The scary thing about all this (in case republicans being crazy wasn't enough for you), is that the cuts they want would be enacted if republicans controlled both houses, and the presidency. And don't think for one second that a republican controlled senate wouldn't dump the filibuster in a heartbeat to pass this draconian nightmare. They can never again be trusted with such total control ever again.

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It is time for McCarthy to think long-term. Accept the Problem Solvers bill, drop the impeachment inquiry, and embrace Democratic support. Neuter the Freedom Caucus. If McCarthy convinces Democrats that he will govern as an adult, they should cooperate to avoid someone worse replacing him. If the majority do what is best for the country, Trumpism in the House will die.

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It may be too late for McCarthy to regain the trust of Democrats after his stunt with the impeachment inquiry. At heart, he is Trump’s man, and therefore a useful tool of MAGA.

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This makes the most sense. McCarthy is beholden to a group of people (The Freedom Caucus) whose only objective is causing chaos. They revel in making his life hell. If they see an opportunity to cause chaos AND make him look like a weak fool, they will take it. They do not care about their responsibilities to the American people. Why does he continue to cater to their noise?

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The answer is, McCarthy is scared--right down to his toenails--of big bad Trump; Trump is depending on little Kevvie to deliver enough noise by conflating impeachment inquiries and Biden so Trump can point and claim that--"hey...I'm not as bad as that guy". If Kevin fails Trump, Trump will endorse another drooling MAGA to primary Kev. Kevin put himself in this position. I have no sympathy--and never will, from now out--for ANY Repubbie at all.

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I'm beginning to think the only choices for a possible replacement for McCarthy would be one of the Republicans in the Problem Solvers caucus. They seem to be the only ones acting like adults in the Romper Room that is the current session of the House.

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Be VERY careful with the Problem Solvers. I’ll have to see if I can find the link, but I read they are funded by the same “people” behind “No Labels”. We can try to work with them, but DO NOT turn your back on them!

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It's right on the nolabels.org website

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Well, it's not on the opening page of their site, and I'll be damned if I'm going to click on anything there, lest they think I might support them! I trust them as much as I do the Koch brothers.

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Sorry I should have clarified. On the No Labels site:

"No Labels Builds the Bridge Between the House and Senate. Soon after starting our House outreach, No Labels also began a focused effort to organize a commonsense group of Senators too. And in early 2019, we hosted a meeting the likes of which no one had ever seen before.

We brought House Problem Solvers Caucus and Senate members—from both parties—together to talk about where they could find common ground. This “bicameral” meeting was so unusual in fact, that one of the senators at the meeting remarked, “The House and Senate are 100 yards apart but we may as well be 100 miles apart given how little we talk to one another.”

Among No Labels’ Senate allies, several emerged who have repeatedly shown they have the courage to put country over party, often bucking their party to advance major problem solving legislation. Just as we did with the courageous Problem Solvers in the House, No Labels has mobilized our nationwide members to support these Senators too."

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Sorry, I meant to say Republican Senator.

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Name me ONE Senator who has put country over party since McCain. Go ahead, I’ll wait…..

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Republicans would actually be better off with Hakeem Jeffries as speaker. They would get a fair deal but not everything they want. They would also get the freedom idiots smacked into line (or at least ignored as they should be.) And things would start moving in the House in the way they are supposed to be moving.

I doubt the Republicans will do this, although it is a possibility in a sane world. But we are no longer in a sane world.

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But how would any of them garner the votes needed? And who would even want such a job, let alone fight for it?

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That's a lovely fantasy. Unfortunately, due to McCarthy's complete lack of courage and integrity, it will remain a fantasy.

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I'm not disagreeing with you, but this would have far more far-reaching implications than it appears at first. Whether that would be a good or a bad thing, I'm not sure. And whether it would be seen by the various groups in Congress as good or bad is yet another question. In effect, it would create a three-party system (whether informally, or possibly even formally).

Keep in mind that the Democratic Party is also split, although they are more disciplined about it. Besides the main party, there is the progressive wing (with Sanders, AOC, Omar etc.), who are very popular with voters even though the main party hates them. Right now, the Democrats have to accommodate the progressives, so they throw them the occasional scrap.

When some of the Republicans join forces with the Democrats, the Democratic Party no longer needs the votes from the progressive wing. End result is that we would have one center-left group (the Progressives), one right-of-center group (the main Democrats plus some Republicans), and the extremists on the right.

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"Rep. Gaetz or Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) to make good on their threats to depose him. But will they do so?"

I strongly doubt it. Mr. McCarthy is the perfect punching bag for the HFC and they don't really have anyone in their ranks that wants the job.

The larger point is who benefits from this chaos: the donor class who has put the chaos candidates in the driver's seat by funding them at the primary level. We see spectacle and disarray but they see something different: no movement on climate change even after a summer in which red and blue suffered along side each other from fire and flood. Cui bono? Keep asking that question.

