Angela Alsobrooks will be the first Black woman elected to the senate from MD, but Barbara Mikulski was the first woman elected from MD and became the longest-serving woman in senate history serving 30 years before she stepped down.

I didn't see anything unusual about Biden's gaffes last night; he's always been known for making them, and that should have been baked in by now. The problem is the media is magnifying every misstep on his part since the debate to a degree that's 1) out of proportion to his overall performance, which was masterful, and 2) out of proportion in comparison to his opponent who, unlike Biden, makes gaffes without immediately recognizing it [as Biden did with the Putin/Zelensky mix-up].

Probably not a popular opinion, but I think everybody needs to take a deep breath and settle down. Joe Biden on his worst day is still light years better than Donald Trump on his best day.

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Yes thank you, this has been corrected.

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Jane, it relieves me to hear others think the same way I do. Thanks.

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Likewise, Linda. Thank you.

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Alsobrooks is running in Maryland.

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Yes, corrected it. Guess I'm now disqualified from commenting, eh? 😜

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Haha! That's funny, Jane in NC. Yes, you should drop out! Never comment again. Lol.

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Funny. I guess you (we're) ALL human. Shucks I wouldn't have known.

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Rats! Caught me out!

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Angela Alsobrooks may be slated to be Maryland’s first black senator, but Barbara Mikulski was the first woman to serve in that capacity.

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And Sen. Barb was the first Democratic woman to be elected to the senate in her own right. She's a trailblazer.

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The gaffes, while unfortunate, are still only a part of his stutter. But the policy is strong, and that's what we needed to see with all the talk of him withdrawing.

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IMHO, Biden misspoke because he has Trump, Putin, and the good of the American Public, on the top of his agenda.

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Biden didn't misspeak about anything of importance. Everyone mixes up names and he knows he's being closely watched and I'd rather have him speak intelligently about foreign policy and things that matter, than worry about him mixing up a few names. People act like they never called their child their pet's name lol.

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I once called my spouse by my pet's name and ended up in the doghouse!

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That is an excellent point!

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Did Pres. Biden have Mr. Trump in mind in re the VP statement because V. Putin may have promised Mr. Trump something for a win? How would MeinKampf2025 play in Russia? Any thoughts?


(($; -)}™


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Joe Biden has been the King of Gaffes for 40 years. He won’t be changing any time soon. His performance last night was masterful. I have rarely heard anyone speak to such complex matters in such an easy-going, engaging way. I think we have forgotten what serious policy discussions look like. The International press certainly hadn’t forgotten. I invite anyone on social media who has not called one of their children by the dog’s name to cast the first stone here. What Biden did last night was a million miles ahead of “Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.”

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My mom just goes through the first syllable of every kid's name and then settles on "you." She's been doing that since her 40s.

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Several friends of mine have posted about how their mother or father called them by one of their sibling's names (or in one case I know of, went through the first syllables of all the other siblings' names before finding the right one) and none of them had any complaints about their parenting!

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I'm convinced that the press won't be satisfied until they give him a heart attack. This double standard is exhausting for regular people, it must be driving President Biden nuts. Everyone knows that trump has zero command of any issue. The press knows that better than anyone. This is a shameful display and they should be embarrassed, but obviously, they're not. Joe stumbling over words is because of his life long stutter. A person who stutters must mentally search for words, as they're speaking, that won't cause the stutter. Does anyone know how difficult that is just in daily life for a person who's not President? I'm so pissed off by so many things right now. Our democracy is literally hanging in the balance and the press has decided that President Biden must be absolutely perfect while trump can do whatever he wants and get away with it. Even if our media isn't embarrassed, I am. This country has turned into an absolute shitshow.

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Thank you. I tried to explain the hard work of avoiding a stutter in a comment, but you did so clearly. Go, Joe! You are a remarkable President!

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As a regular person, I'm just so annoyed at both the press and the Democrats who won't stand by a very adequate presidential candidate. He's been a really good president. But hey, he's old. That's the worst thing they can really say about him. He's got his marbles, he's been a gaffe machine for decades. That's nothing new. And if he declines in the next few years I have faith that he will turn over the reins to his VP.

I'm spitting mad at those who are saying he must stand down and let a feeding frenzy of a contested convention happen. That is going to be debacle and we will definitely lose in November.

