Mar 3·edited Mar 3Liked by Jay Kuo

Thank you, Jay Kuo! I read only a bit of that poll before my fury stopped me. I called the NYT Editorial contact and left a scathing message (I know the article isn’t an editorial, but I didn’t care). It appears that some Times writers want Trump back in the WH. I noticed that when they mentioned that someone had said that Biden is a nice old man who’s forgetful (paraphrasing this), they didn’t note that the person who said that was Robert Hur, a Republican. Utterly irresponsible of the Times to do this once again (Hillary’s emails).

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Mar 3Liked by Jay Kuo

Thank you for, once again, talking me off the ledge. You have no idea how much of my mental health you are salvaging.

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Thanks for your analysis. That poll was garbage. Less than 1000 people, lots of landlines, a ton of conservative lean. No matter what polls say Dems should sprint through the finish and work as if they’re behind.

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Mar 3Liked by Jay Kuo

Jay, thank you so much! And here’s a follow up question that the NYT didn’t report because their commissioned poll didn’t dare ask it: “Given your concerns about his age, will you still vote for Joe Biden?” The reason they didn’t report it is because they didn’t ask it. The reason they didn’t ask it is because the answer would have been a resounding YES and therefore it wouldn’t have been “news” and clickbait for the NYT. So instead, America’s ‘paper of record’ pays for poll of less than 1000 citizens and puts it on the top of Page One, soon to be reposted across the nation in the next 72 hours “as if” it is a proven fact. Shameless.

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The fascist playbook is to incite confusion, despair, and make you THINK you're in the minority so you won't vote Democrat! Take heart, everyone, this is not so! I am part of several large groups and I can tell you those wanting Democracy are in the majority. Don't be fooled by polls or other propaganda. I spent many years in marketing and I can tell you it's mostly smoke and mirrors.

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Once more, an excellent analysis and column. Thanks so much for this. I found the explanation of the Latino vote especially interesting.

One additional point about the women. Not only is Trump claiming sole responsibility for Dobbs, he has been found by both a jury and Judge Kaplan to be a rapist. I doubt these factors will cause those women who abandoned Trump in 2020 to return to his fold.

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And one reader was savvy enough to look into the “Sienna” aspect—who is doing the polling? It’s a small, Catholic-based school. Dominionist politics. I wonder how much of their funding comes from the likes of Leonard Leo, Peter Thiel, Charles KKKoch….you get the drift.

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Thank you! Reading you daily is more effective than tranquilizers or 24/7 weed consumption. I’m so on the edge of…everything feels like an imminent disaster.

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Mar 3Liked by Jay Kuo

Vote blue ! ! !

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Mar 3Liked by Jay Kuo

Thank you again! You confirmed one of my reasons for canceling my subscription to the NYT and instead subscribing to The Status Kuo and other Substack authors. Happy Sunday all!

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I'm not freaking out, the media is freaking out. I stopped listening to the NYT months ago. If I think a problem exists, I come here for sanity.

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Mar 3Liked by Jay Kuo

NYT doing Bannon’s work of flooding the zone.

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3Liked by Jay Kuo

I’d like to point out some other flaws in their poll.

Look at the % of people they polled by population density: 24% city, 41% suburb, 35% rural. The actual population density in America: 31% urban, 55% suburban, 14% rural. They are over-representing rural voters by almost 3 to 1 in this poll. It doesn’t appear they corrected for this at all.

Also, 35% of their respondents are from the “South” region, only 20% from the northeast. Although they don’t specify exactly what that means, this doesn’t appear to be anywhere close to an even distribution.

Finally, 66% of their respondents were white. White people are 57.8% of the population according to the latest census.

In summary, this poll HEAVILY over represents southern rural white voters.

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Mar 3Liked by Jay Kuo

Thanks Jay. I feel that polls aren’t that accurate. They have been wrong so many times.

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So grateful to read this. You have taught me to stop and not give a knee jerk reaction to everything. Staying calm here in Philadelphia! ✌️ (The NYT sucks….I’m so glad I cancelled my subscription)

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Thank you, Jay, as others have noted for keeping us off the ledge. And David Pepper has a great podcast post today which also calmed my nerves. Let’s make sure everyone is registered and then get out the vote.

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