I think that a very important fact was left out of this report: that Mark Meadows used a private cell phone for his “non-stop” conversations with Kashap Patel on

January 6. These conversations were not reported to the National Archives which is required by the Presidential Records Act of 1978. Mark Meadows is now suing to prevent release of those telephone records, doing so likely because he knows that not reporting those conversations, and that using a private phone for official business, are both clearly illegal. He should be indicted forthwith by the Justice Department.

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Although I am still very worried about the state of our democracy, I-will say, reading things like this gives me hope..and it’s better than any book I could read!

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This one part from the article is the key to literally the entire plot to kill American Democracy "If the facts were to show that the National Guard deployment was delayed intentionally, either by Pentagon officials or by Trump himself, not because of “optics” but because someone actually wanted the rioters to succeed unimpeded, that would be a game-changer to the entire investigation. It would tie the growing evidence of conspiracy within the White House to overturn the election directly to the violence that occurred during the attack on the Capitol."

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