Aug 8·edited Aug 8Pinned

Correction: Vance was in Shelby Township in Michigan later that day, not Wisconsin.

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Still, only about 20 residents and 80 reporters showed up, regardless of the time of day.

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Shelby is a little "drive through and you don't know realize you've gone through it" town. One commenter said the audience was probaly made up of the employees of the municipal complex behind him.

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I heard this morning from a Michigander that Shelby is deep red Trump territory, so you'd think more would turn out for Discount Ron DeSantis

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love that appellation!

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Jay Kuo

As a veteran of the US Navy I can say this: there is NOTHING more dishonorable than for a veteran to malign the service of another veteran. So, yes, JD has no honor.

But are the rest of them even adults? Creating insulting nicknames? Talking about needing to clean AF2? WT - actual - F!

The one thing that does concern me is this of the comment by trump - "whose (Biden's) Presidency was Unconstitutionally STOLEN from him..." Unconstitutionally stolen? I think this a preview of one of the lawsuits when he loses, and with a corrupt supreme court, who knows what could happen.

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That's my concern too. I think he's pulling back on traveling because he's convinced his party has set up enough people to question the results

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Exactly. I think that’s why he jumped the gun by initially telling people he “already has enough votes” in THIS election. Trump believes the fix is in… so why bother campaigning?

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Until Felonious Trump tapped J.D. Vance for his running mate, I thought his verbal flatulence was the only dishonorable discharge we'd see in this election. Vance proved me wrong.

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Taken at face value, it seems like he thinks Biden was ousted as the *current* President, even though that clearly isn't the case.

I don't try to pretend to understand what's going on in that crackpot's head, tho. I value what sanity I have too much.

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Hmmmm. I’m a navy veteran. I remember a discussion or debate between me and several others where the others all supported the idea of nuclear bombing all of south east Asia rather than losing one American in a war where we didn’t belong. Not all service is honorable service.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

Yeah, I remember discussions with my friends about being proud to defend democracy, and keeping all Americans safe and free. Almost all of them are now trump supporters. Sometimes people lose their way, even during their service.

Navy huh? Where did you serve? I was in 16 years and served on two destroyers the Hewitt and the John Young. Plus some shore duty. 🤣

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USS Hancock CVA-19. Two tours to Yankee Station off the coast of North Vietnam.

You do not want to get into fond memories with me about the NAVY. THE Navy did nothing but lie to me and because I’m white but did not support their rampant racism was not considered to be one of their Good Ole Boys, which I certainly wasn’t.

Here is a memory. Our unit except for me and one other, constantly harassed a 25 year veteran saying he was not an American because he was of Phillipino descent. One more, I was disgusted listening to two pilots who just came back from a bombing run laughing with joy recanting how much fun it was after dropping their bombs doing target practice on women out working in their rice fields.

I have hundreds of disgusting stories which showed me the ugly underbelly of this country that aligns with our current MAGA Maggots.

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Mahalo for your service! My son who served 4 years in the Navy and was deployed to Afghanistan many times, is NOT a MAGAt. When I asked him once whether he would vote for Trump, he said "Remember how the former president talked about wounded veterans and those killed defending this country? I could never vote for someone who did that."

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I was not generalizing against all people in the service and we are talking about two totally different wars over decades of time difference.

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Especially in Vance's case it would appear.

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Aug 8Liked by Jay Kuo

I'm from Nebraska. I can tell you that the attacks on Walz service record are NOT going over well here. That's a major blunder by the Trump campaign.

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I originally hail from a midwestern state, Illinois, and although where I grew up (Chicago) is a different political demographic than, say, Peoria, I do know that midwesterners are exhausted by the hate, and many are beginning to see where the hate comes from.

I kind of hope that now that they've made their point, Kamala and company kind of tone down the "weird" rhetoric and just let the Republicans do their work for them. I'm not saying never say, "weird," just, you know, be careful. Limit the volume and focus on nuts and bolts of policy, and let the MAGA hate machine unravel on its own.

