Thank you for writing this! So much that needed to be said. I recently wrote an op-ed about gender fluidity (Authentically US) and after working on it for almost a year, I left out the section about professional sports. Mostly because it's so nuanced and divisive. However, I think this part is particularly poignant at this moment.

"What is “fair” and what constitutes biological advantage in sports? I had the opportunity to hear Michael Phelps speak at a conference and my first thought was, that is one gangly dude. He has a wingspan that is three inches longer than his height (not “normal”), he has a very tall torso and shorter (by comparison) legs, and size 14 feet – built-in flippers if you will. The man was built for speed in the water.

He also, perhaps weirdly, produces half the lactic acid of the average swimmer allowing him to recover faster from exertion and be more resistant to fatigue. He is biologically about as close to a perfect specimen for swimming as we’ve ever seen. It’s a fair question to ask if he should be excluded from competition based on his winning ticket in the genetic lottery or that he swim only against other swimmers who have the same biological advantages. Is his inclusion in the sport “fair” to swimmers who compete against him?

Katie Ledecky’s holds all ten fastest 1500-metre times ever in freestyle. Her times would easily make the qualifying mark for the US men’s Olympic team. Should she be eligible to compete on the men’s team? Is banning her from that opportunity, based purely on her gender, “fair?” Is allowing her to continue to compete against women, based on her track (swim) record, “unfair” to her competitors? Lots of questions and ones that the competitive sports world will continue to argue moving forward. Suffice to say, “fair” is a damned hard qualifier to quantify and define.

But when these arguments applied at the community sports level and used to ban transgender participation (only on female sports teams – no such fervor surrounds participation of transgender youth on male sports teams), we have clearly missed the other fundamental values of youth participation in sports: Inclusion, participation, community-building, health, and wellbeing. And for what? According to Anna Skinner, writing in an April 2023 article in Newsweek, “of the estimated 332 million citizens living in the United States, 1.3 million adults and 300,000 youth ages 13 to 17 identify as transgender, equally half a percent and 1.4 percent of the population respectively… Not all transgender people identify as women, and an even small number consists of transgender women hoping to compete in girls’ and women’s sports.”

Based on those numbers, one could successfully argue that we are essentially hitting a fly with a baseball bat. The collateral damage to transgender youths in terms of mental health and wellbeing, feeling like a part of the community, and having their rights protected to “solve” a “problem” that by the numbers, simply isn't a problem. Competitive sports have always been about training opportunities, dedication, talent, socioeconomics, often geographical location, and that ever-present, roll of the genetic dice."


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Great writing, Dani! I’ve just subscribed to your column, Smart Ruminations.

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How does JD Vance face his wife and kids every day lol

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His wife would make him sleep on the couch, but........

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I saw what you did there. :-)

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Yeah she knows he would enjoy it! 🤣

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Is the couch genetically modified?

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This! And you also introduced me to JJ Grey and Mofro, as well as Keb’ Mo’. You are a badass.

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With an empty mind and a cold dark heart.

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How does his wife face him every day??

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With an iron skillet if she has any sense.

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That's what I wanna know!!!

" I know is isnt white but....."


GTFOH !!!!

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No sympathy for the wife. She knew what he was and knew what she was getting. She made that choice - same as Melania Trump: money, access and proximity to whiteness.

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No, she met him in college when he was way more liberal, and hadn't met Peter Thiel, and morphed into the con man slime he is now. Up until he ran for senate in 2022, she had always voted democratic party ticket. Many liberal women have been fooled by misogynistic con men, who morphed into MAGAs after they had a couple of kids to lock the wife in.

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Who knows?

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JD Vance is in the habit of disrespecting his family for personal gain. His book, Hillbilly Elegy, threw his family of origin under the bus. He has no qualms about throwing his wife and kids under the bus. If I were his wife, I would be making plans about my life going forward.

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Simple, he has neither shame nor self-awareness. My question is, how does his wife keep from puking every time JD opens his mouth?

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He has two faces, so probably shows then the other one.

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But she’d need ear protectors every time he spoke.

