Is it against the law to pray that the criminal involved here simply dies in his sleep? Asking for a friend.

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I'm imagining how that (prayer) conversation would go...

"Dear Lord, it would be better for everyone involved if you just made the executive decision to bring The Former Guy home a little earlier than scheduled. It's for his own good, too. If you were to remove him from temptation, then he wouldn't be able to fall into the sin of being a dictator and despot. Really, it's what any merciful deity would do..."

"Well, child, we've tried. He refuses to enter the pearly gates until we install 24 carat gold plumbing in his bathroom. We told him plumbing isn't necessary up here, but he refuses to believe it because he so full of ... well, 'Number 2.' "

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If I believed in God, this would also be my prayer😂

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I don’t believe in God but I’m still praying this happens.

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Dumpster will never make it to the pearly gates , he is going straight to hell !( hopefully ).

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'You cannot petition the Lord with prayer!' Jim Morrison and The Doors

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If there were a god, the pearly gates would not be an option. Instead roasting weenies.

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Love it.

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You are directing your prayers towards the wrong supernatural entity.

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You've petitioned the Wrong Deity!

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Trump dying would be one of the worst possible outcomes. If he dies, everything stops. NO trials, no verdicts.

And we need those verdicts. We need it to be shown that people like Trump will be punished for their actions. Without them, we're even more likely to have repeats by all the Trump wannabes who will try to take his place.

Over a 1200 Jan 6th participants have been charged with over 750 convicted so far. It's had a chilling effect on subsequent demonstrations. (Similar to what he did on Jan 6th Trump's been calling for protesters outside the court where he's on trial. Seen many? Neither have I.)

We need to see Trump convicted so I wish him a very long life. Not a healthy one, and the remainder of it spend behind bars. But a long one.

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couldn't we try him posthumously? wouldn't be much different from how he appeared in Merchan's court...

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It’s worth it anyway.

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Lol. Sure you asked this question for many many friends, not just one! Thanks

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You can consider me a friend.

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Oh Lawd! I've been on my knees prayin' for over 8 years!!

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Or.... a brick falls on his head... by accident....

Or a nice cozy heart attack from too many fries....

Honestly, we are not picky, right?

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may he choke on his big Mac pickle...

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You (still) have freedom of religion. Pray away.

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Not unless we get

Caught 🤫

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Prayer police, Ms DeeDee?

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shame on you, girl (and bless you, too!)...

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Thank you for saying it out loud

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If it is, I break the law every night!

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We can be certain that a lot, if not 75 million Americans are hoping for that. Well, why not include cannot and a few others? I mean for greater good and all. The trouble is we the liberals, on the left (which is actually right√), are good people, and are aware to the point that we would feel guilty to even have thought of/like that.

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“Loose” Cannon has denied the motion under the failure to meet first, as expected. So Smith will now ask for cooperation which will be denied and then go back to Cannon again. She should be removed and disbarred.

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It's so blatantly obvious she can't see how dangerous he is becasue she is just another MAGGOT

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The funniest thing about the current disinfo campaign that Biden "ordered a hit" on Trump through the FBI warrant to raid Mar a Lago for the illegally retained classified docs is that, in the Trump arguments for immunity before SCOTUS, his lawyers literally argued in favor of the idea that the sitting US president could order a hit on his political enemies and get away with it.

Do they want presidential immunity or not?

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I was thinking the same thing but I doubt Trump followers are that good in critical thinking.

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They're certainly good at hypocritical thinking though.

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Exactly! If it weren't for double standards, the GOP would have no standards at all!

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Not true. They have low standards. Lots of 'em.

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As is so often the case in conservatism, it's about classes of deservingness. In their minds, Trump deserves immunity, and Biden doesn't, so they have no cognitive dissonance from these contradictions. And their plans for a second Trump term are so dictatorial that they won't be heeding any cries of "but he's immune according to your rules!" as they persecute their political enemies.

