My favorite line in a speech packed with memorable quotes: "Kamala Harris, for The People"...just cannot get it out of my mind. It encapsulates Kamala, her campaign, and her view of the presidency.
I am liking "Kamala and the Coach" and "When We Vote, We Win!" and "Voting is My Black Job!" I have White friends here in Germany who want a t-shirt saying "Voting is My Black Job." It is a solidarity with the idea of having a "Black" job. It is aspirational, as in we hope being president of the United States is Kamala Harris' Black job so then, that is a Black job we can hold up to all children in the USA as something they can try to attain. In doing so we make a mockery of Donald Trump and his words.
The Republicans will start saying things like, "The People's Republic of Kamala." Not saying that should stop Kamala from using it. Just saying that's what the Republicans will do. Luckily, everyone thinks they're just weird now.
I had a great morning wearing my Harris/Walz t-shirt while doing errands in my MAGA Fl, county. The energy was palpable with people starting conversations, thanking me, asking me where I got my t…
One dude walking in the parking lot had a messaging t :1 out of 3 Kamala Harris supporters are just as stupid as the other 2.
That sums up MAGA well, they can't even come up with an original slogan. This was used for a bumper sticker back in 2022, but replacing Kamala with Trump.
“For The People” is also the slogan of a FL lawyer who has the largest injury law firm in the US. He has been hugely successful ! He’s also the one hugely responsible for medical marijuana in Fl and donates hugely to Dem causes.
It’s rewarding to, as Michelle Obama said, “Do something!”
Post-card writing, texting, phone banking, etc. are all good. Everyone can choose something to do. Here are my two do’s…
#1 I chose a slogan. My slogan is written on a 2x3 white board that is tied-up with fishing line on my very visible front porch. I live in a small east coast community and my house is a block from scenic Front Street where many people walk and drive daily. I spend hours each day enjoying the breeze off the Atlantic Ocean and reading on the porch. My platform is simply my willingness to respectfully engage with my neighbors if they choose to respond to my porch sign. My chosen slogan written on the sign:
“Silentium est Consensu”
As people walk or drive by, I get many confused looks, and I also get many thumbs-up. I feel a connection and appreciation to those who give me the thumbs up!
#2. I stuck my “I VOTED” sticker from the 2020 Election on my wallet. Every time I pull out my credit card to pay for something, I tap my sticker and say nicely to the person at the check out, “ I hope you plan to vote?” The responses I get are interesting. From a shrug of the shoulders by an unmotivated voter to a big grin of awareness from a motivated voter, I’ve had all kinds of reactions…my hope is that maybe the unmotivated person will have a moment’s ping of conscience to get in the game and vote!
“…former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who is an accomplished and nice man but no public speaker, added little.”
I will post a minor quibble with regard to this statement.
When he spoke of the awesome responsibility and concern that he felt when sending people into battle and the awesome responsibility and concern that we should all feel for them when they return home, you could tell that he was speaking from the depths of his heart, artless though it may have been. I thought that this was an extremely important point and well-communicated.
I wholeheartedly disagree that Leon Panetta added little. He may not be a dynamic speaker yet he has held a vast array of incredible positions in government with dignity and great ability. His endorsement means a great deal. Get over your frustration.
We got spoiled by how high the bar was set for being dynamic by the speakers previous to Panetta. Putting form over substance is akin to diminishing Biden for his often lackluster speechifying. Sometimes a “good enough” speech is sufficient to communicate the substance of stellar work, accomplishment, and lessons for the future.
When I think how all this happened in 33 days, I am blown away. I've studied American politics all my life and participated since I was in high school passing out flyers for JFK, and worked in different campaigns and "professionally" for a decade. My work as an historian has given me the opportunity to meet and come to know many people who literally gave all for this country. I am the product of a family that's been here since before we were a country and in each generation has participated in the events of their time; my sixth great grandfather crossed the Delaware with General Washington to save the Revolution.
I can't think of a time I've been prouder to be an American than this past month.
Watching from Australia has been interesting. The American commentary is all, "Trump wasn't expecting to run against Harris, it's thrown his game off". Harris wasn't expecting to run at all but look how much she has accomplished. It's been a month; he should have had a handle on it by know.
In regards when using a or an, an is used when the next word begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u and sometimes y). So it would be “a historian” as h isn’t a vowel.
Thank you, seriously. I've always kind of assumed that, but it's good to hear from someone in the thick of it. Cheers. EDIT: Sorry, I thought you were the OP (didn't pay attention to the avatar), but thanks anyway and also, lol.
Harris made the best acceptance speech I’ve ever heard in my 50 years of watching, listening and voting! By the way a former Republican here too and left in 2016! Voted Democrat first time ever and won’t go back EVER!
Come on in- the water’s fine! I’m an old somewhat reconstructed Eisenhower Republican myself. I come from a politically involved family and we all switched over to the party of sanity.
