10 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

My favorite line was when he was talking to the young black men at the campaign office about not strongly supporting Kamala. He said "You're lucky Michelle's not here!"

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Never mind lecturing Black men on their "responsibilities", as a Substack writer pointed out, it's we white people who hold the key to the race, and if 54-55% of whites vote for the Orange Felon, who REALLY is at fault here?

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White men sadly don’t look very gettable at this point. Minority men can still be persuaded to show up for Harris.

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That may be so, but this old white male is going to keep pounding away at these nitwits until they at least admit the reasons they're doing what they are doing. There is only one reason, and if they won't say what it is, I will.

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And what is that Charles?

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The elephant in the room. Racism doesn't need to be overt. It can be an underlying twinge. A sense that that "I need to cross to the other side of the street because look who's coming my way."

I grew up with racism all around me, and it filters into your soul and leaves tapes in your head no matter how allied you are to the cause of social justice. I know this because I've experienced it. I STILL have old tapes in my head. Nothing horrid, but little nudges now and then.

Even if our white parents were social warriors, we had aunts, uncles, friends, fathers and mothers of friends, who weren't. They also dropped tapes into our heads. I've written extensively on this here and on Medium.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

58 year old CIS white male. Harris and Walz all the way. Stuffed voting info, wrote postcards, delivered literature to homes. we've got this. Of course, to be honest, I'd vote for my toaster over TFG...but I BELIEVE in Harris and Walz!

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I think some are gettable. As The Bulwark keeps pointing out, Republicans 50 and older are the most likely to consider Harris because their party is looking really foreign to them. It is the Gen Zers who only know Trump and Biden since they have been politically aware, and they have no knowledge of anything else. They like Trump because he is mean and exciting. It reminds me of school hall ways when there is a tussle between two boys and people gather around saying, "fight, fight, fight!" instead of getting help. They don't care if there are no more classes because it is not their responsibility if they don't learn. It is only when they are much older and realize what they missed out on that they have regrets. So, Millennials might be. Focus on the economy, it is their future. As for Gen Zers the future might be too far off. You might ask if they would want their moms dating Trump. As a teacher I always find it is helpful to ask the right question to get a picture in people's heads of what you want them to understand.

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As for Gen Z, Fl Rep Maxwell Frost is doing university tour to engage young voters and promote Harris/Waalz campaign.

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What is “exciting” about ConOLD? He’s just a an old senile hater.

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And “minorities” in this case covers a lot of ground in the US and trump knows it. It’s not just Blacks but Latinos, Muslims, Jews, Asians; every man who isn’t white. While there may be cultural differences regarding women as leaders, it’s more about who will do her very best to try to protect minority rights. We know Trump won’t be doing any of that. So guys, if you care about your family or your own backside, a vote for Kamala preserves that.

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Mostly white straight males. All the rest of us are unified in the fact they think of us as “less.” F**k them. I loved this article 💕 Obama is the absolute best.

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Yep, and it's not just white males. The majority of whites of all economic strata and age groups, male and female, voted for Trump in 2020, according to exit polls.

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And don't forget to include an estimated 80 Million Socalled Christian Evangelicals!

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Obviously not that many voted, as that eclipses his total vote count.

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Very well said, but neither Obama or yourself mentioned the Root Cause of the disparity in the Polls and that is RACISM!

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And misogyny. Don’t forget that.

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And misogyny.

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Implied, my dude, a feature not a bug of the US electorate.

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Do you have data to support your claim about white votes for the orange felon? It is hard to believe that white voters have become this ignorant.

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BELIEVE IT and welcome to Dumbed Down America!

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There’s data readily available. Google it.

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From the Pew Research Center, on voting trends in the 2022 elections, 57% of white people voted GOP, and nothing suggests that number will decrease this year:


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Nothing except the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. Polls only measure the thoughts and opinions of those willing to participate. And only boomers still have landlines. Most of us screen our calls, we have that trash email account for all our online receipts and memberships, etc., including political ones. And pollsters are notoriously bad at reaching women, especially millennial women and younger. What we have, is history. In every election after 2016, women have gained ground. We've gotten elected in greater numbers (I mean, look at Michigan, for crying out loud), reproductive freedom ballot initiatives have passed, even in states like Kansas and Kentucky, and candidates who have prioritized reproductive freedom as an issue have won. Including male candidates like Pat Ryan in NY. People relying on data to predict what will happen need to watch Katie Couric's interview with American University Professor Allan Lichtman who has a near-perfect 40-year track record for predicting Presidential elections. He uses more reliable metrics than polls. https://youtu.be/H_4NzsWT3LA?si=PBa9E3kbOa29z8uQ

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Wonderful! Do you have a link to that speech?

