Just the usual Kuo quality. It sure is frustrating how much mainstream media just keeps relaying Republican lies without much pushback. The Iran "funding" claim is the perfect example.

Also distressing is the disintegration of Nikki Haley's moral fiber in real time over the last few years. And now this statement:

“look at what the Iranian people have done to freedom loving people around the world, look at what the Iranian people, the Iranian regime, has done to threaten Israel over the years.”

The Iranian "people?" You mean, Nikki, the ones who have been engaging in massive hijab protests for the last couple years? Those Iranian people? Do most Iranians dislike Israel? Probably. But most Iranian people would also like to be free from the restraints of their theological dictatorship, and don't want war any more than the rest of us.

And this flip flopping, careless politician wants to be in charge of American foreign policy? Yeesh.

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Nikki Haley never had much of a moral core - e.g., her tergiversation re: the Confederate flag - and now she's bending and twisting her views in order to gain a post-tRump following without directly repudiating the Orange Cancer. Yet another pandering, values-free politico...feh!

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You described her perfectly. She is a wolf in sheep‘s clothing with no moral compass. She may sound sweet when she talks, but she fits right in with the other bloviating idiots who are running for the Republican nomination.

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Normally I don't like to be corrected, but this time I think I'll let it slide! :-)

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This is a fascinating read! It really highlights the complexities of our current political landscape. I've recently penned a piece that delves into the political divide we're experiencing in the country and explores potential avenues for finding common ground. I believe it could offer additional perspectives to this discussion. Check it out here: [https://open.substack.com/pub/dsc007/p/the-untruth-of-emotional-reasoning?r=1mx14f&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web]. I'm eager to hear your thoughts and engage in a meaningful dialogue!

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What have the "Iranian people done Freedom Loving people around the world"???

How about we take a look at US involvement vand manipulation and destruction of Iranian rights, culture and order in Iran since the 70's, imposing leadership on that country in thebform of the Shah of Iran etc, who had no legitimate following in that country and did not promote that countries values or culture.

You're a Fucking Moron with a big Stupid Mouth overflowing with Bullshit and Ignorance!!!

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What are you even talking about? Are you 12 years old? I said nothing bad about the Iranian people.

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So, do you have an adult writing for you, that you don't know what Shit you supposedly wrote???

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What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you psychotic? Should I contact law enforcement? What the fuck do you know about me to attack me? I said nothing about Iran, dipshit. I know all about the American intervention against the shah, psycho. Send me another post like this and I'll take legal action.

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Just a thought-- since the Senate is pretty much stalled until the House... idk even what the House can or will do now... Why not just start that single promotion process for the military personnel that Schumer used for the Joint Chief? Yes they couldn't get many through, but they could start at the top... It seems like an excellent use of time during an otherwise useless hold waiting for the House to get itself in order.

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I was thinking that too--they'll have time on their hands if the House isn't doing its job.

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Yeah...GOP members might want to skip over the "intelligence failures" line of talking points in light of credible evidence of tfg's loose lips literally sinking ships.

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Right? Brings to mind certain events like…….sharing secrets with Russians in the White House, the Chinese at Mar-a-lago, Helsinki with Putin in 2017, the famous bro type handshake between MBS & Putin, Jared’s 2 billion from the Saudis, the photo of Elon, Jared & a bunch of Saudis at the world Cup, should I go on? Tells us exactly which team the GOP is on. Treason weasels, as Malcolm Nance calls ‘em. I can’t help but think Tuberville’s hold on military promotions is all part of the scheme, too.

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Didn't even mention the whole stolen docs thing.....

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Tubby’s hold is to keep those positions open forever or until a GOPer sits in the Oval, whichever comes first.

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that's what I've thought!

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The shameless lying within the GOP may break this country. It impossible for me to fathom how low they continue to go with zero regard to the facts, the welfare of our military, and the American people they are supposed to serve. A clear, concise summary here, Jay, that is very much appreciated.

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Even FoxNews reporters - no, really, - actually did an explainer on the sequestered Iranian funds, noting that the $6 bil was from oil sales to South Korea. But don't let FACTS stop slimy, shameless, smarmy swine like Hillbilly and Medicare scammer Rick Scott to lie out their bungholes about "taxpayer funding of Hamas", whatever. Never let a disaster go to waste without first blaming Joe Biden.

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This is a link to the Fox report debunking the Republican’s hateful and idiotic misrepresentations that this money was used in this terrorist attack. Hopefully, some of the brainwashed will see this and learn something. When Fox News does something like this, it shows us how low the Republicans have gone. They’re not going to dig themselves out of this grave. I’m envisioning a clean sweep in 2024.