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What I need to see: Tim Walz inviting undecided and/or exhausted mid westerners to a very large---VERY large pan of Minnesota Hot Dish. And some nice bread and perhaps some Jello for dessert.

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I like the idea. However, in Minnesota, we don't call it "Jello." We call it "salad." I know, I know, but I don't make the rules. :)

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We call it "salad" in Michigan, too. That's what they called it in the Jello Cookbook. (And it usually contains Jello, canned pie filling, mini marshmallows, and whipped topping, plus other more incidental ingredients. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've eaten at those tables.)

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We have a variation in Minnesota that contains cut-up Snickers bars. I've never been tempted to try this variation, but friends say it's good.

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Cut-up Snickers bars? Ooh, with apple pie filling and maybe just a drizzle of caramel topping? Hey, we could play the Jello salad game until all our friends and potluck partners are mad at us! :)

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My Mom was from Minneapolis, and she used to make one with lime jello, crushed pineapple, sour cream and mini-masrshmallows. I haven't thought about that in years!

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Visiting Illinois farming relatives with my European spouse and our European/Pacific Northwest children we were served this "salad." We were also served green beans with marshmallows I think. Culinary culture shock.

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Like a church fellowship dinner? Or, a FUN Deomocratic protest poster-making party?

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I'm sure that's coming.

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RemovedAug 11
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Can't stop the weird comments when JD Vance is stalking Air force 2 and talking about smells. Could substitute Gross or Creepy though.

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Agreed, sort of, but surrogates do that just as well. The "stalking" aspect of this is already all over the Internet. She really doesn't need to talk about it.

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It's not JD talking about the smells. But that's definitely a dog whistle for what demographic they think smokes the skunky weed.

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That's a great point. It’s still a great tool that needs to be used more sparingly as opposed to the couch jokes which have outlived their utility. I think the reason we haven't heard too much about the policy nuts and bolts is because the ticket is waiting to present that platform at the convention. If they prove me correct, it works more to their favor because it keeps Trump/MAGA unable to latch onto anything.

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Another commenter mentioned that the rank of Commander Sergeant Major is considered enlisted god.

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Glad to hear it. Perhaps we've learned something from the Swift boat attacks after all.

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Glad to hear it. It’s insulting enough on its own, but there are way too many people who just believe what’s in/on the news at face value. Their lies and misleading statements need to be called out everywhere.

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Aug 8Liked by Jay Kuo

Remember when Trump was complaining that the trial was "election interference" because he couldn't go out to campaign.

And now that the trial is over, he's (checks notes) not going out to campaign.

Honestly, the trial was probably better overall for his campaign than what he's doing now.

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Yet who is out there performing Trump's "teeth time?"

Mr. JD "less charming than Ron DeSantis and annoys people more than Vivek Ramaswamy" Vance!

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Maybe he's waiting to see what schedule Judge Chutkin establishes for the "presidential duties" hearing so he can (claim to) schedule rallies during that period and resurrect his election interference excuse.

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Since those will be pre-trial evidentiary hearings, I believe the judge has the ability to decide if the defendant need be present. It’s not the actual trial where he is required to be present.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

That would not stop him from complaining (and fundraising) over it. Not to mention that he could still potentially use hearings he doesn't technically have to attend as an excuse for *not* scheduling rallies or interviews (since being in public seems to work against him these days). Snoozing in court "for the good of the country" rather than ranting like a goon on camera might actually be in his favor. Just trot out a few minutes of Victim Of Liberal-Leftist-Marxist-Communist Election Interference Rant (TM) after each break in testimony, then get hustled off camera by his attendants.

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Aug 8Liked by Jay Kuo

Vance's Air Force Two ambush stunt yesterday reminded me of those asshole YouTubers who deliberately prank and provoke innocent people to get reactions. And then watching him strut around like he's John Travolta, with his little posse of cocky, adoring fratboys in tow, was the most cringe-inducing moment of the campaign so far.

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Those cocky, adoring frat boys all have potbellies. Some can't button their suitcoats.

