It bugs me that the ‘red waves’ in Florida and Ohio don’t have an asterisk and a reminder that they were stolen. But the illegally gerrymandered maps can be fixed for 2024, right?

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What nonsense. Rs got more votes than Ds in Florida. You are living in a partisan fantasy world, Maggie.

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The senate race was won roughly 52% - 48%. The house seats were won 17 - 7. That's gerrymandering at its finest.

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Maggie, but what was the aggregate vote total for Republicans and Democrats in the House races?

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I don’t know, do you?

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Maybe, but Ohio GOP just took more Supreme Court Seats so now they might look the other way in 2024's map redraw. (if they even complete one)

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I was redistricted this year. We went from being included in the downtown very blue leaning area to the rural red. I told my husband we were a casualty of gerrymandering. Its yet unseen how it's been impacted. We were able to unseat Jamie Herera Butler and will now have a Democrat in that seat.

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This is so frustrating. They cheat while screaming the Democrats are cheating, disenfranchising voters and not making sure all are represented needs to stop how do we make that happen. This has gone on far to long!

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So how many candidates ran on unfair gerrymandering in their state? Since gerrymandering is harmful as institutionalized, it will continue to hurt us. Gerrymandering is a real thief of democracy.

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Gerrymandering rigs elections. Americans would not stand for a touchdown counting for 9 points and only 6 points for the other team. But that 40% percentage of state-wide vote totals reflected in representation of some legislatures.

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Is it 2103 Shelby County ruling or 2013? I think that might be a typo.

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I think our best chance of flipping flippable seats in 2024 is going to come from registering more Gen Z voters. They turned out in good numbers, compared to youth turnout in prior elections, but there is a lot more room for growth there. We need to register young people on college campuses, and pre-register 16 and 17 year olds who will vote in 2024. And we've got to start now, not 90 days before the next election.

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What are the best words to use when 40% of a state wide vote all but guarantees ‘it’ gets to elect the majority of the state legislature —like in Wisconsin and other states. Gerrymandering and disenfranchisement of voters are one and the same.

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Come on, Jay. “Just how bad gerrymandering hurt us?” It’s “badly.” Other than that, keep up the good work.

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Excellent, thorough and historical analysis.

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Lawmakers should not be able to make laws that benefit them in the electoral process.

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Thanks for the great explanation.

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I'm ll check and get back. My point is, the Senate percentage isn't necessarily indicative of the House races' aggregate percentage.

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Can Persident Biden expand the SCOTUS by executive order ?

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On CNN's election data site they show the total national vote for House members, broken down by GOP and Dem:

* Republicans 51.3% 52,197,405 (4,671,393 ahead)

* Democrats 46.8% 47,526,012

* Est. vote in: 91% Updated 2:42 p.m. ET, Nov. 14

This seems incongruous with my understanding the both sides do Gerrymandering, the GOP does more. I have not seen any election analysts address these numbers or whether they look accurate. Anyone have any insight or seen or heard any addressing of this?

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Did not Republican candidates in total receive millions more votes than Democrats? I think so. Also, the overspending by the Democrat- controlled government needs to be stopped ..our interest on our national debt now exceeds our annual GNP.

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1. You "think" Republicans received millions more votes than Dems? Please support this with solid data - once all the votes have been counted

2. Oh, and since in a presidential election an antiquated game called the electoral college rules, it hardly matters who or which party cast more votes, does it? If it had, Hillary would have easily beaten *trump.

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