I'm old enough to be able to say that if you dropped Obama into the 1970s by a time machine helicopter, he'd be a moderate Republican in the mold of Chuck Percy or Everett Dirksen.
I am so hopeful after watching this convention. The speakers were excellent, and informative, and although I was a little reluctant about Kamala I have totally gone all in! I would have gone for Joe and Kamala anyway, but I wasn't so secure with her if he were to need to step down. I am so glad it turned out so well. She is impressive! I was very proud of the courage many of our speakers exhibited, like Adam Kirshenzer. Kamala will be a great POTUS!
I supported her, donated to her and talked her up four years ago in her short run. I have always had a sense about her and she is even better than I thought back then.
FYI. Seeing Willie Horton style ads on YouTube and often when I click on something about Harris or Walz it is preceded by a contemptible, lying Trump ad. Is YouTube part of the Repugnant corruption?
Jim, I haven't seen any YouTube videos lately, but it wouldn't surprise me there are lies put up by Trumpers. I love the fact Trump is going crazy. I love that Kamala isn't letting him ride. It's nice that Joe wanted to take the high road, but DT has no high road, and neither do his minions. They are trying to swiftboat Kamala and Tim every chance they get. So far nothing has stuck, but it doesn't have to be truth that could sink them so we have to be careful to hit back as soon as we find the crud.
Peter, thanks for the tip. I am a strong proponent of F B Purity for controlling what I see on FB. Hadn't heard of uBlock but just installed it on my Chrome and Firefox browsers.
I've had some slowdown issues that supposedly are deliberate by Youtube. However, Firefox permits copying a link and opening it in a new window without the tracking cookies. It does the trick each time to evade those slowdown measures.
I disagree about Panetta, he may not be a dynamic speaker but the words he said made it even more clear how awful Trump would be as Commander in Chief. Especially when he made the point that our service members are not to be used against citizens of this country.
Kamala Harris nailed her acceptance speech, and the organizers nailed the entirety of the Democratic National Convention, which may well have been called the Democracy National Convention. Harris and Walz stand for the people, and we could not be more ready to elect them into office.
I have to be honest. I had written that I wanted Joe Biden to stay the course as candidate…because of my fear that if he didn’t, the Democratic Party would implode into a chaotic race to name a new candidate…the proverbial circular firing squad. I felt that VP Harris certainly could serve well as a replacement for Biden if he died in office or was otherwise incapacitated, but doubted her ability to win an election, having paid attention to her 2020 campaign. But none of that seems relevant now. The Party held together and actually grew in cohesiveness. The VP proved she has grown as a person and showed every skill we ask of a leader. The DNC towered over the pathetic display of fake patriotism put on by the Trump cult somehow still called the RNC. Her acceptance speech was flawless in content and execution. I truly believe we are on our way to an historic victory. We mustn’t let the opposition undermine the election process, as we know they intend.
She also has grown tremendously and deepened her knowledge and experience through working with Joe Biden as his VP. It really showed in her acceptance speech. Dynamite!
In Kamala's 2020 campaign, she also was disadvantaged because she wasn't running against some Republican, she was running against fellow Democrats, against friends, for the opportunity to run against a Republican. I never see anyone giving her any slack for this factor in how she could feel comfortable representing herself against a bunch of men.
But I also think that she wasn't really quite ready yet for running the big race. Her additional experiences, especially as VP have helped her really mature politically.
I vehemently defended Biden to my family until the day he stepped back from the candidacy. Only then I realized how anxious his candidacy made me. Every time he had a public appearance I was afraid he would make a mistake. That's why I didn't watch the debate. And now I have a smile on my face whenever I see something about the Harris/Walz team. I don't think we could have better candidates. And if we don't beat Trump with this team then it wasn't doable. But I really think it takes all of us. So I ordered my postcards to write, I donated and posted on Facebook first time in over year. I chat up people about the election. Whatever I can do with the limited power I have, I am pitching in.
I was afraid as well of what would follow if Joe stepped down. But somehow, amazingly, everyone has rallied around Kamala, and she has really grown since her run for prez several years ago. No one is more surpised than me, but also no one is more thrilled.
Can there be any doubt that Harris/Walz represent the sane American people? The ones who care about the ideals and principles of democracy? The ones who care about The People?
To those who may still be undecided, I urge you to vote Blue up and down the ballot. Vote for sanity. If you disagree with some policy plans, that is ok. Vote Blue now in order to live and fight another day. Vote Blue to move our country forward to a place where fear and hate no longer stalk us every single day.
Let's keep our eyes out for journalists and pundits who give Donald attention (heat) and denigrate Harris and Walz. They reveal themselves to be tools of the Autocrat Club. Murdoch. Musk. Putin. Orban. Maduro. Thiel. Xi. Kim. The Saudis. A flood of insults and tricks and propaganda is coming. We must call them out. Every time. And shine a light on their dishonor.
