I can't help but think how much better off our country would be if the NY AG had done their job decades ago, while these crimes were taking place. This country has the annoying and dangerous habit of brushing off "white collar" crimes, involving rich white men, unless there is glaring, public evidence, that can't be ignored. They have the mentality that they're not really hurting anyone, etc. Well, by not doing their job decades ago, we ended up with trump as POTUS and others like him in various levels of his administration and Congress, who are actively trying to dismantle our entire country. Actions and inactions in the past have consequences, which we are living through in the present. We really need to do better.

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The name Leona Helmsley comes to mind…..!

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She, at least, went to prison.

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No offense, Jay, but this story seems to me beyond deja vu; it's more like Groundhog Day. What is new in these "revelations" that was not known a year, or two, or three, or four ago? And even the "suspicions" and "possible civil and/or criminal charges" and "we're getting close" insinuations are playbacks of NY AG spewings of years ago. I thought an "army of attorneys" was working on this Trump Organization stuff, so what do they have to show? The same suspicions and possibilities that they alleged years ago. If they think they're signaling strength and justice, they're quite wrong. Both to *trump's cult and his detractors, they look ineffectual. Frankly, I don't want to hear another word from the NY AG, or SDNY, or Georgia's AG, or even the US AG, or any other government litigator until they are announcing actual charges and indictments against *trump, his family, and his cronies. Feh!

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Then just stop paying attention to the details and wait for the announcements down the road.

The wheels of justice rarely turn as fast as we’d like. Reality isn’t a TV show.

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Will trump tax returns become public as part of this process?

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