This week we saw more striking examples of how a radicalized, federal judiciary, who are plucked from the ranks or otherwise are big supporters of the Federalist Society, can create uncertainty, sow mistrust, and even create havoc within our legal system.
This is absolute bullshit. I am sick and tired of their Bible, which they cherry pick about as often as they do the Constitution, being the "law of the land". Is there no oversite for these people? No consequences for their rulings, other than us hoping they get inflicted with the very thing they're ruling against? I swear, in my next life, I'm heading for a country whose leaders are atheists. I'm sick of being told that my life is being ruled by a Bible I have no interest in. If these hypocrites want to follow it, fine. Knock yourselves out, please, but, those of us who don't follow the Christian Bible, should be under no obligation to, just because a Federal Judge says so. I'm wondering, if trump is ever indicted and found guilty of espionage, can his judicial appointments be removed from the bench? If not, why not? They were put in place by not just a criminal President, but, one who is still actively working to overthrow our government, with the help of Republicans in Congress, who should also be removed. Seriously, if Democrats don't win big in November, this country is in danger of being totally destroyed. Everything trump touched is beyond contaminated and needs to be completely purged.
Well, Sisters, it’s time to fight! And as don't mean that metaphorically! All of you who are politically active now MUST bring into the fold as many women as you can, who will then vote blue! It seems that once again a bunch of old white men have decided they know better than everyone else and have made a dogs breakfast out of everything, and it's going to take WOMEN, to put it right! Instead of a Blue wave, let’s have a Feminine wave and wash ALL this crap into the gutter where it belongs!
These are YOUR rights, your daughters rights, your sisters rights, your Mothers rights that are being taken from you, and no one is going to get them back for you but YOURSELVES! Wake all your sisters up, and bring them along, they are needed, now more than ever!
Can we trust women to vote Blue? That crackpot judge in FL, Cannon, is female (or at least we'd like to believe she is, and not from some other planet) so really? I mean, I see so SOOOO many women in comment sections of news articles who are still pro-republican, anti-Democrat, and unbelievably, pro-tRump. Gender may be important in the voting, but I think it's the REASONABLE people to whom we must appeal, not the batshit-crazy cultists regardless of gender.
You can't always judge the true motive of everyone that comments. I've tried to tell myself that these people cannot be real, they have to be trolls, foreign or domestic. But then again, I go to the grocery store in my very red state, that is 3rd in the country for the # of yte supreme groups. I see them. But I still think many of the more radical posters online that only use lies & insults are paid trolls, that have an agenda for the GOP or foreign instigators. The troll farms didn't shut down, they now just attack the newest target & spread the new, improved conspiracy theories. Or I try to believe that.
I live in NJ. But I live in the southern part of the state where one can hear banjos playing off in the distance. No offense to banjo-players, but you get the point. I read the Patch which is localized to my area. To register to comment, you must specify your area. Now, I see these types in the supermarkets and stores here, too. The red-hat wearing types, and I see the FJB stickers on their rust-rotted pick up trucks, the tattered and faded LGB flags, and for fear of my safety, I do NOT make my political affiliations known. No flags, no stickers, no hats---oh, wait, we're not the people who do that stuff. Point is, these people actually ARE local to me. There are registered yt supr groups right here in my county. One crashed a Labor Day parade and you wouldn't believe the people who came out in force in the comments defending them. It's incredibly disgusting.
Yes, there are still lots of trolls. Paid trolls. There are lots of bots. But these people usually post and comment on national news outlet comment sections. Wider reach. It's absolutely possible that they're infiltrating the smaller news outlets as well, but seeing what I see surrounding me every day, I tend to believe that the people commenting on these local news outlets are locals. They're familiar with the area when it's a local issue. They know the demographics and the layout of the towns. I promise you, the moment it becomes possible, I'm packing my Dr. Dentons and getting tf outta here.
Because some federal district courts are broken down into divisions that contain only a single judge, litigants can effectively choose their judges in those courts. Both of these cases are examples of that. Charging the rules to prevent that kind of judge shopping should be a priority.
The provision of healthcare, by an employer, is an employee benefit. The employer is giving a benefit to the employee. It seems to me that the choice of what medical care the employees gets should be decided BY THE EMPLOYEE. Once the benefit has been given, the employer is out of the equation.
Otherwise, paying a salary to a LGBTQ+ employee could be in jeopardy as well. When does it stop? Our country was founded under the principle that each and every person has the freedom to choose how to be religious (or not to).
Pay (and benefits are part of pay) for the work you receive! A person's religious beliefs are personal. They are not allowed to be imposed on someone else!
Thank you, LKatherine, these Nationalist Christians, believe in the infallibility of their cult Scrpiture not in the application of the US Constitution in a republic, no matter how imperfect, where the ultimate authority is the People. Do we have any MD's in the Community? The Opinion is wrong on the scientific Medicine as well. Impeachment of this Judge is an appropriate remedy.
Mark my words, They will steal the 2024 election and say they didn't and have the Supreme Court back them. They project way too much for everything blaming the left for things they are clearly doing. The MSM is helping by reporting opinion instead of facts from both sides.
