I doubt the rest of this country wants to be manhandled and disrespected the way DeSatan has done to us here in Florida. Unless you are MAGA-infected, you will abhor this guy quickly.
"DeSantis may indeed have some terrible personal baggage and a dark history ..." And I am 100% certain trump will dig it up and fling it all over the place. DeSantis is about to experience that side of trump that scared the Republican Party into dumb and numb complicity.
I think the DNC will also glom on to the amorality of these two and make sure the messaging highlights it. Hopefully, they have learned, and if not they need to hire James Carville to handle it.
Carville? I respect his work but he has become a bit outdated. There are some younger people who are the ones making sure the Democratic Party stays strong and fights fire with even more fire.
The pudding story me looking for the "ewwww" emoji, but the Guantanamo news shows what a vile, evil (just realized that's an anagram) creature he is. As Peggy Noonan said, he gives off the vibe of someone "who would unplug your life support to recharge his phone."
“DeSantis hasn’t yet had to face hard questions before journalists on this question.”
Given the current priorities of journalism in America, it may be a long time before he is. Unfortunately, for our journalists, the highest priority is making sure the 2024 campaign is a competitive horse race.
Probing Republican candidates on their vile and morally repugnant policies, or acknowledging the accomplishments of Democrats, would make our choice in 2024 starkly clear. And our "both sides are the same" media outlets just can’t have that. Boring campaign seasons are bad for rating$.
Yeah, I'm in the Cleveland area. I'd give your comment a "like", but I really want to give it a crying face. I don't know if I'll ever get over that Senate race, and the incomprehensable outcome.
I have been disturbed about the rise of this man ever since he pulled that stupid prank on those unfortunate immigrants and Nantucket. The information coming out about his time at Guantanamo is in the same vein. Then there was his year spent teaching. Talk about callous hypocrisy.
DeSantis is horrible. I am so sorry for the state of Florida. BUT Republicans sucked it up when it was revealed that Trump mocked disabled people, sexually exploited women, didn’t pay his workers, buried his ex-wife on a golf course, wore make-up and shoe lifts, interfered in the election, gave secrets to the Russians, praised white supremacists … I’m exhausted just remembering. Fingers crossed that somehow they decide Ron’s antics are unacceptable.
Thank you for the background on DeSantis! I hope his opponents are reading this too, and broadcast his truly boorish, and cruel behaviors, far and wide.
Dan Pfeiffer had a good point on the latest, "Pod Save America." Many of the Republican voters who tell that the polls that they favor DeSantis strongly couldn't pick him out of a line up. They are reacting to what right-wing media tells them about him., not to the reality of him. When they are forced to listen to his voice for 10 minutes, they may change their opinion.
Having to listen to TFG with his nasal monotone when reading a teleprompter and clown act when speaking extemporaneously didn't change their minds. For the past six years if a video of TFG pops up in a news feed, I mute it before it starts.
Forget about Trump. He's sucked too much life out of us. Stop living in his world, where MAGA has some dark mystical power over us. He got lucky, once, while massively losing the popular vote.
Jay isn't saying sit back and relax. He's pointing out the vulnerabilities which our side can richly exploit.
This is a target rich environment and we should relentlessly attack, mock, chide, and I think above all show how un-scared we are of these fools.
Take your mental energy back, and draw energy from the fact that we keep beating these people.
My only hope for what I see as a desperately fragile and vulnerable Biden/Harris ticket is that Trump & DeSantis will hobble each others support base, and subsequently hamper both of their chances of victory.
Really? Biden has been ably and elegantly punking Republicans the last two years. He completely owned the middle ground while solidifying support on the left. He’s destroyed Republicans at every electoral interval.
Biden has left Trump and DeSantis to fight over a shriveling rump of the electorate.
As much as I love Obama, I’m not sure he would have had the street smarts to pull all this off.
True. Don't get me wrong, I think Biden is doing a fine job. But the elephant (or donkey) in the room is that his age is going to be a negative factor for some come next year.
The real elephant in the room is not Biden’s age per se, he’s been marvelous in so many ways. it’s what if he dies and a woman becomes president, and a black woman at that. Some people are very much against that happening.
Trump is going to attack DeSantis as a little wannabe. And an unlikable one at that. He begged Trump for an endorsement. He only won because of Trump's endorsement. He's copying Trump, from policy down to hand gestures.
If progressives align our anti-DeSantis strategy with Trump's it will be unstoppable. It's also in our interest to show DeSantis as a sad copycat of daddy Trump. Brand him with MAGA. Activates our voters and the anti-MAGA majority while turning off hardcore Trumpers.
