I continue to be flabbergasted at these folks who continue to support Trump. Take away the legal issues and look at the man. He lacks integrity, decency, intellect, and character. Where are the decent statesmen in the GOP? Who can save the Republican Party? And don’t these people realize that the promised dictatorship will also affect them? For people who scream FREEDOM, they sure seem to be intent on destroying democracy. I fear for America and the gullibility of her citizenry.
I asked many Republicans, how they would feel if their daughter came home and told them she was dating Donald Trump? Or would they feel comfortable leaving any female friend or relative of theirs alone in the room with him. Never got an answer. Not once. This is the worst of it - they KNOW he is a crook. They KNOW he is a rapist. They KNOW he is corrupt to the core. And they. Don't. CARE. He legitimizes racism, sexism, ignorance, denial of science, homophobia, and xenophobia, thus, empowering these people to be the worst they can be. And that, apparently, is what matters to them the most.
Maria, "empowering these people to be the worst they can be." You've got it! I never realized how many horrible people there are in this country and even the small town I live in. I'm completely rethinking about people I considered "friends". Do we really have anything in common now that the truth has come out? All I can say is Eternity is a really long time.
Are you sure this hasn't been explained to you like 50 times and you just didn't process the information? ALL current politicians, with VERY few exceptions, (none of which have shown much if any interest in running for president) lack "integrity, decency, intellect, and character." Have you been paying attention?
Trump is a middle finger to the system that threw everyone overboard 40 years ago in favor of corporate power. That's literally the beginning, middle and end of it. Anything you hear otherwise is rationalization from people who don't want to admit that's all they're donig.
Jim, I find many Dems. In the House and Senate to be honest, honorable,intelligent, well-informed, patriotic, etc. did you not watch the high qualityimpeachment proceedings.Are you not keeping up with their sterling participation in the “weaponization” hearings being run by Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Ted Cruz, and that ilk? I’ve seen those circuses more than 50 times for sure and there is no comparison. Where has your head been?
Yup, "hysterical"! That's exactly what it is to me. Those are unfound fear that we in general have chosen to focus our energy on. Exception is in the minority who are just shifting primary focus on preparation for voting in all elections. Keep eye on prize! Vote for Democrats so we could stay in control of our government!!! Assuming our democracy holds, Republican Party will then by default be the minority with minimal political power to affect how we want the direction of our country.
Several Democratic house members have been showing their stuff this year, like Jamie Raskin and a half-dozen or so more. But they are just preaching to the choir, as the extremist right media only cover their boy and minions.
Laser focused on VOTING! Go To Vote. We have the power to decide who has the power be in control of our government. I'll guarantee Democrats will win when we all go vote.
One thing that we seem to dance around is the possibility (likelihood?) of a jury that is "tainted" by one or more hard-core Maga jurors who refuse to convict regardless of evidence. That is my biggest concern, and would be the end of our democracy.
This is something we should prepare mentally for. But note that in all the DC criminal cases so far, there have not been hung juries when it comes to the most MAGA of the insurrectionists. That gives me some hope.
I agree. The Jan 6 case is in DC, so I feel hopeful there won't be a tainted jury. In Florida or Georgia, there may be. I hope the prosecutors are savvy and vigilant.
I'm sure the prosecutors and judge will be aware of that - as well as the defense, who will be on the watch for any hard-core Trump haters. So each side will be watching the other - and I'm sure the jurors will also say something if Juror #5 comes in with a MAGA hat and sharing photos of their January 6 "tour".
That's the concerning part. If a potenital juror hasnt formed some sort of opinion by now then they must be pretty clueless, and that in itself would be a problem.
The polarization of the political landscape is coincidentally polarizing the jury pool. TFG's megaphone, complements of the MAGA media, is a form of pre-emptive jury tampering. If you can't find jurists without well established preformed opinions on the defendant, it'll be tough to schedule a jury trial.
