In a random FB comment forum that has exactly *nothing* to do with politics, there are those who insist on dragging political commentary into everything. The forum was automotive-related, and someone unsurprisingly had the stupidity to post a meme about the prices of fuel going up, Biden standing in front of a sign posting exorbitant prices of fuel, taking a selfie. The discussion, against group rules, turned to politics, and it just amazes me, the ignorance and mental gymnastics that Biden's critics engage in to make their (pointless) points. One fella said that Ukraine should be thanking tRump for providing the weapons they were now using to defend themselves against Russia. I couldn't let the eyeroll-worthy comment go to unchallenged. So I responded (not exactly word-for-word, but wholly the gist of my response): "You mean, the weapons that tRump held hostage in the interest of getting the president of Ukraine to 'find dirt' on Biden? The phone call with Zelenskyy that led to tRump's FIRST impeachment? You're talking about those weapons? The weapons that, had tRump had his way, would've never gotten to the hands of Ukrainians? Are those the weapons you're talking about, Numbnuts?"

See, they have selective memory, and what they do remember is fully supporting their agenda. The facts, and what they choose to leave out, don't, so they intentionally 'forget' key pieces of information. Oh... the guy blocked me. This is what we're up against.

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Such an excellent response! It is exhausting trying to fight stupidity with reason. So the fact that he blocked you just shows that your precise reasoning rendered "Numbnut" speechless. Great job!

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He blocked you because he had no words, nothing he could say.

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Well, he blocked me after he stalked my locked-down FB page, gleaning no information. Then he found other ways to stalk me, called me out on the thread for being an atheist, then offering to pray for me. I ignored that, then found that he'd blocked me.

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As I said, there was nothing (of substance) he could say.

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KEY -- "President Biden can lift the nation to a higher calling and purpose..." The whole world is watching.

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The larger problem for Republicans is Putin's unlikely to stop with Ukraine. He will have to occupy the country militarily rather than stick a pro-Russian leader in power, but undoubtedly his military's next target is Moldova. Furthermore, it's not out of the question war will break out in northern Europe.

Last week, politicians in Finland and Sweden publicly discussed the possibility of their countries requesting NATO membership. The Russian government responded by warning of potential "military consequences" if they did so. Additionally, in a rather extraordinary decision, both countries governments decided to send military supplies to Ukraine. Finland hasn't gotten this militarily involved in European affairs outside its own borders since the end of WW II.

Putin has rattled every country in Europe and many of them have already, or will, seek closer alignment with NATO.

What are Republicans going to do when Trump continues supporting Putin when he invades Moldova and increases his public saber rattling against other European countries, including members of NATO?

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God help us if he or a Republican Congress win in the next two elections.

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In some ways, I'm surprised Hawley, Cotton and other Republicans haven't used this crisis as an opportunity to sideline Trump and take over the MAGA mob. Trump has a much more severe problem politically with regard to Russia and Putin than he had in 2020.

The Fox Noise talking heads aren't backing away from Putin because they suddenly realized they're wrong. None of them are stupid, they've always known it was a con. They're backing away because at least a segment of their viewers (average age 65) suddenly "remembered" they've hated Russia for the majority of their adult lives. Some liquor and grocery stores across the US are pulling vodka that even appears to be Russian from their shelves in response to criticism from consumers. Other corporations are cutting ties with Russia because not only do they not want to run afoul of the sanctions, they don't want to anger their consumers. This anger is unlikely to completely subside before 2024 because the war in Ukraine is likely going to go the same way the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan went, and that war lasted for a decade. If he remains in power, Putin's going to continue to menace the rest of Europe and may start another war.

Trump's continued embrace of Putin may seriously backfire with the people who voted for him in 2016 and 2020. IMO, Cotton and Hawley really have an opportunity to take over the MAGA movement from Trump. They're (unreasonably IMO) too afraid of him to do it.

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I think Hawley, Cotton, Carlson, and many of the Fox brigade realize they're in a corner, but they can all still unite against their common enemies, Biden, the Dems, and the few Republican apostates, like Cheney and now Romney. Trump's past and even recent praise of Putin is couched in his respect for the autocrat's shrewdness in taking advantage of the weak, demented Biden - something that would never happen to the strong, stable genius, Trump (whose election was stolen, they must add). Will they abandon Trump? Not unless they see strong signs that the base is abandoning Trump, and given the way they spin the Putin story, I think that base may be getting confused by the cognitive dissonance, not only from its Cold War memories, but from the brutal history as it's unfolding before their eyes.

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President Biden will lift the nation to a higher calling & purpose!

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President Biden has lifted the nation to a higher calling and purpose

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The whole World has been watching & listening to US intelligence. There has already been a massive Worldwide divestiture of ruble based assets and holdings in Russian Oil & Gas. All the Oligarchs cannot sit isolated at the end of a 50 foot table in Moscow.

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Hopefully, a bunch of oligarchs will gang up on Putin (supposedly two have so far). And if they can't talk sense into him they can have him killed. Realpolitik.

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Stephanopolis also basically had the same conversation with Sen. Tom Cotton that he had with Hawley. He remaimed composed during Cotton's repeated attempts to squirm out of his questions about Trump and Ukraine. I'm pleased that he eventually lost it with Hawley.

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It’s being reported that some in congress/senate are testing positive for Covid.

If the senate calls an in person vote, but some Republicans have covid can the rules prohibit them from attending?

If that’s the case, could Sinema and Manchin votes be circumvented?

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