"Kamala, for the People" resonated with me and continues to echo in my thoughts today. She did a great job of reminding us who we are and who we're meant to be, versus Trump and his MAGAts who practice revisionist history, trying to convince us we've had it wrong all this time. I don't think I'm the only one who needed and is grateful for her wisdom and optimism.
Kamala means Lotus in Sanskrit. She has reached her full potential. She is ready. There’s never been a presidential candidate more qualified. Common sense and a lovely mix of brilliant. Her time. Our time.
So refreshing to see so much joy! The power of Country over party demonstrated by Adam, the loving tributes by family and friends of Kamala, the wonderful talents shared by so many. I was moved by the strength, wisdom and determination shown by (our soon to be) President Kamala Harris! Vote 💙
She gave a wonderful speech, short, sweet and to the point - no rambling or meandering - just like she is. I can't wait to watch the debate - IF djt even shows up.
I also loved his communication, during MSNBC hosts discussing the events, that he had received a text from a Republican friend (who he, understandably, chose not to identify) which said (in essence) "*that* is how you are elected President of the United States". Referring, of course, to her acceptance speech.
If he shows up, indeed. She'll still need to be on top of her game. The debate format favors his lying style. Two minutes to lie at every question. How will she parry that? It's a genuine challenge. Trump is demented, but that won't impact the debates much.
I’m with you on this, as in many things. He’s such a nutball and weirdo with a persistent case of diarrhea of the mouth. Nobody has been able to shut him up. Not their fault, but how to combat that?
Joe came close, right? When he said something like, "will you shut up?" or whatever it was. I'm glad she was a prosecutor all those years. She probably dealt with quite a few people like him. I haven't looked into the debate format, either. If it's even 5 minutes instead of 2, I gotta think that will doom him. What's really fun right now is that it feels like Kamala is the first person who has actually frightened him to his core.
She turns to him and says "Shut up, Donald, I'm talking." (she did that before) Then she says, "For once in your life, Donald, can you act like an adult, instead of the ten year old elementary school playground bully you always act like?"
She informed VP Pence during their debat, “Mr. Vice President I’m speaking” and held up her hand. He continued to speak over her and she reminded him again,
I thought Kamala did a really interesting job of phrasing her criticisms of trump's policies not as what he "intends" but as what he has stated in the past-- not "he intends to cut Social Security" but "he has often spoken about cutting Social Security." Go pound sand, nitpicking "fact checkers."
She has accomplished for me something I never thought would happen: an articulation of what true patriotism is. After the cynicism engendered by coming of age in Vietnam, of watching the flag wavers support twenty years of pounding Afghanistan--long after Osama left it, a country the terrorists of 9/11 didn't come from--and years of pounding Iraq that didn't in fact have WMDs; after all this, I couldn't see the point of flags and their waving. Now I see a reason to be proud of what we can be, and will be.
I am still disappointed in the position of the administration on Gaza. "Israel has a right to defend itself" is a truism. Hell, RUSSIA has a right to defend itself. The statement begs the question: what is the honorable way of defending oneself?
If you are walking down the street and are confronted with a mugger with a gun, yes, you have a right to defend yourself. You do NOT have the right to haul out your automatic and spray the entire street, including innocent pedestrians and including the homes lining it, on the grounds that there may be bad guys lurking in them.
Yes, Russia does have a right to defend itself. It does NOT have the right to invade another country in the name of reclaiming its "motherland." The motives of the far right in the Israeli government are not really defense, or even solely its dishonorable companion, revenge. They are to take over Gaza--as one member stated, to let the Gazans starve so that the land will be "free" to take over.
These are the things that we have to consider when contemplating what the right to defend oneself entails and to evaluate the good faith of the Israeli government in trying to reach regional peace. I pray that the current plan for a cease fire supported by our government will come to pass. But we have stronger means than phone calls with Bibi to force the opposing parties into stopping the slaughter. Stop the supply of offensive weapons--yes, defensive, but not offensive. We need to use those means.
When I hear her emotions whenever she talks about Gaza, I don't hear someone who is happy with the situation. When she had a choice between listening to Netanyahu speak in front of congress or go to a sorority party, she chose the sorority party. It's true she met with him privately, but she's not going to snub her boss.
It's a tricky situation for her. Biden has filled his state department team with a bunch of old time neoliberals. I've read that she intends to clean State up some. Let's give her a chance to see what she can do once she actually has the genuine power to do something.
I keep saying that same thing - give her a chance. Surely the protesters can understand that the option of Tr as President would make things far worse .
Charles, he would also be “negotiating” to build a Trump resort on the seaside property taken from the Palestinians. Oh, wait, aren’t Israeli developers already drawing up architectural plans?
I respect that the administration has to walk a very fine line between showing support for Israel while still condemning their disproportionate response to the Oct 7 attack, and showing support for Palestine while still condemning Hamas. They are between a rock and a hard place, and I think they are navigating this unfortunate situation as best they can given the circumstances.