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I can see you have no common sense or intelligence. FJB canr out one sentence together. He allowed HOHO to take over what the hell is that not leadership.

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I can tell he did well because the inauthentic Russian and Chinese troll bots are all over social media comments sections trying to pivot back to their anti-Israel talking points because they know he just thoroughly debunked the lie they thought would take him down.

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👏👏 now someone send the new yorker and msnbc the message!!

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Hard to believe that the guy who's been crushing it for the past few years is somehow not a good presidential candidate.

I'm sticking with Biden.

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Biden has to be distracted and feeling huge pressure when he is in the public eye. The weight of that alone would throw anyone off their game. That pressure is a part of the problem and the jackals need to back off!

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Lately, David, I have been noticing how many stumbles, gaffes, and mumbling phrases are coming from the pundits as they are throwing out negative comments about Biden's ability to run the country. Should they get a pass?

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Chris Hayes, always gunning for Biden, said after the press conference that he reminded him of a pitcher in a "seventh grade game" when he meant to say seventh game of the World Series. Fire him! And Andrea Mitchell hasn't formed a coherent sentence in years.

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I have a hard time watching Andrea Mitchell these days because of how she trips over her own thoughts while trying to ask questions .

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She has been a hack for 20 years, a disgrace she is still considered to have any influence whatsoever.

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I don’t watch her anymore. It’s painful.

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Along with your comment, I rest my case, Michael!

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Lynell; Good point. It’s justv becoming a feeding frenzy with the media. A pile on!

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At the risk of dragging the Bible into it, David, let him (it's always a him) who is without gaffes, stumbles and mumbles, cast the first stone!

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Lynell; I had that same thought as well. Easy to judge when it’s not your head in the guillotine!

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Am I the only person watching all this, who keeps in mind that being President of the United States, as well as the presumptive Leader of the Free World, has an overwhelming job? Counting roughly on my fingers and toes, I come up with a figure that only some 46 or so people, in the whole history of the world, have carried this weight. If, along the way, Pres. Biden would also undergo cognitive test after cognitive test after cognitive test, wouldn't the doubters still insist that he needed to take one more. Pres. Biden clearly showed his stuff last night. I'm all for keeping the Biden-Harris ticket through the election. After that, at least we all know we have a competent Vice President ready at hand.


(($; -)}™


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Always appreciate your insights. Those who want him out will never be happy. It doesn't matter how many successful speeches, events, dressers he holds. We will never agree with everything a candidate/president does, their policies or positions, and Democrats have a tendency to want a perfect candidate, even though they'll never agree on what that means. I fervently hope that the nightmare of Project 2025 is enough to unite us.

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This is not an election about who. It is an election about what. What do we want to be - a theocracy or a democracy? What will the Republicans do TO us vs. what will the Democrats try and do FOR us.

Biden on his worst day is better than Trump on his best, if the concept of best even applies to DJT.

On the other hand, RBG comes to mind. She did not know when to hang it up. Look what happened then. Reporting suggests Biden has not watched the debate video. He needs to do that before he decides if he can win this election.

Me. I'd vote for a dead cat before I'd vote for any MAGA supporter.

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Yeah, but the comparison to RBG (to say nothing of Nansen/Joshu's dead cat) is off-base.

Pres. Biden keeps showing and showing and showing his stuff! His comparison to LBJ is one we've made at our house: less-charismatic leaders who get things done. Bipartisan stuff with contemporary Republicans! When POTUS said why he wants to continue, that latter aspect is on target: the bipartisan Immigration bill that Mr. Trump had Speaker Johnson tamp down was a GOP-led bill! And Pres. Biden issued an Executive Order that goes farther than the Lankford bill.

We can't do better than Biden-Harris. At least, not now. And some millions of Republicans (including some of the 20% who were pro-Hailey against Mr. Trump) can't do better than this, either.


(($; -)}™


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We have an imperfect man with speech difficulties who is working minor miracles to keep our country and the world functioning in good working order who has the respect and confidence of other responsible world leaders: I have confidence as well in his abilities to still serve as a competent american leader. And, I have seen any number of typo/ gaffes in these comments, so it goes to show Biden is just as human as we are ;)

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Meredith thanks. You took the words out of my mouth, an earlier reply in this forum.