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I'm happy to see the increasing number of Republicans in Congress speaking out in criticism of their own party. On the other hand, what is not a good sign is "Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) saying McCarthy needs to 'take ownership' of the position he had put the party in." This statement, which seems to be a popular sentiment among them, is a very clear indication of the total lack of awareness among the Republicans regarding why the GOP is in the shape it's in, and how complicit all its members are in creating that reality.

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Nancy Mace is not to be trusted. She speaks out of both sides of her mouth, depending on the audience. We used to live in her district (when she was elected over Joe Cunningham, D-SC). We escaped to Michigan, and are happier about that decision every day!

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Yeah...R's are very disinclined to do any self-examination of their own parts in any of this hot vomitous mess. Mace is a pill anyway.

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“Puberty for grown-ups”. Good one.

“Should McCarthy seek Democratic help on the stop-gap CR, Roy warned it would “not be a good move” while Gaetz warned directly that McCarthy would be out of a job “promptly.”

So let me explain something to these two -year olds in business suits. Working with the other party is called bipartisanship. Which is how you govern. Which is what you were elected to do.

Or in your cases, maybe not.

Maybe you were elected to throw temper tantrums and threaten to take your ball and bat home when you don’t get exactly your way, every single time. If the latter, then you are doing a bang up job of it.

But would you please just go off in a corner and do it quietly so the grownups could do their work?

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I don't think ANY of the arses strutting and posturing for the Fweedumb Kawkuss could be considered a "grown-up". They are delinquent youths without skills nor do they seem to have any desire to acquire any.

PS. I think Gaetz is a bully and he talks real tough...but I don't think he can pull enough votes together to oust McCarthy. And McCarthy REALLY stepped in the doo-doo when he gave the go ahead for impeachment inquiries. The Dems HAD been inclined to help him keep his seat (lest the crazed radical righties seat someone even worse) but now the Dems are going to extract some serious concessions if Kev has to go to them, hat in hand. Where's my popcorn???

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Sep 21, 2023
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Well, if the Dems want to risk getting a Repubbie Speaker who is even worse than McCarthy, I suppose that yes, the Dems will join Gaetz--as hard as it is to imagine any Dem voting WITH Gaetz for anything or any reason.

I dunno...those members of the Fweedumb Kawkuss came to DC with the INTENTION to cause as much chaos as possible and destroy the government if they possibly can. They are giving it their all, it must be said. All I see is my tax dollars wasted on those useless arses and a raging sea of uncertainty and incompetence. I try to keep positive thoughts in my head so I can sleep...but it isn't easy.

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A worse than McCarthy speaker would be ineffectual. More so then Kevin. I'm not sure it would be any worse. Just more of the same. And it will win back the House in 24.

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Amen times 100!!!!

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I don't understand how the rad-right can demand border changes and simultaneously cut border jobs. Do they hope no one will notice that will create the problems they say are the fault of the Democrats?

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Most people don't look that closely. Most don't seem to understand what a President does versus what the Congress does, e.g., they blame Biden for limited funds going to disaster areas when in reality, he has no control over that. Limits to those funds are set by Congress. This ignorance is what we get when education funding is cut.

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which is much of the problem with the rad-right.

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It’s not just education. Senator(!) Tuberville (R-Alabama) thinks the 3 branches of government are the House, Senate and Executive. Jeesh

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I can't figure out why so many are willing to vote someone into a government position who doesn't believe in government or have any clue how to govern or why they need to. How do these bozos keep getting reelected?

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Their constituents hate Democrats more than they value a fair and functioning government. And yes, they likely are clueless about how this all works. Deliberately clueless in most cases.

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Easy - the sainted Ronald Reagan said, "... government IS the problem..." - which has been dogma in the GOP ever since. And Newt Gingrich made democrats into "the enemy" rather than "the opponents", which is a very different thing. And most of these folks constituents depend absolutely on gvt spending of one kind or another - SNAP, Medicaid, Medicare, disability, etc. Yet they think of all that stuff as "Socialism" and want their reps to get rid of it. Apparently they think that the removal of all the gvt benefits will allow them to get individually rich practically overnight. Thinking is hard...

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Frankly, if they believe the benefits they receive are socialism, they should give them up now. Practice what they're preaching and all that. I think they believe that somehow they'll still get their checks. Idiots.

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That's the thing - they don't think of THEIR benefits as Socialism. Remember when the Tea Party got going, and they were out in the streets screaming to "keep your government hands off my Medicare."? They literally do NOT understand it. And their reps and Senators just keep telling them "if you don't re-elect me socialism is gonna win, 'cuz them dimmycrats is socialists." And then, when things like the IRA get passed, they are out there at the groundbreaking for the infrastructure projects doing victory laps for shit they VOTED AGAINST.

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It's by design: anything that makes it harder for our border patrol enables their (mostly) fictional narrative of a "border crisis" and fuels breathless coverage from GOP propaganda outlets.

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Logic is not their strong suit, nor are they particularly interested in it.

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In all my years teaching and doing yard duty at recess for grades 2-5, I never heard anything approaching this kind of childish bs about ANYthing! If an argument started going awry, there was the time out bench or laps around the field.

