I'm working as a polling judge in my district of Southern Illinois & voted early on the 13th after polling training. My area is typically very, very red, but I've noticed a trend I've not seen in years, with yard signs. I'm seeing many more democratic candidates' signs and that is definitely heartening, but I'm still concerned. I try talking with younger voters and expressing how important it is for them to vote and let them know what's at stake. Fingers crossed 🤞 they understand and are ready to participate in our democratic process! 🥰 Thanks, as always, Jay, for your insight!

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It’s hard not to be afraid. Yet, we press on.

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Thanks a million times over for your journals. You are the best.

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I forwarded this to my newly minted voting daughter. she needs to pass along to all her friends!

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I enjoy your commentary, even if it's not all good news. But, I am curious about your thoughts on the NY-19 special election? All the polls, including the internal polls, show the democratic candidate losing. Yet he won.

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Some women have short term memories. Hillary lost the 2016 election for a number of reasons - Republican women opted for the orange outhouse with the full septic tank instead; many thought she was weak because she didn't divorce Bill; some didn't want to drink a beer with her cause they didn't like her; or the all-time poor excuse, did not vote because they didn't like either candidate. What many forgot was that as Secretary of State, she handled her business. As Senator Rodham-Clinton, she must not have been too bad because NY voted for her. Yet women chose to not vote for the FIRST POSSIBLE FEMALE PRESIDENT who was actually smart and experienced?! Instead, women, particularly Republican women voted for a tv personality. A "person" whose poor business experience alone should have disqualified "him". I won't recap the orange POS horrible history, but in the 4 years of its (POS) occupancy our country, and in a way the world, we have suffered and still suffering the POS toxicity.

I am well passed my childbearing years. If I was still capable of bearing children, you probably try to place me in the pro-life category. Regardless, I still would not appreciate anyone, male or female telling me what to do with my body just for starters. To paraphrase Senator Warnock, the medical room is too small for the patient, her doctor and the USA. Particularly when there are those willing to compromise female healthcare yet decline to discuss gun control; demand you carry an unwanted/unhealthy pregnancy yet deny assistance once the child is born; or place automatic gun ownership over the lives of children.

Folks need to understand, if you want to be treated fairly, you need to vote and vote smart. Know who and what you are voting for. Vote for the candidates or policies that benefits the majority instead of the few that make it their business to deny you healthcare, fair wages, Social Security, clean air, clean water, a solid education, and so on. Vote, particularly women, need to vote even when their little world is not directly affected. Because if they don't vote, the madness will continue and ultimately directly affect them.

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