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Everybody needs to cut the sh$t, unless we are just that desperate to wrest defeat from the jaws of victory. Witnessing really smart, compassionate decent folks render commentary on President Biden's conference like sports commentators dissecting every syllable while turning a blind eye to all the raw sewage that is Hannibal Lecter and sharks and whatnot is nothing sort of the stunning type of self-defeat that out-Woody Allen's Woody Allen. It is only immediately secondary to our democracy and the Biden administration that we have the luxury of naysaying and denigratng our leadership, so maybe turn the bloodlust into a full- fledged commitment to democracy, today, now, this second.

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Jul 12Edited

Amen! All the public Dem wailing and gnashing of teeth only reinforces the mis-framing of the question . It's not about Biden, fer chrissake, it's about the former guy: Is the orange convicted felon fit to be President? Does he have the character, the principle-based judgment, the commitment to public service through our form of government and the rule of law that are requisite to the job of being President?

The answer, amply supported by his words and deeds over the last eight or nine years, is a clear and obvious NO. The degree to which Biden has this or that drawback, may be showing his age, made this or that verbal slip, blah blah blah, DOESN'T MATTER. Even if he is half the person he is today, he will still be an honorable man committed to democracy and to serving this country. And if the time should come when VP Harris has to take over as President, well, that's how the system is supposed to work.

And the other guy will still be a dishonest, corrupt, ignorant, self-aggrandizing fraud propped up by christo-fascists and hell-bent on using government for personal vengeance.

By continuing to fling poo at Biden we weaken Biden and Dems and play right into MAGA hands. KNOCK IT OFF.


BTW, even the NYTimes has figured this out, if quite belatedly. See the editorial today, carried, remarkably, above the fold: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/07/11/opinion/editorials/donald-trump-2024-unfit.html?unlocked_article_code=1.6k0.Qo1R.UjSVrQpHrHrX&smid=url-share

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That was a great article, but where has this been all these years when very little that Dumpy's done or said has been called out by the NYT, and EVERY time Pres. Biden's tripped up has made the NYT's headlines. I know MAGAts don't read the Times, but plenty of other powerful people do. If the Times hadn't worked so hard to make it seem as if this was an ordinary election and both candidates were normal people, even tilting towards Dumpy and away from Pres. Biden, we might not be in the mess we're in now.

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I'd like to like your post more than once!

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Great point, Mia.

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One thing is that pundits and politicians are depending on polls that haven't really been accurate for years. They see the low poll numbers and feel that they are determinative for election results. I say look at special elections. Even though they say only the faithful turn out for specials, we've seen some huge turnout for specials so I think that is erroneous.

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Let's turn our attention to calling out every Republican legislator who is trying to take credit with their constituents for job creation and infrastructure improvements *that they voted against.*

Don't let Donald the Orange get away with disavowing P-2025 - his associates' fingerprints are all over it, and how many times is he mentioned by name?

Oh, and make sure you have a copy of that abominable document downloaded somewhere, if someone wants to quibble about page numbers or precise wording.

Keep reminding people (including yourself) that DJT is a convicted felon, a convicted fraudster, stole and concealed boxes of classified and dangerous documents, and tried to stage a coup. Even the NYT finally published an editorial about how unfit he is. (Think maybe the cancelled subscriptions and complaints finally got through? Or did someone belatedly remember that journalists are usually among the first casualties in an authoritarian regime?)

And above all, DON'T PANIC!

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Here is the game. The FUD Factor. This stands for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. All you need is to establish 2 and you have lost. This is the game that is being played now. Joe has played this game his enter career. His gaffes along the way have been legendary. He had a few last night. It is all part of the charm. But we cannot allow, any of these ideas to take root, pull them out as you weed a garden on a daily basis. We need Joe to take us to the winner’s circle and once we are there and in office again, if he want to step down, okay, he has a backup team that will be had to match.

We have so many programs, necessary programs that need to finish, that will be on the chopping block for no better reason than Biden started them should Trump win. How do I know this? Look at Trump’s history. He had in his hand a Guidebook written by Obama on how to handle the Pandemic, what did he do; he threw it away and allowed over 1,000,000 Americans to die.

