Jun 18Liked by Jay Kuo

Each of us can help counter the lies about President Biden and other Democratic candidates around the country. Channel your wish for election victories into writing to voters from home. Sign up for the campaigns you want and write postcards when and where you want.

These groups have campaigns available that do not give tight deadlines for getting postcards done.





www.postcardstovoters.org started it all; it has a 3-day turnaround for its postcard campaigns.

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I’m doing Postcards to Swing States. I’ve never done this before but this election is so important. I’ve also signed up to be an election judge in my county. I haven’t heard back yet but I want to be involved.

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Dani, thank you for becoming a Election Judge. I’ve worked every election since the 2020 election here in Texas and this is a vital and eye opening function to countermand claims that elections are rigged, when in fact, there are robust and rigorous rules in place to ensure Elections are fair and just. Thank you again!

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I have also worked the polls on Election Day here in southwestern PA. I totally agree about the rigorous rules and procedures in place to ensure fair elections. Some of my MAGA acquaintances complain about the election until the process for securing ballots is explained to them. Then they have nothing to say.

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Yes, this is exactly why I signed up. It’s a common complaint that people I know just don’t trust the process. They’re surprised when they learn/hear that those rules are in place and strictly followed. It’s easier to believe the trash they hear on faux news I guess. I’m hoping that if they hear it from a person they actually know, maybe it’ll get through their heads.

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Is that the same as being a poll worker? In NC, at least, you have to work from 5:30 a.m., to get everything set up before the polls open at 6:30, and you may not leave the building until the polls close and the equipment is packed away and secured. You have my admiration. I couldn't do that.

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Here in Texas, we set the polls up the day before to have everything ready to open at 7am. We pick up all supplies at the election office where we certify that the ballot box is locked and tamper proof because they have the keys at the election office. We then take the ballot boxes home, count and verify the ballots we are given in a separate container, then arrive at the already set up polling location by 6:30 am to open at 7 am sharp, close the polls at 7 pm sharp and then take the properly secured ballot boxes and turn in our unused, spiked and provisional ballots to the county election officials with the appropriately filled in paperwork. It’s a long day, but a day I’m happy to work as my Civic duty.

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That’s spoiled ballots, not spiked…🙄

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I wish they set up the day before in NY. It's a brutal day - 5 am to 9:30 or 10 pm.

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I’m an Election Judge, after being an election clerk to learn the duties and we have training before each and every election.

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I'm envious. I'm in NYC and we have to report to work at 5 am and be ready to open at 6 am (our precinct is usually a few minutes late!) We get a two one hour breaks for lunch and dinner. (I usually take 11 am and 5 pm - we have to be all back for the after work rush.) And we don't get done until close to 10 pm. 9:30 if everybody's books balance the first time.

I'm now the Information Clerk because "Table Inspector" (the people who give out the ballots and keep track of them all) was too stressful for me.

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I know it’s a lot to do in a very populated place like NYC. My precinct is in a central Texas county with not as many people…. But it’s a long day no matter where you are…and we do it because it’s our Civic duty to our country to make sure elections are fair and just.

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I’m writing too. I was involved in Ohios Roe initiative (passed!) and now the anti gerrymandering initiative.

If I don’t contribute in some way, I’ll go crazy with all the Magas lies.

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I am also writing postcards to swing states. Pennsylvania.

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I copied and posted this to Jeff Tiedrich’s commentary today, with much gratitude to you for providing this information. Spreading awareness is crucial. Thank you Laurie!

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Hooray! Thanks for the thank you, Tama2U, and also for sharing with others!

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My wife & I have been doing this. Activate America has sent MILLIONS of postcards, and they work! And we are organizing postcard writing parties as our friends can't wait to join in. It helps to not feel helpless watching the maggots garner so many fans.

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Would you be so kind as to email to me? meeshelly62@gmail.com

( Substack App won't let me send it myself, copy it, etc.!)

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Thank you for providing this information! I am going to do!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Jay Kuo

This is the point where we know they are losing.

Cheaters don't need to cheat when they have righteousness and truth in their side.

That they cannot peddle in truth any longer tells me that they are on their heels. They don't have policy, they have a platform popular only with a sliver of America and they have abandoned the swing groups that put Trump in office in 2016.

This is starting to feel like death throes but it's likely just them discovering they have cancer and it's infected their entire body but rather than take chemo, they are warping the narrative. They have a few paths, embrace the truth and try to heal from the cancer (chemo) or deny the truth and continue to eat the cancer eat away and eat away at the body. When I hear people like McConnell (the liar and hypocrite) or Cruz or really any gop maga convert speak, I hear them slowly dying inside and letting the cancer take over. They are too intelligent to believe the lies but they are smart enough to know that they lose their jobs if they don't fly the maga flag.

That is the sadness that we will all live with. Intelligent men with little moral fiber allowing a petulant man baby to have access to nearly unlimited power, not for good, but for self.

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Jun 18Liked by Jay Kuo

Thank you Jay...I had seen several of these stories myself and was extremely upset...as well as the rebuttals to these "doctored" videos. It is unfathomable how these news outlets continue their disregard for good journalism...and slanted negatively towards Biden. How I miss the Walter Cronkites and Dan Rather's of the world. You are a bright light to these exhausting, crazy times.

