Thank you, Jay, for once again NOT Both-Sidesing:

"There is of course a vast difference between the goals of the parties’ extremes. The far right wants to end our democracy, restrict the rights and freedoms of women and minorities, and rule through a Christo-fascist new American order. The far left wants a quick end to the war in Gaza and prioritization of healthcare, education and green energy. The two sides are not the same."

Plainly and powerfully said!

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Yes BUT members who are more interested in self-promotion than governing need to go regardless of their party or policy positions.

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Off topic, but probably not for long as end of term SC decisions are coming out this morning.

“Supreme Court tosses out claim Biden admin coerced social media companies to remove content”

Alito written dissent:

“Alito suggested the dispute was "one of the most important free speech cases to reach this court in years," saying the government actions were "blatantly unconstitutional."

The majority "permits the successful campaign of coercion in this case to stand as an attractive model for future officials who want," he added.” [NBCNews.com, Jun 26, 2024]

Help me understand Alito’s logic here. He’s concerned that a government official might try “to control what the people say, hear and think”? This from one of the biggest supporter and benefactor of Leonard Leo, the Federalist Society, and Project 2025? The folks that want to control what every American can say, do, hear, think, sending us back to 1840?

Alito spins and twists an argument and reverses his logic faster than his wife can raise and lower flags.

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Alito is a despicable hypocrite and once again proved that he cares NOTHING about the law, but only about pandering to the fanatical scum that own him.

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A classic case of talking out of both sides of your mouth. He’s quite good at that!

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...a true example of 'both-sides-ism.'

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Imo this was a set up for the next Trump administration he's hopeful for. Or any other that will employ Project 2025. None of the SC's decisions lately make sense without that context but make perfect sense when you see what they're setting things up for.

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As a voter in Bowman's district, I am thrilled that he lost. His own extreme views and conduct led to his loss, not AIPAC money. Bowman was down by 17 points in a poll conducted before any money had been spent and he lost by the same 17 points. Apart from voting against the Biden infrastructure bill and his looney conspiracy theories that 9/11 was an inside job and his cursing rants and unhinged behavior, Bowman has made clear that he would oppose future any spending on the Iron Dome, a purely defensive system which saves the lives of not only Israelis but Palestinians as well, he called for a cease-fire days after the Hamas massacre and well before Israel had even responded, he called the documented rape of Israeli women on 10/7 by Hamas "made-up propaganda," he voted against bills encouraging the expansion of the Abraham Peace Accords between Israel and its Arab neighbors, he voted against condemning Iran after it fired 300+ missiles and drones on Israel, he advocated for the preservation of a mural featuring virulent antisemite Louis Farrakhan, and he defended NY high school basketball players who made antisemitic remarks during a game ("I support Hams, you f---ing Jew"). Latimer, on the other hand, prides himself on constituent service. Everyone I know in the district has met him on his numerous visits to our neighborhoods. He is thoughtful and moderate. This wasn't a close call for most informed voters.

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I’m glad he lost, too!

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Thank you for this explanation. He sounds a little bit like a far left Lauren Boebert (my rep, unfortunately), someone who is in it for the showmanship and not to serve the needs of their constituents. He could have done a lot of good if he toned it down a bit, and the fire alarm incident was totally over the top.

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That's because he a part of the River to the Sea crowd and basically a Hamas apologist.

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Sounds antisemitic to me, especially starting his mantra shortly after 10-7!

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My read as well

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I'm particularly glad that you had a choice and the opponent was someone you vote FOR! We need more races like that.

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Jay, thanks for highlighting the Lauren Boebert saga. I live in CO District 3, and this area has never had a worse, more idiotic Republican in office. The fact that she won easily in District 4 tells you how deeply conservative that area remains. District 3 is mostly rural and spotted with ski towns, but there’s an influx of people coming here, who are retiring and leaving the Denver/Boulder area. This has changed the demographics such that Lauren Boebert is no longer a tolerable option. The only thing that concerns me is that the winner of the Republican primary, Jeff Hurd, is more moderate, and to the best of my knowledge, he does not favor a total abortion ban and is not an election denier. This is going to make the upcoming election a little more difficult for Adam Frisch. But he is very well-funded at this time, travels constantly around the district, and is a very likable and intelligent person. I so much want to see him win this election, which will create an unexpected pick-up for Democrats in the House.

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Frisch will face a tough challenge in CO-3. It’s still mostly GOP. But he has high name recognition, and it’s about turnout!

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I live in the Denver area, but donated to Frisch’s campaign!

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Thank you!!

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I grew up in Gypsum and hated to see Bobo represent my hometown before the redrawing of districts. I now live in San Diego, but donate consistently to Adam and anyone running against her. She is such an embarrassment! Good luck up there Janet!🫶🏼

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Hi Lisa, I have faith in Adam and he has had good name recognition for a couple of years now. I would be thrilled to see this district flip, because it is very diverse and there are several liberal pockets, as you know. He will better represent all of our interests. (I lived previously in Carbondale and Ridgway, and I am now in Paonia.)

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I've had the pleasure of spending time this year and the last couple of years in Grand Junction. What neat little city. Last month when I was there It was great to not see a big Boebert banner hanging on the highway by the airport!

I have no idea who has more registered voters, but it's going to be about turnout, of course, and perhaps just enough independents and moderate Republicans sick of MAGA chaos and fascism will get Frisch that seat.

Boebert very likely might be in Congress as long as she wants to be if that's who (and what) those voters want. Good news is that's the only elected office she'll ever be in.