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Upvoting for "no, really". Also, didn't know that, so that's at least a positive.

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Especially since if anything Putin is directly funding Iran’s misadventures through drone and other weapons purchases. Somehow the traitorous GQP cowards caucus doesn’t want to talk about their benefactor’s role in this tragedy.

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I'll be sharing this. Sadly, all this reflects how broken our own systems are and the urgent requirement to fix them post haste. To allow a handful of ultra-extremists here to hold hostage appropriate responses to global crises is crossing a bridge that may break under us. They have neither the wisdom, the judgement, the intelligence, the understanding to act or to even understand the need to act if it stands in the way of their own abysmal agenda.

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Agreed - and they have no interest in how they should act.

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I am always amazed at how the GQP can say that president has dementia, can barely function, is always on vacation, can't say a sentence, can hardly walk, but somehow manages to comes out of this mental fog to manipulate global chaos.

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Here’s an idea. Since the House isn’t passing anything, maybe the Senate should fill it’s time passing military promotions, one by one. Tuber I’ll can’t block that he can only bock voting them en Masse.

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I just noticed that some others had suggested this previously-/ my apologies for not noticing them!

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Everything ia terrible- the viciousness with which the attack in Gaza was launched, the mercilessness with which acts of heinous violence were executed, the cold disregard for human lives.

Compounding this already heart-wrenching scenario is the reprehensible, vile callous exploitation by the fake elector queen of the damned Ronna McDaniel; to attempt to make lemonade out of a horrific and godless assault reveals the vileness of a person. She and her cadres exhibit shameless depravity.

Let's not ever forget it.

Here's to peace.

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As a (non-Zionist) Jewish person who has been rather nervous about the heightened visibility of antisemitic bigots over the past few years, I can't help but notice that suddenly, many of those who have been fanning the anti-Jewish flames are suddenly railing against what they pretend is a lack of Dem support for Israel. I don't know whether their antisemitism is a show to appease their white supremacist constituents, or their pro-Israel stance is a show to appease Republican Jews. Either way, it is disingenuous and cowardly. They just keep wiggling through the cracks in their wobbly ideology, as if it all makes perfect sense. It is very disconcerting how little attention the media pays to all that duplicity.

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It may not even be a contradiction. Antisemitism is directed at Jewish *people*. The country (and in particular the leadership) of Israel is a very separate entity. Unfortunately, those two are frequently conflated, leading to criticism of Israel being called "antisemitic".

These actual antisemites are taking advantage of that conflation. They use their support of Israel as a shield "We hate Jews, but we can't be antisemitic because we support Israeli policies."

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Also, of course, American evangelicals want to support Israel because they believe doing so will cause the Rapture. And some anti-semites want Israel to exist so they can send all of the Jews somewhere else.

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That is a distinction I often make, and yet I failed to do it here! Thank you for your clarifying words here.

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"There once was an unspoken tradition ... in the face of an attack by an enemy ... the parties would put aside politics ... and unite behind the President."

What a sad state of affairs that right-wing EXTREMIST Americans, including over 1500 radio stations, Fox News, morbidly rich mega-donors, etc. etc, have taken the country hostage for political purposes. Though Nov. '24 cannot come quickly enough, will we still have any voting rights left to get the job done??

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That unspoken tradition only looks good with rose-tinted glasses anyway. It got us into the longest war in US history against a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

The current disarray is bad, but more disagreement *especially* in case of war would have done us a lot of good.

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Another fact about that $6 billion is that Qatar (our ally in the region) is the one now holding the purse strings on it and is in charge of deciding at what point and how the humanitarian aid to the Iranian people will be disbursed.

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Qatar is such a strange entity. I'd love to see a Middle East expert write a well-researched bit on "The Curious Case of Qatar" and its conflicting motives.

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thank you for being a responsible person and admitting where your knowledge base ends. too often i read about someone's opinion and not facts. opinion is great and i think it's a requirement for good conversation, but writing about the terrorist attack by hamas is not a conversation. i applaud your approach here.

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The rethuglican response is another one right out of the fascist playbook.

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Thank you Jay.

While most of the bloviating asshats in the GQP can claim to be ignorant of the truth (which is CLEARLY disqualifying for public office), Hayley definitely knows better, so this despicable traitorous scumwad is flat out lying. Dishonest, traitorous, AND wrong. Pretty much the GQP trifecta.

Of course, the lazy and cowardly mass media gives endless uncritical airtime to the GQP lies and deceptions, and zero coverage of the actual truth from the administration. Shameful.

Thank you for illuminating the truth.

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I am so tired of Republicans😔

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