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Someone else posted a great idea. The funniest thing that Biden could do right now is say "Hey, Donald. I sure hope you get that presidential immunity from the court." Then he should wink and silently mouth "Seal team six.

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I got a good chuckle out of that. But I think we both agree presidential immunity would be bat sh*t crazy. I but I definitely agree with you

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While the same FBI wording was in Pence & Biden's warrants. THEY didn't freak out & scream it from the rooftops! Everything is a lie or a twist of the truth, & Always a "campaign/legal fees" fundraiser.

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It's Bannon's "flood the zone" strategy to win the information war. The furor makes it seem like there's substance there, but in a week, two max, they'll be screaming about something else. Flooding the zone relies specifically on low quality information, AKA lies and fabrications, to give the appearance of winning the debate, or at least crowding out the truth.

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I always think, "What are they hiding, distracting us from when their nonsense blows up!" Especially when it's shouted & shared by ALL! We usually don't find out until later what they hid.

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When TFG accuses Biden or anyone else, it’s projection and a confession of sorts. TFG accuses others of cheating in ways he himself cheats. He assumes others cheat because he cheats, so everyone else must do it. If he hasn’t actually done the bad thing he accuses others of doing, then it’s something he wishes he had done (or would do given the chance to,do it). I’ve spotted this occurring. He lies about his opponent and then it turns out he’s done just that himself. Election fraud it a good example. He claims election are rigged and he’s involved with The Big Lie and fake electors and the infamous call to GA Sec of State to find votes.

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That was my first that when I read their take on the SOP. I thought you guys said it was ok to take the other guy out and that they couldn't be charged. Geez make it your mind people!

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The GOP wants presidential immunity for Trump, pardons for corrupt GOP supporters and incarceration for Democrats. Anyone not loyal to the hard right is, to today's GOP, a despicable socialist. This fascist friendly ideology mainly resulted from the Citizens United, support for Campaign Corruption decision, handed down by the 1st Roberts Court.

Now SCOTUS has been busily trying to find loopholes in Constitutional law (or 16th century English common law would do) to give them cover to release a decree in support of POTUS claims of absolute immunity. The great difficulty they are encountering is how to usurp power from Biden until Trump and the GOP can be installed at the controls.

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don't forget that this is reality TV, not reality. We're talking immunity from prosecution, not immunity from assassination. Where are the wacko-crazy extreme leftist militia members when you need them?

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You are expecting logic from Trump and his shills. Ain’t gonna happen.

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Inexperienced and incompetent. I cannot believe there’s not a mechanism within our judiciary to remove a judge who doesn’t do their job.

This opens up the judiciary to all kinds of corruption. Sit on motions? Sure. For How long ? And what do I get for doing nothing ?

Oh a higher judgeship. Even though I’ve proved my bias and incompetency?

Great work if you can get it.

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“Even though I’ve proved my bias and incompetency” might be better replaced with “Haven’t I demonstrated my loyalty”…to the Fuhrer, not the Constitution or the American people.

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Yes. Much better.

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If Trump wins in November, I'd suspect he would nominate her for the Supreme Court.

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I'll add that to the list of why I am working so hard to make sure he isn't re-elected.

MAGAts who poo-poo the notion that Trump is puuting FBI agents at risk have VERY short memories. After teh Mar a Lago search warrant was executed a mentally ill Trump supporter attacked an FBI office and was killed before he could take out any agents.


In searching for the incident, I came across another report of a Trump supporter attacking the FBI


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Sadly just cannon fodder for Trump.

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And what a disaster THAT would be...

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Not likely. He always turns on everyone who does his bidding anyway; for example, cohen.

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Cannon wants to keep her job if Trump loses in November, but be on his shortlist for the Supreme Court or some other form of preferment if he wins. If we accept those as her motivations, she is playing her hand masterfully.

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Thank you for updating us all.

This is something of an expansion on things that I've said here before.

