This is such vital content. Thank you. Too often Democrats steer away from the pocketbook issues, and that would be a mistake here. Back in 1992, Bill Clinton and his campaign made it simple — "Its the economy stupid." In his own way, Barack Obama had at least in part, the benefit of economic turmoil to help him capture the White House in 2008 along with maintain House and Senate majorities.

Democrats have the opportunity to do something very important. They can talk about economic growth, stability, and prosperity under their watch. They can talk about major reforms on infrastructure, the environment and more. They have a big time platform now that has touch stones on a broad array of issue, that impact a wide swath of the People in a positive way — AND — they can make the case to build on that with critically needed reforms on policing and immigration as 2 massive issues, and be on the right side on both gun and reproductive rights.

It is equally vital that we Democrats; Centrists, Progressives, Liberals and Moderates — do not commit political suicide and "whine" as we tend to do. Biden is not perfect. A lot of people complain about Kamala — I take a different approach. Biden/Harris has done exactly what they said they would do — and they have done it with dignity, bi-partisanship where possible, and character. They have done it while being dragged at different times by their own base — yet if we take a good look — that base; in fact the entire coalition from center right to far left that voted Biden/Harris in 2020 has gotten quite a lot of what it wanted.

So the only way we fuck this up is if we whine — if we fail to show up, or worse — vote for some third party hack that has no chance. Democracy requires discipline — which begins with showing up and backing the only political party that 1) can win and 2) supports democracy. That would be the Democrats. Vote blue like your life depends on it — because it does. And make damn sure you vote blue all the down the ticket in every election!

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We’re all in this together, that’s for sure. All hands on deck!

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But so far, July has delivered the very opposite of all of that, and the economic news has the folks on Fox scrambling for talking points. (They apparently have settled on “Barbie is Woke” and “Slavery Had Its Benefits.”)

Also, must add the Gutfeld commentary on Jews surviving the camps because some brought "utilitarian" skills to their imprisonment, and therefore made it to liberation. Fox: Only the best people.

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I wish Faux news & all of its minions would crawl back under their rocks. Their constant lies are exhausting!

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Fox is also very obsessed with the fact that Biden wore sneakers while traveling this past week.

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I'm reminded of that old adage, "You have to spend money to make money." Bidenomics has more than confirmed the truth of this. Yet Republicans firmly believe that all Democrats do is spend recklessly and the Rs do nothing but criticize these policies while shoving money in their pockets that they wouldn't have if Democrats had listened to them. I'm so tired of hearing them whine and deny reality.

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It’s baffling that so many people on the right wing hope for bad economic news just to score political points. When other people thrive, we all can thrive with them!

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The rising tide lifts all ships

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And you know this how? Do you actually know anyone on the right who would say or think this?

What I don’t get is how every leftist has the audacity to call conservative black people white supremacists. That’s racist at its finest. Why does the left try to constantly divide people based on superficial qualities? If DJT Jr had done any of the things Hunter has done he’d be in prison for life. I never thought I’d see the day when the law and most of the MSM would be so brazenly corrupt. When only one side of the political spectrum is held to account we no longer are American. Also, republicans don’t circle the wagons to shield wrong doers.

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Huh? What exactly can you PROVE Hunter did ? I think Jared should be investigated. $2 billion?? How much did trump kids profit from daddy on their worldly business travels? Why did Javanka use public e-mail accounts/servers? & No security clearances for them

Trump tax evasions? Why aren’t they in jail? Circle the wagons? Like how republicans admitted tRump was responsible for 1/6 insurrection but still voted not to impeach? Protecting marjie traitor greene/Matt gaetz’s positing of revenge porn? Georgie Santos? Please.

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Isn't that what this article is about? How conservalandia dooms and glooms over the economy despite things doing well? That right there is the sort of twisted wishful thinking above commenter is alluding to. Otherwise, why lie?

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Most Republicans did not hold Trump responsible for 1/6. There were some RINO’s who did but they are an extreme and unpopular minority.

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Just go to foxnews.com and you’ll see exactly what I’m saying.

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Can’t . No longer get FOX news. I did watch FOX for years and never heard any anchor or guest suggest there were any positives to slavery.