Whether he is convicted or not, whether he is imprisoned or not; the end of our democracy would result only if the Orange Demagogue or another [right-wing] demagogue based partially on him gets elected by us, We the People.
The Trump train is running. His backers have piled aboard, the GOP has tied down the throttle, and it's "give us Trump or we'll crash the train" to misquote New Hampshire's motto. Democracy vs. the cult and it's a close race.
Thank you once again for your informed and detailed analysis.
We must be on guard not to suffer from that old affliction "A Failure of Imagination." Pearl Harbor, 9/11, 2008, January 6, and Trump becoming president in the first place were all offspring of that beast. Donald Trump and the GOP have moved far beyond what we OUGHT to be able to expect from them, and instead are only interested in a particular outcome. Unlike the lead-up to January 6, there will be no limits place on how that outcome might be achieved. They will do quite literally anything that they think might work, and they have learned that any hesitancy will result in failure.
For himself, Trump desires to be fabulously wealthy, immune from any and all legal consequences, to exercise unchecked absolute political power without any term limitation, and to punish all of his enemies and detractors. His GOP enablers have already gambled that he will succeed, and that they will be favored and greatly prosper under the new regime. They also fear legal consequences for those actions of which they are already culpable, and they need Trump's ascendency for their own protection.
As they grow more desperate expect wilder rhetoric, highly questionable political maneuvers (especially in the House and by the RNC), legal challenges, and resort to any and all forms of media to try to inflame the base, cow and/or disengage the libs, and potentially destabilize American society enough that widespread stochastic violence will erupt on its own.
If the worst happens, will the outcome be to the GOP's liking? The government will become "Dear Leader". Will Congress have any say? No. Will the courts have any say? No. Will the executive branch have any say? No. Will the money men control trump? No. Either it is trump's way or the highway or the cup of tea or the view from the stairwell window.
I agree. tfg's followers clearly don't realize that he doesn't *give* loyalty, he demands it from them. If their loyalty isn't forthcoming, they are disposable, and he has demonstrated often, the streak of cruelty that runs through him. The old adage, "buyer beware", applies to all those who vote for him.
It is my belief that the inner circle of GOP enablers expects to survive a dissolution of our political system, and will become Donald Trump's satraps in a new laissez-faire autocracy. Some of them are doubtless kidding themselves that they will get a Christian theocracy out of it.
That is an extremely depressing, but accurate analysis of what we may have in our future IF we don’t take this seriously and every single one of us make the effort to vote next year. The lives we want really do depend on it.
It is doubly ironic that McConnell's excuse for voting to acquit a man he and other GOP Senators conceded WAS guilty at BOTH impeachments was that it was a matter for the criminal courts. (Despite BOTH impeachments going to the heart of WHY impeachment is not bound by criminal laws - both were attacks on the principles underlying the Constitution). Now that Trump will likely BE convicted by the criminal courts, McConnell will most assuredly NOT withdraw his support for a Trump candidacy on the grounds that "the criminal justice system has spoken."
Nope. The shameless one will go back and say the criminal justice process is not a limiting factor. Kinda like confirming a Supreme Court justice 38 days before an election but quashing another nearly a year before an election.
When asked how he can reconcile these seemingly competing principles, McConnell can only say "don't you know? I HAVE no principles."
Moscow Mitch is truly despicable. Anything that he views as getting himself back in power is what he's likely to do. Corrupt scum is far too nice a term for turtle-boy . . .
Even if Congress were to pass more restrictions as to qualifications for running for President by adopting an addendum to the Constitution, I imagine it would be struck down by this clown court we call the Supreme court? Sorry, not sure if I'm wording this correctly.
If the House and Senate came up with an amendment to address this problem, it would require a Democratic majority in both houses (or, after the 2024 election if the Senate holds and the House is regained). If passed, it would go to the States for ratification. The Supreme Court has nothing to do with it unless a State was to issue a challenge to the amendment to the Court.
