This is what happens when we elect someone based on the price of eggs and the myth that the economy is better under Republicans.

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No, this is what happens when people no longer much care for anything but burning it all down and that politicians hate the same people they do.

This is what happens when folks get their information from a host of sketchy sources. When we embrace "alternate facts"

I think folks SAID it was the price of eggs/gas/what have you, but what motivated them was an appeal to hatred, racism, "othering" and "Gubmint Bad"

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Don't forget an ample dollop of misogyny

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You are all correct.

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Yep......I got brain fog and forgot that one......

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And good old racist frosting, mm, mmm, mmm!

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A most accurate point that needed making. I certainly never do!

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What happens when we thought it was a good idea to put a C movie actor in the White House in 1980

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I voted for Jimmy Carter! in 1980.

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As did I. I'd just turned 18 so it was my first time to vote. I still have a campaign button!

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'The Grin Will Win!' (I remember that when he beat Ford in '76. I was 9)

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I didn't, but for an unusual reason. I was all for him. And then, before the polls closed on the West Coast, and before I could even GET to the polls, he conceded. So much for one's vote counting. He just ignored the Pacific Time Zone. I voted for whatever third party candidate was running, don't even remember who.

I still think Carter was one of our best presidents in terms of simple character, dealt a wretched hand by the Ayatollah and Reagan's Logan Act violations, and I admire him to this day and regularly donate to Habitat for Humanity. But for about half an hour in 1980 I was ROYALLY pissed.

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I would have if I could have

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40 years' worth of stupefying the American public has paid off like a piñata.

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Thanks Jay! It's not even Jan 20 yet. But dems should follow Harris's lead because she knew, hit them in the ego. Every news outlet should start referring to moron musk as president musk. We will still have orange cheeeto in the end but we will be down one less turd goblin with moron musk out of the way. He has not learned you never outshine the "boss".

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The problem being that Muck pretty much "owns" Trump. Trump doesn't have the power or the funds to threaten his unruly, chaotic Representatives and as Jay pointed out, most of those yahoos are ensconced in deeply red gerrymandered districts and they aren't afraid of being "primaried out". Another interesting point is the suggestion, by the brainless Rand Paul, that Muck be elected Speaker. Now there's a horrid notion if ever there was one.

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At the risk of being labeled a Rand Paul CLONE, Paul has raised an interesting question, does the House Speaker have to be an elected Representative?

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No. Oddly, the eligibility requirements for election to be Speaker of the House are surprisingly few. S/he must be a citizen with residence in the U.S. of at least 7 years. However, a Speaker who wasn't already an elected Representative, has never been elected and there is quite a bit of the position that requires the Speaker to be de facto leader of the majority party and to know the various requirements of procedures necessary for the smooth functioning of the supposed work of the House, which is crafting legislation--not that the current crop of dysfunction yahoos have any notion whatsoever of how to govern...nor do they seem to care.

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Thanks for your reply and clarification. In Hindsight, my question may have been viewed as strange! However, even in my wildest dreams I never thought that our Constitution permits a Convicted Felon to Campaign for and be elected President!

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Mr. Brennan, although I have the greatest admiration for our founding Framers of the Constitution, they were still men of their times and somewhat "patrician".

I very much doubt if they could even conceive that the citizens of this country would ever allow a convicted criminal to run for ANY office, let alone get elected--particularly for President! These men scorned common thieves and felons--after all, these folk were not so very far removed from those officials in England who shipped several boatloads of members of the criminal underclass (some mere children and many of whom were guilty of no more dreadful crime than that of petty theft...and yet transport to Botany Bay was considered a relatively "mild" punishment. So criminals were not exactly highly regarded. I'm sure if we were able to ask any one of the Founding Fathers what they think of new President (re) elect...they would be horrified, furious and quite disgusted.

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Exactly what I was thinking!

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Turd Goblin for the win. Thanks for the giggle.

I FULLY agree that constant mention of President-unelect Musk and VP Cheetolini will annoy the obese orange turd goblin . . . (and maybe even couchfuck McGhee) . . .

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"Moron Musk" is OK, but sort of inapposite, since he clearly is not stupid.

I prefer "MuskRat". How about you?

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I hope that will happen.