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I was thinking if Nixon was still around he’d have the one guy in the sport coat and orange/pink tie fired! (Referring to the story about Nixon being upset with a Secret Service Agent wearing a checkered blazer and posted up on the top rung of some bleachers at a function).

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

Annnnd now I'm picturing Vinnie Barbarino (and the rest of the Sweathogs) starring in Jackass-Project 2025 Edition.

Or maybe Borat in "Efforts to Making He-man Woman-Haters-Dictatorship Land"

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I made the mistake of going to see the movie LONGLEGS. I swear the bad, crazy guy in the movie is an excellent representation of Trump except his hair is uncombed. He looks like Trump but not with the Trumpian Orange makeup and talks like Trump. I wonder if this was on purpose.

Oh he likes little girls just like Trump when with his dead buddy Jeffery Epstein.

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He's giving Rob DeSantis booger-on-a-hat vibes. Very cringe.

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Aug 8Liked by Jay Kuo

How my heart would sing if we flip a couple of red states blue this November! Everyone needs to encourage every person they know to check their voter registration and do all they can to GOTV this fall!

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I played around with an interactive electoral map the other day and decided to try an extremely optimistic but not impossible scenario. I managed to come up with 400+ electoral votes for Harris. Granted, I included Texas AND Florida in this scenario, but both of those were the least likely of the states I picked. Texas, especially, is gonna be a tough nut to crack. Even I don't know what what the people there are smoking, and I lived there for 8 years or so. But on the wild chance she can take Texas, the election is over by 10 pm.

I think that all but the reddest of red states are on the table given a good GOTV effort. Which means we can run the table and win both houses of congress and actually get something done, including some of the core changes that are so desperately needed.

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Texas, sadly, is still unlikely, but Florida is sounding like it really could flip. I also wonder about Ohio, too. Brown is running against a really shitastic, vile candidate and the Dems performance in the special elections/referendums might be a sign...

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It wasn't that long ago that Florida was purple, and with the surprising turnout for Kamala in *The Villages* of all places, I'd agree that Florida is in play.

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I have a friend who visits a relative in The Villages. It's a little more balanced than its reputation, but it was still a great turnout. My optimism is based more on just how ridiculous Republicans sound, as this article points out so well, and the special elections, which have often beaten poll numbers by large percentages. Combine that with the Kamala energy, and I think it's strictly a GOTV issue now. I've been wrong before, though, that's for sure. Not for one minute did I think the Hillary election would be close. So take what I say with the proper grains of salt.

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Project 2025 is talking about cutting social security and Medicare, which certainly hits the Villages residents where they live.

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Which is why, of course Trump is trying to distance himself from it. The response has been the proper one, I think: the work is done and is ready to be implemented from day one of a Trump presidency.

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I obsessively watched election results in 2020 because of my fear TFG would win. At some point during the ballot counting Texas was blue. And was for a while. I honestly wish I had taken a screenshot because it really had me optimistic for a bit

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Steven Cheung is the perfect spox for trump. They share the same traits: insulting, boorish, rude, crude, repugnant, hateful, and divisive.

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Plus, he reminds me of the nasty character in Bond films - Oddjob!

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And just plain UGLY.

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The tRump campaign has decided to rein in their boy for some much needed therapy/intervention after his series of public and SM meltdowns, so they put a plane at Hillbilly's disposal, and he's now trolling the Harris-Walz rallies across the country. In between wandering around the tarmac looking for a fight, Hillbilly is also. attacking Tim Walz's NG record, all the 24yrs he put into it. Hillbilly - a Marine Corps enlistee who drew a noncombat media assignment for a few months in Iraq, and he's shitting on Walz's record?

But, the media are gulled again, and are happily following Hillbilly's accusations down the Swiftboat rabbit hole. The Kerry "Swift-boat" trashing paid off because the US was at war, and during wartime people's sensitivities about politicians' war records was probably heightened...not the case today, and nobody wants to reprise the Iraq War, full stop.