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Unfortunately, the regular media picks up some of this crap without fact checking. When trump went to the Capitol, AP referred to it as trump's triumphant return. Please. Our regular media is just as much to blame. They've been complicit in this whole trump mess since he rode that escalator in 2015. If they had done their jobs, we'd be in year 8 of Hillary's presidency.

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Even CNN and MSNBC are complicit because most of their coverage is Trump centric and CNN still brings on dumbshit—though many Harvard educated—Republicans who will not answer questions and only charge forward with their inane propaganda.

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I miss the days when journalists had integrity and news was factual. The Republicans lie and cheat to try to win. I sure hope it doesn't work.

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Jun 18Liked by Jay Kuo

This sooooo disturbing. I am so angry. What can be done! My parents watch this sht all the time on FOX and they believe it!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

That is the great evil of propaganda. Goebbles was right - tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth. (edit: added the dash)

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The best strategy I've heard is to reprogram their remote control so that Fox is blocked and only reliable information sources are accessible. One comment I read somewhere said their parents really changed for the better in just a couple of weeks -- less angry, more open to other ideas.

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my MIL thinks trump walks on water and biden shits his pants because she watches too much fox news.

Its addicting and, unfortunately, some fall into the trap and have to be forcefully reprogrammed to kick the habit.

Addiction is not just a vice, it can take root in many ways. Fox has figured out how to make addicts of people through audio/visual manipulation.

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I refer to them as hate addicts. And like with any addict, you have to keep upping the dose to get the same endorphins.

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Show them the difference between unedited and edited video and headlines.

Is there any way to talk them into switching off Fox and Sinclair news? Bribe them or offer something they really want in exchange for time off from those stations?

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When my son was in college, his hair was wildly curly and unruly, and he sported a beard. When he visited his grandparents' home, his grandmother, a Fox devotee, told me, "He looks like one of those Muslim terrorists." Excuse me?? I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I never encouraged either of my kids to ever go back. As sad as that is to say.

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Just like they do in the countries they openly and explicitly prefer to this one. It’s well past time to stop treating any of these people like they’re Americans.

Meanwhile in our “liberal” media:

1) The New York Times says Biden is trying to “paint” Trump as a felon by pointing out that he’s—you know, a felon, and

2) Trump insulted Milwaukee last week, admitted on the record that he had done so, and at least a dozen of the Republicans he was with publicly confirmed that he had done so. But now he’s decided he never said it, so CNN has decided to call it an “alleged” insult.

They can’t surprise me anymore—it’s clear what side they’re on, and it’s not America’s—but the absolute craven lack of self-respect can still shock me.

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Bikers need to start wearing t-shirts: "Riding with Biden." and underneath it in smaller letters "...since Trump can't ride a bike."

Media including WAPO, NY Times, CNN and MSNBC have done an abysmal job of reporting on this ugliness.

Biden needs to take the gloves off and start mocking Trump mercilessly. It's time.

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Sooooo now what democrats? Gloves off? Come back with an ad that shows the real unedited video? Maybe with links to the full video? And point out the repugnuts lies and misinformation?

AND plaster the world of MAGA with actual unaltered footage of the orange Convicted Felon?

I don’t know the answer. I do know that in an alternative universe such as the one called MAGA, black is white, right is wrong, and “when they go low we go high” doesn’t work.

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Maybe, when they go low, we should meet them where they live.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

I think that we are going to have to "meet them where they live".....but it won't do any good with some of these folks. They are so far down the rabbit hole, I'm surprised they haven't surfaced on the other side of the Earth (oh, wait...isn't the Earth flat??)

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You won't get the cult, they are in until the end. It's the undecideds and the independents that skew Republican that you want to try to convince.

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I’m not sure rump will show up for the debate.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

tRump can be triggered with a tweet as HRC noted. I am betting Joe has a bunch of provocative tweets at the ready to trigger him and make him angry enough to show up.

(edit - changed 'ad' to 'as'.)

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I really hope that he does show up. I'd like to see it even though I hate hearing trumps voice or seeing his image.

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I don't watch cable news at all but was at the home of an older relative last week who has FOX on perpetually. I was astounded at the complete and utter sh*t# I was hearing about Biden not being competent. The level of lying and distortion of the truth gave me anxiety. No wonder people are brainwashed into thinking Biden is unfit. A steady diet of Fox et al will rot your brain.

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Gibberish makes the Repubs go around

The Repubs go around

The Repubs go around

Gibberish makes the Repubs go around

For such a sickening sound

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I had read both the WaPo Articles and got curious about the NYT. No sign of a story about any of the "cheap fakes." The search pages asked for my rating. I rated it highly unsatisfactory and then asked if perhaps they didn't think a string of major faked videos was newsworthy as a possible reason the search came up zilch.

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It is a sad thing that the only way their side can win is by cheating. Their positions are inimical even to the best interests of their own base. Yet because of the daily whipping of their tribalism, they vote against themselves.

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This is so stupid we actually have to talk about whether Biden dances or is too "stiff". Sinclair needs to be crushed. The only reason the they are coming at Biden the way they are is to take away the spotlight from tdump. tdump's decline in everything is front and center. Im concerned voting out tdump will not be enough. It will take years to take down his fleet of deplorable's (Miller, Bannon, Heritage Foundation, etc)

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They have been doing this BS for years, all we can do is present the facts and call out the media when they echo this nonsense. They have to do this because lying and spin is all they have; they never talk about policy or how they will help average Americans.

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