The reality of changing the ticket 4 months from the election is spread with a heavy coating of FUD. We will lose and we will likely not have another election without an insurrection. 1968, The one time the president stepped down, Lyndon Baines Johnson, the Democrats lost due to infighting and lack of leadership, a riot at the convention, and we got Richard Nixon. We have history as our guide here. They say, if you don’t know your history, you are doomed to repeat it. Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, establish two out of the three and you have lost, or won depending on which side you are on.

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"Fear" is what it is, clearly. We are all (or most-all) of us TERRIFIED of a Republican victory. Fear makes you do foolish things. If an alternate slight had already risen to the surface, we'd know it. But (A) we got Joe Biden in 2020 because we couldn't agree on anyone else. And (B) he has "exceeded expectations" by a number of "country miles."


(($; -)}™


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Such scrutiny for a man who is on point about policy and the presidency and such non-scrutiny of a felon. Man, the times we are living in.

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Let’s stop hand wringing and dithering. Biden has been a tremendously successful president and he can and will lead us to victory. Everyone has to get up and find a way to make it happen.

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Last night was billed as (the latest) "make or break" event. I think there have been 3 in the last couple of weeks. Here's the problem. It might be a "break" event, but it's only a "make" event until the next one. And as we stumble from event to event, Biden continues to be the story - meaning zero focus on what a mess Trump is.

The line has been for a long time: If the press is taking about Trump, Biden is winning. If the press is talking about Biden, Trump is winning.

Well, what's going to make the press stop talking about Biden? I don't see it coming.

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Project 2025. We need A LOT more discussion of that and Trump's complicity in it.

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Hopefully, Project 2025 and those Espstein files, which the media is STILL ignoring.

And Trump will have a lot of gaffes at the GOP convention.

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Thank you! The Epstein files have gone largely unnoticed by the media in its crush of Biden-stay-or-go stories, but Trump's name is all over those files, including allegations he had sex with a 13-year old. About time to start talking about that.

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When Donald was always in the news it was believed that all coverage is good. It might be the same here for Biden. No coverage of Donald and underlying every Biden story is how existential it is that project 2025 and Trump be defeated.

(I am a person who naturally looks for a silver lining).

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I think (well, I hope) you are correct. I don't see the upcoming election as any sort of a choice of "Which" or "Whom." The only, only choice is "Will you show up to vote?" Locally, wife and I have been meeting up with other Democratic volunteers to write out personalized postcards, to get out the vote. (Some with experience in our group report that they encounter many Democratic voters who didn't know when early voting was, or where their polling place was.) We can do this. We must. And no ticket stronger than Biden-Harris 2024 has, as yet, hove up into sight.


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Anger and Fear will motivate Democratic voters. Anger at SCOTUS and do nothing congress. Fear of Reject 2025

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Let's hope so. And pray. So far, it's not clear What might engage the young people (ages about 40 and down to voting age). Over-sensitivity to the people of Gaza, who are Hamas hostages, and some obviously host Israeli hostages. The issue isn't so much which of the two; it's what we can do to make sure they vote.

Thanks for your comment on mine.


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Good analysis. Biden showed two things to me: impressive mastery of foreign affairs and policy, and that he's a fundamentally decent guy who's been doing this exceptionally well his whole life. Both areas where his opponent fails utterly. I'm sure he can't perform at peak levels for as long as he used to, and gets tired more easily and finds it hard to concentrate after the incredibly long, difficult days that are most days as president. That's why he's surrounded by a team of good people who can share the burden, as they've been doing ably for years. I think it's time (way past time, actually) for Democratic politicians to give their full-throated support to Biden and turn the conversation to all the ways that Loser is not fit to be president. There's plenty to talk about, and new fodder every day that the media should be jumping on. Biden's old? Yes, but not suffering from dementia and rambling on about sharks and batteries and other weird stuff, nor promising to institute fascism.

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How many of us have made slips when speaking - said the wrong word or the wrong name? I know I have. And the names ‘trump’ and ‘pu-tin’ have been in my brain for a long time because of what’s happened and happening in the US and Ukraine. Do you think those names are not also in President Biden’s brain - all the time? I feel safer with Biden/Harris in charge and all of the people in their administration. They have my full support.

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HelI, I have called my kids by another’s name or the DOG’s name many times! And I don’t have a stutter to overcome.

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SAME! I’ve called “here kitty” to my dogs more times than I care to admit, and I am WAY younger than our president!

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