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I do like Grand Junction and I’m glad you enjoyed your time there. I hope you were able to visit the adjacent towns of Fruita and Palisade. Palisade grows the most incredible peaches in the summer. There’s even a Palisade peach craft beer. Although it’s definitely more on the conservative side, GJ is a nice city with a truly wonderful downtown area. I was also nauseated by that Boebert sign, but in my travels around this district, I’ve haven’t seen even one political sign for her in the past few months. I live about an hour and a half from GJ, in a smaller mountain town at higher elevation. It’s too hot for me there in the summer, with 100+ temperatures on and off, and that’s becoming more frequent now. There are more registered independents than either Democrats or Republicans in this district, so that’s why Adam Frisch has a fighting chance to win this election.

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Bowman violated the fundamental maxim: don’t sh*t where you eat.

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I prefer to not eat where anyone shits.

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Bowmans tactics are indeed what did him in, Josh at TPM mentioned a NY-16 voter who said the fire alarm pulling was instrumental in his decision not to vote for Bowman. The other members of the "squad" seemed to have learned how politics "work," and did not create this level of animosity.

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You’ve perfectly articulated the horseshoe of extremism in our political landscape today. Normally, I’d be first to vote for Bowman, and I do identify with the progressive wing of the party. But I am also heartily sick of politicians who yell and beat their chests for a cause. The drama sickens me. Thanks again for clarifying. As a Coloradan, I am beyond despair to learn that Bo-Bo won the primary. Gah. More on that another time.

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"It will be up to the center, once again, to reject extremism and return us to more drama-free politics"...

MPBA = Make Politics Boring Again

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It should be mentioned that there were SIX Republicans in the primary for CO District 4, including Boebert. Denver newscaster Kyle Clark mused that she might not have won if all those opposing votes were concentrated in one candidate instead of being spread over five of them. In fact, Clark asked all of them prior to the election if they would consider dropping out so one of them could defeat Boebert, predicting the inevitable result. None would, all convinced they were the best candidate to oppose her, once again proving the general consensus regarding Republican intelligence.

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She will serve our cause, well, so there's that. Every time she opens her mouth, another Democratic vote is created.

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Your last sentence is a zinger and so true. She will certainly win come November in that very conservative district, and then those folks can suffer through her representation, if they even realize they’re suffering.

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Indeed! Boebert has 43% of the vote with 94% reporting. Had the others managed to throw their support to just one of them, that person might well have gotten the majority. Now they’re stuck with her as their candidate. And if the number of voters in the Democratic vs Republican primaries in that district is any indication, they’re likely stuck with her as their rep for 2025-26.

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I don't know who Booberts Dem opponent is but they should have at least one ad with the theater (and other embarrassing footage) in it with just a simple voice-over saying, "aren't you tired and embarrassed?"

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As well, wouldn't it be nice if Ken Buck were to campaign against her in favour of the Democratic candidate, considering he resigned because of the direction the Republicans have taken?

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We're ALL stuck with her as one of the Representatives of our state... and we're stuck with the perpetual embarrassment of her antics, even though most of us are not in her district. (P.S., you have no idea how hard it is for me to spell her name correctly instead of spelling it B-O-O-B-E-R-T).

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She is such an incorrigible idiot and buffoon, the worst embarrassment that has ever been attached to the state of Colorado, at least in my memory.

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NY16 is a good example against gerrymandering. It is a compact district with a wide range of income distribution and population diversity. Bowman failed to represent his constituents as they would like, and they fired him. This is how it should be.

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I want to share this tour de force guest essay that Jamie Raskin wrote for The New Republic.


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My understanding is that Boebert is the only Trump-based candidate to win in last night's races, and she had to flee to another district to do it. Biggs beat burns in SC, John Curtis absolutely thumped Trump's endorsed guy in the Utah Senate race, and Trump's endorsed candidate in CO, Dave Williams lost by 30% in CO05.

Unless my understanding of Trump's endorsements are wrong, he got creamed last night. Again.

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I think you’re right about all of this; and Dave Williams is a flaming idiot who spends most of his days being an election denier and Trump bootlicker. At the last GOP convention in Pueblo, he ejected a reporter from the Colorado Sun because he claimed she was biased. She was physically escorted out by police because of him, and it made big news and created very bad editorials for this jerk. He is chairman of the Colorado GOP, and is so disliked by his own people that they have continuously asked him to step down. Trump is a losing ticket and people are starting to see this.

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This is why I don't trust the polls that claim a dead heat. Every election, whether primaries for Trumpsters or special elections, indicate a strong anti-Trump trend. Of course, we still need to get the vote out!

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I agree!

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I am concerned for the electoral chances of Adam Frisch in CO-3. Running against Lauren Boebert, he came close to winning. But a less divisive Republicans opponent may make his campaign sputter...his fundraising outreach has been focused almost exclusively on her undeniable awfulness.

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True, but he is well-funded, and he started changing his approach the minute Boebert announced that she was fleeing the district, due to being the coward and nincompoop that she is.

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Good riddance Jamaal! I loathe extremists with no interest in governing on both sides of the aisle as well as antisemites. I loathe Bobert even more but I think it's useful to have extremist, right wing hypocrites in the House to remind voters where the Republican party has ended up.

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So disappointed about Boebert. I thought the people in this district were smarter than this. You'd never know talking to them they're so dense.

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“We are gonna show fucking AIPAC the power of the motherfucking South Bronx.” This was both inflammatory and a bit confusing because Bowman’s district does not actually include the South Bronx, even though that was where he held his rally. Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY), whose district does include the South Bronx, called the moment an “unhinged tirade” that was “unbecoming of a Member of Congress.”

True but mild compared to the unbecoming behavior of MAGA reps. Until the “mainstream” Republicans say similar things about MAGA republicans, they will still allow Trump to rule the party. I’m not holding my breath. Excellent article as usual Jay…

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