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Don't forget the right repeatedly said Michelle Obama was a man because she was strong, toned, and assertive!

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Yet they don't do the same to MTG who literally looks like a man??

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that irony was sure not lost on Jasmine Crockett!

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So true! But...she is white and blonde (wink, wink)

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And - blond from a bottle, not genetic at all. She a troglodyte in drag. IMHO.

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🙌🏽 brilliant KB

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Or Lara Trump, in all her super-ripped glory?

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An ugly one, at that!

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And she’s a fugly man at that..😵‍💫

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Bleach Blond Bad Built Butch Body, said, Jasmine Crockett

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Bleach Blond, Bad Built Butch Body

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yeah......someone needs to check MTG genitals.

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No one wants to get close to those.

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More like a Neanderthal.

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MTG is a gym-rat juicer,

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Yep, there's still a whole group of people who still call her Michael and lose their shit when they see her in a sleeveless dress with fantastically toned arms.

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It is my wish to have toned arms like her, but it seems unachievable for me.

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Didn't see your post when I said the same thing.

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A certain percentage of the population is not XX or XY but of course in the MAGA world this is not understood or acknowledged because it does not fit into their understanding of Gods plan. While I know that there is discrimination against White athletes considered transgender, but I think that if Imane Khelif were White, there would likely have been no conversation. This is again, where the right wing, which Includes Italy and Russia, both led by right wing fascists, show their racism towards Imane who has brown skin. They feel they have a right to discuss brown bodies and make their own pronouncements. I understand that there is a whole movement to ban trans women from women's sports in the right wing, but since Ms. Khelif is not a trans woman, I believe it is her skin color that gives them permission to call her this, as well as the fact that as an Egyptian, she might be Muslim. Also, I cannot believe that Angela Carini has the nerve to complain about being hit hard. She is choosing to be a boxer. Does she not know that in boxing you might get hit hard. She is a whiny little brat who should be kicked out of the sport totally. Either play by the rules or don't play. All brown-skinned people are continually held collectively responsible for other brown-skinned people which is racist. Brown and White are skin colors not races, but the people who believe they are racial characteristics are racist. So, for Kamala Harris to be brought into the conversation about this fight is typical of MAGA trying to make color an issue about Kamala as well as gender, as in it is her fault that a Brown-skinned woman, who won a fight that they feel she should have not won based on her color and physique, won.

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My trump supporting mom believed Michelle was a transgender woman!

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And I assume she has a prosthetic womb for birthing her daughters…

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They probably have some weird conspiracy about that too... I refuse to entertain the instanity.

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Adopted, obviously.

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They don't even realize that their comments blow a huge hole in their claim of "there are only two genders and they are assigned at birth. Irony is dead.

Not only that, but boxers are placed in weight categories. That's so Floyd Mayweather doesn't have to fight Mike Tyson. Both fighters must make weight, it levels the playing field for both male and female boxers. If both boxers are basically the same weight, then they both have the same muscle mass. Hitting harder is a mater of technique not strength.

Don't even get me started on the whole Harris was never black thing.

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What blows my mind is that they've maintained gender divisions in chess! And ban transgender women from women's division chess!

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Are you serious?

Let me guess: "Men are better at thinking logically and strategically so it wouldn't be fair if they were competing with women in chess"? Something foolish like that? (Or perhaps more accurately, fragile male ego wouldn't be able to handle losing to a woman)

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More sadly, it was because women were being sexually harassed and assaulted so badly in open (co-ed) chess tournaments with men that their own tourneys became a safe space and made it less likely that they would give up competitive chess altogether.

As Charlotte Clymer pointed out, "the world of competitive chess has been historically hostile to girls and women to the point that gender-restricted titles have sustained some participation." https://charlotteclymer.substack.com/p/banning-trans-women-from-chess-tournaments (Subscribe to her Substack -- it's great!)

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Oh jeez. I'd have hit "like" for your reply, but I couldn't bring myself to "like" the context within the reply. Nothing personal. Thanks for the info at least.

