I am honestly beginning to think that the Senate does more harm than good. They are an impaction in the national colon.

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Time for a good old-fashioned dose of castor oil!

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So sorry I ever supported her...

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Me too.

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Sinema is just as much as a media whore as Manchin is. I'm sick to death of this ridiculous argument about the filibuster. Abolishing it wouldn't solve all of our problems, especially with Manchin and Sinema being basically Republicans trying to pass as Democrats, but, it would solve some of them. The biggest being McConnell's stranglehold on the Senate, even while in the minority, slim though it may be. President Biden's agenda is extremely popular amongst the citizens of this country. If Democrats fight for this agenda, and the public sees them fighting hard for it, then I don't think they'll have to worry about being in the minority for the foreseeable future. Even if a bill fails, the public will see Democrats fighting like hell for them, and see the Republicans obstructing that effort to benefit themselves and their super wealthy donors. I think most people, regardless of party, wants a functioning government, and I seriously can't remember the last time we had that. Democrats need to either go big or go home. This constant longing for the good old days of working across the aisle, is getting disgusting. They need to realize they have no friends across the aisle, and start acting like the country's future is in their hands, because it is.

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Great article, I’m scared that if the Republicans gain control of the House in 2022, that they will turn around and end the filibuster, so as to further hobble Democrats.

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Jay, can you please share your thoughts on this?

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