True. But they could have let the Palestinian supporters speak. Palestinian Americans, and Muslims in general, are as much a part of “all the people” as any others. The “fine line” is, I suspect, influenced by not wanting to offend “pro Israel” donors. I suspect that most Americans are indeed “pro Israel” in the sense of agreeing on its right to exist, but past sufferings, horrific as they have been through the ages, do not justify a government inflicting suffering on others.
We needed a voice that could say “we are pro-Israel” in that broad sense but NOT pro an oppressive government that really does have —and has had for a long time--“two” rules of law for its own citizens, not to mention thousands of people as innocent as those killed on 10/7.
Honestly, I'd like her first priority to be sending Netanyahu to the Hague for the war crimes he's been charged with. 40,000 deaths and climbing, and currently Palestinians are quite literally being driven into the sea.
Biden faces a real problem in that Israel is looking at some ridiculous number of Hezbollah missiles pointing Israel's way from Lebanon, but I do believe Biden could be doing more to pressure Netanyahu, who is a genocidal monster, and who should be treated as such. So while it's very difficult to say, "We'll halt arms sales to you," when Israel is facing so many bombs from the north, it's actually exactly what he should do.
However, Kamala has no real say in this, except maybe urging him to treat Netanyahu like the animal he is. If she is doing that, we'd never know.
I think Biden and Harris are between a particular rock and hard place in that neither can legally deny arms and funding to Israel which have been approved by Congress, anymore than Trump had the right to withhold funding for Ukraine when demanding that President Zelensky "find some dirt" on Joe Biden and his son.
I have said as much in this very forum multiple times, always to remind people that THIS POTUS, unlike The Convict, obeys the law. And yet, people keep wanting Biden to do the very thing that got The Convict impeached the first time, and would surely get Joe impeached if he tried it, as those so-called "Freedom Caucus" freaks would finally have some actual cause to point to.
I believe there are *some* funds that the president has access to that Congress doesn't control but I don't recall the details other than that it relates to Ukraine rather than Israel.
I hope they are putting some pressure on Netanyahu behind the scenes. He is pushing forward with the war because he knows once the war is over there will be elections and then he will go on trial and end up convicted. He is not doing this for Israel, just like Trump he is doing this for himself.
My other thought after that fantastic speech of hers is that I wonder how much of her early "struggles" were really more a figment of the media imagination machine. Sure, people can grow in their jobs, and maybe that's what this is, but she didn't get asked to be VP in the first place for no good reason. I mean, she seems quite amazing, and when I saw her last night I was reminded that I told someone when she was DA in SF while I was living there years ago, "She'll run for president someday."
Agreed. I've been watching Harris since she became AG of CA, and she has fine-tuned to a certain degree, but she's always had that grit and backbone, and that champion-of-the-people vibe, and the ability to zero in and cut through the nefarious bluster.
My favorite line in a speech packed with memorable quotes: "Kamala Harris, for The People"...just cannot get it out of my mind. It encapsulates Kamala, her campaign, and her view of the presidency.
It was her campaign slogan back in 2020 and I always loved it.
Didn't realize that, good catch..
"When we fight, we win" also resonates.
I am liking "Kamala and the Coach" and "When We Vote, We Win!" and "Voting is My Black Job!" I have White friends here in Germany who want a t-shirt saying "Voting is My Black Job." It is a solidarity with the idea of having a "Black" job. It is aspirational, as in we hope being president of the United States is Kamala Harris' Black job so then, that is a Black job we can hold up to all children in the USA as something they can try to attain. In doing so we make a mockery of Donald Trump and his words.
"The people" are the only client Harris has ever had - and Dump's only client has ever been himself. Brilliant way to sum up the choice.
If it doesn't become the campaign slogan, there's something wrong with them.
The Republicans will start saying things like, "The People's Republic of Kamala." Not saying that should stop Kamala from using it. Just saying that's what the Republicans will do. Luckily, everyone thinks they're just weird now.
I had a great morning wearing my Harris/Walz t-shirt while doing errands in my MAGA Fl, county. The energy was palpable with people starting conversations, thanking me, asking me where I got my t…
One dude walking in the parking lot had a messaging t :1 out of 3 Kamala Harris supporters are just as stupid as the other 2.
What a way to win over undecided voters…NOT !
That sums up MAGA well, they can't even come up with an original slogan. This was used for a bumper sticker back in 2022, but replacing Kamala with Trump.
Eff the GOP and tRump...there's NO fear in Kamala Harris, and she's taking it right to them, right square in the crotch.
Trump is the one who is afraid. She's the person person I've ever seen that he seems terrified of.
Roberta "Robbie' Kaplan caused him many times to soil his Depends in the courtroom...powerful and intelligent women just crush the POS's fragile ego.
“For The People” is also the slogan of a FL lawyer who has the largest injury law firm in the US. He has been hugely successful ! He’s also the one hugely responsible for medical marijuana in Fl and donates hugely to Dem causes.
I think that was her campaign slogan in 2020. Still stellar.