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And that makes zero sense …

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Chess is about strategy not gender..FFS 🙄

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It's worse than I guessed in my reply. See Paula Brantner's reply above.

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Same with golf, a sport the felon should know well. Courses are rated for handicapping purposes. The felon’s handicap though is his rat’s nest of a brain. It would almost be funny if their black/white world weren’t so dangerous for those of us who need shading and nuance.

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Misogyny on top of racism destroying the lives of women who have worked so hard. The smallness of these little cowardly men. It blows my mind, but I see it clearly.

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You’re not alone in totally missing the point here. He was confusing Harris with Haley, who originally identified as white but now is emphasizing her Indian (India) heritage. Harris has always identified as black. Two women of color, names begin with HA, dementia… don’t let’s make it worse.

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Possible! Who knows what goes on inside that little empty chamber of a brain.

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Brain worms are contagious.😁

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Stop making excuses for DJT. Jay Kuo isn't the one who is missing the point, Beans.

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Oh, I am the last person in the world to make excuses for that racist adjudicated sex offender, trust me on that one. But I do think it’s newsworthy (and funny) that he can’t keep his troublesome women straight, lol. Nicki Haley seems to be an ongoing problem for him — one day she’s Nancy Pelosi (herself also another Congresswoman who didn’t call the national guard), then she’s Kamala Harris; then he confuses EJean with one of his former wives. That was my point. Laughing at him makes him crazy. We should do that more often. I think Jay gets that.

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There are more than a few points here. The felon’s cognitive and moral limitations are part of the story but not the whole story. The larger “culture war” context predates DJT’s arrival on the political stage. On the bright side, there are many many opportunities to expand our understanding of the realities of physiology and its implications for sports. I recommend David Epstein’s The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance.

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I thought the same thing about him confusing Harris with Haley. There’s a clip of him and the myriad of names he’s gotten wrong, so it’s no surprise.

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This is what I thought. Trump's brain glitched again and instead of mixing Haley with Pelosi, he's mixed her up with Harris. Haley really made a impact on him. Other than Ivanka and maybe Melania all other women are interchangeable to him. Marla and E. Jean Carroll?

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How about his view of immigrants? Vermin who are poisoning our country. His first wife was a Chech and his third is a Slovenian…. The guy is just nuts!

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Once again proving immigrants will do jobs that Americans will not …. IYKYK 🤣

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Yes, in deposition he identified a picture of EJean standing with him as his wife, after saying he wouldn’t have been attracted to her because she “wasn’t (his) type.” When her attorney called him on that, there was mumbling.

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How do you explain the rest of MAGA world doing likewise, then?

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I'm not in the least surprised. Not after they all showed up at thr RNC with ear bandages!

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That was the dumbest thing I saw.. was his sycophantic MAGAts brigade with gauze patches on everyone’s ears.. they’re so f-ing lame..

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If you have ever been part of a fandom, then is it not so strange at all. Wanting to be like their idol is pretty normal and showing sympathy with him by also wearing the bandage. Basic group behavior. For the outside world it is really strange and weird. Sadly this not a harmless fandom but a dangerous cult. And it is time that they snap out of it. I am not making excuses for those people just pointing out that from their point of view it is not strange at all.

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But so many of us got over it after middle school. ;)

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Hehehe exactly Auntie Beans!!

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Cultists think everything the cult does is peachy

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The diaper thing was funny though. I still think we should have congratulated them on coming out publically, with their personal fetish.

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That’s hysterical!!

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They’ve been swimming in disinformation for decades.

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Yes a/k/a "mental sewage".

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No, he wasn’t. And even if rump was what is Vladimir Futon’s excuse?

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The gender of the great Olympian (1932) and professional golfer Babe Didrikson Zaharias was also called into question when she won so much in the Olympics. A woman couldn’t possibly be that talented, right?

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Quote: Their rank hypocrisy is also quite evident. While MAGA elected officials spend their online capital criticizing a woman boxer for beating another woman boxer in the ring, women voters know that these same politicians turn a blind eye when actual men beat women, often in their own homes.