Prediction: The Walz NG "story" dies within a couple of days, as other events inevitably grab the spotlight, e.g., further tRump psychotic episodes pulling him off the campaign trail.

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His presser is a big meltdown!

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Like I said...quick change-up in the news cycle, and guess what? tRump's psychotic presser blew the Walz swift-boating outta here!

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No suprise although no less wackobizaro than 7(+) years, hence, he and his followers, handlers notwithstanding.

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I hate that the media would give any credence to Vance’s rubbish - hopefully it’s being called out everywhere.

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Check out this interview with Adam Kinzinger - he is boiling mad that the MAGA GOP are trying to "swift boat" Walz. I hope that is a typical reaction from his fellow veterans! (the part about Walz's military record starts ~ 19:45 mark)


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Aug 8Liked by Jay Kuo

I loved the expression on VP Harris's face. A small frown, chin down, eyebrows slightly raised, looking straight at them. I know how I felt whenever my mom or a teacher looked at me like that!

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I’m glad someone brought her stare up in the discussion. It’s all been about the polite verbal response, then followed by the more pointed response to the second heckler. But it’s the look she gave him and held afterwards. That’s a look no one wants to be on the receiving end. Talk about the ultimate “if looks could kill” stare. Loved it.

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Yep, the teacher look!

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Imagine her looking at Putin or Xi that way.

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Thank you for keeping us all current.

Trump's handlers are probably extremely nervous about letting him out in public unscripted anymore. His "attack!" instinct, coupled with his accelerating brain issues, make him about as predictable as a rabid skunk.

The strategists may be already looking at their "stop the steal" plan as their best shot, with fleeing to another country being the next best option. I do consider Trump a flight risk if he loses the election and then can't manage to cheat his way into office.

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His unscripted press conf isn’t going well!

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I have thought for months now that the government should pull DonOld's passport for this reason.

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Let him go. And then don’t let him back in!

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I like this idea--maybe he'll take his followers with him.

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Make him apply for citizenship.

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I'm okay with this idea, so long as he can be tried in absentia like they do international war criminals and his assets are frozen.

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Are all the classified documents accounted for?

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Based what I've understood from various reports, the answer is no.

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I’m sure that Russia, Hungary, Venezuelan and places without extradition agreements with USA are on his vacation spots.

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I think the Saudis might also be a consideration.

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Oh, no - if they did that, where would they buy their fighter jets from afterward? MBS is a lot of things, but stupid ain't one. He knows when to cut his losses.

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Hungary has an extradition treaty with the U.S., but it doesn’t mean Orban has to honor it. I’ve wondered what would happen on an Orban visit to Mar- A-Lardo, if Trump escorted Orban to the airport to give Orban a wave off goodbye and then just boarded the Hungarian government plane right behind him. How far would the F-16s follow?

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Jay, did I read that Trump is meeting with foreign reps at Mar-a-Largo? I think this sneaky behavior should be highlighted as illegal and unlawful!

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Yep. Logan Act breech.

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And just like that, our wealthy media class have decided they’re not board-certified geriatric neurologists after all. They’re also very, very concerned about implications that one’s political opponents might be weird in some way.

“He’s probably about the same as Bernie Sanders,” he said of Mr. Walz’s ideology. “He’s probably more so than Bernie Sanders.”

You can hear him wind himself up in real time when he says things like this. And yet he’s still treated like a normal human being.

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Aug 8Liked by Jay Kuo

Today, x45 is giving a press conference from mar a lago. Somebody sounds like they need some attention! As he spews his lies and name calling late today, the Joyful Warriors will be having campaigns in Mi then off to Arizona and Nevada!!

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Yeah, no doubt poor iddle DonOld is experiencing applause & adoration withdrawal symptoms. What a pathetic creature.

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And true to his lack of having any redeeming quality, he spewed on and on about crowd size and how all Dems Repubs and Independents wanted Roe ended. And this nonsense that women give birth and then she and the Dr lie the baby on a table and decide if they want to abort it or not! Pathetic is right!