As a woman who was infected with HIV by her husband, if this had been available way back when, I may not have been infected. But because of this judge, married couples with one positive partner have to either pay out of pocket to protect themselves or take their chances. Can't help but wonder if there is money passing under the table from the insurance companies.
Disgusting to the core. I truly wonder how much money Cannon received to rule for the special master. This Republican Trumpism is showing it's corrupt face in new ways every day.
Ok I know I am a nitpicker but the whole shined/shone thing is really bothering me. Shined is the past tense of shine, meaning “to polish.” Shone if the past tense of shine: “to reflect or emit light.” I know it is confusing and what good are irregular verbs anyway, but please think about it.
Clearly this is another huge crack in the idea that employers should provide medical insurance. This all started as a way for employers to attract workers by giving them benefits that were not taxable. But it should be self-evident that everyone (employed or not) needs to have access to medical care. Making this dependent on employers is very poor for society and the economy. For one thing, people desperate to keep coverage feel forced to stay in jobs they do not want. It is time to move to a medicare for all system, paid for by taxes according to income, an including company taxes
the Bible is “the authoritative and inerrant word of God”.... so no separation of church and state? now an employer can push their religious beliefs on me? When do we stop moving backwards??? When do we put a stop to these rulings that are based on religious beliefs?
This ruling angered me so much. It reminded me of when I used to do prescription prior authorizations for a PBM (Pharmacy Benefits Manager). We had a client in NC who required a prior auth for contraceptive pills. This was back in 2015/2016. There was only 1 question on the prior authorization form: What is the diagnosis code? If the code was for anything OTHER than for contraception, it would be approved. I did literally 100's of these requests, and I can count on one hand the number of requests that were actually for contraception (one office actually called back after getting the denial to advise she had given the wrong code. It was re-done with the "correct code" and approved). And pretty much all of the patients were in their teens. There were a lot of young women who had heavy menstrual cycles, which, yes, is legitimate. The providers knew this particular employer was adverse to contraception and they also knew the way around that. I silently applauded every time I gave an approval (I did have to be careful of what I said because, you know, all of the calls were recorded for "training purposes".)
I get it - everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. Personally I don't believe you have a right to push your religious beliefs/views onto your employees, but, it happens. I do fully believe that if a business owner is going to essentially screw with their employees' health, then there should be a requirement to let them know that at the outset (maybe during the hiring process?). It could save everyone a lot of time.
This is absolute bullshit. I am sick and tired of their Bible, which they cherry pick about as often as they do the Constitution, being the "law of the land". Is there no oversite for these people? No consequences for their rulings, other than us hoping they get inflicted with the very thing they're ruling against? I swear, in my next life, I'm heading for a country whose leaders are atheists. I'm sick of being told that my life is being ruled by a Bible I have no interest in. If these hypocrites want to follow it, fine. Knock yourselves out, please, but, those of us who don't follow the Christian Bible, should be under no obligation to, just because a Federal Judge says so. I'm wondering, if trump is ever indicted and found guilty of espionage, can his judicial appointments be removed from the bench? If not, why not? They were put in place by not just a criminal President, but, one who is still actively working to overthrow our government, with the help of Republicans in Congress, who should also be removed. Seriously, if Democrats don't win big in November, this country is in danger of being totally destroyed. Everything trump touched is beyond contaminated and needs to be completely purged.
You're absolutely correct!
Thanks. I was proud of myself for not using the "f" word like a comma, as per my usual. Lol
My first thoughts on this did use the F word like a comma so I'm with you sister!
Well, Sisters, it’s time to fight! And as don't mean that metaphorically! All of you who are politically active now MUST bring into the fold as many women as you can, who will then vote blue! It seems that once again a bunch of old white men have decided they know better than everyone else and have made a dogs breakfast out of everything, and it's going to take WOMEN, to put it right! Instead of a Blue wave, let’s have a Feminine wave and wash ALL this crap into the gutter where it belongs!
These are YOUR rights, your daughters rights, your sisters rights, your Mothers rights that are being taken from you, and no one is going to get them back for you but YOURSELVES! Wake all your sisters up, and bring them along, they are needed, now more than ever!
Can we trust women to vote Blue? That crackpot judge in FL, Cannon, is female (or at least we'd like to believe she is, and not from some other planet) so really? I mean, I see so SOOOO many women in comment sections of news articles who are still pro-republican, anti-Democrat, and unbelievably, pro-tRump. Gender may be important in the voting, but I think it's the REASONABLE people to whom we must appeal, not the batshit-crazy cultists regardless of gender.
You can't always judge the true motive of everyone that comments. I've tried to tell myself that these people cannot be real, they have to be trolls, foreign or domestic. But then again, I go to the grocery store in my very red state, that is 3rd in the country for the # of yte supreme groups. I see them. But I still think many of the more radical posters online that only use lies & insults are paid trolls, that have an agenda for the GOP or foreign instigators. The troll farms didn't shut down, they now just attack the newest target & spread the new, improved conspiracy theories. Or I try to believe that.