The modern Republican party has adopted a concept previously unthinkable in American politics and embraced the use of unprovable conspiracy theories, character assassinations, slander, defamation, speculative insinuation, denial of proven fact, and bald-faced lying under the cover of "protected first amendment free speech" as a primary weapon in their political arsenal. This weaponization of the first amendment has proven to be of particular utility in obfuscating questionable or illegal acts undertaken by members of the party or by the party itself.

They disseminate lies much the same way a retreating army plants land mines. In order to advance, each individual mine has to be identified, dug up, and deactivated. It takes an enormous amount of time and energy, and thereby impedes the advance. Like battlefield landmines, some of them hang around for decades.

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None of those things is new in American politics.

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No, they are not. However they had to be done much more discreetly and less profligately because when people found out about it you were punished for it. We have seen that tactic transferred from a muzzleloader to a machine gun. The sheer volume of disinformation overwhelms the opposition. They even have a name for it. It is the Steve Bannon "flooding the zone with sh*t."

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Muted for moving the goalposts.

"The modern Republican party has adopted a concept previously unthinkable in American politics"

I would note that Heather Cox Richardson has gone to some lengths to point out the similarities between our age and the past.

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Where I might be inclined to depart from Ms. Richardson's analysis is the impact of electronic social media. Newspapers were certainly guilty of serious breaches of honesty in the past, such as W. R. Hearst's, but you couldn't really saturate the public with mis/disinformation and propaganda in an inescapable 24/7 barrage like we see now.

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All you have to do is change your comment to say "The modern political parties have adopted a concept previously unthinkable in American politics..." Now your post is realistic and accurate.

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That's nonsense on several levels. He already switched to a different claim, which is why I said he moved the goalposts.

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You think lies, defamation et. al are previously unthinkable in American politics? Surely you jest.

What’s never happened before is the current president blatantly weaponizing the law against his chief political opponent; when average folks in the Bronx are angry about it, there’s your sign it’s gone too far.

The poll numbers aren’t wrong, and the election is being handed to Trump, gift wrapped.

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yes, and being a wonderful example of gullible fools, you also believe there were 25,000, NO, 100,000!!! people at iDJT's Bronx rally. The folks in the Bronx are SO angry!

And, then, reading comprehension? re; weaponizing the law ..... you didn't read the article, right?

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The betting site Polymarket is currently favoring Trump over Biden 56% to 37%, with $36 million in bets placed to date. (Their chance of conviction on *something* is currently 70%.) Incoherent rage is the bow on the gift wrapped package, hon. You didn't read my comment, right?

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I will re-explain this to you (although I know you will not comprehend it - 'cuz you don't wanna).

Joseph R. Biden had nothing whatever to do with any of the indictments your Dear Leader is under. Indictments are brought by Grand Juries - that is, ordinary citizens convened to hear evidence of possible crimes, and to indict or not, as the evidence dictates. The Special Prosecutor is working under half of them. The others have been brought by STATE Grand Juries - which NO ONE in the Federal Government has any authority whatever to bring or quash. The only one who wants to weaponize the Justice Department is the wannabe dictator whose kool-aid you seem to have drunk in gallon quantities.

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Concisely put!

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It’s always nice when rogue MAGATS out themselves.

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I have always been bemused with phrase "hoist with his own petard" which literally means " blown up by his own bomb" but which means now in general screwed up by his own actions. We can now add idiot lawyers who try to misdirect by leaving out important words in quotations within the meanings of "bombs."

But the larger point is that whenever trump pulls one of his spouts into stochastic terrorism we need to call it out for what it is, as Jay does here. WaPo kept a list of all trump lies. Is anyone keeping a list of such calls for murder and violence?

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It's actually a pun because the word "petar" meant fart.


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actually, both. Petard was indeed a bomb, but its own etymology traces back to fart.

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Um, that's how puns work.

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"Stink Bomb"? ;)

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If you've ever smelled black powder you know why. There is a A lot of sulfur in it.

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Well, the original does seem to be pretty applicable to some folks in some courtrooms. One hopes the jury could whiff.

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Which is why I mentioned it. Sheesh.