Speaking of slogans…
It’s rewarding to, as Michelle Obama said, “Do something!”
Post-card writing, texting, phone banking, etc. are all good. Everyone can choose something to do. Here are my two do’s…
#1 I chose a slogan. My slogan is written on a 2x3 white board that is tied-up with fishing line on my very visible front porch. I live in a small east coast community and my house is a block from scenic Front Street where many people walk and drive daily. I spend hours each day enjoying the breeze off the Atlantic Ocean and reading on the porch. My platform is simply my willingness to respectfully engage with my neighbors if they choose to respond to my porch sign. My chosen slogan written on the sign:
“Silentium est Consensu”
As people walk or drive by, I get many confused looks, and I also get many thumbs-up. I feel a connection and appreciation to those who give me the thumbs up!
#2. I stuck my “I VOTED” sticker from the 2020 Election on my wallet. Every time I pull out my credit card to pay for something, I tap my sticker and say nicely to the person at the check out, “ I hope you plan to vote?” The responses I get are interesting. From a shrug of the shoulders by an unmotivated voter to a big grin of awareness from a motivated voter, I’ve had all kinds of reactions…my hope is that maybe the unmotivated person will have a moment’s ping of conscience to get in the game and vote!
If you have something you’re doing, share it!
“…former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who is an accomplished and nice man but no public speaker, added little.”
I will post a minor quibble with regard to this statement.
When he spoke of the awesome responsibility and concern that he felt when sending people into battle and the awesome responsibility and concern that we should all feel for them when they return home, you could tell that he was speaking from the depths of his heart, artless though it may have been. I thought that this was an extremely important point and well-communicated.
It was the artless part that had me a bit frustrated.
I wholeheartedly disagree that Leon Panetta added little. He may not be a dynamic speaker yet he has held a vast array of incredible positions in government with dignity and great ability. His endorsement means a great deal. Get over your frustration.
The important thing was that he was speaking his truth and the truth. I appreciate you because you also do that and you do it beautifully.
We got spoiled by how high the bar was set for being dynamic by the speakers previous to Panetta. Putting form over substance is akin to diminishing Biden for his often lackluster speechifying. Sometimes a “good enough” speech is sufficient to communicate the substance of stellar work, accomplishment, and lessons for the future.
When I think how all this happened in 33 days, I am blown away. I've studied American politics all my life and participated since I was in high school passing out flyers for JFK, and worked in different campaigns and "professionally" for a decade. My work as an historian has given me the opportunity to meet and come to know many people who literally gave all for this country. I am the product of a family that's been here since before we were a country and in each generation has participated in the events of their time; my sixth great grandfather crossed the Delaware with General Washington to save the Revolution.
I can't think of a time I've been prouder to be an American than this past month.
Watching from Australia has been interesting. The American commentary is all, "Trump wasn't expecting to run against Harris, it's thrown his game off". Harris wasn't expecting to run at all but look how much she has accomplished. It's been a month; he should have had a handle on it by know.
You forget he's a moron and his MAGAts are dumber than that.
I didn't forget. That was my point. He has no political sense whatsoever.
Since you're a historian and writer, is it "an historian" or "a historian?" That's been driving me crazy for 50 years, lol.
They’re actually both correct. I think the most common is “a” but technically either one is acceptable. I say “an”.
In regards when using a or an, an is used when the next word begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u and sometimes y). So it would be “a historian” as h isn’t a vowel.
Me too.
Thank you, seriously. I've always kind of assumed that, but it's good to hear from someone in the thick of it. Cheers. EDIT: Sorry, I thought you were the OP (didn't pay attention to the avatar), but thanks anyway and also, lol.
Harris made the best acceptance speech I’ve ever heard in my 50 years of watching, listening and voting! By the way a former Republican here too and left in 2016! Voted Democrat first time ever and won’t go back EVER!
Thank you for being open minded!
Come on in- the water’s fine! I’m an old somewhat reconstructed Eisenhower Republican myself. I come from a politically involved family and we all switched over to the party of sanity.
I'm old enough to be able to say that if you dropped Obama into the 1970s by a time machine helicopter, he'd be a moderate Republican in the mold of Chuck Percy or Everett Dirksen.
Same, brother.
I am so hopeful after watching this convention. The speakers were excellent, and informative, and although I was a little reluctant about Kamala I have totally gone all in! I would have gone for Joe and Kamala anyway, but I wasn't so secure with her if he were to need to step down. I am so glad it turned out so well. She is impressive! I was very proud of the courage many of our speakers exhibited, like Adam Kirshenzer. Kamala will be a great POTUS!
I’m glad to see a Kamala convert!
I supported her, donated to her and talked her up four years ago in her short run. I have always had a sense about her and she is even better than I thought back then.
FYI. Seeing Willie Horton style ads on YouTube and often when I click on something about Harris or Walz it is preceded by a contemptible, lying Trump ad. Is YouTube part of the Repugnant corruption?
