Thank you for highlighting this extremely important issue. People like the Sacketts make my blood run cold. They want to be "close to nature," but to do so, they "need to" destroy it. Here in Maine we are far more protective of our waterways than we used to be, but abuses still exist, as you can confirm with any contractor who has worked for the wealthy. Landowners will do what they want and just budget for the potential fine. Maddening. Wetlands are vital nurseries for so many species.

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Again, this case is a perfect encapsulation of the "me" attitude of conservatives, versus the "us" attitude of those of us with a brain and a heart not filled with greed and grievances.

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F*ck SCOTUS Apparently they won't be satisfied until they destroy everything.

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A very sad state of affairs where science and common sense are thrown out of the window

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I still do not understand how people who call themselves conservatives can be so intent upon destroying everything we need to take care of in order to continue to live on this planet!

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Sometimes I read your posts and feel very hopeful. I love reading those posts! Then there are instances like this when I feel as though we're swirling down the drain of dystopia. It's like nothing can stop the GQPs from taking over, and the more they rig things in their favor, the more momentum they get, and the bleaker things look for the rest of us.

Make no mistake, I need to be informed, even if it's with stuff like this. Your concise, easy-to-understand narrative is immensely helpful. But this post did not bring me hope that we'll persevere and overcome the evil that is the GQP.

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Sad to see this in such clear terms. You outline it well.

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Who is funding the Sacket’s legal fees? Are they so wealthy they can take on the EPA all the way to the highest ct?

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as if we were not messing up the environment enough without the supreme court making it worse.

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It's unfortunate that people like the Sacketts do not understand how anything damaging done at the environmental level will eventually backfire on, them, their offspring, and the rest of us. What is it going to take to wake people up?

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This is so very depressing. Barring a miracle, fifty years of progress in protection of the environment will be destroyed by the SCOTUS mullahs. Not the reading I needed on a Monday.

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