Putin's plan has always been to re-establish the Soviet Union. He thought it's dissolution was terrible.The fact that the "better dead than Red" Republicans are now buying into it is astonishing and shameful. I'm glad there are a few who are now willing to publicly call them out.

I can't believe any Democrats would buy into RFK, Jr. His days as an environmentalist are long gone. He's just a nut case now. I hope those low-level Democrats are listening to the other Kennedys, including his siblings

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He has turned into exactly the same kind of creature as Paul Gosar. Both are seriously mentally ill and have no business being in Congress.

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Is it possible with the anti-vax and pro-Putin stands that Republicans would be more likely to support RFK, Jr. than Dems? Maybe a "wash"?

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I saw a few different interviews done with RFKJr supporters on the day he announced his VP. Roughly 70% said they would likely vote tRump if RFKJ was not in the race. The other 30% were undecided or another 3rd party. I felt somewhat encouraged by that. Given his statements and where is money is coming from, it certainly seems that his voters lean more that way. So I’m hoping for the Ross Perot/GHWBush effect instead of Nader/Gore!

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Anyone who is "undecided" by now, after the insurrection

is probably too stupid to be allowed near sharp instruments, let alone to vote.

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That's what I was thinking- it might be more of the Nikki Haley Republicans that vote for RFK. Yes....please do.

RFK is somewhat clueless om abortion - and very clueless on IVF. He said he would support a 15-week ban but then he quickly backtracked on that and has talked out of both sides of his mouth since..... he has no clue about women's health. And his VP Nicole Shanahan has been very vocal for years that she does NOT support IVF. She's a whack job.

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Although it’s the same territory, what he wants is to re-establish the Russian empire with himself as Tsar. Either way, it requires conquering Ukraine and the rest of what used to be under Russian control. Main difference is pretending to be Christian and using the Orthodox Church as another arm of the state, instead of claiming to be Marxist/atheist.

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If that's the case, and it's very likely, than Poland is next and better be getting ready!

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Which, since Poland is now a NATO member is the biggest attraction Trump holds for him. Trump gets elected, Vladdy invades Poland, Trump says, "Tough shit."

And that, friends, is how NATO ends, and the Iron Curtain is re-established. Think I'm paranoid? Hysterical, even? It ain't paranoia when the threat is real.

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Poland would kick their ass. And even if the US opted out, the rest of NATO would join in. Russia wouldn't stand a chance.

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Putin has said he is open to using tactical nuclear weapons in areas outside of Russia. I am taking that seriously.

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I'm afraid his years as a junkie have killed too many braincells.

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And he was a hack as an 'environmentalist' too.

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He was a very effective lawyer for environmental protection groups. He became a liability when his Kennedy-sized ego drove him to make himself the center and public face of those groups. He then sold himself to the world as a founder. He's a lot like Elon Musk in that way.

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Per Joe Kane, he sold out the Amazon and its inhabitants to the oil companies.

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“Now some reporting by the Washington Post confirms what many had assumed: that peace would be bought through massive territorial concession by Ukraine.”

I mean, did anyone think his “plan” was anything else? And if so, what possible reason is there for thinking that? He’s rolled over and showed Putin his belly at every opportunity, and in fact creates opportunities to do so.

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Orange ogre definitely has some humiliation kink, combined with daddy issues. I remember the body language of tangerini, slumping looking smaller than Putin, at that meeting in Helinski.

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Well, it’s also just simply a matter of fact that he agrees with Putin. He’s a racist who hates democracy.

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Amazed that there was any plan at all - but not surprised in the least that this is what he would do.

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I mean, I wouldn’t call “Give Putin whatever he wants” a plan—more like an instinct or an affinity. But that’s really just semantics, I guess.

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Call your Representative. Tell them in no uncertain terms that you want them to publicly support aid to Ukraine and do everything possible to get it to a vote and passed. For bonus points, add that you are very concerned and angry about the continued threats of violence from Mr. Trump, and you want the Representative to denounce these threats publicly. Here's where to find your Representative's phone number. https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative

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Some of us have been doing exactly this daily for quite some time now. My rep, Dave Joyce, R-OH, is considered by some to be a "moderate". What a joke! He's nothing more than a coward, like all the silent R's. Our government needs differing voices, but right now, there is but one sane voice, and that is the D's. We must remove present day R's from ALL levels of government, until such time as a rational opposition voice re-emerges.

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I do it almost every day. Unfortunately, I live in horribly gerrymandered Florida, and my representative is a fine MAGArat. But I still do it, because he is my representative whether he likes it or not, and I feel a certain Schadenfreude at the discomfort I cause whichever aide I speak with.

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Exactly why I continue. What was it that the late John Lewis said; "it's OK to create 'good trouble'". Keep that annoying bug in his ear, you know? And don't talk to me about horrible gerrymandering - the Ohio MAGAt's wrote the book!

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I've called 7 times and counting, and my Rep is a Dem!! Soooo frustrated!!

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Don't stop!! I also email and call my Senator, Sherrod Brown. I almost never get a response, but I know he listens, and keeps these things in mind when he casts his votes. My other Senator is jd vance, so if I want to talk to him, I have to go through the Kremlin!

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Indeed!! I won't stop; thanks for listening to me vent. Calling again in 15 minutes (after lunch so I get someone in person).

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Vent away, Sheila!! As Joyce Vance says, "We're in this together"!

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I don't have to - my Rep spent the first part of her career in the CIA, then worked for the NSC for both Bush and Obama. She is already doing those things.

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The fact that AOC is on this list blows my mind 😯 why is she dragging her feet??

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I know the political chess game is complicated but this issue has been messed with for way, way too long by maga. Hopefully Dems get on the right side. And like, yesterday!

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I don't play chess so this is way beyond my brain capacity lol I hope they get on the right side too.