The real problem is, like the Equal Rights Amendment, it will be extremely difficult to get the States to ratify in a timely manner, and thus quite possible That Man is back in office and screwing things up again.
Whether or not he is convicted, I just want the cowering GOP leaders to realized what a scum bag they are backing and decide to dump him. I am doubtful that will happen so, as you say, it is up to the voters to get out and VOTE all of these people out of office!!!
Those who continue to believe that our justice system will put an end to Trump are doing a great disservice to the country and themselves. In the words of Elliott Ness: “Never give up, never surrender!” He’s not going away, any convictions not withstanding. Be ever vigilant!
I distinctly remember learning in school ( many decades ago) that anyone convicted of a crime could not run for president. I now wonder where that came from, because everyone says now that they can. I wish I was right!
Treason was the crime, and because we are not at war with anybody That Man sucked up to, even if he gave State secrets to Putin or Xi or Kim, it is espionage and not treason.
As much as I would like to see that guy permanently prohibited from holding office it is probably wise not to have such a stipulation. It would be almost trivial for corrupted politicians to get political opponents on bogus charges and thus eliminate competition.
Surely Article II3 or II4 provide some safety against Trump becoming president again. US v Nixon addressed whether a sitting president is immune from criminal prosecution. A candidate shouldn't have more protection.
I'm assuming that trump's cult thinks the DOJ and President Biden are one in the same because of Bill Barr, who did everything he could to protect trump. Either that or they're just assholes. Many people have said this before, but every single election, town, city, state and national matters. It's great as a country if Democrats sweep the national election, but think how much damage state legislators are causing, not just to Congressional districts, but to the rights of women, the LGBTQIA+ community, POC, immigrants, etc. We must vote no matter what polling says. If polling were accurate, Hillary would be in her second term.
I'm curious on what would happen if he was convicted in several of the cases, both State and Federal, and STILL somehow managed to win the Presidency.
I'm sure he'd immediately pardon himself for the Federal crimes, but would he still be forced to stay behind bars for any State crimes he was serving time for? It boggles the mind that we're in a time and place where we need to consider this as a possibility!
To his loyal followers, he is entertaining. (I know; hard to believe.) While most of us recoil at the sight of him or the mention of his name, they can't get enough outrage. Let's all just pitch in and give him his own TV channel so his adoring fans can overdose on all that is Donald as often as they wish. Give him his own kingdom on an island somewhere. Just please--keep him away from our government and, if possible, our country.
It's become a cult of personality, much like the Fine Young Cannibals sang about. I bet half of the base is there "just to own the libtards." The other half really believe in all Trump and Rhonda Santis say and think,
I continue to be flabbergasted at these folks who continue to support Trump. Take away the legal issues and look at the man. He lacks integrity, decency, intellect, and character. Where are the decent statesmen in the GOP? Who can save the Republican Party? And don’t these people realize that the promised dictatorship will also affect them? For people who scream FREEDOM, they sure seem to be intent on destroying democracy. I fear for America and the gullibility of her citizenry.
I asked many Republicans, how they would feel if their daughter came home and told them she was dating Donald Trump? Or would they feel comfortable leaving any female friend or relative of theirs alone in the room with him. Never got an answer. Not once. This is the worst of it - they KNOW he is a crook. They KNOW he is a rapist. They KNOW he is corrupt to the core. And they. Don't. CARE. He legitimizes racism, sexism, ignorance, denial of science, homophobia, and xenophobia, thus, empowering these people to be the worst they can be. And that, apparently, is what matters to them the most.
😭 it breaks my heart - I hope we can withstand this challenge.
Maria, "empowering these people to be the worst they can be." You've got it! I never realized how many horrible people there are in this country and even the small town I live in. I'm completely rethinking about people I considered "friends". Do we really have anything in common now that the truth has come out? All I can say is Eternity is a really long time.
