and what would his connection be to Peters, etc. I am assuming he either funded it or he knew in advance that the code and data would be copied. I would think the more details, the more probable there is a linkage. The government did not have to show probable cause that there is evidence that he engaged in a crime, but, they needed to establish probable cause that the phone contains evidence of a crime. So, Lindell could be sloppy, an idiot, a conspiracist, but that does not mean he did something criminal.

Having said all of this, my best uninformed guess is that somehow, in some way, he was privy to the claims of voter fraud, knew of the scheme to copy, funded it and that there are emails or texts showing his involvement.

Lesson to learn: If you are going to hang out around Trump, you better have a very deep pocket to pay for legal fees because everything and anybody he touches becomes implicated in a crime.

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So much swampiness.

The GQP dimwits are not only spectacularly gullible, but shockingly stupid. The clown car seems to have many, many seats . . .

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About time treasonous Pillow Boy got some consequences!

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