Perhaps you can clarify who on FOX made any such comments.

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That’s not even what we’re talking about here--might want to re-read Jay’s post about economic stuff. But I can see how you’re attempting to deliberately upset people without any meaningful and factual debate (AKA trolling). This thread is over, as far as I’m concerned.

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You couldn’t be more wrong. I understand that the gist of his GOP hit piece was to tout Biden’s economic performance. If his admin hadn’t wrecked the economy we wouldn’t still be paying 50-60% more for gas, 25% more for groceries and so many people wouldn’t have lost retirement savings interest. Those ARE facts.

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What would it take for you to believe that we are on the right economic track?

Would it be when inflation is back to pre-pandemic levels?

Would it be when the US economy was growing faster than any other major power?

Would it be when unemployment hit a 60 year low?

Would it be when wages go up, especially for the lowest paid earners?

Would it be when all of the jobs lost during Covid were brought back and then some?

Would it be when people had more in their savings accounts than they did before the pandemic?

If so, you’ll be happy to know that all of those things are true. Those are facts.

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Thank you Jay!!!! Love to read positive news!!!

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Definitely good news.

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Thank you for spreading the good news.

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I kunow what you are saying Status Kuo I thinkit is amazing what Biden has been able to do with issues he inherited from Trump after Covid. Here is where I think many Americans are including myself. During inflation many manufacturers and suppliers used inflation to jump prices to a level that many of us are struggling to even buy groceries. They took a permanent solution to a tempory problem. We must address this as part of Biden's problems to fix. Housing is at and all time high. People cannot afford rent. These issues remain and are hurting many Americanss. For a time there were programs that were set out from covid that were helping people. But those all end this month and you are going to find many people strugling to put food on the table and pay their mortgages and rents. Even if the economy is back on track it feels like it is not. Biden needs to address this with a solution. Reagonomics made many antitrust regulations almost void. It is time to beef them up and hold corporations, manufactures and suppliers accountable for their gouging of the American people over an inflation that was always going to be temporary.

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Such a good piece. Yes we need to shout it from the rooftops.

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Well said Jay, as always. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Nice touch Jay, leading with a Fox Business screen grab.

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Thanks for sharing this good news!!

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One need only look at their IRA/401K balance to notice the uptick this past year. Feels good!

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We lost thousands of dollars that has not yet been recovered. I do hope that the economy continues to improve.

Y’all might be tired of conservatives rhetoric but trying to imply racial bigotry with every breath is absolutely repulsive and lazy. The Democratic Party is and always has been the party of racial oppression. It’s historical fact.

Also we might have a democratic process but this remains a representative REPUBLIC. In reciting the pledge of allegiance we don’t say “and to the democracy for which it stands”.

Dead people somehow miraculously voting and ballot harvesting are only two ways that Democrats have succeeded to undermine the honest process of fair voting.

No one wants the economy or America for that matter, to fail. Even republicans want what’s best.

The blatant lack of decency and decorum on exhibit by democratic lawmakers is shameful. Clinton did some pretty good stuff while he wasn’t womanizing or hanging out with his good buddy Epstein who I don’t believe is dead. I think I read that he’s on the little island and probably back in business with Ms Maxwell.

The federal government invented and expedited the COVID crises. All of us would be better off today if it weren’t for the corrupt actions of our feckless democrat overlords. Thousands of people died unnecessarily due to bad policies and pharmaceutical industry palm greasing corrupt department heads and politicians.

How is it that the infrastructure bill had very little real infrastructure spending in it. The federal government has become an over bloated and menacing behemoth that doesn’t even fulfill the primary duty of protecting our borders or protecting our supply of strategic arms and fuel. We spend billions of taxpayer dollars protecting the borders of foreign nations but can’t seem to gather the wits about keeping our own nation strong. I don’t put much faith into any part of the political debacle in WDC.

Do you or anyone honestly believe that doddering, creepy uncle Joe is in any way capable of crafting even the rudimentary basis for any of the actions taken by any branch of the government? He can barely get through a sentence. It’s plain that neither he nor Kackala have the expertise to perform the duties of the offices they hold.