She was my first choice back in 2020. But the times were very anti-police then, and it wasn’t a good fit.
Its hilarious how appropriate her law enforcement background is at this time.
I have seen a lot of bad behavior by the police. If I were black I would not trust them. However, we need police and must work to cull the bad apples.
Jim, I haven't seen any YouTube videos lately, but it wouldn't surprise me there are lies put up by Trumpers. I love the fact Trump is going crazy. I love that Kamala isn't letting him ride. It's nice that Joe wanted to take the high road, but DT has no high road, and neither do his minions. They are trying to swiftboat Kamala and Tim every chance they get. So far nothing has stuck, but it doesn't have to be truth that could sink them so we have to be careful to hit back as soon as we find the crud.
I am sitting in a VA hospital waiting for a checkup visit. I’m surrounded by Trumpers. This, in spite of all the vile Trump has spewed about veterans.
So, what people choose to believe has NOTHING to do with reason or self interest.
On my way here I went by a Dem campaign office wanting to buy a Harris- Walz camaflogue hat to wear here but they were not open yet. Bummer.
YouTube's open to everyone. It's not FleeceBlock.
Being open to anyone and purposely putting garbage Trump ads before something favorable to Harris or Walz are not the same thing.
Those people bought that position. I'm not excusing it.
Peter, thanks for the tip. I am a strong proponent of F B Purity for controlling what I see on FB. Hadn't heard of uBlock but just installed it on my Chrome and Firefox browsers.
I've had some slowdown issues that supposedly are deliberate by Youtube. However, Firefox permits copying a link and opening it in a new window without the tracking cookies. It does the trick each time to evade those slowdown measures.
I disagree about Panetta, he may not be a dynamic speaker but the words he said made it even more clear how awful Trump would be as Commander in Chief. Especially when he made the point that our service members are not to be used against citizens of this country.
I liked his words. I didn’t love his delivery.
He's 86. I'll be happy if I can put on my pants if I get to be that old
Wow - thanks for pointing that out. I didn't know he was that far up in age.
You will be able and you will be smart and full of Wisdom. BTW I’m 85
Kamala Harris nailed her acceptance speech, and the organizers nailed the entirety of the Democratic National Convention, which may well have been called the Democracy National Convention. Harris and Walz stand for the people, and we could not be more ready to elect them into office.
Emmy material for sure!
I have to be honest. I had written that I wanted Joe Biden to stay the course as candidate…because of my fear that if he didn’t, the Democratic Party would implode into a chaotic race to name a new candidate…the proverbial circular firing squad. I felt that VP Harris certainly could serve well as a replacement for Biden if he died in office or was otherwise incapacitated, but doubted her ability to win an election, having paid attention to her 2020 campaign. But none of that seems relevant now. The Party held together and actually grew in cohesiveness. The VP proved she has grown as a person and showed every skill we ask of a leader. The DNC towered over the pathetic display of fake patriotism put on by the Trump cult somehow still called the RNC. Her acceptance speech was flawless in content and execution. I truly believe we are on our way to an historic victory. We mustn’t let the opposition undermine the election process, as we know they intend.
I believe she learned a lot from her unsuccessful campaign in 2020 and was able to adjust her messaging, style and delivery.
She also has grown tremendously and deepened her knowledge and experience through working with Joe Biden as his VP. It really showed in her acceptance speech. Dynamite!
In Kamala's 2020 campaign, she also was disadvantaged because she wasn't running against some Republican, she was running against fellow Democrats, against friends, for the opportunity to run against a Republican. I never see anyone giving her any slack for this factor in how she could feel comfortable representing herself against a bunch of men.
But I also think that she wasn't really quite ready yet for running the big race. Her additional experiences, especially as VP have helped her really mature politically.
I vehemently defended Biden to my family until the day he stepped back from the candidacy. Only then I realized how anxious his candidacy made me. Every time he had a public appearance I was afraid he would make a mistake. That's why I didn't watch the debate. And now I have a smile on my face whenever I see something about the Harris/Walz team. I don't think we could have better candidates. And if we don't beat Trump with this team then it wasn't doable. But I really think it takes all of us. So I ordered my postcards to write, I donated and posted on Facebook first time in over year. I chat up people about the election. Whatever I can do with the limited power I have, I am pitching in.
Lewis- I, too, feared the implosion. I also didn’t think the Dems had a deep bench. Boy, listening to those speakers was I wrong!
I was afraid as well of what would follow if Joe stepped down. But somehow, amazingly, everyone has rallied around Kamala, and she has really grown since her run for prez several years ago. No one is more surpised than me, but also no one is more thrilled.
Can there be any doubt that Harris/Walz represent the sane American people? The ones who care about the ideals and principles of democracy? The ones who care about The People?
To those who may still be undecided, I urge you to vote Blue up and down the ballot. Vote for sanity. If you disagree with some policy plans, that is ok. Vote Blue now in order to live and fight another day. Vote Blue to move our country forward to a place where fear and hate no longer stalk us every single day.