Sadly, they figure that their daughters can outrun him....
Are you sure this hasn't been explained to you like 50 times and you just didn't process the information? ALL current politicians, with VERY few exceptions, (none of which have shown much if any interest in running for president) lack "integrity, decency, intellect, and character." Have you been paying attention?
Trump is a middle finger to the system that threw everyone overboard 40 years ago in favor of corporate power. That's literally the beginning, middle and end of it. Anything you hear otherwise is rationalization from people who don't want to admit that's all they're donig.
Well, thanks Jim. I guess I better start “paying attention.” 🙄
Jim, I find many Dems. In the House and Senate to be honest, honorable,intelligent, well-informed, patriotic, etc. did you not watch the high qualityimpeachment proceedings.Are you not keeping up with their sterling participation in the “weaponization” hearings being run by Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Ted Cruz, and that ilk? I’ve seen those circuses more than 50 times for sure and there is no comparison. Where has your head been?
>political operatives taking the most low-risk stance imaginable
>really showed their honor, intelligence, honesty etc
You people are hysterical. In the older, (but not oldest) sense of the term.
I have absolutely no idea who or what you are talking about.
Yup, "hysterical"! That's exactly what it is to me. Those are unfound fear that we in general have chosen to focus our energy on. Exception is in the minority who are just shifting primary focus on preparation for voting in all elections. Keep eye on prize! Vote for Democrats so we could stay in control of our government!!! Assuming our democracy holds, Republican Party will then by default be the minority with minimal political power to affect how we want the direction of our country.
Fortunately, you got mansplained.
Oh yes. I feel quite fortunate. 😂
You might be better off just looking at this video: https://media.clubcyberia.co/pleroma/a889165273e0d2299a6ded0ce03043fbeb7b36e9525732e274c48b38405b5129.mp4
Nope. That link is suspicious AF.
I finally had a chance to look at his cat video. I think Jim might be lost 😂
Several Democratic house members have been showing their stuff this year, like Jamie Raskin and a half-dozen or so more. But they are just preaching to the choir, as the extremist right media only cover their boy and minions.
All I can say is: remember 2016. Assume NOTHING. Vote.
Laser focused on VOTING! Go To Vote. We have the power to decide who has the power be in control of our government. I'll guarantee Democrats will win when we all go vote.
One thing that we seem to dance around is the possibility (likelihood?) of a jury that is "tainted" by one or more hard-core Maga jurors who refuse to convict regardless of evidence. That is my biggest concern, and would be the end of our democracy.
This is something we should prepare mentally for. But note that in all the DC criminal cases so far, there have not been hung juries when it comes to the most MAGA of the insurrectionists. That gives me some hope.
I agree. The Jan 6 case is in DC, so I feel hopeful there won't be a tainted jury. In Florida or Georgia, there may be. I hope the prosecutors are savvy and vigilant.
I'm sure the prosecutors and judge will be aware of that - as well as the defense, who will be on the watch for any hard-core Trump haters. So each side will be watching the other - and I'm sure the jurors will also say something if Juror #5 comes in with a MAGA hat and sharing photos of their January 6 "tour".
I hope that you are correct.
The vetting will take days and days. I guess fortunately, most people have some sort fo online presence these days, that can be looked at.
Ya gotta wonder how they will seat a full jury of folks who do have already have a strong opinion on the charges.
That's the concerning part. If a potenital juror hasnt formed some sort of opinion by now then they must be pretty clueless, and that in itself would be a problem.
The polarization of the political landscape is coincidentally polarizing the jury pool. TFG's megaphone, complements of the MAGA media, is a form of pre-emptive jury tampering. If you can't find jurists without well established preformed opinions on the defendant, it'll be tough to schedule a jury trial.
Whether he is convicted or not, whether he is imprisoned or not; the end of our democracy would result only if the Orange Demagogue or another [right-wing] demagogue based partially on him gets elected by us, We the People.
