Dec 28, 2022·edited Dec 28, 2022Liked by Jay Kuo

"Today, the 'problem' of immigration has become a useful political tool for Republicans around which to rally their base and with which to fundraise. Unsurprisingly then, they appear to have no real interest in actually trying to solve the problem through legislation. As Secretary Pete Buttigieg has observed, this will remain the case so long as the problem of immigration is more useful to them than the solution."

You hit the nail on the head. It's a quick and easy talking point for those exercising their power in inhumane ways and those who agree with their actions. Condemning the less fortunate instead of helping them is an earmark of today's Rethuglicans.

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by Jay Kuo

Great insights! Thanks.

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Someone refresh my memory— who was it that decried “legislating from the bench”?

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I do admire Justice Gorsuch's plain dissent, however, especially the last sentence. A signal that at least one conservative Justice can be moved.

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Jay, you correctly called out the foundational hypocrisy that undergirds the R party. From abusing the pandemic on both ends of that deadly stick, to opposing women's reproductive rights while supporting assault guns, to ... you name it. Trafficking persons of color seeking safety in our country -- on Christmas Eve no less!!! -- set a new low. SCOTUS continues to dig an ever-deeper hole in support of grossly inhumane R stunts. Enlarge the Court. It's time.

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Sad. Once again the Roberts’ Kangaroo court proved themselves to be nothing but partisan hacks.

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What happened to checks and balances SMDH

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Thank you for addressing this immigration and Title 42 problem. Just a thought: YOu mentioned that the Biden administration reduced drastically (vs. the tRump era) the denials of those seeking asylum. Why would not the Biden administraion simply ignore the SC stay? There is precedent in the 1832 "Worcester vs. Georgia" when President Andrew Jackson is reported to have said: "[Chief Justice] John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.”

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If we can’t impeach and get rid of the corrupt court who lie and are paid for then we need to expand it!

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