I really appreciated Leon Panetta's remarks. He was very clear that the security of our nation, and the world, rides on electing Kamala.
Let's keep our eyes out for journalists and pundits who give Donald attention (heat) and denigrate Harris and Walz. They reveal themselves to be tools of the Autocrat Club. Murdoch. Musk. Putin. Orban. Maduro. Thiel. Xi. Kim. The Saudis. A flood of insults and tricks and propaganda is coming. We must call them out. Every time. And shine a light on their dishonor.
"Kamala, for the People" resonated with me and continues to echo in my thoughts today. She did a great job of reminding us who we are and who we're meant to be, versus Trump and his MAGAts who practice revisionist history, trying to convince us we've had it wrong all this time. I don't think I'm the only one who needed and is grateful for her wisdom and optimism.
Kamala means Lotus in Sanskrit. She has reached her full potential. She is ready. There’s never been a presidential candidate more qualified. Common sense and a lovely mix of brilliant. Her time. Our time.
So refreshing to see so much joy! The power of Country over party demonstrated by Adam, the loving tributes by family and friends of Kamala, the wonderful talents shared by so many. I was moved by the strength, wisdom and determination shown by (our soon to be) President Kamala Harris! Vote 💙
She gave a wonderful speech, short, sweet and to the point - no rambling or meandering - just like she is. I can't wait to watch the debate - IF djt even shows up.
Like Michael Steel said, "I've already got my popcorn and the bourbon, baby!"
I also loved his communication, during MSNBC hosts discussing the events, that he had received a text from a Republican friend (who he, understandably, chose not to identify) which said (in essence) "*that* is how you are elected President of the United States". Referring, of course, to her acceptance speech.
If he shows up, indeed. She'll still need to be on top of her game. The debate format favors his lying style. Two minutes to lie at every question. How will she parry that? It's a genuine challenge. Trump is demented, but that won't impact the debates much.
I agree. I don't understand the point of a debate with Trump out of whose mouth comes nothing but lies.
Moderators need to do much better. Cut off anyone not answering the question. He rarely does… which make it a fools errand to follow up.
I’m with you on this, as in many things. He’s such a nutball and weirdo with a persistent case of diarrhea of the mouth. Nobody has been able to shut him up. Not their fault, but how to combat that?
Joe came close, right? When he said something like, "will you shut up?" or whatever it was. I'm glad she was a prosecutor all those years. She probably dealt with quite a few people like him. I haven't looked into the debate format, either. If it's even 5 minutes instead of 2, I gotta think that will doom him. What's really fun right now is that it feels like Kamala is the first person who has actually frightened him to his core.
She turns to him and says "Shut up, Donald, I'm talking." (she did that before) Then she says, "For once in your life, Donald, can you act like an adult, instead of the ten year old elementary school playground bully you always act like?"
She informed VP Pence during their debat, “Mr. Vice President I’m speaking” and held up her hand. He continued to speak over her and she reminded him again,
Perhaps some kind of clever response, like putting up a(nother) finger every time he lies!
But she only has ten fingers!😆
I thought Kamala did a really interesting job of phrasing her criticisms of trump's policies not as what he "intends" but as what he has stated in the past-- not "he intends to cut Social Security" but "he has often spoken about cutting Social Security." Go pound sand, nitpicking "fact checkers."
She has accomplished for me something I never thought would happen: an articulation of what true patriotism is. After the cynicism engendered by coming of age in Vietnam, of watching the flag wavers support twenty years of pounding Afghanistan--long after Osama left it, a country the terrorists of 9/11 didn't come from--and years of pounding Iraq that didn't in fact have WMDs; after all this, I couldn't see the point of flags and their waving. Now I see a reason to be proud of what we can be, and will be.
I am still disappointed in the position of the administration on Gaza. "Israel has a right to defend itself" is a truism. Hell, RUSSIA has a right to defend itself. The statement begs the question: what is the honorable way of defending oneself?
If you are walking down the street and are confronted with a mugger with a gun, yes, you have a right to defend yourself. You do NOT have the right to haul out your automatic and spray the entire street, including innocent pedestrians and including the homes lining it, on the grounds that there may be bad guys lurking in them.
Yes, Russia does have a right to defend itself. It does NOT have the right to invade another country in the name of reclaiming its "motherland." The motives of the far right in the Israeli government are not really defense, or even solely its dishonorable companion, revenge. They are to take over Gaza--as one member stated, to let the Gazans starve so that the land will be "free" to take over.
These are the things that we have to consider when contemplating what the right to defend oneself entails and to evaluate the good faith of the Israeli government in trying to reach regional peace. I pray that the current plan for a cease fire supported by our government will come to pass. But we have stronger means than phone calls with Bibi to force the opposing parties into stopping the slaughter. Stop the supply of offensive weapons--yes, defensive, but not offensive. We need to use those means.