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The 23 Dems ☝️☝️☝️☝️

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Jay Kuo couldn't say it, but I can - fanning gazza outrage is the 4th success of Russia meddling in the USA politics.

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EXACTLY! There are well-meaning people caught up in it, but it’s so painfully obvious that so much of the hubbub is being propagated by Russia (and, I’m sure, their hood pals in Iran).

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Europe appeased Hitler before WWII. We all saw how well that worked out. Trump is following Hitler's playbook line for line. Another example of the GOP revisionist history, I guess.

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Everything since the golden escalator has benefitted Russia. Undermining the Western form of government, both with election misinformation and making Congress dysfunctional with misinformation. Destabilizing Europe via aggression and fossil fuel fed inflation. Vaccine misinformation. Expanding Russian influence in the middle east by destabilizing our allies. There's more. Putin has been very successful, unfortunately.

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Russia is also our adversary in the Middle East and other fronts. We don’t talk often enough about the Iranian and Syrian connections.



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The raging yams ultimate "peace plan" for Ukraine, so far as it exist at all, is to have Ukraine capitulate, entirely and completely.

Not helping is his history with Ukraine in general and with Zelenskyy in particular. People need to remember that he tried in the past, before Zelenskyy, to get a shady real estate deal in Kiev, brokered by shady Russians and shady pro-Russian Ukrainians and it got nixed by somewhat corrupt, but not nearly corrupt enough for his needs, Ukraine.

Then of course, there's the "perfect phone call" to Zelensskyy, attempting to bully him into fabricating some sort of bizarre investigation into Biden.

The dayglo chaos goblin may not usually have much of an attention span but he does hold a grudge and without a doubt would be only to thrilled to facilitate having Ukraine seize to exist.

Pleasing Putin would also be something he wants to do, that's not just a mere bonus.

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No doubt he hates Zelenskyy and blames him for one of his impeachments. Since no slight is too small for TFG to overlook, he’s holding a massive grudge against Zelensky

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Trump isn't Chamberlain. Despite his disastrous policy regarding handling Hitler, Chamberlain wasn't intentionally trying to help him. Trump is a huge admirer of Putin and wants him to succeed. What Trump is doing may look like appeasement; but it really isn't. It would be far more accurate to call it assistance.

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RFK Jr’s candidacy is a clear and present danger to this country, democracy, and the international world order. And I say to those low information Democrats, people that idolize the Kennedy name without further thought or research, or feel the need to punish Biden in November for any one or more policy positions, your make-a-statement vote or no vote at all is a fool’s mistake.

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I tell everyone and anyone I can: ANYTHING other than a vote for Biden is a vote for Trump. We hear every election cycle that THIS one is the most consequential election of our time. This one most definitely is.

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Pressure the 23 Dem reps on the Discharge Petition. It's so

close, they would push it. Google it to see the Dem list of who has voted for and who

hasn't voted yet.

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I saw yesterday that there are 23 Democrats who haven't signed on to the discharge petition to bring Ukraine funding to the floor. WTF is wrong with them? It's good that those 2 Republicans are finally talking about this, but how about they actually do something. How about, just for this session, they switch parties and give Democrats control? If their constituents aren't total maga freaks, they should understand the need for this. Just a thought.

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They are angry about the portion of the bill that includes Israel funding. Another major triumph of Putin’s. If we don’t think he has his fingers (directly or indirectly) in the ME mess we are crazy.

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Those 23 Democrats? Includes 'The Squad'.

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From what I saw, yes.

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As far as I'm concerned, the Russian interference in our elections is an act of war and needs to be considered as such. We may not want to start a shooting war over it, but hopefully behind the scenes they are being attacked with various means of cyberwarfare. Every sanction possible should be put on them, no holding back. Of course, we should be providing with Ukraine with everything that they need, and then some.

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Agreed on all counts.

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Every single day things get more and more like the plot of “The Americans.” IYKYK

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This has been the elephant in the room since 2016. Putin has been at war against the United States for almost ten full years now. It's a cyberwar, but it's still a war. Without Putin's interference through the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg, which is still active, I'll add, Trump would not have "won" the 2016 election.

Merrick Garland has been in office three full years. There is plenty of evidence that isn't the stuff of conspiracy theories that ties not just Trump directly to Russia, but a whole lot of other people, mostly his minions. It seems like 3 years is long enough to start bringing up some indictments.

I'm talking about a web of interests that has been around since 2017:


I'm thankful for this post to bring more attention to it, but I'm disappointed in the Biden administration's restraint in pursuing it with more vigor.

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[Over the weekend, the director of RFK, Jr.’s campaign in New York state, Rita Palma, said the quiet part out loud, claiming that “Bobby” taking electoral votes from a blue state away from Biden would throw the race to the House of Representatives, which is controlled by the GOP. “So we’re rid of Biden, either way,” she noted with satisfaction.]

If the House chooses our next president, it would be the new House that gets sworn in after January 1.

And it's not clear that the GOP will win the House.

Joseph in Fairport

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They might not have a majority of MEMBERS - but they will likely still have a majority of STATES - which is what would determine the outcome. Each state's delegation caucuses, and issues one vote. 26 states vote MAGAt, and we descend into darkness. Look at the Red/Blue maps and tell me how you think that will turn out.

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Hard to know Dave. But I wouldn't base it on past performance. The main difference now is the abortion issue plus the electorate having more women than men voters -- especially when abortion is on the ballot, which it is, even if indirectly. Should two or more red states turn blue in 2024, the House may end up with more states having more Democratic representatives than Republican. As we know, every House seat is in the mix.

Joseph in Fairport, NY

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Plant or should it read plans? (Nuks in outer space)

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Thanks for the catch! Freudian slip!!

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Test to see which students are paying attention!

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