You mock FOX but why is it that CNN, or MSNBC are unable to do anything but hate DJT? They have abandoned any sense of journalistic integrity at every moment. They pushed the false narrative about Russian collusion ad nauseam making false statements while Hunter Biden was taking money from the wife of a Russian politician. I am no fanatical supporter of Trump yet he is still a far more competent person than Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.

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I was born in the south and slavery and racism did start there with democratic leaders but, our parties did a 180 degree turn around. Democrats are no longer the party that is keeping racism going . We are the party trying to stop it and not just rracism. We are the inclusive party that wants freedom and equality for all.

This thing with repulcians and the twist they are trying to redefiniing democracy as a republic is scary. Democracy means we vote for our leaders and the majority decides who the leaders are. This is defined in the constitution. A representative republic is how we define and choose who our laders are and who represents us. This is done through voting nad the majority decideswho those representatives are.. Mike Lee has written several articles where he wants to change what republic means by suggesting that if the person chosen does not have your values that you an change who the people voted in. This is false and is not democracy. Do you think when republicans win that democrats are happy and feel like they represent democrats values. No we don't but we accept the peaceful transfer of power and that is how democracys work. Trump tried to change that and Mike Lee and others like him tried to overthrow a free and fair election to keep Trump in power. No where in the constitution or the laws of our land is this legal. The people whether they are democrat or republican should not accept a group of people who would throw our their votes and say they did not count because their leader did not win.

I honestly thinks that President Joe Biden has more brain power than Trump and he has doen an amazing job of leading us through Covid. Somethng Trump dropped the ball on big time because he thought it made him look bad. Biden is fixing our economy. It needs some fine tuning but, I believe that with anyone else in power we would not have gotten on the right track. Biden's long experience in government has been what we needed to pull our country back from the edge. Now I realize Fox news and other conservative organization tell you otherwise but they are spinning propaganda because the fact that America is improving every day is not the message they want out there before the next election. I believe the worst thing that could happen in our country would be to allow a republican to win the presidency in 2024. We are still in fix mode and if you lpok through history, it has always been a democrat that fixed the recessions and failing economies under republicans. Democrats represent the people and use our taxes to help Americans. Republicans represent big business, corporations and billinnaires that donate to them. Amerians are not their priority. I believe to vote Republican I would vote against my own best interests. My bigest regret is that I have voted republican more than democrat in the past and I wish I could go back and change that. I want my tax dollars spent on improving American and people's lives not on lowering taxes for corporations and billionnaires.

When the whistleblower attacking Hunter Biden and President Biden came from Rudi Guilliani who today admitted that he lies to help his story then who can believe it. I suspect there is a lot of Russian propaganda that was added to the famous laptop and Rudi is doing what Rudi does and lying for the Republican party to try and make Biden look back before the next election.

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"I am no fanatical supporter of Trump" -

Um yes, yes you are. And I hope people will now stop bothering with replying to such an obvious troll.

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Dixiecrats were confederate flag waving, lost cause revisionist, states rights social conservatives. Doesn't take any effort to say it certainly aint the Dems that have picked up that torch today.

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With all the objectively good news re: US economy, and especially that of rising consumer sentiment, one hopes that this will soon be reflected in national polls, particularly the "wrong direction/right direction" question. It's been running 65-75% "wrong" for ages now, and it seems as if people polled have disconnected their personal well-being from their general take on economics/politics. More and better messaging, Democrats!

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Honestly I think some of that can definitely be attributed to the MSM and social media “influencers” beating the drum about rRump and his crimes and the fact that he hasn’t suffered any real consequences yet. No doubt there are people suffering financially, but boy the corporate media and their shills are all too happy to continue to provide negative streams of info so they can make money with clicks and eyeballs!

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Jay, how do you suggest we respond to right-wingers who brazenly gaslight on your post?

Claiming Hunter Biden is more crimey than ANY of the Trump Family (Don himself; Don Jr., Jared, Ivanka, Eric, Melania ... ) is just a lie. This poster's obviously unsubstantiated comments and nakedly nasty innuendo leave me in a twirl. Help!

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I honestly don't understand why so many people are complaining.

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I don’t think they understand either. They are constantly told what to be mad about.

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