Why is abortion not a First Amendment fight over a religious minority trying to impose its religious views/values upon rest of the nation? It's a freedom from religion argument.

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Thank you James. That religious minority announced their presence in the first sentence of the "darft" opinion. Actually, Alito has been working on his malevolent hymn for many years. Many other Constitutional human rights at risk as well.

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What I am seriously trying to understand is why the Roe supporters have not turned this into an argument about religion, being the common denominator in the culture wars, rather than a privacy argument. I understand that the original Roe ruling was based on privacy rights. However, the opposition is based solely on religious beliefs.

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Your point is a valid one James; some of these issues go back to the 13 original colonies (some religious refugees) which is one reason the Founders created freedom from dictated religion. But, many Constitutional legal matters have surfaced: Substative Law to name just one.

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When you sit too high on your perch you might see the big picture, but you will definitely miss the small details. The broom being used to sweep away protective laws for many, to often serve to cause more harm than good.

Technically I have no dog in this fight. Yet I remember when abortions became legal. I remember when there was no longer a concern about "back alley" abortions. When there was another option for "high risk" pregnancies. I also recognize that being pregnant and bearing a child does not make you a mother. I can't even imagine the mental anguish of someone raped then forced to carry the child to term (and possibly care for the unwanted child). I can't imagine the mental and financial stress of being forced to carry to term a child you are not prepared to care for, particularly after being denied any assistance before (birth control), during (decent maternity healthcare), or after the birth of the child (childcare, healthcare, education, clothing, housing, etc.).

To often the representatives claiming to represent us, don't. To often the representatives claiming they are pro-life, aren't. They chose to save their political lives by bowing to those willing to pay to keep them in place.

It is unfortunate the noise makers vote based on triggers or buzz words. Words designed to get them fired up, but not designed to make them pause and do some long term, impactful thinking.

It is unfortunate that the few that vote impact the majority who don't or won't. As a consequence, we are bound to these bad and often hurtful decision for a very long time.

Like I wrote above, I technically don't have a dog in this fight, but I do recognize the impact of these court actions and it doesn't look good.

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Do these "pro life" states that still uphold capitol punishment change their stance anytime soon?

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I'm in Pennsylvania, we also have a gubernatorial election coming up. Current governor is a Democrat, who is committed to women's health rights, but the state legislature is Republican, and one of the Republicans running in the primary.is Doug Mastriano, of January 6th infamy. We are, as described by James Carville, Philadelphia at one end, Pittsburgh at the pther, and Alabama in the middle.

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Another wonderfully written post. I had a thought late last evening that the SCOTUS "leak" is just the kind of thing to inspire and energize Democrats throughout the country. I hope this precipitates the "Blue Wave" I'd hoped for in 2020. The Republicans and keep ruling while they're the minority.

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I hope this is the kiss of death to the GOP. There's a lot of pissed off women out there, myself included.

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Jay, you hit the nail on the head. This is a fund raising tool...and we all suffer for it!

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