Comment: JD Vance has promoted repealing “no fault” divorce and publicly stated women who are beaten by their spouses should stay in the marriage for the good of the children. Hmmm. Give that some thought.

He has yet to explain (or I haven’t heard any explanation) of what “good” it does for children to see their mother beaten. What lesson does Vance think is being taught? I can’t think of anything that justifies forcing a woman to take beatings.

It’s more than just weird to think wife beaters are teaching their children anything of value. It’s cruel.

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Yeah, that really upsets me especially since I’m a survivor of DV. Forcing someone to stay in an abusive relationship/ marriage for their kids does no one any good, if anything I think it could potentially teach the kids that that kind of treatment of women is perfectly acceptable and normal when it is not and also possibly encourage the kids to behave in the same or a similar violent manner, but I suppose that’s what they keep trying to do, normalize awful things that are not and never will be considered normal. Wife beaters don’t teach anything of value, period. Keep speaking the truth! You’re awesome! 😊

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Ashley I’m also a survivor.. and here’s great news.. my abuser sued me.. it’s been 10 years now and I’ve never shown up in court for my safety.. and he lost BIGLY.. after 10 F-ing years it’s finally over.. and he has to pay ALL of my attorneys fees and sanctions and he and his mother both have a permanent R/O and can never come near me or my family..EVER AGAIN.. it’s finally over..

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Congratulations! You are so brave and I wish you a wonderful life that makes up for all that happened to you.

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Thank you so much I’m still pinching myself that I’m actually awake!!

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Congratulations to a survivor! 💙🎈🍾 💐

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Thank you so much I’m still at:: wait what?!? Is it really over??

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I applaud your bravery for getting out, I know it's not always easy.

Not only does staying teach the children that kind of treatment is acceptable but I know often times the beatings will eventually extend to the children. So stay in a violent marriage and potentially put your children in danger as well?

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Thank you, that means a lot and you’re absolutely right.

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I second Pam’s comment, as a former DV Victim advocate. I’m so grateful you’re a survivor….


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Thank you that means the absolute world to me.

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It teaches girls that men beat women to show their love.

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Yeah and it’s not really love at all. It’s tragic. 😢

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*hugs* if you want them, and kudos for being brave enough to escape ... to all of you that have done so, and encouragement and support for those who haven't done so yet.

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"It’s more than just weird to think wife beaters are teaching their children anything of value."

Well, it is the same crowd that also claims slavery was good because it taught the slaves marketable skills.

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You are correct. I continually underestimate how deplorable they can be.

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JDVainAssMotherFcker.. needs to get his ass beat and dragged behind a pink VW bus with LBGTQIA+ stickers driven by Drag Queens then thrown on stage in drag and forced to sing Mamma Mia songs for the next decade..

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They get the message out to "stay in line" and not challenge the white patriarchy, or you get beaten.

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Sigh. Even a black and white photo shows many shades of grey.

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Love that!

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There’s female rugby player on the US team also being targeted as appearing male in these games. The IOC needs to make a stronger statement in defense of these athletes.

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One of our Presidential candidates appears to be a mango 🥭. Should be disqualifying, IMHO.

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💙 this post. I live in Florida….sigh. Working to GOTV. So many issues…reproductive freedom,gun safety, property insurance rates+++Although for some, the main concern is :”I don’t want those people in the bathrooms”. (Florida law now requires use of bathroom to “correspond with sex assigned at birth” )“Those people” have been in the bathrooms for years, you just didn’t notice. You probably will now….Faux News is such an enabler of non-critical thinking.

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Exactly! I keep wondering what women who say they don't want "those people" in their bathroom would do when someone with facial hair and no breasts (but was "assigned female" at birth) comes into the women's bathroom?

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Women's bathrooms have stalls with doors. How would anybody know what someone else's genitalia look like?

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I repeatedly told that to hysterical redneck guys, during the NC bathroonm panicks back in 2015.

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What was their reaction?