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The last paragraph of this article, about no Speaker to certify the election, is PRICELESS! This is a great article and I’m proud to Subscribe to this guy’s Stack! You go, Jay! 😊💕👍🏾

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The R side of the House seems to be running analogously to the alcoholic who is spiraling downward fast, destroying him/herself and causing endless heartbreak and destruction to his/her community, but can't stop drinking and hasn't quite hit rock bottom yet. The sad part is that before recovery can start, the individual has to hit rock bottom, become completely unglued, and acknowledge he/she has a life-threatening problem he/she cannot solve alone.

In the current case the addiction is not to alcohol but to extremist ideology that has supplanted good-faith commitment to democracy. Maybe this country will have to hit rock bottom -- an uncertified election result; no clear presidential succession; no clear leadership; a paralyzed Congress; infantile, narcissistic billionaires running around monkey-wrenching things left and right; and no guidance to be found in our most fundamental governing document -- before the grown-ups can somehow step in and restore some common-sense functionality.

Maybe this country will survive all that. Maybe not.

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And Cheetolini nominated a walking, talking embodiment of that for Defense Secretary (and most if not all of the GQP cowards in the Senate will vote for that scumwad).

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Sounds like turnip's pic for the military Pete Hogsbreath.

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It IS SchadenFriday.

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"We need to secure our borders! By not paying the salaries of those who secure our borders! What could possibly go wrong?"

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As the parent of a child with cancer who just returned to treatment, and as someone who has gone to Congress to speak on behalf of pediatric cancer patients to increase funding priorities (our kids DESERVE #MoreThan4) I had been so pleased with the incredible childhood cancer caucus in the House and how well they worked together to bring bipartisan solutions that were voted on and passed. They had worked hard on some extremely important legislation, as had the senate, but now, now who knows. Pediatric cancer as a whole only receives approximately 4% of the yearly NIH cancer research budget (yes, all 120+ types combined), and pharmaceutical companies do not make up the difference, funding adult cancer research at an unprecedentedly high rate vs pediatric. Most pediatric funding comes from private grants. That’s sickening.

I just quit my job, as a state/county employee, in order to take care of my son as he returns to treatment as continuing to work has become unsustainable. My husband is an officer in the navy reserves, and owns his own business, the government shut down could significantly hurt our family in an increasingly difficult time.

I just want to cry, I feel so defeated.

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I’m so sorry. It is so heartbreaking. But we’ll keep the fight going and it will happen.

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We will keep fighting, this particular cause is close to my heart, and I’ll be damned if we let them beat us! I’ll be back in DC lobbying for it again and again. Plenty of other causes as well, but this one I will fight for as long as I’m able.

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I am so sorry…this is unconscionable to let children and others suffer for their egos and unrelenting greed. My heart goes out to you and your family. I hope people realize what they’ve unleashed.

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You spoke my heart. Thank you. Kimmy, I pray you get the help your family needs.

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If people cared about kids they wouldn’t be forced to use outdated treatments and adult chemotherapy instead of ones tailored to them. 95% of pediatric cancer survivors have significant medical late effects by age 45, doesn’t “big pharma” know that creating more survivors means they make more money as they age with the issues?! Why aren’t they lobbying for this too?!

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Hi Kimmy, I just read your story and wanted to say how sorry I am that your family is going through such a hard time. This stupidity must get fixed. I can’t believe they deleted the money for children’s cancer. I have no answers, I just wanted to say your story touched my heart and tell you that I care and if you need to talk just reach out. Wishing you love and peace 💙

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Thank you ❤️. It’s unbelievable, especially having seen first hand the level of bipartisan support pediatric cancer and other significantly debilitating childhood diseases has in Congress. My only hope is that this won’t stand and funding will end up being restored.

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I hope so as well. I am sorry for what your son is having to endure and your family for all the heartache this is causing. For your sake and the sake of all the others going through this, I hope the funding is restored and continues indefinitely and until childhood cancer is completely obliterated.

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I hope so too.

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I didn't realize that they had cut funding for children's cancer research. utterly unbelievable. Nothing makes sense anymore, you and your child will be in my prayers for a ending to this debacle.

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Yep. They did. something like .00023% of the bill.