I live in NJ. But I live in the southern part of the state where one can hear banjos playing off in the distance. No offense to banjo-players, but you get the point. I read the Patch which is localized to my area. To register to comment, you must specify your area. Now, I see these types in the supermarkets and stores here, too. The red-hat wearing types, and I see the FJB stickers on their rust-rotted pick up trucks, the tattered and faded LGB flags, and for fear of my safety, I do NOT make my political affiliations known. No flags, no stickers, no hats---oh, wait, we're not the people who do that stuff. Point is, these people actually ARE local to me. There are registered yt supr groups right here in my county. One crashed a Labor Day parade and you wouldn't believe the people who came out in force in the comments defending them. It's incredibly disgusting.
Yes, there are still lots of trolls. Paid trolls. There are lots of bots. But these people usually post and comment on national news outlet comment sections. Wider reach. It's absolutely possible that they're infiltrating the smaller news outlets as well, but seeing what I see surrounding me every day, I tend to believe that the people commenting on these local news outlets are locals. They're familiar with the area when it's a local issue. They know the demographics and the layout of the towns. I promise you, the moment it becomes possible, I'm packing my Dr. Dentons and getting tf outta here.
Because some federal district courts are broken down into divisions that contain only a single judge, litigants can effectively choose their judges in those courts. Both of these cases are examples of that. Charging the rules to prevent that kind of judge shopping should be a priority.
The provision of healthcare, by an employer, is an employee benefit. The employer is giving a benefit to the employee. It seems to me that the choice of what medical care the employees gets should be decided BY THE EMPLOYEE. Once the benefit has been given, the employer is out of the equation.
Otherwise, paying a salary to a LGBTQ+ employee could be in jeopardy as well. When does it stop? Our country was founded under the principle that each and every person has the freedom to choose how to be religious (or not to).
Pay (and benefits are part of pay) for the work you receive! A person's religious beliefs are personal. They are not allowed to be imposed on someone else!
100% agree
Dangerous territory, dangerous precedents, for anyone not a cisgendered, white, "Christian", male.....
Thank you, LKatherine, these Nationalist Christians, believe in the infallibility of their cult Scrpiture not in the application of the US Constitution in a republic, no matter how imperfect, where the ultimate authority is the People. Do we have any MD's in the Community? The Opinion is wrong on the scientific Medicine as well. Impeachment of this Judge is an appropriate remedy.
The Federalist Society selects and grooms its members starting in the first year of law school.
Mark my words, They will steal the 2024 election and say they didn't and have the Supreme Court back them. They project way too much for everything blaming the left for things they are clearly doing. The MSM is helping by reporting opinion instead of facts from both sides.
I just hope I'm wrong.
As a woman who was infected with HIV by her husband, if this had been available way back when, I may not have been infected. But because of this judge, married couples with one positive partner have to either pay out of pocket to protect themselves or take their chances. Can't help but wonder if there is money passing under the table from the insurance companies.
This is horrible.
Disgusting to the core. I truly wonder how much money Cannon received to rule for the special master. This Republican Trumpism is showing it's corrupt face in new ways every day.
Ok I know I am a nitpicker but the whole shined/shone thing is really bothering me. Shined is the past tense of shine, meaning “to polish.” Shone if the past tense of shine: “to reflect or emit light.” I know it is confusing and what good are irregular verbs anyway, but please think about it.
A polished comment Linda that emits light.
Clearly this is another huge crack in the idea that employers should provide medical insurance. This all started as a way for employers to attract workers by giving them benefits that were not taxable. But it should be self-evident that everyone (employed or not) needs to have access to medical care. Making this dependent on employers is very poor for society and the economy. For one thing, people desperate to keep coverage feel forced to stay in jobs they do not want. It is time to move to a medicare for all system, paid for by taxes according to income, an including company taxes
the Bible is “the authoritative and inerrant word of God”.... so no separation of church and state? now an employer can push their religious beliefs on me? When do we stop moving backwards??? When do we put a stop to these rulings that are based on religious beliefs?
The Lincoln project ran this ad on Fox News.
Trump threatened to sue him and/or Fox.
Here is Rick Wilson’s response to Trump.
This ruling angered me so much. It reminded me of when I used to do prescription prior authorizations for a PBM (Pharmacy Benefits Manager). We had a client in NC who required a prior auth for contraceptive pills. This was back in 2015/2016. There was only 1 question on the prior authorization form: What is the diagnosis code? If the code was for anything OTHER than for contraception, it would be approved. I did literally 100's of these requests, and I can count on one hand the number of requests that were actually for contraception (one office actually called back after getting the denial to advise she had given the wrong code. It was re-done with the "correct code" and approved). And pretty much all of the patients were in their teens. There were a lot of young women who had heavy menstrual cycles, which, yes, is legitimate. The providers knew this particular employer was adverse to contraception and they also knew the way around that. I silently applauded every time I gave an approval (I did have to be careful of what I said because, you know, all of the calls were recorded for "training purposes".)
I get it - everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. Personally I don't believe you have a right to push your religious beliefs/views onto your employees, but, it happens. I do fully believe that if a business owner is going to essentially screw with their employees' health, then there should be a requirement to let them know that at the outset (maybe during the hiring process?). It could save everyone a lot of time.
My stomach is turning.