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10 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

Obama truly is a gifted orator. And he’s intelligent to boot. Thanks for this post. I feel the fire. I hope it cooks the goose.

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He is the one to bring the message that a candidate can’t bring, he can take the fire to Trump in a way that would make VP Harris look like a bully or vituperative, but he can absolutely do that. He’s the missing piece of the puzzle to get this over the line! I can’t say how energised I felt by listening to the entire speech. All the clips are great, but the way the entire speech is woven together is powerful. Especially like the line “I’m not looking for the applause” when he was saying “When did that become OK?” - he is really serious, when did it become OK? A lot was brewing before Trump, but he let the genie out of the bottle. It needs to be stuffed back in that bottle. Praying hard for such a landslide that there is no place for his post-election nonsense to really go.

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From your lips to God’s ear!!! So big a victory that even the Supreme Court hears it and understands we ARE NOT GOING BACK!!!!

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Oh how I have missed him and Michelle!

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I was mesmerized by President Obama's speech at the rally in Pittsburgh last night. He is an amazing and blatantly honest orator.

SPEAKING FRANKLY, while I can't understand why ANYONE would EVER vote for liar, fraud, con, grifter, felon, traitor, racist, fascist, sex-abuser, women-denigrator, nasty scumbag, Putin's Puppet, America's Presidential Accident and Disgrace DonOLD Scumbag Trump, the idea that ANY Black or Brown person would even remotely consider voting for Trump, or consider not voting for Harris is beyond the pale of imagination! Would it have been wise for Jews in Germany to vote for Hitler or to not vote for Hitler's political opponents? Would it have been wise for Black and Brown people to support racist George Wallace's run for President?

COME ON, PEOPLE, make damn sure that your black and brown friends and neighbors get out to vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz! Make America Sane Again!

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9 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

I thought the fact a black man wearing Trump regalia was attacked at one of Trump's rallies recently was very telling. Anyone who isn't white is completely delusional if they think being a Trump supporter will make any difference at all if he gets back in office. Trump has demonstrated his extreme racism over and over as has his white supporters. Non-whites are hated no matter their support. I am astounded they aren't smart enough to know they're being used, not celebrated.

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I suspect too many of Trump's supporters including minorities are living Vicariously through Trump! Sadly these are the same people who due to their respective Race, Ethnicity or Economic Class Trump would TOTALLY IGNORE!

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I love that line! Make America Sane Again. This should be a campaign slogan!!!

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Just reading his words, I could hear his voice and inflection. Gave me goose bumps, like always. The man is a marvel.

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Same. What an incredible speaker he is.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

I’d guess my emotions are in the category of so many others. Emotionally tired mostly, of a Presidential campaign that requires so much energy trying to prove the former/not so accidental office holder, DT, as the danger he is. This has been like no other campaign. We’ve had a President, that had such a heavy lift to get us back on our feet, a VP that stepped up so admirably. Let’s get this done - elect Kamala Harris and Tim Walz so decisively, that the business of governing can take place like we’ve always expected. We must not expend our energy solely on denying DT’s intent and actual criminal behavior. Thank you Barack Obama for all you’ve done and for stepping into this much needed supporting role at just the right time!! We have candidates that have proven records. Let’s do this!!

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Left completely to their own devices, I think Americans would choose Kamala in a landslide. But the Musk Twitter propaganda machine is an unprecedented use of social media on Trump's behalf in a world where he already has a 24/7 propaganda news service in Fox, and a corporate news media that sanewashes Trump.

She is probably going to win, but a landslide could be difficult to pull off. It's something I desperately want to see, however.

I also believe that Merrick Garland and company should be able to pick apart election laws regarding PACs to the point where he can take some kind of action against Musk re:Twitter. I don't know what. Something. Musk shouldn't be allowed to use it as his personal sounding board unless some kind of authority is installed to restore freedom of speech to the place.

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Don't place any Hope's on Merrick Garland coming to Our Rescue and Saving the Day! Garland has been dragging his feet since Day One of his appointment as Biden's AG!

