It is beyond me how and why this man is still not in jail, you can bet your a$$ that of Obama or Biden did this the right would have already had them arrested and jailed why at is taking so long? It doesn’t matter that he “declassified” a document, it doesn’t matter if he “thinks” he had a right to take them, the fact of the matter is he had documents whether classified or not that belong in the archives NOT on his property. That is illegal and then he lied about and was going d to have more after stating he returned them all and here we are again he is still lying and possibly in possession of more can we jails him already

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Of all the allegations against TFG this one is all on him. He took them, hid them in WH, put them in boxes, had them transported to MAL (or other places), put them in his desk and storage room, and lied that he had them. No one to throw under the bus. No family, no WH staff, no Congressperson, no lawyer (ok maybe but they could all point to him and say he lied to us).

It is all on him.

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I have my suspicions that the still missing documents are in the hands of enemies who 45 has been in bed with over the past few years. Wouldn't even surprise me if the documents he might have sold to them is directly connected to escalations currently taking place in Ukraine and Korea. 🤔

The orange buffoon is an out and out traitor to this country, and I'll place blame on him, should we end up in wwiii. I fear it's going to get much worse, before it gets better. 😔💔

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Definitely given to Saudi Arabia!😲😱

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I'm no legal expert. That's what we have you for, Jay. ;) That said, it seems (to me, for what it's worth!) that he is guilty just because he had documents that he had no right to have. He knew it. He 'declassified' them in his mind (for what *that's* worth, too) and had people lie and obfuscate the facts surrounding the possession of these documents. Again: He had documents he had no right to have. PERIOD. Doesn't it stand to reason that he *knew* he was NOT supposed to take these documents? Simply, he took what he knew was not his to take. Lied about it. Made other people lie about it. Hid the evidence. Lied about that. Claimed the evidence was 'planted' when it was recovered. How can anyone take anything that slob says seriously? It's like he's flinging it at the wall to see what sticks. And people STILL SUPPORT HIM.

It's abundantly clear that this administration was a $#!t show right from the moment that clown descended on the escalator. It's also abundantly clear that we had no idea just how fkd up it would really be, and still is, two years after he was voted the hell out of office, we're still dealing with the antics and fallout. Like he's trying to remain relevant, on the front page, in the forefront of everybody's mind. Like a toddler demanding attention: Good behavior will not gain that attention; BAD behavior will.

We already know what the GQP is up to. We already know that we have to vote them all out, blue across the board, if we're going to have any semblance of normalcy moving forward. But these lawbreakers still must be dealt with. tRump and all his minions--some of those people already had questionable reputations, but some of them formerly possessing integrity, credibility, respectability, are throwing it all away with both hands to lie, cover-for, and protect that supreme piece of dogpoo. It defies reason. And with all that 'criming,' (thank you, Jay) we need to deal with them. And the people who STILL support him? They need to be detoxed. Deprogrammed. DEALT WITH. So that this sort of thing can NEVER happen again, whether it's the people perpetrating the crimes, accessories to the crimes, or people ignoring the crimes.

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Trump is a genius at hogging the media spotlight but incredibly dumb politically as demonstrated by his tragic, to me, undercutting of the two Georgia incumbent Senators in 2020. This brouhaha about documents is another example of hogging attention but doing things which hurt him and some residual remaining supporters.

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We seem to be a country that no longer believes in equality under the law. We don't even believe that everyone has to abide by laws. Therefore, there is no chance Trump will be indicted. The march to authoritarianism seems to be picking up more speed daily.

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I'm guessing the noise level will only increase between now and the election?

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A court needs to order that grave exhumed. Burying missing docs with an ex on a golf course is gross, classless, and horrifying, which exactly why I suspect Trump did so.

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