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This is has always puzzled me too. The transphobes are always claiming "bUt It'S abOUt woMeN's sAFetY!!!". If a (cisgender) man really was a perv who just wanted to get into women's bathrooms, *he'd* need to plan ahead a little to be able to go in unnoticed. All these "bathroom bills" result in normalizing transgender men using the women's rooms which would also allow the *actual* (cis male) pervs can go in anytime the spirit moves them without being questioned at all, while also putting trans women at substantially increased risk in the "men's" room. Of course a typical a**hole transphobe would simply write that part off as the fault of the trans woman simply for existing. And non-gender conforming people are endangered anywhere!

How about just reform the damn bathrooms to allow for more privacy? It's not rocket surgery!

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I think that one of the problems is that the men writing this bilge have never seen the inside of a ladies’ loo. They think we all sit in lines like in medieval castles pissing together like they do.

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And obviously they wave their junk at one another, because they seemed sure we do that as well.

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Are these men all celibate? We don't have any junk to wave.

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I know, but they seemed to think we checked out each other. I did explain we had stalls, and that in my fourty plus years of using public ladies rooms I had never seen another womans ladyparts.

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They have not thought it through. Do they really want trans men using the women's room? Or do they think the law only applies to trans women?

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This entire article sums up why I call the GOP "Weenie Weirdos" - they are OBSESSED with weenies, real or imagined which is a weird behavior. I will never call them anything else. It's just gross.

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G(enitalia) O(bsessed) P(arty).

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That is clever, it made me chuckle, thanks :)

And don't forget the gametes! They love gametes!

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AND weird! And creepy! 🤮

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Well said.

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My friend calls them "crotch-christians".

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You know, not that I have a problem with it, but JD Vance is on his third last name. I get it—family trees have many branches, and life paths can be twisty. But you’d think an even halfway decent human being would extend that understanding to a political opponent instead of calling them a “chameleon.” Of course, “halfway decent human being” leaves JD Vance out.

As for not trusting Russians, hey—you’re attacking the only principle Republicans have left.

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It's just disgusting for him to jump on this bandwagon when his children are half Indian themselves. I don't believe in bringing children into their disgusting politics but how does he support this stuff without even seeing how he is insulting his own family?

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It doesn’t apply to him and his family as they are “different”.

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Not to the bigots they aren't.

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As Joyce Vance wrote last night, let's stop calling the MAGAmorons "conservative." Michael Steel is conservative.The MAGAts are just "weird morons."

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This extremism didn't happen overnight. Decades of complacency got them where they are and Michael Steel was part of that. If the "conservatives" don't like being painted by the same brush as the MAGAs, the conservatives need to grow shiny backbones and take back their party or abandon it all together and form a new one. But they don't do that, do they? No. They keep their heads down, their mouths shut, and they stay in lock-step with whatever they're told to do. The only time you see any hint of backbone is when they've decided not to run again and need to polish of their image for their new career in media punditry, where most of them still promote the GOP.

I have no sympathy for them. If they genuinely wanted to save / restore conservatism, they'd consider voting Democrat for a few election cycles as a form of political chemo-therapy to purge the MAGA cancer that has metastasized in their party. Like with chemo, they may feel sick about it for a while, but at least their values (and democracy) would have a better chance of surviving.

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Michael Steel also got to the point where he refused to go "down the road" and has been a leading Never-Trumper, in case you haven't noticed.

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I've seen him on CNN from time to time (what little I watch of it). I see much more of Conway, Cheney & Kitzinger. Under the circumstances, it would be useful for them all to be making a lot more waves right about now.

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Steel's not on CNN. He's an anchor at MSNBC.

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He must have appeared on CNN as a guest at some point(s). I rarely go to MSNBCs website or YT feed and I don't have tv to watch anything live.

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Hey, grifters gonna grift. Follow the money! 💰

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"No, he really said that. Take a listen:"

No!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's why I subscribe to you! I am happy to submit your name to President/Prosecutor Harris for a Purple Heart for your service to our country while listening to these fanatics, however, after she wins.

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I remember when proto-MAGA Republicans were calling Michelle Obama a trans woman because she's tall and physically fit. It's lazy, tired, and dare we say it, weird.

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