It’s so tiring to hear all this negotiating for “political power” when it’s for all the wrong reasons. The “Main Street Republicans” seem to be the only people who don’t have their heads up someone else’s butt.

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What a beautiful thing to hear ... "Republicans in Disarray".

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Wow thank you for this insight. It is very good to know a republican majority isn’t a slam dunk for McCarty and the possibility of some intelligent moderation in the House is possible. Fingers crossed.

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Jay is spot on. A "slim majority" (very slim) could possibly put purple R's or R's in blue districts or Nevermagas in a powerful position. Think I need to hear from Liz Cheney.

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Said Greene: “Politics is a blood sport. We have to do anything we can to stop our enemy. And the enemy is the Democratic Party.”

Silly me, I thought politics was more like statesmanship; good leadership, listening to constituents to form laws and policies for the benefit of all Americans.

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Right? She's so delusional. Democrats are NOT Republicans' enemies. We disagree on policy, and we disagree on how this country should be governed, the direction it's going, and how much religious influence should be in government, among other things. The enemies are people like Pootin, Xi, and that little madman in NK, all seeking to destroy this country and take it over. All this infighting might just allow that to happen. Ten years from now, will we be speaking Russian? Chinese? Korean? Perhaps incinerated by a nuclear bomb because we weren't looking? Well, time will tell. But if they really gave a sh!t about this country, they'd stop trying to 'take over' and actually govern, make compromises, do what's right for the PEOPLE. But no....

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Jay, you're coverage of the election and the ensuing fallout has been spectacular. Very well written and very insightful. You have made this transition easier for all of us I think. Please keep up the good fight.

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Would be good to have a speaker who is willing to work for the country and. It a radical far right like Jordan and even McCarthy let’s hope for the outcome that you say isn’t likely unless McCarthy can’t garner the votes 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 That would be a better outcome e for the country as a whole

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The danger of course is the moderates cave and agree to someone even worse than McCarthy. What a time to be alive.

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The only issue I have with this is the statement about how Republicans will govern; I doubt they're going to "govern" at all. They'll spend time on investigations and hearings which, unlike the 1/6 hearings, will be primarily a way for individual members to yell and scream and berate witnesses. They'll also probably try a few impeachments, which of course will fail in the Senate. But govern? Surely you jest.

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Moderates working together - sounds like a dream come true to me ...

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What a fantastic breakdown of this process, Jay! Thanks for the clear explanations- I have learned so much from you.

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Status kuo is thought provoking, but shares a rush to judgment by the media and commentators, as seen in a myopic analysis of a "R party in Disarray".

I do not find glee in a R party in disarray when Democracy is (still in) in Disarray (my edits), see May 2021 Democracy in Disarray: - Eurasia Group Foundation; or The Roots of Democratic Disarray Opinion by JEFF GREENFIELD 09/25/2021 or Council on Foreign Relations Richard N. Haass' 2018 book on a World in Disarray.

Is democracy and our country suddenly and overnight stabilized by a common intra-political party debate? Our House is red--that is not stabilizing. A Repub house with Jim Jordan and Marjorie Taylor Greene in leadership roles will prevent most, if not all, constructive policies being enacted, from domestic to global. And what is so pleasant to live in areas of this country, including my own Iowa.

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