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Thanks, Jay, for explaining this so clearly (as you always do). I was wondering about this, but hadn't made the effort to look up some of the terms in order to connect the dots myself. Bravo for another great, useful column!

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Thanks Jay.

Some hope in all of this,but it’s also exhausting that our legal system is so circuitous.

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Death in his sleep is far too easy. He needs to experience the sufferings of incarceration, poverty, & humiliation.

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Yes! Dying in his sleep is entirely too peaceful a way for Trump to leave this material plane. My personal hope is for a natural (natural considering his life style choices) medical event to take him out...preferably in mid-rant at a MAGA rally whilst leaning on a wobbly podium.

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Struck by lightning on the golf course. Conspiracy theories for everyone! Act of God? Climate Change? Space Lasers? Sleepy Joe controlling weather with Air Force One's contrails? Elon Musk with Space X because he's worried about competition for Xitty media platforms?

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May 28
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Let it at least be in a jail cell.

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What's ridiculous is that someone running for President has been charged with jeopardizing national security during his previous term and we won't have a resolution before voting on whether or not to give him access to even more of our nation's secrets. One of the candidates in 2016 stated that a president under indictment would “cripple the operations of our government” and create an “unprecedented constitutional crisis”. We should assume he knew what he was talking about and vote accordingly.

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What's really sad is that because we won't have a resolution before voting those who may not vote if he were found guilty of something like this will most likely still vote for him because if he was really guilty "they would have done something sooner" ( or some such warped logic). I know people who are sitting on that fence, that won't be swayed by the current trial but would by the others. If nothing else comes to fruition before Nov they will vote for him :(

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That’s how free America is 😭😭😭😭

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Lance Khrome

May 24

I'm still perplexed why the reality-based community just doesn't highlight the obvious AND definitive explanation: The FBI and tRump's Secret Service detail met beforehand, laid out ops parameters, and THEN waited until the POS decamped up north BEFORE the search warrant was carried out. No need to expend all the energy in defending and explicating "rules of engagement", "use of force", and all the rest of it, which is where the "assassination" conspiracists are basing their inane conjecturing.

He wasn't home, they entered and searched, ballgame.

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They’re not in the same ballpark sadly.

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Those of us actually in the reality-based community know that this has repeatedly been highlighted. And as for what the conspiracists are basing their inane *claims* on, Jay laid that out.

And those of us in the reality-based community understand that highlighting an explanation does not write it in the sky or telepathically transmit it into everyone's head--the masses only hear what the mass media wants them to hear.

And those of us in the reality-based community understand that laying out a fact- and logic- based response does not end the ballgame ... the world is not run like a debating club with formal rules and authoritative judges.

And those of us in the reality-based community recognize and are tired of the inevitable misdirected attacks on the reality-based community.

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JudgeCannon rejects request for gag order. I hope Smith appeals and requests she be booted from the case.

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But that will length proceedings just as Trump wants. Lose lose.

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Thank you for making this complicated situation understandable. What a mess... inching forward is maddening.

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What is seen cannot be unseen. What is heard cannot be unheard. The minions have gotten the message so T can agree to not say it again.

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And honestly he doesn't need to say it again, MTG will continue to shout it from the rooftops

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You wrote “actually reads “may only use deadly force when necessary.” “

I think the ONLY belongs between FORCE and WHEN, right?

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Grammar Granny cites this rule: “Only” is an adverb, which can actually go anywhere in a sentence. Or which “actually” can go anywhere in a sentence, whichever you prefer 😀

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Yes. Based on the grammar and style books I used when teaching college writing, "only" as used here is a misplaced modifier. It modifies "when necessary" and therefore belongs between "force" and "when."

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Honestly all I took away was Drumpf saying "Joe tried to kill me."

And hoped his followers heard the dog whistle.

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Trump saying "Joe tried to kill me" is hilarious considering Trump thinks he has complete immunity as President but doesn't seem to understand that if he does, so does Biden. So if Biden wants to kill him, he certainly could, without repercussion, in Trump' world. Do Republicans have NO critical thinking skills at all?

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