Show up and Vote.
a former Republican.
The Trump train is running. His backers have piled aboard, the GOP has tied down the throttle, and it's "give us Trump or we'll crash the train" to misquote New Hampshire's motto. Democracy vs. the cult and it's a close race.
The remaining Koch brother is anti trump. So that's good I guess. But he likely wants the R policies without the trump baggage.
Thank you once again for your informed and detailed analysis.
We must be on guard not to suffer from that old affliction "A Failure of Imagination." Pearl Harbor, 9/11, 2008, January 6, and Trump becoming president in the first place were all offspring of that beast. Donald Trump and the GOP have moved far beyond what we OUGHT to be able to expect from them, and instead are only interested in a particular outcome. Unlike the lead-up to January 6, there will be no limits place on how that outcome might be achieved. They will do quite literally anything that they think might work, and they have learned that any hesitancy will result in failure.
For himself, Trump desires to be fabulously wealthy, immune from any and all legal consequences, to exercise unchecked absolute political power without any term limitation, and to punish all of his enemies and detractors. His GOP enablers have already gambled that he will succeed, and that they will be favored and greatly prosper under the new regime. They also fear legal consequences for those actions of which they are already culpable, and they need Trump's ascendency for their own protection.
As they grow more desperate expect wilder rhetoric, highly questionable political maneuvers (especially in the House and by the RNC), legal challenges, and resort to any and all forms of media to try to inflame the base, cow and/or disengage the libs, and potentially destabilize American society enough that widespread stochastic violence will erupt on its own.
If the worst happens, will the outcome be to the GOP's liking? The government will become "Dear Leader". Will Congress have any say? No. Will the courts have any say? No. Will the executive branch have any say? No. Will the money men control trump? No. Either it is trump's way or the highway or the cup of tea or the view from the stairwell window.
I agree. tfg's followers clearly don't realize that he doesn't *give* loyalty, he demands it from them. If their loyalty isn't forthcoming, they are disposable, and he has demonstrated often, the streak of cruelty that runs through him. The old adage, "buyer beware", applies to all those who vote for him.
It is my belief that the inner circle of GOP enablers expects to survive a dissolution of our political system, and will become Donald Trump's satraps in a new laissez-faire autocracy. Some of them are doubtless kidding themselves that they will get a Christian theocracy out of it.
That is an extremely depressing, but accurate analysis of what we may have in our future IF we don’t take this seriously and every single one of us make the effort to vote next year. The lives we want really do depend on it.
Someone in the RNC agrees, it would seem.
It is doubly ironic that McConnell's excuse for voting to acquit a man he and other GOP Senators conceded WAS guilty at BOTH impeachments was that it was a matter for the criminal courts. (Despite BOTH impeachments going to the heart of WHY impeachment is not bound by criminal laws - both were attacks on the principles underlying the Constitution). Now that Trump will likely BE convicted by the criminal courts, McConnell will most assuredly NOT withdraw his support for a Trump candidacy on the grounds that "the criminal justice system has spoken."
Nope. The shameless one will go back and say the criminal justice process is not a limiting factor. Kinda like confirming a Supreme Court justice 38 days before an election but quashing another nearly a year before an election.
When asked how he can reconcile these seemingly competing principles, McConnell can only say "don't you know? I HAVE no principles."
I can’t say I can predict what McConnell will do at this point. He’s been hard to figure out of late.
I predict that when Mitch meets his maker, he will be assigned to the best suite. The one that is the hottest of all the hot.
And the Devil will dance and rejoice because his spawn has come home.
The sooner the better
Moscow Mitch is truly despicable. Anything that he views as getting himself back in power is what he's likely to do. Corrupt scum is far too nice a term for turtle-boy . . .
Even if Congress were to pass more restrictions as to qualifications for running for President by adopting an addendum to the Constitution, I imagine it would be struck down by this clown court we call the Supreme court? Sorry, not sure if I'm wording this correctly.