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Kimmy, I’m so sorry about your son’s cancer. Yours is a perfectly frightening example of the real world consequences of this GOP clown car. Please hold onto hope. We’ve been threatened with this many times since 2018, yet it hasn’t come to pass. By cutting funding Trump, Musk and their minions will help put a stranglehold on their own ability to function. It remains to be seen if they are actually stupid enough to put themselves in that position. It’s one thing to create a government shutdown when the opposition is in the majority. It’s another, quite idiotic, thing to do it when you are coming in with a trifecta. It’s becoming pretty clear that Trump can no longer count on threats and blind loyalty among GOP congressional members to get what he wants.

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I’m holding onto hope. Especially knowing that causes like pediatric cancer and other significantly debilitating childhood diseases DOES generate a strong bipartisan response, someone strong enough will step up, I just hope sooner rather than later to get it all back on track.

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His biggest concern is giving the big tax breaks to all of his wealthy friends. I think it should stay the same and he can't create a huge deficit again!!

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I am so sorry that you even have to face this struggle for proper cancer care for your son, and I thank you for fighting not only for your son, but for all children. Yes! Let us all keep up the fight!

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I am so sorry to hear this, Kimmy. I don't know if your representatives are Democrats or Republicans but they need to hear from you. Aren't our representatives supposed to help with government matters? You should appeal to them and don't be afraid to play the guilt card.

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My representative is the amazing Kathy Castor (D-FL) and she is actually the co-chair of the childhood cancer caucus along with Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX)! She knows us personally and knows our son and his story as well. And multiple local republican representatives are also on the caucus, as well as another who may join after we have spent time speaking with her staff. They will all be hearing from us. We try to do what we can through our actions, if our kids can fight cancer we can fight in the halls of Congress for better, safer, and more accessible treatmentsn

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Yes!! We owe it to them.

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I understand why. But get mad, get even, then let's push these assholes off the map.

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I'm already in tears

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I'm just pissed off. More.

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So sorry. Hopefully sanity will prevail.

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This is how a U.S. REP with a spine acts.⬇️ Go Maxwell !!!💙

… Musk also threatened to take out Democratic Rep. Maxwell Frost in the next election after Frost trolled him: “The people of central Florida will kick this jackass out in 2 years.” Musk knows absolutely zero about politics in central FL.

… Rep. Frost responded by posting a form for candidates to file to run for Congress with this caption: “OK, Elon. Here’s the candidate form for your run against me. The people of Central Florida don’t really like corrupt rich guys though.”


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Brilliant!! I KNEW I liked Rep. Frost! Go Maxwell. We need more like him.

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Musk and Trump are now inseparable, with Musk in charge, a single symbiotic entity, MUMP.

What scares me is that Musk is starting to interfere in elections all across Europe. He is supporting the NeoNazi Party in Germany now that Scholz' government has collapsed.

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I love “Mump.”

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Tim Snyder also came up with it about 4 hours after I first posted using it this morning. At first I thought about TRUSK but it sounded too masculine and strong--with kind of a Conan the Barbarian vibe. MUMP better captures their common doughiness both monetarily and in a culinary sense. ;-)

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Actually, I am scared shitless. Musk is a megalomaniac with the resources to rig elections in every country in the West to install far-right authoritarians. But America is the biggest prize, and with Citizens United, we are such an easy target.

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Get mad. It's more effective.

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There’s a vaccine for Mump.

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Doneolon Mump

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Why is no one completing the duo??

I think it should be Mump and Trusk ?

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Shall we ask our “representatives” if they are in favor of the NeoNaziParty that their leader supports?

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Every Democrat in Congress today should be speaking on the floor and asking Republicans if they want to go on the record as following the directives of Musk, who is supporting the neoNazi AfD party as the only salvation for Germany now that Scholz government has collapsed. The press should have a special walk of shame through the halls of Congress for Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, peppering them with questions about how they could think of Elon Musk as Speaker of the House when he supports NeoNazis.

Of course, the "very fine people" who are Neo-Nazis will see them as heroes. But maybe it will be a wake-up call to the voters who didn't cast a ballot.

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Musk is the guy the "Old Texanism" that allegedly was a defense to murder back in the day had in mind: "He *needed* killin'!"

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Well said.

