It was definitely the most fun SOTU speech I’ve watched. President Biden was masterful in his handling of the heckling. Even more so in his presentation of what more can be done by this Congress - if the few moderate-ish R reps have the intestinal fortitude to vote to serve their constituents instead of the far-right extreme members of their party.

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POTUS was purposeful, not only in content, but on timing and delievery, playing the extremists like a well-worn instrument, rendering Marge impotently argy barging and McCarthy of no account, cast into purgatory.

Too bad that not one of that gaggle of miscreants will realize that they are owned, ad they utterly lack insight.

But it's still beautiful to behold.

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Some of the senators like Mike Lee are intelligent enough to know they were owned, they know how the game is played.

The two clowns, Boebert and Greene wont' figure it out until Sesame Street does a special on how to execute effective speeches (so, never?!?).

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I think Marge and Bobo boycotted Sesame Street when BigBird started “pushing the vaccines”. So, no hope on the two of them figuring it out.

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I think President Biden watched some video of the UK's "Prime Minister's Question Time" in Paliament where the PM is cross-examined, back-benchers howl, very loud grumbles are heard & cheers & wit is treasured & vigorously applauded. Hear, hear Joe that's the way "to sort things out".

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I see many people this morning using the word "masterful" to describe his handling of the Republicans, especially on SS and Medicare, taking those off the table not only for the debt ceiling issue but also for the coming budget negotiations. And truly, it was! He was on fire last night!

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Agree on Gov Sanders, she is completely correct and telling the truth. Her own self-own of calling her own party crazy and democrats normal will go down in political history!

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That’s not what she meant tho. Magarats think we are the Crazies, not them. She’s the one who flew over the cuckoo’s nest.

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Intelligence, humility, experience, empathy, optimism, and a healthy sense of humor... If he isn't the right man for these times, I don't know who is...

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I was not going to watch but so glad I did. It was great watching a pugnacious Biden dangling the bait for the GQP and watching them take it, playing rope-a-dope with the crazies and just watching them get tangled in the ropes. I would give credit to his speech writers, but it was when he went off script that he was at his best. Easily the most fun SOTU speech in history. Watching McCarthy squirm, trying to shush his caucus of crazies was just priceless.

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I think this is key. The right likes to portray Biden as completely scripted and incapable of nimble thought or action. But he showed them the exact opposite last night.

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My favorite part was watching how he was actually enjoying himself as he was dragging them.

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I especially enjoyed that part! McCarthy looked miserable.

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It looked to me that Marjorie Taylor Greene thought she was at a wrestling match requiring audience participation.

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She is an embarrassment. She obviously has taken all her "how to be a politician" cues from her big orange friend. No sense of decorum, acting like a bunch of idiot children.

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My children are better behaved than that!

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My grandchildren are better behaved. And the youngest is 6

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Thanks for the Chuckles ...

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She’s so classy, isn’t she? All poofed in her fake fur. She dresses like a Dame but she’s nothing but a dame.

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I bought a gallon of plain white vinegar last week. I could have saved the money. Just point that photo of Boebert's sour puss at a gallon of water and instant vinegar--voila!

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She is a real source of shame & embarrassment to all of us in her 'Home' state : Colorado ... I had been really hoping that the Western Slope would've "booted her out" ... but, tragically, we're in for another 2 years of her "Sour Puss" - I only hope that folks will realize that she is certainly NOT representative of the people of Colorado.

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I grew up in Eagle County and I can assure you that she is exactly what many in that area stand for; hatred, bigotry, and guns.

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So Sorry to hear that ... I lived in Crested Butte (Gunnison County) for 30 years & had a smattering of friends from the Crawford & Hotchkiss areas & back in my canning days, used to make regular trips to Paonia; but only passed through Grand Junction on our way to River Trips to Utah. So, I'm not really familiar with the areas that elected Boebert twice. I stand corrected &, now, better 'informed' - still makes me terribly Sad 😔.

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It was a close race, yeah?

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This might be one of the very few SOTU speeches I've ever watched from start to finish ... & I very much enjoyed how much fun all those MSNBC hosts were having in the Post-SOTU "analysis", each with their own delightful descriptions of MTG's attire as she tried to 'heckle' Joe Biden : one comparing her to the Disney character "Cruella DeVille"; one referring to her as akin to "The Housewives of _____ "; another saying something about a deranged 'Pomeranian'. All in all, it was a "Masterful" SOTU, where Biden showed the Nation his characteristic 'Empathy', his knowledge of the real Facts & Details, & his ability to handle the most clearly 'demented' & "deplorable" members of the new Republican House. Having watched Joe Biden for many decades (I lived in Delaware from 1967 to 1976 during my College & Grad school years), I believe this was a real Biden "Master Class" in how to navigate modern-day Politics - & I Loved it !!

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And Sarah Huckabee Sanders served up a self-own that was the perfect dessert!

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What a great speech. Brilliant!

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You've done it again, a riveting and spot-on reporting of a truly stupendous event! Thank you! It's actually the first SOTU that I have ever watched all the way through. I loved the caterwauling and jeers because of the adroit way President Biden responded! I've always enjoyed the bits of televised British Parliament that we get to see here in the US where the Brits do the same thing. LOL

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Perfectly said! 💯

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Thank you for the summary.

Quite a display of the childish and extreme fanatics in the GQP.

If they were capable of shame, they should be DEEPLY ashamed, as should EVERYONE who voted for these embarrassing whackos

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders still espousing her half truths. :( Joe was brilliant last night.....'sleepy' Joe? I think not!

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Indeed, not!

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