To put it colloquially, the dude ain't right, and this wrongness is far more sinister than a social awkwardness.....it is almost as if he were a creature twice buried and risen from Stephen King's Pet Sematary......and I'm not being hyperbolic...
Has anyone implied, or asked if this guy is on the spectrum? I would not oppose someone, based on this fact, but his behavior is quite odd for an up and coming politician.
I doubt the rest of this country wants to be manhandled and disrespected the way DeSatan has done to us here in Florida. Unless you are MAGA-infected, you will abhor this guy quickly.
100% with you. He has ruined this state.
I have so much empathy for you blue dots in those very red states.
I just got back from Orlando and spent a good deal of time driving. De Santis is everywhere in the back country!
"DeSantis may indeed have some terrible personal baggage and a dark history ..." And I am 100% certain trump will dig it up and fling it all over the place. DeSantis is about to experience that side of trump that scared the Republican Party into dumb and numb complicity.
I think the DNC will also glom on to the amorality of these two and make sure the messaging highlights it. Hopefully, they have learned, and if not they need to hire James Carville to handle it.
Carville? I respect his work but he has become a bit outdated. There are some younger people who are the ones making sure the Democratic Party stays strong and fights fire with even more fire.
btw. I am in my 70's so this isn't ageism.
It is ageism. You aren’t seeing Carville. You’re seeing his clothes.
Huh? I have no idea what Carville wears.
It doesn’t have to be either-or.
The pudding story me looking for the "ewwww" emoji, but the Guantanamo news shows what a vile, evil (just realized that's an anagram) creature he is. As Peggy Noonan said, he gives off the vibe of someone "who would unplug your life support to recharge his phone."
“DeSantis hasn’t yet had to face hard questions before journalists on this question.”
Given the current priorities of journalism in America, it may be a long time before he is. Unfortunately, for our journalists, the highest priority is making sure the 2024 campaign is a competitive horse race.
Probing Republican candidates on their vile and morally repugnant policies, or acknowledging the accomplishments of Democrats, would make our choice in 2024 starkly clear. And our "both sides are the same" media outlets just can’t have that. Boring campaign seasons are bad for rating$.
That's basically what happened in the Ohio Senate race. Except there the DNC AND the media ignored Tim Ryan. So we got Vance.
Yeah, I'm in the Cleveland area. I'd give your comment a "like", but I really want to give it a crying face. I don't know if I'll ever get over that Senate race, and the incomprehensable outcome.
I know, and understand. I feel the same way.
I have been disturbed about the rise of this man ever since he pulled that stupid prank on those unfortunate immigrants and Nantucket. The information coming out about his time at Guantanamo is in the same vein. Then there was his year spent teaching. Talk about callous hypocrisy.
Article is gifted for those who don't have access: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/05/us/desantis-high-school-teacher-georgia.html?unlocked_article_code=58zqTai98tiGPg1wJQztThltjmuOKw6DLMDfjG0soAS3AZaEa_buF8iQzrjYMIeZd7rbMqjtLxXmF8QthmpiI65cDIw-I75okts1VDOoBmBDcw_1kLc1w4jNrdq8pMGsC1JQeLJdupcvbZeV_n9HOmKUOeVbG7nq5xwTPdKTJE-XhVip0yo8Kv4lrRvFRaDW69HCptYZCVYztamxVkkx1ZCTnNHG0sO5STc9OYiIdwqA60Q0X2aOtL6dkiijUCjHjzMBwUvRNQPn5QxXtchSMcOmreZfA341Q7STZlspyOEknaYakrNyPcL4ipR5O9WDqI1APzyaw1K0X0R7QocTzjdSj6F1fL9Izw&smid=url-share
Thank you for gifting the article
Thank you for sharing, Christina.
DeSantis is horrible. I am so sorry for the state of Florida. BUT Republicans sucked it up when it was revealed that Trump mocked disabled people, sexually exploited women, didn’t pay his workers, buried his ex-wife on a golf course, wore make-up and shoe lifts, interfered in the election, gave secrets to the Russians, praised white supremacists … I’m exhausted just remembering. Fingers crossed that somehow they decide Ron’s antics are unacceptable.
And please don't forget the superhero memes!
Thank you for the background on DeSantis! I hope his opponents are reading this too, and broadcast his truly boorish, and cruel behaviors, far and wide.
Dan Pfeiffer had a good point on the latest, "Pod Save America." Many of the Republican voters who tell that the polls that they favor DeSantis strongly couldn't pick him out of a line up. They are reacting to what right-wing media tells them about him., not to the reality of him. When they are forced to listen to his voice for 10 minutes, they may change their opinion.