If the House and Senate came up with an amendment to address this problem, it would require a Democratic majority in both houses (or, after the 2024 election if the Senate holds and the House is regained). If passed, it would go to the States for ratification. The Supreme Court has nothing to do with it unless a State was to issue a challenge to the amendment to the Court.
The real problem is, like the Equal Rights Amendment, it will be extremely difficult to get the States to ratify in a timely manner, and thus quite possible That Man is back in office and screwing things up again.
But it is what we *should* do.
Unfortunately, Christina, that state would probably be ours. ( Ohio, for those of you who don't know us! )
Well, since I live about 20 miles east of Columbus, I certainly know Ohio.
I'm about 10 miles east of Cleveland, just out of Cuyahoga County.
Thank you for the explanation. How many states would it take to ratify it?
3/4ths of the states, or 38.
A new amendment being ratified is a fever dream in this dysfunctional two party polarized government. They can barely agree to pay the bills.
Nicely done. A good read.
Whether or not he is convicted, I just want the cowering GOP leaders to realized what a scum bag they are backing and decide to dump him. I am doubtful that will happen so, as you say, it is up to the voters to get out and VOTE all of these people out of office!!!
Those who continue to believe that our justice system will put an end to Trump are doing a great disservice to the country and themselves. In the words of Elliott Ness: “Never give up, never surrender!” He’s not going away, any convictions not withstanding. Be ever vigilant!
I distinctly remember learning in school ( many decades ago) that anyone convicted of a crime could not run for president. I now wonder where that came from, because everyone says now that they can. I wish I was right!
Treason was the crime, and because we are not at war with anybody That Man sucked up to, even if he gave State secrets to Putin or Xi or Kim, it is espionage and not treason.
As much as I would like to see that guy permanently prohibited from holding office it is probably wise not to have such a stipulation. It would be almost trivial for corrupted politicians to get political opponents on bogus charges and thus eliminate competition.
Surely Article II3 or II4 provide some safety against Trump becoming president again. US v Nixon addressed whether a sitting president is immune from criminal prosecution. A candidate shouldn't have more protection.
I'm assuming that trump's cult thinks the DOJ and President Biden are one in the same because of Bill Barr, who did everything he could to protect trump. Either that or they're just assholes. Many people have said this before, but every single election, town, city, state and national matters. It's great as a country if Democrats sweep the national election, but think how much damage state legislators are causing, not just to Congressional districts, but to the rights of women, the LGBTQIA+ community, POC, immigrants, etc. We must vote no matter what polling says. If polling were accurate, Hillary would be in her second term.
Prime example: Ohio
I'm curious on what would happen if he was convicted in several of the cases, both State and Federal, and STILL somehow managed to win the Presidency.
I'm sure he'd immediately pardon himself for the Federal crimes, but would he still be forced to stay behind bars for any State crimes he was serving time for? It boggles the mind that we're in a time and place where we need to consider this as a possibility!
It’s a really weird situation we find ourselves. He can’t get rid of the state cases. Would he argue he can be president from jail?!
TRUMP: yeah, I know I'm in prison. That's why I'm counting on the 25th Amendment, putting my VP Marjorie Taylor Greene in charge, issuing me a Pardon!
MTG: Let's just put that plan on hold a little longer, Former Guy.
"Our laws are not our politics" is a phrase I will be using to end conversations with certain people.
To his loyal followers, he is entertaining. (I know; hard to believe.) While most of us recoil at the sight of him or the mention of his name, they can't get enough outrage. Let's all just pitch in and give him his own TV channel so his adoring fans can overdose on all that is Donald as often as they wish. Give him his own kingdom on an island somewhere. Just please--keep him away from our government and, if possible, our country.
It's become a cult of personality, much like the Fine Young Cannibals sang about. I bet half of the base is there "just to own the libtards." The other half really believe in all Trump and Rhonda Santis say and think,