What the hell is happening to democracy this shit show is a never ending circus. Can we at the very least hope that the majority of Americans can see through this and can we hope they show up at the polls 2022 and vote this foolish GQP out of office!

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That's really the only way to crush this, and all the democracy-suppression laws: massive turnout - bigger than a POTUS election - to just swamp the GOP, ESPECIALLY at the state level. More Democrats have to be elected; H.R. 1 is simply too late, if it even goes anywhere at all. There will be states that will probably never go barely purple, let alone blue (ND,SD, WY, WV) but too many have been supposedly purple for too long - TX in particular - and now HAVE to go blue.

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The real problem with these "unofficial" reviews and recounts is that this is just a smoke and mirrors ploy to continue the gaslighting and re-enforcing of falsified and prejudicial beliefs held by the cult of Trump. It is nothing more than more grift for the mill. The Republicans are clinging to Trump now because he is the only real source of campaign finance they still have. This whole show is nothing more than a fundraiser feeding off the gullible.

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I'll bet good money that the judge that allowed this, is one of McConnell's rushed confirmations of an unqualified judge. I have 2 opposing thoughts on this bullshit. The positive one is that this fires up the Democrats and Independents, who have had enough of this, to turn out in huge numbers in 2022 and beyond, no matter what cheating obstacles the GQP try to put in the way. They also convince their own base to totally mistrust the election process, which drives their numbers down. The negative one is, they sign laws that elections can be overturned if a Democrat wins. Local, state, national, all of it. Right now they're focused on the Presidential election, but, they know that if they lose power on the state level, the jig is up. Our democracy hangs by a precarious thread, and right now, the GQP are holding the scissors. I can't figure out, why Democrats are so silent on this. Their quest for "bipartisanship" is going to destroy us. I know SCOTUS doesn't give a shit about voting rights, or any rights that benefit anyone but straight, white, racists, but, can't the DOJ do something about this? What about the American Bar Association? These judges and lawyers need to be disbarred and removed from the bench. I get that there's a lot on President Biden's plate, but, if we lose our right to fair elections, free from this interference, none of the other stuff really matters.

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I disagree that Democrats have been silent on this, given the many statements I have read from them, but am curious as to where you are drawing that conclusion. And I also disagree that the DoJ is doing nothing. In fact, it stopped several aspects of the Arizona “audit” and issued warnings against the processes they had proposed. This might not excite the media very much, but playing by the rules and enforcing the laws rarely does.

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I think I'm just drawing my conclusions on my own frustration and the fact that these people seem to be getting away with everything. I get that the wheels of justice move slowly, but, damn, I want to see these people, from the former guy on down, in prison.

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I share your frustration for sure.

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I tried to find information on the judge, but this is a state county judge, not a federal one. Nothing showed up when I looked at his linked in account and googled him.

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I'm not sure this is so bad. I assume they will find nothing significant and will finally give up the ghost. In the unlikely event they do find massive fraud, don't we all want to know about it?

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We all want to make sure there is no fraud. There were 16 documented cases of voter fraud in this past election, usually a relative trying to vote for someone else. Nothing massive in the nearly 160 million votes cast. We have things like official audits and recounts (which happened three times in GA) to ensure fairness. Beyond that, the chance that someone uses a “review” or “private audit” to allege fraud where there is in fact none goes up considerably, because they go into the process hoping to find it. That kind of Motivated Reasoning (also Confirmation Bias) was evident in Arizona, where they prematurely declared that a database had been deleted, which wasn’t true but which now many people believe because the “auditors” claimed it to be true. These aren’t experienced auditors. They’re privately funded groups with a mission.

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