Having to listen to TFG with his nasal monotone when reading a teleprompter and clown act when speaking extemporaneously didn't change their minds. For the past six years if a video of TFG pops up in a news feed, I mute it before it starts.
Don't underestimate him REMEMBER TRUMP! We all thought TRUMP was going to lose
And what, cower?
Forget about Trump. He's sucked too much life out of us. Stop living in his world, where MAGA has some dark mystical power over us. He got lucky, once, while massively losing the popular vote.
Jay isn't saying sit back and relax. He's pointing out the vulnerabilities which our side can richly exploit.
This is a target rich environment and we should relentlessly attack, mock, chide, and I think above all show how un-scared we are of these fools.
Take your mental energy back, and draw energy from the fact that we keep beating these people.
Only thing Ron is missing is the mustache.
Exactly. A Hitler wannabe.
My only hope for what I see as a desperately fragile and vulnerable Biden/Harris ticket is that Trump & DeSantis will hobble each others support base, and subsequently hamper both of their chances of victory.
Really? Biden has been ably and elegantly punking Republicans the last two years. He completely owned the middle ground while solidifying support on the left. He’s destroyed Republicans at every electoral interval.
Biden has left Trump and DeSantis to fight over a shriveling rump of the electorate.
As much as I love Obama, I’m not sure he would have had the street smarts to pull all this off.
Obama has all kinds of smarts.
Both of them.
True. Don't get me wrong, I think Biden is doing a fine job. But the elephant (or donkey) in the room is that his age is going to be a negative factor for some come next year.
The real elephant in the room is not Biden’s age per se, he’s been marvelous in so many ways. it’s what if he dies and a woman becomes president, and a black woman at that. Some people are very much against that happening.
Desperately seems too strong. I’m proud of them so far. Everyone feels a vulnerable now.
Well, we can hope that this pairing will tear the GOP apart, leaving the door open.
Absolutely - fingers crossed.
I didn't come up with this but I like it - you can't take over a personality cult wtih no personality.
Love this, Jay.
Trump is going to attack DeSantis as a little wannabe. And an unlikable one at that. He begged Trump for an endorsement. He only won because of Trump's endorsement. He's copying Trump, from policy down to hand gestures.
If progressives align our anti-DeSantis strategy with Trump's it will be unstoppable. It's also in our interest to show DeSantis as a sad copycat of daddy Trump. Brand him with MAGA. Activates our voters and the anti-MAGA majority while turning off hardcore Trumpers.
I think De Santis will retaliate with "well, I'm not under (insert #) investigation (or indictment), sir."
Further splitting the MAGA base and crushing their chances.
We will all have a good laugh when this happens. If DeSantis has the cojones.
To put it colloquially, the dude ain't right, and this wrongness is far more sinister than a social awkwardness.....it is almost as if he were a creature twice buried and risen from Stephen King's Pet Sematary......and I'm not being hyperbolic...
May DeSatan and tfg tear each other apart. Makes me think of an old poem:
(If you don’t want to read the entire poem, do read the last paragraph).
The Duel
Eugene Field - 1850-1895
The gingham dog and the calico cat
Side by side on the table sat;
'T was half-past twelve, and (what do you think!)
Nor one nor t' other had slept a wink!
The old Dutch clock and the Chinese plate
Appeared to know as sure as fate
There was going to be a terrible spat.
(I was n't there; I simply state
What was told to me by the Chinese plate!)
The gingham dog went "Bow-wow-wow!"
And the calico cat replied "Mee-ow!"
The air was littered, an hour or so,
With bits of gingham and calico,
While the old Dutch clock in the chimney-place
Up with its hands before its face,
For it always dreaded a family row!
(Now mind: I'm only telling you
What the old Dutch clock declares is true!)
The Chinese plate looked very blue,
And wailed, "Oh, dear! what shall we do!"
But the gingham dog and the calico cat
Wallowed this way and tumbled that,
Employing every tooth and claw
In the awfullest way you ever saw—
And, oh! how the gingham and calico flew!
(Don't fancy I exaggerate—
I got my news from the Chinese plate!)
Next morning, where the two had sat
They found no trace of dog or cat;
And some folks think unto this day
That burglars stole that pair away!
But the truth about the cat and pup
Is this: they ate each other up!
Now what do you really think of that!
(The old Dutch clock it told me so,
And that is how I came to know.)
Has anyone implied, or asked if this guy is on the spectrum? I would not oppose someone, based on this fact, but his behavior is quite odd for an up and coming politician.
I don't think the spectrum, but his social behavior is decidedly odd, and his opinion of himself is overly high. Just an arrogant a$$hole, IMHO.