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Unfortunately I still hear people repeat the lie about "aborting fetuses up to and after they are born". Can't convince them that it doesn't happen because you know the great orange pumpkin head says it does. It's one of the more horrific lies he tells IMO Doesn't even get that a "baby on the table" is now born and it's not "abortion" it's homicide which is illegal and definitely not supported.

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It is so discouraging that the media or journalist never respond back that this is not true!

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"Finally, I’ll zoom out to assess where things stand in the race and what’s ahead for us."

These guys are such crazy buffoons that I read assess as "asses."

"I'll zoom out to asses."

And then you proceeded to zoom IN on a bunch of asses, my favorite being Adin whatever his name is and his "ultra-analitist" analysis of fascism.

No wonder Coach Walz is having so much fun. These people are nuts and it's really amazing how well Kamala and company are revealing it.

Also, I am pretty sure the Orange Mouth of Methane has a press conference today at 2 pm EST, unless his minions can find a way to get him to back out of it. That is certain to provide numerous Xeets and Giggles moments. Someone should live blog it. Preferably a comedian.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Author

I will have a lot of material for a schadenfriday post

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oh I LOVE your Saturday "Xeets & Giggles" pieces. I end up reading them to my partner and then we both roll around on the floor laughing.

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Counting the hours...

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(rubs hands together, smiling stupidly)

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“Orange Mouth of Methane”. Priceless!

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lol, and very accurate.

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The Adin What's-his-Name video is an absolute classic!

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What’s scary to me is that this is the type of “punditry” these people are paying attention to. He’s just an uneducated kid with a microphone and cam.

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I think, in this case, 'ignorant' is more accurate though I think uneducated applies as well. Clearly, he's a very poor reader, can't even articulate words right in front of him on his screen. At least, he did understand the reference to Hitler. And freaked!

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Just for the record, EDT.

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Am I the only one that hears Chuck Berry singing "Maybellene" whenever I see JD Vance?

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How about, “Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road”!

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Let’s not go insulting a good song by its use as a comparison.

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Maybe he's born with it...

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I saw his wife say so. Would she lie? 🤔

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Maybe it's Maybelline!

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To corroborate what you said about Trump's lies concerning Kamala Harris and Josh Shapiro, Kamala had absolutely NOTHING to do with the anti-Semitic campaign waged against Josh. As you know I've done extensive research and writing on this, and THAT is very clear. The campaigns came from among far Left elements of the party, and from on-line sites. What accelerated it were a few terrible articles in The Nation and The New Republic, which could only be called hit jobs, advancing a clear Anti-Shapiro and anti-semitic theme. Kamala Harris had NOTHING to do with any of it, and, I believe would have been repelled by it, if she had known. I would not be supporting Harris as aggressively as I am if she had anything to do with such a smear campaign. Here's my piece detailing the campaign against Josh Shapiro, which I posted on Substack and other social media sites today: https://open.substack.com/pub/villano/p/josh-shapiro-saves-the-democrats?r=cveu&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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I can't say this often enough. The national teachers union endorsed Harris, while Shapiro is a major proponent of charter schools, which teachers oppose. That cognitive dissonance cannot stand in a ticket.

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As a former teachers union organizer I can tell you it has, and it does. Unions rarely have single litmus test issues, especially if the candidate is simpatico on other issues. I oppose Shapiro on school choice; I oppose Biden & Harris on the shipping of armaments to Israel; I disagreed with Obama on his support of nuclear power. Unions rarely expect or get 100% fealty. Shapiro has always had solid union support in PA.

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Looking at the merch on the Harris website, there is a sticker that says Proud Public School Family. That message would not mesh with a man who is advocating for vouchers and charter schools.

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I haven't followed this very closely. Since "antisemitic" has been cheapened so much that it often means little more than "disagree with Netanyahu's policies" but anti-Jewish sentments really are a serious problem, I would like to learn more about what this refers to.


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Just read my piece & Yair Rosenberg’s piece in The Atlantic.

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