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Agreed 💯

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Trump's arrogance had him considering running for POTUS for several years, but it was Obama's re-election that triggered him jumping in with no previous political experience. He was so affronted by a black man winning and having power that his personal racism convinced him that he could at least capture the votes of other provincial minded racists. That two-terms for Obama and a rejection of him for a second term has been part of what drives him. Obama understands this and knows his participation now reminds voters of the productive time pre-Covid, not only when the economy was good, but when millions of Americans were finally able to afford healthcare insurance. Two strong points Obama drove home last night.

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Trump is also highly motivated by his desire to stay out of prison.

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Yes, that too, but I highly doubt any US judge will ever send him to prison, and if one would, I expect he'd leave the country first. Perhaps he could bunk in with his pal Putin or Orban.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

I still think prison is a possibility, especially if Smith ever gets the Florida judge problem sorted on the classified docs case. Still, I'd be happy if, at the very least, Trump has to sell off his entire empire and ends up completely broke.

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I still have high hopes for his upcoming Sentencing in the New York State Conviction!

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I doubt Putin or Orban want him, Trump is Only a Puppet!

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Also his pure hatred of Obama for insulting him on national TV at the White House Correspondent's dinner where Obama went on and on in his routine about Trump's hair and a few other items. I will never forget the camera panning to Trump sitting there having to take this from Obama in front of all the press who were present. The press who Trump had courted for years to write wonderful things about him. The depth of the hatred in Trump's eyes for those several minutes where Obama kept going on about Trump was overwhelming, and I said to myself, he is going to run for President so he can destroy everything Obama has built.

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Somebody please convince Obama to speak with the voting bloc of Middle East Muslims who are talking about voting for Trump "to teach the Democrats a lesson..." presumably for supporting Bibi and Israel. If they deny Kamala Michigan's Electoral College votes, and it ends up handing the election to Trump... how does that not also punish THEM? When are people going to realize that voting is NOT a valentine but a bus ticket to get you closer to where you want to be?

And while we are at it...can anyone talk Jill Stein out of her ego trip. She hasn't done diddly squat for the Greens, who used to be a viable party. Ms. Stein is running purely for the money, the notoriety and what? Ego is the best guess, and it's a damned shame.

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I get the sentiment, and it is frustrating. The folks voting against Harris because of Gaza are unlikely to be persuaded very easily, and voters for Stein by this point are low info protest votes almost no matter what. With limited time remaining, we need top surrogates focused on the most persuadable voters.

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Yeah. I know...but it really is very frustrating. I don't mean that I don't understand the anguish of the Palestinians...if this was any other ordinary election I'd be right behind them. But.

As for Stein...yes, having Obama lecture her would give her far more importance than she's worth and if this is ego driving her candidacy, it wouldn't do any good anyway.

You are quite right on all counts, Mr. Kuo, but it does make me want to beat my head on a brick wall. You are a very lucky man; you can go blow "bubbles" on your daughter's tummy and get some adorable giggles (well, maybe not quite yet--but soon!) and forget all this nasty division and chaos.

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TL Mills - do the Muslims know how close T is with Bibi? Their logic makes no sense to me.

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They must. I don't know--well, I do in a way. it's an act of despair--perhaps the only way to get some notice? But if they hand the election to Trump, the only notice they will get is likely to be thrown out of the country. Whether they are citizens or not. Trump won't do them any favors unless they have some really big money to tempt/bribe him with...and even then he'll have his fingers crossed behind his back whatever he might promise.

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Thank you for this well written piece. I watched the rally and then read your comments. And if I had read this before seeing the actual stream I would have been just as inspired. 🥰

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It was so good to hear him speaking again. I hope he continues with the same fervor. He's in a unique position, as the last president to ensure a peaceful transfer of power (although it was fumbled intentionally by its receiver), his strong and positive image, and his incredible ability to communicate. As someone else suggested, he can take the Bigliest Loser on so Kamala Harris doesn't have to and can remain on her message of opportunity. Speaking of which, hers is a campaign of opportunity, while her opponent's is one of opportunism.

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Early voting in NC starts next Thursday, and I have a reminder to vote on my calendar.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

Keep bringing the fire, Mr. President. Maybe it will help the other candidate prepare for where he's going next...

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10 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

Damn he's good.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

When he gets fired up it's like going to church. Can a get an Amen?

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I hope his message is heard. It’s a powerful one.

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