I'll say it again. The real goal is to establish permanent minority rule in the United States. Rule by a cruel, anti-science, anti-humanist, anti-rational, cynical klepto-patriarchy.

The fascist minority is completely dedicated to this goal. We must match their dedication and intensity if we are to save democracy in the United States.

Start today.

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Thank you. We must all stand together in this fight, supporting each other. And when November comes, we need to make the numbers of 2020 look like a baseball score. I heard a commentator say that yes, people are angry today, but, come November, the price of gas, inflation, etc. will be what's on people's minds. This was coming from a Black woman. I for one don't care if gas is $10/gallon, if a loaf of bread is $15. If I don't have the right to my own body, if love is not love for everyone, then none of that matters. This is it, people. This is where we find out whose side everyone is on. Corporations especially. They've been donating to Republicans forever, to get exactly this result. We have our vote and we have our wallets. Choose wisely.

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Yes, mobilize & vote in all elections. Meanwhile Reuters is reporting that major companies are moving into the minority-control vacuum to support travel costs & employee medical care costs for proper full reproductive health services including Alaska Airlines, Disney ( itself under attack in Florida) J.P. Morgan Chase, Amazon, Meta Platforms & Others. As always, caveat emptor. Also. Substantial help is needed in South Texas.

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There’s an old saying, “be careful what you wish for you just might get it”. Considering Thomas’s comments about looking at same sex marriage and birth control, he seems to have forgotten that the “friends” he has don’t actually like black people very much either. Does anyone want to bet that interracial marriages might also come under scrutiny by these Supremes?

Not to mention that by actually striking down bodily autonomy, means this could now be used to FORCE people to wear masks, or be vaccinated. Basically this law says women is bodies are not their own. A good lawyer could argue that it apples to every person, not just women.

If ever there was a singular reason to vote Democrat this mid term this is it. People need to stop thinking that no other issue, not the economy, not the rising interest rates, not the high cost of food or fuel, NOTHING is more important than voting for either a Democracy, or a Fascist dictatorship, because in actuality they are the only choices, left now!

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❤Jay! So very well put.

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The GOP has been playing a game of chess while the Dems have been playing checkers. Voter redistricting, voter repression, repressive legislation, sowing seeds of doubt with lies, and the shameless politicalization of the Courts have all been leading to this moment… We need to stop playing checkers and be Anya fucking Taylor Joy in the end of Queen’s Gambit right about NOW. Because the way it’s going, come November, it’s check mate.

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I feel like the Supreme Court overstepped it’s boundaries in this to inflict control over women once again. Sad sad day for many and I feel it won’t end there for sure they are coming after the rights of LGBTQ communities as well. We definitely need to vote like our lives and our freedoms depend on it because they absolutely do.

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If this decision came because of a belief in Christianity that abortion is murder, doesn't that violate separation of church and state? I would think Supreme Court justices would be required to uphold all the constitutional laws.

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I’m comforted by your final paragraph and truly live my life that way. However I feel compelled to note that I have been saying that the right wing has understood “…with no small amount of panic, that this is their final, gasping assault” since I was in my twenties and that was forty years ago. In the scheme of things, forty years is not very long, but this pendulum swing may go so far right as they take their last grasp that I won’t live to see it swing back. I’m saddened by this.

Every quadrennial for my entire voting life I have railed about the crucial importance of the Supreme Court in connection to the Presidency. Perhaps people will listen now.

Of all the harms done to our Democracy by the former guy, his ability to appoint 3 justices in only one term because of Mc Connell’s absolute disregard for our Democracy has brought this down upon us.

We must vote for Democrats who must give us 2 more states and a larger court.

Let it be so.

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To the Supreme Court the members know who I am sending this message to. The message is The Trump 45th Reich drained the swamp and filled it with rat shit.To all you swamp dwellers hold your heads up high as you sink in the swamp so you don’t lose your Nazi helmets.

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Thank you so much for the first worded since yesterday that have brought me hope!

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I feel there is an underlying fear of the "ruling party" or mainly those with the wealth to BUY our elected officials. The fear is that on the current trajectory, the white race is on the decline in this country. White women are having less children by choice.. Frankly, if I were young enough to have children, I wouldn't have any. Women pursue careers or financially it is not feasible and lastly, the uncertain future of this country is not something we want to impose on a child. I fully expect them to come after birth control next. I believe they are in a panic as they see the hispanic population increasing even more rapidly than the black population.

I hear the rationale that if a mother does not want to keep her child, give them up for adoption. I am a Guardian ad Litem for foster children and there are approximately 200,000 children up for adoption. Most will age out of foster care. Most people want a baby, a child who has not had bad experiences or remembers their birth parents. But now, they want to know who those original parents were and about health history etc. More obstacles. Children are deemed largely unadoptable by age 5. I think it is younger. And yet, absolutely no one can scientifically say when a blastocycte or an embryo at 3 months 1/2 to 1 oz. and 3-4 inches long and absolutely non-viable becomes a "person."

Here's another perspective. A mother carrying a child is not a symbiotic relationship. It is a parasitic relationship which by definition occurs when an organism attaches to a host organism and derives nutrition to grow and develop from the host sometimes to the detriment of the host and even possibly causing death of the host. If the mother cannot nourish herself adequately during pregnancy, the child does not suffer. It extracts the necessities from the mother as she declines. The mother may choose this relationship willingly and give her all to grow the child while taking good care of herself in order to maintain her health throughout. But, if there are problems with the child that cause the mother to become ill or threaten her life, and she becomes ill or dies, whose fault with that be! If the person is raped, she did not agree to provide her life to grow the child of an abuser, should she be made to continue this parasitic relationship.

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Your words help heal a little of my soul....I was a Senior in HS in 1973 at this time I felt PROUD to know if something happens in my near future like to have or not a child this young to raise...it would BE MY CHOICE! I didn't understand all of this deeply but thought WHY SHOULD this be any different than a man choosing to be a part of or NOT a child? I just went through the VN war protesting lost some Seniors there good friends and was happy all of these were behind US as People of the USA!! NOW.....flashback horror.......just now we have GONE BACK IN TIME but this time it's for NO REASON but lies,corruption,Power of VOTES from Religious fanatics,white supremacy...even our corrupted courts and congress and Senitors!! I'llminded represenitives who pleadge LOYALTY to a MAN and CHURCH(for voting power ONLY) NOT THE PEOPLE OF STATES!! Our base has been dismantled little by little by a Gangster a corrupt X President who's mental state has damage our CORE! I still remain FAITHFUL NOT TO GOD, I do this with my own choice of free church.... NOT with COLOR I always didn't notice it at all but with PRIDE OF BEING "AN AMERICAN" who will NOT GIVE UP!!! VOTE BLUE make our number's SHOUT OUT LOUD ......THIS WILL NOT BE OUR AMERICA!!! November 2020/2024 Regain our self RESPECT and HELP PUT BACK PRE -TRUMP nightmare to our normal Republicans vs Demorcrates checks & Balances Under our Constitution and once again..... FREEDOM FOR ALL!! VOTE BLUE!!!!!

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Celebrating the body that is ours... a great message to leave with as we look ahead.

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Watching from New Zealand, I'm horrified. It seems that every month, the US is closing further in on itself. I only hope that the next elections help to restore normalcy.

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This is a great column, especially exposing the hypocracy of the anti-maskers. Thanks for the increased awareness and clarification. Carry on.

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