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What a fuckin' poison pill that jerk is.

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Have you read Timothy Snyder's essay today (from "Just Thinking")? He has called the new non-administration-of-chaos The Mump Administration.

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Yes I did. Great minds—I posted about 4 hours before he did this morning LOL.

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Love it!!!

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Jay, you are the best at covering this ongoing shitstorm.

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I agree. I read several other pieces yesterday about this, but none of them with the depth that Jay brings.

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Agreed and I’d like my gold star ⭐️ please.

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If the government is shut down until Inauguration Day, they can't actually have an Inauguration, because there is nobody to plan it, set it up, staff it, feed people food, clean up the site, etc.

At least, that's what it looks like. Noble of Trump to agree to not have an Inauguration by standing on his principles of shutting the gov down.

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So many unintended consequences follow very bad decisions

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There are now articles out on the various news sites about who has to work without pay, who is furloughed, etc. Still amusing to think of the Inauguration being cancelled just like everyone's paychecks.

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WOW!!!!! What a THRILLING realization!!!!!

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Apparently, Elonia doesn't want an inauguration, I wonder why ? I think the head of States should not attend ! That would piss off Mump !

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I thought and said the same here, C. You said it better than I did.

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They don't actually need all the foofaraw. Just have Roberts come to the Oval and administer the oath. Presto! Re-President The Convict!

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And he has invited many of his foreign buddies,oops

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An excellent summary of the absolute chaos brought about by electing a dolt for whom lying, personal profit and cronyism are the basis of his entire political career.

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This is merely a preview of the shit show to follow; it will get worse when the different departments of the government are controlled by these lunatics. It's not going to be pretty.

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Not enough alcohol on the planet! 😂

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Pete Hegseth will see to that!

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The word is Johnson is going for a shorter term fix to avoid the shutdown. Democrats should say they agreed to a deal and will abide by it. Anything else is a hard no.

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Li'l Mikey is going for whatever he's hearing via his Elon and Vivek [Ramaswamy] "text chain", which if nothing else illustrates the utter powerlessness and subservience of this so-called "Speaker"...the 2025-2028 shitshow is off to an early and rousing start, with a grab-bag of "influencers" battling for primacy.

It'll get worse before it gets better, bank it.

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Are we hearing anything from Still President Biden or Still VP Harris about this? Not about the resolution itself, but about the influence of the Muskrat on the outcome??? I’m not seeing those reactions in the news , but maybe it’s just not getting the coverage from the media chickens?

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Nothing for them to say

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Perhaps just an expression of outrage? I know it won’t change things but at least it would be better than silence. For me anyway.

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So what I'm seeing is that every time Trump kisses Musk's ass, he's going down in flames.

I wonder how long it'll take for him to 'forget' how much money the little slimeball put into getting him elected and throw him to the curb. It's what he's always done, after all!

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Probably depends on how much more money Trump thinks he can get from Musk.

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(Forgive me while I puke)

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From Ruth Ben-Ghiat today…

“Some people predict that Trump will eventually get rid of Musk, seeing the billionaire as too much competition. That is a misreading of Trump, who can take some humiliation –Russian television has mocked him and has showed nude photos of his wife—if the end goal is more profits and power for him. Autocrats are entirely transactional beings, and Trump and Musk likely have an understanding: each needs the other.”


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He's never kicked someone so rich to the curb, though.

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I seem to recall Bannon being kicked to the kerb when he appeared to outshine Mump.

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Wow. This moment may well end up in the history books. Thank you for detailing it for us all.

The only Republicans in the House who seem to be willing to show a spine are those whose reelection prospects are already safe. Principle always seems to take a backseat to privilege, preferment, ambition, and naked greed. Maybe not even a backseat - the trunk?

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I left a message at Joni Ernst's office: do you honestly believe that your career should come before the lives of millions of Americans?!

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Not in favor of a shutdown, obviously, but it amuses me greatly to think of the GOP House being unable to certify Trump's presidency on Jan 6th because of the fuckery of Musk and his little orange simp, while Kamala sits back in the big chair in the Senate, props her Converses up on the lectern and drawls "Whenever y'all get your shit together, you let me know" and pulls out a banned book to read silently (livestreamed on CSPAN).

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