When I hear her emotions whenever she talks about Gaza, I don't hear someone who is happy with the situation. When she had a choice between listening to Netanyahu speak in front of congress or go to a sorority party, she chose the sorority party. It's true she met with him privately, but she's not going to snub her boss.
It's a tricky situation for her. Biden has filled his state department team with a bunch of old time neoliberals. I've read that she intends to clean State up some. Let's give her a chance to see what she can do once she actually has the genuine power to do something.
I keep saying that same thing - give her a chance. Surely the protesters can understand that the option of Tr as President would make things far worse .
I generally like to say when this topic comes up that Trump would be doing photo opps with Netanyahu as they bulldoze Palestinian refugee camps.
Charles, he would also be “negotiating” to build a Trump resort on the seaside property taken from the Palestinians. Oh, wait, aren’t Israeli developers already drawing up architectural plans?
And selling oil rights.
I respect that the administration has to walk a very fine line between showing support for Israel while still condemning their disproportionate response to the Oct 7 attack, and showing support for Palestine while still condemning Hamas. They are between a rock and a hard place, and I think they are navigating this unfortunate situation as best they can given the circumstances.
True. But they could have let the Palestinian supporters speak. Palestinian Americans, and Muslims in general, are as much a part of “all the people” as any others. The “fine line” is, I suspect, influenced by not wanting to offend “pro Israel” donors. I suspect that most Americans are indeed “pro Israel” in the sense of agreeing on its right to exist, but past sufferings, horrific as they have been through the ages, do not justify a government inflicting suffering on others.
We needed a voice that could say “we are pro-Israel” in that broad sense but NOT pro an oppressive government that really does have —and has had for a long time--“two” rules of law for its own citizens, not to mention thousands of people as innocent as those killed on 10/7.
Honestly, I'd like her first priority to be sending Netanyahu to the Hague for the war crimes he's been charged with. 40,000 deaths and climbing, and currently Palestinians are quite literally being driven into the sea.
Really well stated.
Biden faces a real problem in that Israel is looking at some ridiculous number of Hezbollah missiles pointing Israel's way from Lebanon, but I do believe Biden could be doing more to pressure Netanyahu, who is a genocidal monster, and who should be treated as such. So while it's very difficult to say, "We'll halt arms sales to you," when Israel is facing so many bombs from the north, it's actually exactly what he should do.
However, Kamala has no real say in this, except maybe urging him to treat Netanyahu like the animal he is. If she is doing that, we'd never know.
I think Biden and Harris are between a particular rock and hard place in that neither can legally deny arms and funding to Israel which have been approved by Congress, anymore than Trump had the right to withhold funding for Ukraine when demanding that President Zelensky "find some dirt" on Joe Biden and his son.
That's a good point. I hadn't considered that the funding was congressionally approved.
I have said as much in this very forum multiple times, always to remind people that THIS POTUS, unlike The Convict, obeys the law. And yet, people keep wanting Biden to do the very thing that got The Convict impeached the first time, and would surely get Joe impeached if he tried it, as those so-called "Freedom Caucus" freaks would finally have some actual cause to point to.
Well, it's a good thing I'm not POTUS, because I'd be using my new found immunity powers to be cleaning out MAGA in some very unsavory ways!
I believe there are *some* funds that the president has access to that Congress doesn't control but I don't recall the details other than that it relates to Ukraine rather than Israel.
I honestly don't know. Funding was granted by Congress. But did they specify which particular weapons?
Also, wasn't the funding denied to Ukraine earlier approved by Congress--back when the corruption was an issue?
The problem with trump's withholding involved the fact that he did it for personal gain.
I hope they are putting some pressure on Netanyahu behind the scenes. He is pushing forward with the war because he knows once the war is over there will be elections and then he will go on trial and end up convicted. He is not doing this for Israel, just like Trump he is doing this for himself.
Exactly !!
Hearts for all of your points, Susan.
Susan - excellent analogy re Gaza. Folks should copy your post.
Brava Susan !! Well outlined. The optimism of our youth and our dreams of a humane way to live are come forward.
We held on to them for so long we thought they were impossible to achieve. Now we know they not impossible, we can’t believe it !
Congress must approve first, and the Republicans block the bills so they never get to the presidents desk to sign into law.
My other thought after that fantastic speech of hers is that I wonder how much of her early "struggles" were really more a figment of the media imagination machine. Sure, people can grow in their jobs, and maybe that's what this is, but she didn't get asked to be VP in the first place for no good reason. I mean, she seems quite amazing, and when I saw her last night I was reminded that I told someone when she was DA in SF while I was living there years ago, "She'll run for president someday."
So, in essence, this is truly who she is.
Agreed. I've been watching Harris since she became AG of CA, and she has fine-tuned to a certain degree, but she's always had that grit and backbone, and that champion-of-the-people vibe, and the ability to zero in and cut through the nefarious bluster.
She watched and listened to her mom.
Her mom taught her to live with the truth.