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Big sigh. More of the same stupid shenanigans from last spring. Grow up, you R's. Puberty is never pretty, and you are making it look even worse.

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Stupid is as stupid does.

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The radical right - HFC - would much rather have the Biden impeachment move forward than any - *caff-caff* - "principled" stand on the budget, or Pentagon stance on abortion support, or "the deficit"...eventually, after much posturing and FoxNews appearances, there won't be a govt. shutdown, but there will be impeachment processes ramping up. It's who they are, and how they operate, ultimately for the benefit of the Great Pumpkin, full stop.

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While McCarthy is clearly unable to control his own folks, it seems to me questionable whether ANYONE including Jesus could control the likes of Gaetz. Is it beyond the realm of possibility that Dems would vote in favor of him staying on any motion brought by the "likes of" crowd on condition that he would a) acknowledge that the impeachment inquiry lacks any subpoena power (let them play games with the "smoke"--it just makes them look stupid) and b) would stop trying to get the "likes of" folks to do ANYTHING and simply come to the Dems for bipartisan agreements. Basically, a promise to ignore Gaetz, and his ilk, et al and get on with the business of governing.

Perhaps those terrified of being "RINOs" should simply say, no, we are actually RAIIGs--Republicans Actually Interested in Governing.

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Nobody can control Gaetz, Greene or Boebert. What a real leader would do is ignore them. Stop giving them the time of day and maybe they will go away. They are all full of hate and have nothing constructive to offer this country

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AND strip them of every position they hold on committees...AND provide them new offices by clearing out several closets - no windows! - and sending them to their new digs. Just for starters!

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Can't do it - putting them on those committees was the only way he could get their votes in the first place. Of course, if he's just tired of the BS, he might just do it and let the chips fall wherever. One may hope.

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I know this is a stretch but... Part of me wonders if he were to grow a spine, strip the extremists of their committees and pull the impeachment inquiry would he maybe earn enough respect from the "normal" Republicans and enough of the Dema to not be voted out. Somehow these bullies need to be shut down. It's the only hope we have of getting anything productive from the House.

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Oh, in a rational world (you know - like we used to have sometimes), this would have already happened. But the Dems are taking a longer view - give them adequate rope to utterly hang themselves, with one of the most consequential elections in a century on the horizon. Give 'em a minute to get him fitted with a different leash.

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How did I forget we mo longer live in a rational world

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Of course it’s ultimately the fine citizens who elected these ignorant trolls who must bear the blame. Perhaps this is part of the reason the GOP has become so brazenly anti education.

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Watching today's GOP in action makes Disney's Turning Red movie look downright mature.

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The U.S. House of Representatives should take a page from the Federal Republic of Germany. To wit, after this Congress has concluded its fiasco of this term, no Motion to Vacate should be applied to the incumbent Speaker of the House unless a majority of those voting and in attendance agree on a successor. It's known in Germany by the stilted, awkward phrase of a "Positive Vote of No-Confidence."

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It's far past time the Dems start referring to the House GOP as the "Toddler Caucus."

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This is a good one.

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Love it!

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What a mess. I feel like it is watching a bunch of school kids bicker over working on a project. Our government with Republicans in majority is chaos

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The school kids would do a better job.

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I have lost track of McCarthy's motivation to stay in power. What is in it for him? I understand why the house members do what they do---often to fundraise. But what about McCarthy? Is he getting any personal, financial, political satisfaction from all of this?

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I really don’t understand why he would want the job. He seems miserable.

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Ego gratification. Plain and simple. For rest of his life, he will be addressed as "Speaker McCarthy." Worth its weight in gold to career pols in DC. Of course, the actual gold attached to this level of achievement may either be already in his bank or on its way. His title alone is major currency in DC. (I lived there 12 years.)

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I could fully comprehend Nancy Pelosi's Speakership being regarded as gold standard currency...but Kevin McCarthy has to be the most inept, weak and downright stupid idjit ever elected Speaker of the House. Tip O'Neil and Sam Rayburn must be rolling around in their graves laughing fit to shake their bones apart. Why would anyone in DC regard the hapless McCarthy as anything other than a failure? The Speakership may have BEEN worth a lot; Kevin has turned it into dross.

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Exactly. Ask Ryan or Boner (not quite how it's spelled, but seems more accurate) just how well that "Speaker" title is working out in retirement . . .

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Mr. Cravens, it's John Boehner. But your version fits well, too.

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Thanks for the correction.

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It’s all about the title, person immaterial, in DC. Mr. Speaker is what Kevin has craved forever.

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Thank you for the latest explanation of the house GQP clown-car shenanigans . . .

LOVE the title, especially since it's a direct quote from one of the clowncar passengers . . .

The stupid is MIGHTY strong with a bunch of the despicable hard-right swamp-dwellers . . .

I hope the Dems have a plan in place to push through a budget following the outline Biden negotiated in return for McCarthy killing off the impeachment boondoggle (unless he can get floor vote to authorize it AFTER a debate laying out the "evidence" and "charges" so all can see what a sham it is . . .).

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